发明人:RECHDAHL S,US,FOLSKE D,US申请号:US3710457D申请日:19710721公开号:US3710457A公开日:19730116
摘要:A set of answer sheets for use with an automatic test grading device of the typewherein stacked answer sheets are held by pin means in a position for scanning of answerindication areas placed upon each answer sheet and wherein the scanned answer sheetsare fed seriatim from the stack. Each answer sheet has a registration edge and answerindication areas of a predetermined configuration, which answer indication areas areplaced upon each sheet in a prescribed relationship to the registration edge. Each answersheet contains an aperture which is positioned in a prescribed relationship to the answerindication areas and is positioned in a prescribed relationship to and closely adjacent theregistration edge. The aperture edge and the registration edge define a holding strip ofvarying width between the aperture and the registration edge, wherein the narrowestportion of the holding strip defines a separation region of a predetermined widthbetween the aperture and the registration edge. For 4 mil thick sheets the separationregion is approximately 22 mils wide. Portions of the aperture edge are shaped forregistering each sheet with a pin means adjacent the separation region. Portions of theaperture edge in common with the holding strip and adjacent the registering portions ofthe aperture edge on opposite sides of the registering portions from the separationregion define two clearance edges. The two clearance edges converge toward each other
in a direction toward the registration edge and thereby enable the holding strip todeflect to concentrate tension in the separation region when the holding strip of aregistered sheet is forced against the pin means. The two clearance edges are preferablystraight edges.