酸奶—yoghurt 卖二手货、廉价货的市场—boot fair 制造或贩卖非法商品—bootleg 拍马屁—lick sb’s shoes
篇一:汉英翻译 2
靴筒—leg of a boot售卖酒类的商店—wine shop
行车道—parking lane私人修建的从主干道至自家车库门前的引道
蓝天—blue sky头痛—headche
—drive way 可供车行且路边植有树木的林荫大道—parkway公共厕
心形—heart-shaped 前门—front door
所—rest room 休息室—lounge防水油布—oil skin
信箱—mailbox松针—pine needle
油性皮肤—oily skin 承认自己说错话—eat one’s words 食言—
山脚—foot of a mountain 发带—hair band
go back on one’s word/break a promise 愚弄某人—pull one’s leg
饮用水—drinking water 钓鱼竿—finishing rod
当心、留神—look out 美国的中学—high school
轻如鸿毛—as light as a feather 眼见为实—seeing is believing
破产—have/wear a green bonnet 电话薄—yellow book
纺织品—dry goods干货—dry food
黄色书籍—pornography不遗余力、千方百计—to move heaven and
海豹—sea dog海狗—fur seal
earth 无家可归的流浪者—street people假正经的人—goody-goody
纸币、钞票—paper money 祭祀时烧的纸钱—joss paper 骂别人“二
好好先生—yes-man 举止粗鲁或无教养的人—peasant
百五”—a horse’s ass 四季豆—green bean
欺骗性宣传—propaganda后腿—be a drag on sb
绿豆—mung bean 变质发酸的牛奶—sour milk
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困难或危险的情况或是不安定、容易出事的地方—hot spot 投资热点—a popular investment spot/a region attractive to investors
价廉物美—economimcal and good/nice and inecpensive 二、成语的英译策略
1.直译法: 如鱼得水—feel just like fish in water
临阵磨枪—sharpen one’s spear only before going into battle 狐假虎威—The fox borrows the tiger’s terror 猫哭老鼠—The cat weeps over the mouse 对牛弹琴—play the harp to a bull
雨后春笋—like bamboo shoots after a spring shower 一寸光阴一寸金—An inch of time is an inch of gold 谋事在人,成事在天—Man proposes, God disposes.
胸有成竹—have a well-thought-out plan before doing something 2.意译法:手忙脚乱—in a frantic rush
立竿见影—get instant results噤若寒蝉—keep quiet
明火执仗—do evil things openly 牵肠挂肚—be full of anxiety and worry
快马加鞭—speed up 藕断丝连—have not cut off relations competelyaig
五光十色—multicolored 归心似箭—be very anxious to return home 鸡毛蒜皮—trifling开门见山—come straight to the point 狗急跳墙—do something desperate 黔驴技穷—at one’s wits’ end 单枪匹马—all by oneself 生龙活虎—bursting with energy 顺手牵羊—walk off with something守株待兔—trust to chance and stroke of luck
3.套译法:肉中刺—a thorn in the flesh浑水摸鱼—fish in
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troubled water 趁热打铁—Strike while the iron is hot 眼见为实—Seeing is believing
隔墙有耳—Walls have ears 自投罗网—throw oneself into the trap 嗤之以鼻—turn up one’s nose at 一触即发—touch and go 空中阁楼—castles in the air 充耳不闻—turn a deaf ear to 熟能生巧—Practice makes perfect事实胜于雄辩—facts speak louder than words 笑掉大牙—laugh off one’s head 乱七八糟—at sixes and sevens
东张西望—look right and left 抛砖引玉—to throw a sprat to catch a herring 缘木求鱼—seek a hare in hen’s nest挥金如土—to spend money like water 胆小如鼠—as timid as a hare 瓮中之鳖—like a rat in a hole
无风不起浪—There is no smoke without fire 挂羊头卖狗肉—cry up wine and sell vinegar
有志者事竟成—Where there is a will there is a way 新官上任三把火—new brooms sweep clean
偷鸡不着蚀把米—go for wool and come back shorn 己所不欲,勿施于人—Do as you would be done by
以眼还眼—an eye for an eye 君子协定—a gentlemen’s agreement 武装到牙齿—armed to the earth 篇二:英语翻译与写作-Diction Diction
? the proper choice of words and phrases in the process of translation to fit their context
? Methods of Discriminating the Original Meaning of an English Word
1. According to word-formation: compounding, derivation, blending, acronym formation, clipping
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? compounding(合成法): generation gap, summer time (夏令时), test-tube baby (试管婴儿),
brain-drain (人才外流), picturephone (可视电话), soft-landing economy(软着陆经济) credit card (信用卡), pocket money(零用钱), greenhouse effect (温室效应)
? derivation(派生法): non - friend (假朋友), antifreeze (抗冻剂), preschooler (学龄前儿童) , ? blending (拼缀法): comsat ( communication + satellite,通讯卫星) , lunarnaut ( lunar + astronaut,
