

2020-08-06 来源:乌哈旅游

10KN电动系缆绞盘 10kN Electric Capstan 223LD-13-00SC 第1页 共5页 一、绞盘工作Operation of the capstan 1.工作前注意事项Precautions 绞盘每次工作前应做好下述检查,确无任何事故时,方可进行工作。The capstan should be operated by specially assigned person. Before running following check should be done well and ensure there is no any abnormity. (1).检查绞盘头及其他各处的润滑情况,确保各运动件磨擦面有良好的润滑条件。Check lubrication of the drum head and other places to make sure that the friction faces of all the movable parts be oiled well. (2).检查绞盘附近有无障碍物。Make sure there is no impediment around the drum head. (3).检查绞盘及各部件安装螺栓是否有松动现象。Make sure there is no loosen bolts in every part. 2.绞盘的工作 c.将缆索在系缆卷筒上绕3--4圈; d.启动电机系缆; (6).系缆结束后 a.关闭电机; b.从系缆卷筒上取下缆索; After above check, wind the cable round the drum with 3 to 4 rounds; start the motor in accordance with instruction to tether cable; then shut down the motor and take off the cable from the drum

10KN电动系缆绞盘 10kN Electric Capstan 二、保养和维护Maintenance 223LD-13-00SC 第2页 共5页 绞盘应在良好的润滑条件下工作,以减少各运动件摩擦面的磨损,延长 机器的使用寿命。因此维护保养的重要内容就是经常检查机器的润滑情况。The capstan should work under well-lubricated condition to reduce abrasion of friction faces and extend the lifetime of the machine. So one of the most important tasks of maintenance is keeping checking lubrication of the machine. 1. 各油杯应充满油脂,定期向各摩擦面加油。加油后应空车运转片刻,使油脂均匀分布于各摩擦面上。All the oil cups should be full of oil to be ready to add oil to every friction surface. After oiling run the machine idly for a moment to distribute the oil evenly on every surface. 2.减速器应定期更换润滑油。减速器初次运转一个月后作第一次更换,以后每隔6个月更换一次,更换时应去除残存污油。Lubricant in the reducer should be changed regularly. In the first month of running change once, after that change once per 6 months. Before changing the remains of oil should be cleared.

10kN Electric Capstan 223LD-13-00SC 10KN电动系缆绞盘 标记 数量 编制 校对 审核 标检 审定

修改单号 签字 日期 打字 日期 操作和维护手册 图样标记 总面积m2 共 4 页 第 1 页 荆州市陵达机械有限公司

10KN电动系缆绞盘 10kN Electric Capstan 223LD-13-00SC 第4页 共5页 3.凡用油脂润滑的地方,安装时各空隙应充满油脂。At the places to be lubricated, fill the interspaces with oil during installation. 4.绞盘所有非工作面应保持清洁,外露表面应经常涂以油漆。Non-working surfaces of the capstan should be kept clean and outside surfaces should often be painted. 5.经常检查各零部件有无损坏,各固定螺栓有无松动。Keep watching the parts to ensure them undamaged and firmly fixed. 三、拆装 绞盘的拆卸程序:. Steps of dismantling capstan (1). 拆除支撑架与船体结构间的螺栓 ,松开系缆绞盘;Dismantle the bolts between the support and the reducer and loose the tethering capstan. (2). 拆除支撑架与减速器之间的螺栓,取下电机和减速器;Dismantle the bolts between the support and the reducer and take off the motor and the reducer. (3). 拆除支撑架与支座的联接螺栓,取下绞盘头装置。Dismantle the bolts between the support and the base and take off the capstan set. (4).如有必要还可拆除其它有关零件。If necessary, dismount other parts concerned. 2.安装程序与拆卸程序相反。The process of assembly is a reverse process of the dismantlement.

10KN电动系缆绞盘 10kN Electric Capstan 223LD-13-00SC 第5页 共5页 四、 常见故障、原因分析及排除方法 Common faults, and their causes and resolution 序号No. 1 故障现象symptoms 原因分析analysis 排除方法resolutions 附注remarks 传动部件运动不灵润滑部位润滑不良。活。Transmitting parts 加注润滑油。Add oil. Lubrication is not well. can not move flexibly 电机制动器未松开或未松开制动器; 系缆时卷筒停不住。完全松开;brake is not loosen the brake When tether the drum loose, or not loosen can’t stop. completely. 2
