专利名称:Linear functional copolymers of ethylene
with precise and minimum run lengthdistributions and method of making thereof
发明人:Lisa S. Baugh,Stephen E. Lehman,Kenneth B.
Wagener,Donald N. Schulz,Enock Berluche
摘要:The present invention is related to a linear functional polymer having repeatingunits A, B and D. Unit A represents —CH—, unit B represents and unit D represents whereRrepresents a polar functional group. There are at least four A units separating each Bunit, each D unit, and each B and D unit. The value y represents the total number of Bunits and is an integer greater than or equal to 1. The total number of D units is
represented by h and is an integer greater than or equal to 0. And x represents the totalnumber of A units and is an integer sufficient that the molar fraction of the B and D unitsin the linear functional polymer is represented by a value j defined by the equation: Thepresent invention is also directed to a method for preparing such linear functionalpolymers by copolymerizing a first polar substituted monomer and a second non-polarunsubstituted monomer.
申请人:Lisa S. Baugh,Stephen E. Lehman,Kenneth B. Wagener,Donald N. Schulz,EnockBerluche
地址:Ringoes NJ US,Chandler AZ US,Gainesville FL US,Annandale NJ US,Phillipsburg