登月宇宙航行员) , Chinglish (Chinese + English,汉式英语) ? acronym formation(首字母缩略法):PC ( personal computer, 个人电脑) , CALL ( computer -
aided language learning, 计算机辅助语言学习 ) , CIA ( the Central Intelligence Agency,中央
? clipping(截缩法): ad ( advertisement) , homo ( homosexuality) ,memo (memorandum) , bus ( omnibus) , flu ( influenza) 2. According to the references (1) third-person pronouns
He sent John to the university and was eager to have him distinguish himself.
(2) demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative adverbs Health is above wealth, for this cannot give so much happiness as that.
(3) references of comparison
I hate blue shirts; white shirts suit me but gray is the most preferable.
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3. According to the context and collocation ? No context, no translation. e.g. I’ll finish the book next week. Tension is building up.
? Each word, when used in a new context, is a new word. As luck would have it, no one was in the building when the explosion occurred.
As luck would have it, there was rain on the day of the picnic. The war is becoming the most important story of this generation. It is quite another story now.
Some reporters who were not included in the session broke the story.
What a story! I don’t believe a word of it.
The story about him became smaller and by and by faded out from
American TV.
在这种情况下 under such circumstances / such being the case 这种情况必须改变。This state of affairs must change. 现在情况不同了。Now things are different.
他们的情况怎么样?How do matters stand with them? 前线有什么情况?How is the situation at the front? 我们可能去那儿,那得看情况而定。We may go there, but that depends.
4. According to different branches of learning and specialties base: 词根 (lexicology) 本金 (business) 底涂 (painting) 基线 (survey)
根据地 (military science) 底座 (machinery) 底边 (maths) The lathe should be set on a firm base. Line AB is the base of the triangle ABC.
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The weary troops marched back to the base. ? Techniques of Translating a Given Word
1. Deduction:to deduce the original meaning in the light of the explanation of a dictionary
cybercafé – a coffee house that provides patrons with computer terminals for browsing the Internet for a fee 网吧
smart card – electronic card: a small plastic card containing a microchip that can store personal data and bank-account details 智能卡
win-win – beneficial to all in some way 双赢 上班 上报 上台 上场 上冻 上告 上当
2. Transplant: to translate the ingredients of a given English word literally and then combine each part of
blue tooth microwave white-collar supermarket 春节 中秋节 泼水节 火把节
3. Extension: the extension of meaning is from the concrete to the abstract, and vice versa. 1) from the concrete to the abstract
lick sb’s boots巴结 eat one’s heart out极度悲痛 catch forty winks打盹儿 eat like a bird吃得极少
谦虚态度modesty 发展过程development 无知的表现innocence 鸡毛蒜皮trifling 同情心理sympathy
I was practically on my knees but he still refused.
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The matter was finally settled under the table.
He earns scarcely enough to keep body and soul together. I have no head for music.
这是他们夫妻之间的事, 你去插一脚干吗? 这消息让我出了一身冷汗。 他毛遂自荐来这所小学当老师。 真正的好朋有应该是雪中送炭。 这些问题盘根错节,三言两语说不清楚。 2) from the abstract to the concrete
transportation运输工具 keep quiet噤若寒蝉be full of anxiety and worry牵肠挂肚very anxious to return home归心似箭have not cut off relations completely藕断丝连
有花不完的钱have enough money to burn结为良缘win the hand of 鲁莽的人a bull in a china shop家丑a skeleton in the cupboard
保密keep sth under one’s hat
All the people were exasperated by his fault-finding. More and more people have realized the necessity of learning computer.
