专利名称:Device and method for protecting defect
regions of steam generator tubes duringremoval
发明人:Brunner, Michael George,Calhoun, Gregory
摘要:A tube protection device in a tube-type steam generator for preventing
deformation of a tube during withdrawal from the steam generator, is positioned within aheat exchange tube to span a defective region. Withdrawal of a defective region of thetube from the generator is resorted to for subsequent defect analysis and testing. Thetube protection device includes gripper means at the opposite ends thereof which areexpansible from a relaxed condition, frictionally engaging the contiguous interior sidewallsurfaces of the tube at positions respectively spaced from the defect and spanning thedefect region. An installation tool includes an elongated linkage mechanism insertablethrough an open end of the tube for positioning the tube protection device and for
operating same from the accessible portion of the linkage mechanism exterior to theopen end of the tube between said relaxed and clamped conditions, and for remotewithdrawal of the tube protection device from the tube.