Make money is difficult, even if you work hard, reasonable it is difficultto get your labor. The boss always try to drive less as far as possible to payyou, go to work be late buckles money, eat buckles money, etc., to work that isa small boss way to get rich. This reminds me of "thunderstorm" inside of theplot, weeks master in order not to send workers' wages, should work hard to makethe workers were killed. Such a thing will not happen, however, somethingsimilar has been never broken.
During the work, I always feel is not living in the 21st century socialistcountry, but in one of the old days, exploitation of man by man I was at thebottom of the working people, I also under capitalist exploitation. The boss asfar as possible the extension of the employee's work time, squeezed their value.Live like it's hard to imagine if all, I would like to go to bear. It is hard toimagine that the younger brother, little sister is how to cook for months andmonths, year after year. Dare not to think, also don't want to. After all, Iwon't be this post, I have time, have the chance to struggle, to fight for theirnew life.
Often by somebody else's eyes in work, and even trained, is yes. Why canonly have the interests of the relationship between people? Why thisrelationship is so obvious? Sometimes, when I met this kind of thing, on thespur of the moment I can't think dry, can be turned to think about it, I can dofor a few days, can endure to endure. Just as an opportunity, to adapt to thesociety in advance by kong yiji spiritual victory, all as son scold Lao tze evenif the. But I still hope that after my work life won't be like that, betweenpeople a lot of things can be very calm to solve.