His arrogance sent him into isolation and helplessness. Her jealousy is the cause of her failure. There has been too much violence in that region. 他每天要处理许多棘手的问题。
这个男孩真粗心,他的书本都已经折角了。 我不想依靠父母过日子。 同反复无常的人没法相处。
4. Substitution:to replace the words of the original expression with Chinese synonyms or idioms according to different situations.
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5. Explanation:
togetherness (家庭或社会的)和睦相处
red-shirt 红色运动员(出色的美国大学生运动员) clock-watcher 老是看钟等下班的人
叶公好龙 Lord Sheh’s love of dragons (Lord Sheh was so fond of dragons that he adorned his whole
palace with drawings and carvings of them. But when a real dragon heard of his
infatuation and paid him a visit, he was frightened out of his wits.)
裹足 bound feet ( a vile feudal practice which crippled woman both physically and spiritually) 6. Combination:
His father is a man who forgives and forgets.
We must reach our goals and aims.
In our workshop there is a hard and fast rule against smoking. 他决心洗心革面,脱胎换骨。 你怎能过河拆桥、忘恩负义呢? 7. Commendation derogation:
Many people think that he is one of the most ambitious politicians of our times.
Although he is very young, he is very ambitious in his research work.
The stubborn boy refused to listen to his parents advice The invaders met a stubborn resistance from the local people. She is fidgety and restless.
All the inventors have a restless mind. 她父亲是一位有名的外科医生。
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由于党的农业政策,我国千千万万农民走上了致富的道路. ____________ the policies of the Communist Party of China on agriculture, millions of peasants in China are getting rich. 由于两次世界大战的爆发,各国人民蒙受了极大的灾难。 People of all countries have suffer great calamities ______________ the two world wars.
诗人应该具有丰富的想象力。A poet should have rich __________. 真遗憾,你的想象力太丰富了。What a pity ! You’ve got into wild fights of __________.
8. Transliteration:磕头(kowtow),荔枝(litchi); engine(引擎),motor(马达),logic(逻辑),
Kodak(柯达),Audi(奥迪),Motorola(摩托罗拉),Hilton (希尔顿),Siemens(西门子),Shangrila(香格里拉)
9. Pictographic translation: T square 丁字尺 I-column 工字柱 U-bend 马蹄弯头 V-slot 三角形槽 篇三:英语长句翻译
英语长句通常指20个单词以上的单句,由于英语句子除其主干结构以外,还有各种修饰语,如非谓语动词、定语从句、介词短语、复合结构等等,定语套定语,修饰语中再套上修饰语,形成了峰回路转、迂回曲折、错综复杂的结构,要准确地译成汉语,确实不容易。死搬硬套原文的表达方式和表达结构往往会使译文变成英语味道十足的汉语,艰涩难懂,语流堵塞严重,可读性自然很差,根本无法展现汉语的语言特色和优美。遇到难句长句,首先要把握整个句子的中心意思,然后采取依托中心词层层分解的方式翻译。 第一 顺译法
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构顺序翻译成汉语的方法,最大程度地再现原文的风格,是长句翻译过程中首先要考虑的方法。不过,所谓顺译法,并不是一词一句都按照英语原句的顺序来翻译,而是指句中的各个语法成分基本按照原文的先后顺序来翻译。顺译法的成功翻译体现了英汉在句子结构和表达习惯方面所存在的共相部分,最大程度地体现了英汉之间的“可译性”。 Unexplained disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle have continued to the present and no plane or ship was reported to be overdue and finally classed as “search discontinuing’ by the Seven Coast Guard without expressed or unexpressed comment or feeling among the public or searchers that there was some connection with the past and present phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle.
