名称 别名 相对密度(水) 蒸气相对密度(空气) 饱和蒸汽压(mmHg) 外观与性状 油漆 塑胶漆 1.3左右 3.14 9.66 英文名称 主要成分 PH值 爆炸极限(%) 最高允许浓度(mg/m3) COATING 油料,树脂,颜料,有机溶剂,固化剂等 6-8 熔点(℃) 55 -4 1.8-10 闪点(℃) 5 沸点(℃) 110 有色液体,有刺激性气味,溶于二甲苯等有机溶剂,不溶于水。 有危险特征:易燃液体。挥发物质与空气混合能形成爆炸性混合物,遇热和明火有燃烧爆炸的危险。 与氧化剂接触猛烈反应。 燃烧(分解)产物:一氧化碳,二氧化碳,二氧化硫等。 毒性:属中等毒类, 急性毒性,亚毒性,慢性毒性,刺激性,致敏性,致突变性,致癌性,致畸性。 侵入途径: 吸入,眼部接触,吞食。 健康危害: 头晕,头痛, 恶心。 环境危害:一旦油漆进入下水道,将污水源。 储存于阴凉,通风的库房。远离火种,热源。 库温不宜超过40℃。 将于氧化剂,卤素分开存放,切记混储。采用防爆型照明,通风设施。禁止使用易产生火花的机械设备和工具。储区应备有泄露应急处理设备。运输时运输车辆应配备相应品种和数量的消防器材。装运该物品的车辆排气管必须配备阻火装置,禁止使用易产生火花的机械设备和工具装卸。严禁与氧化剂,卤素等混装混运。夏季应早晚运输,防止日光暴晒。中途停留时间应远离火种,热源。公路运输时要按规定路线行驶,勿在居民区和人口稠密区停留。 货品危险特征 储运 注意事项 工程控制:工作现场安排排风设施,保持良好通风。 呼吸系统防护:一般不需要特殊防护,但建议特殊情况下,佩戴自吸过滤式防毒面具(半面罩)。 眼睛防护:一般不需要特殊防护,高浓度接触时可戴安全防护眼镜。 身体防护:穿防静电工作服。 手部防护:混合和施工产品时,应戴合适材料制成的手套。 其它:工作现场严禁吸烟,避免长期反复接触。 Engineering controls: the work-site arrangements for ventilation 防护措施 Protection measures facilities, to maintain good ventilation. Respiratory protection: special protection is not needed in general condition, but suggested that under special circumstances, wear self-absorption filter respirators (half-mask). Eye protection: special protection is not needed in general condition. High concentrations of contact, wear safety glasses. Physical protection: wear anti-static overalls. Hand protection:, They should wear gloves made of suitable materials
when contact mixed, and construction products . Other: no smoking at work site, and avoid long-term repeated touches. 溢漏处理 spills treatment 产品意外溢出事采取之步骤 消除一切可能火源,例如火焰,火花。从该区域撤离人员。避免吸入其气体,并戴上能提供所需空气之呼吸器械,呼吸口罩只可在撤离时使用。 1. 少量溢出 用沙或泥土吸收溢出之液体,然后移至安全地区,以待日后处理。 2. 大量溢出 用沙或者泥土防止溢出之液体蔓延,如溢出之液体进入下水道,则有爆炸或毒性之潜在危险;应立即通知有关当局(尤其消防局)。可能的话将溢出之液体转入槽罐以备日后回收或处理,否则按处置小量溢出的方法处理溢出之液体。 Steps on Accidental spills: Eliminate all possible sources of ignition such as flames, sparks. Evacuees from the area. To avoid inhalation of the gas, and wear a breathing apparatus that can provide the required air breathing. M Masks can only be used in the evacuation. 1. A small amount of overflow With sand or soil to absorb the overflow of the liquid, and then moved to safe areas for future processing. 2 a large amount of overflow Using sand or soil to prevent the spread of spilled liquids, such as the overflow of liquid from entering sewers. As for potential danger of explosion or toxic; shall immediately notify the relevant authorities (especially the Fire Station). If possible, the overflow of liquid transferred to tanks for future recycling or processing, otherwise the method of disposal of a small amount of overflow to handle the overflow of liquids. 皮肤接触:用大量清水冲洗。 眼睛接触:用大量清水冲洗或用生理盐水冲洗,然后送院就医。 吸入:应速带离现场,至空气清新处。保持环境通风。 食入:饮足量温水,催吐,就医。 Skin contact: rinse with plenty of water. Eye contact: flush with water or normal saline, and then sent to hospital for medical treatment. Inhalation: speed away from the scene to fresh air. Keep the environment ventilation. Ingestion: drink enough water, emetic and seek medical treatment. 急救措施 Emergency treatment
灭火方法:应用二氧化碳,干化学粉末,泡沫,砂,泥土或者水雾(不可用水喷射) 灭火方式 灭火剂:雾状水,泡沫,二氧化碳,干粉。 Fire fighting methods Fire fighting methods: carbon dioxide, dry chemical powder, foam, sand, soil or water mist (not water injection) Extinguishing Media: Water spray, foam, carbon dioxide, dry powder. 化学危险物品安全管理条例(1987年2月17日国务院发布),化学危险物品安全管理条例实施细则(化劳发{1992}677号),工作场所安全使用化学品规定{1996}劳部发423号)等法规,针对化学危险品的安全使用,生产,储存,运输,装卸等方面均作了相应规定;常用危险化学品的分类及标志(GB 13690-92)将该物质划分为第3.1类低闪点易燃液体。 Dangerous chemicals safety regulations issued by the State Council (February 17, 1987), dangerous chemicals safety management Implementation of the Regulations (the Labor Fa {1992} No. 677), the workplace safe use of chemicals regulations {1996} Ministry of Labor 423) and other regulations for the safety of hazardous chemicals, production, storage, transportation, loading and unloading are made to corresponding provisions; commonly used in the classification and identification of hazardous chemicals (GB 13690-92) the substance is divided into 3.1 class low flash point flammable liquids. 法规信息 Regulation