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有报道说?, (公众和搜索队员们)难免有意无意地评论一番?”辅以一定的增益(如“流露出?”、“看得出”)连接上下文,大大增加了译文语意的清晰度,增强了译文的可读性。整个译文自然流畅,行如流水,完全摆脱了原文复杂结构的束缚。 09年
We, the human species, are confronting a planetary emergency – a threat to the survival of our civilization that is gathering ominous and destructive potential even as we gather here. 我们人类,正面临全球性的危机,我们的生存和文明受到威胁。尽管我们聚在一起共商对策,而灾难却在扩大,形式不容乐观。
Instead of being freer and happier than ever before, they had assumed new responsibilities,they had established a new household, and must fulfill in some
way or another the obligations of it. They looked back with
affection to their engagement; they had been longing to have each other to themselves, apart from the world, but it seemed that they never felt so keenly that they were still units in modern society.本文选自朱厄特的文章《新生活》The New Life by Sarah Jewett 2022
生活并没有比以前更自由、更幸福,因为他们要去承担新的责任。既然成立了一个新的家庭,那就无论如何也要尽一点家庭的义务。他们深情地回想起订婚的那段时光,曾经如此地渴望拥有彼此而忘掉这个世界,然而现在最深切的感受却是自己仍是这个世界的一份子。 第二 拆译法
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[例]When Smith was drunk, he would rail at the world for its neglect of his genius, and abuse, with a good deal of cleverness, and sometimes with perfect reason, the fools, his brother painters.
结构又有两个介词短语构成,前一个结构本身又自带了两个独立而对称的结构,使得整个句子在一个动词的引领下绵延不断,但有具有千丝万缕的联系。这种典型的英语结构翻译成汉语时如果采用以上“分段实施、层层推进、各个击破”的翻译方法,经常可以体现形散而神不散的效果,起到传神的翻译效果。由于原文是两个主体结构,本句先通过拆句法将rail译成“不是满嘴牢骚,就是骂骂咧咧”,这是第一段;继而将两个对称的介词短语译成分译成“抱怨世人不赏识他的才华;他痛骂他的画家同行都是笨蛋”;最后一段译第一个结构中的两个with结构,再次译出对称美。整个句子通过分段翻译、各个击破的翻译,不仅将英语的“形合”特点转换成汉语的“意合”优势,而且还保持了原文的对称结构美。此译法没有简单地使用词汇重复法,而是使用同义词代之,以使各分支结构的自然衔接,使语意更加清晰,使语流更加通畅。 真题长句分析:
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1. Right before me lay the very scene which could really be commanded from that
situation,but exalted, as was usual,and solemnized by the power of dreams.(2022)
就在我的面前展现出了那么一番景色,从我那个位置其实能够尽收眼底,可是梦里的感觉往往如此,由于梦幻的力量,这番景象显得超凡出尘,一派肃穆气象。 第三 倒译法
[例]The man in the street scarcely realizes that many forms of business, some major industries, and one or two minor professions could be completely abolished without gravely injuring American society; whereas the disappearance – or even what we see in some quarters, the continuous neglect and degradation- of the teaching profession must mean a disaster to the entire nation.
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[译文评析]英语原文的结构比较繁杂,但原译没有摆脱英语结构的束缚,造成译文可读性很差,译文的意思也很迁就。首先,改译采用倒译法,按照汉语的表达习惯,先译细节内容,再译总结性话语,行文自然,重心突出,所以把英语句首的强调语势部分The man in the street scarcely realizes放在句子末尾翻译,突出了原文的中心意思(即,“关于这一点,一般人是很少认识到的”)。其次,译文将详细信息通过配对翻译法,改变原文“多枝共干“结构,根据abolished与many forms of business等三者的对应关系,采用各个配对的方式,分别译成“停业、废除、取消”,完全符合汉语的搭配意义,语言准确而流畅,
But there is hopeful news as well: we have the ability to solve this crisis and avoid the worst – though not all – of its consequences, if we act boldly, decisively and quickly. 09 但也有令人欣喜的消息:如果行动大胆果断,反应迅速,我们有能力解决这场危机,避免其向最坏的方向发展。 第四节 溶合法
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就是分句合译法,即,将英语的二个分句通过省略第二个分句的主语而译成汉语的一个简单句;主句与从句的整合主要包括主句与定语从句的整合,同时也包括主句与表语从句或同位语从句的整合。 英语简单句中以动词宾语为核心名词的溶合翻译
[例1]Other speakers come from university and college campuses; many professors and instructors do consulting work on the side. They offer the advantage of being able to articulate ideas with clarity and forcefulness.
[原译]另有一些讲员来自大学或学院的校园,很多大学教授和老师还担任有关咨询工作。他们具有能清晰而有力地表达思想的优势。 [改译]另有一些讲员来自大专院校。许多教授和讲师担任相关的咨询工作,他们的优势是思想表达清晰而有力。
我们经常看到,一个人走着走着,就突然停下来了,眼睛盯着他的手机,不管他在哪里,无论是在道路中心或旁边有厕所。09 We are familiar with the scene when a person stops his steps to edit short messages with eyes glued at his phone, disregard of his location, whether in road center or beside restroom. 2. 中国民族自古以来从不把人看作高于一切,在哲学文艺方面的表现都反映出人在自然界
中与万物占有比例较为恰当的地位,而非绝对统治万物的主宰。06 Chinese people has never thought of human being as the highest
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creature among everything since ancient times, whose reflection takes a quite appropriate proportion with all others in our natural world in both aspects of philosophy and arts, but not as an absolute dominant ruler. 第五 重组法
英语的句子往往先要点出概括性感受或主观推断,然后才提及引发这些感受或推断的细节,而汉语恰好相反。有时候,为了体现汉语表达的习惯和语言的流畅性,翻译时需要对原文进行变通处理,将句内成分的位置重新进行调整和组合。这就是句子的重组翻译法。 句子结构的重组
[例]Today, China is the world’s manufacturing center. It produces half of the clothes worn by people around the world and one-third of the planet’s mobile phones. China is the world’s largest mobile phone market, and the second largest market for
personal computers.
[例]We must meet the challenges and endeavor to develop new conference and exhibition models, however, for the age of
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information we now face.
[原译] 但是,我们必须迎接挑战并为了我们所面临的这个时代研制新型的会议和展览模式。
[改译] 但是,今天我们处在一个信息时代,我们必须迎接挑战,并竭力开发那些符合时代要求的新型会展模式。
[译文评析]本句翻译的难点是原文出现连续修饰的现象,这是英汉翻译中常见的问题。如果套用原文句式翻译,就变成了死译。改译则采取先将定语从句译出且调整表达顺序,将其前译,然后再译位于其前面起承上启下作用的单词或短语(如本句中的 the age)。值得一提的是,这种重组翻译法往往需要注意一个关键问题,就是将衔接部分单词或短语(如本句中的 the age)用不同的方式重新翻译一遍,如本句中结合age前面的介词for重新翻译了age这个单词,译成“符合时代要求的(新型会议模式)”。
[例]What is unique with international meetings, which range
in size from a few to more than a thousand, is that many of the participants leave their culture to meet in another. [原译]规模从几个人至一千多人的国际会议的独特之处是很多与会者离开自己所熟悉的文化,相聚在异国文化之中。
[译文评析]本句的典型特点是介词宾语international meetings既是定语从句的先行词,又与它所在的主语从句具有意思上的密切联系,如果采取层层修饰的翻译,必然造成语句的阻塞。因此,改译先将句中先行词与定语从句的关系翻译成独立分句(“国际会议的规模不尽相同,小到几个人、大至逾千人“),再处理先行词和主语从句的主体部分(即What is unique)的密切关系(会议的独特之处是??),充分发挥结构重组翻译的优势。
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[例]Anger and bitter had preyed upon me continually for weeks and a deep languor had succeeded this passionate struggle. [原译]几个星期以来,愤怒和痛苦连续向我袭来,接着,深深的乏力感也紧随着这种激烈的思想斗争出现了。
[译文评析]原译前半句的译文应该说可以接受,但后半句译成“深深的乏力感也紧随着这种激烈的思想斗争出现了”,无论如何也算不上规范的语言。因此,有必要对其进行重新组合。根据英语词汇succeed的用法特点和汉语按照时间顺序组句的表达习惯,将deep languor 和this passionate struggle通过重新调整语序来翻译。
[例It is painfully apparent that millions of Americans who would never think of themselves as law-breakers, let alone criminals, are actually taking increasing liberties with the
American legal codes that are designed to protect and nourish their society
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