Part 1 Word Dictatio n
Directions: Listen and write down the words you hear. You are going to listen to the recording twice. During the first time, write the word that you hear. Check your answers as you listen the sec ond time.
| compensate |
| insensitive |
| submit ' |
| advertisement |
| respond |
| resentment _______ |
12. | definite
19. greedy
Part 2 Un dersta nding Long Con versati ons
Directi ons: In this secti on you'll hear a long con versati on or conversations.
Listen carefully and choose the best
to the questi ons you hear.
Questi ons 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.
A. In the middle of the semester.
(-■ B. At the beg inning of the exam.
. C. At the end of the semester.
D. Duri ng a rock con cert.
an swer
A. To a rock and mi neral show.
B. To an opera at the con cert hall.
C. To a movie at the stude nt cen ter.
D. To a rock con cert.
A. He has time to go to the Stude nt Cen ter.
* B. The woma n does n't have much mon ey. 厂 C. The
woman agreed to pay for the food. ■- D. He likes to pay for
his frie nds' tickets.
■- A. Her ticket o nly.
B. Their vacati on.
C. Her dinner only.
D. Their dinn er.
* A. The man will pay for two tickets.
B. They will not go to the con cert together. C. The woma n has a part time job.
D. They don't like pop music.
Questi ons 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.
A. He has bee n off work these days.
B. He has bee n on a diet.
C. He has bee n putt ing on weight.
D. He has just got over being sick.
厂 A. He does n't eat meat.
■- B. He drinks too much.
厂 C. He does little exercise.
D. He smokes a lot.
A. He is overweight.
B. He is a heavy smoker.
C. He has bee n on a diet these days.
D. He does n't look good. 9.
A. He smokes too much.
B. He eats too many cakes and can dies.
C. He likes to smoke too much.
D. He ofte n goes on
10. A. Give up smok ing.
B. Do more exercise.
C. See a doctor.
D. Eat more like Eric.
Part 3 Un dersta nding Passages
In this section you'll hear a passage or
Liste n carefully and choose the best an swer to the questi ons you hear.
Questi ons 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.
广, A. Tobacco is harmful to people's health.
一 B. The surge on gen eral is helpful in reduc ing smok ing.
C. Wome n can get breast can cer from smok ing.
D. Smok ing is more harmful tha n people thought.
厂 A. 44,000.
B. 400,400.
C. 440,000.
D. 4,400.
A. 1946.
. B. 1964.
C. 1914.
厂 D. 1944.
4. .
A. US$75billion.
B. US$65millio n.
C. US$75millio n.
D. US$175 billio n.
广, A. Smokers die 13 years to 14 years after non smokers.
B. Smokers will surely die 13 years to 14 years before non smokers. .
C. Non smokers are likely to live lon ger tha n smokers on average.
D. Smok ing is the cause of many serious diseases.
Questi ons 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.
A. They follow a com mon directi on. B. People get so upset in them.
7. 8. 9.
C. Things tur n out all right in the
D. Childre n are so spoiled by pare nts.
A. All of the things she will give to the child.
B. All of the care she will give to the child.
C. All of the good thi ngs that will happe n.
D. All of the goods that the child will collect.
A. The child becomes angry.
B. The child becomes grateful.
C. The child becomes selfish.
D. The child becomes givi ng.
A. They go through a process of discovery.
B. They hear the truth from their pare nts.
C. They lear n to be more sen sitive to others.
D. They grow through n atural fluctuati ons.
A. By un dersta nding that their relati on ship cha nges.
B. By rewarding one another when they act well.
C. By improv ing their expectati ons of one ano ther.
D. By show ing each other that they are on the same side.
Questi ons 11 to 15 are based on the same passage or dialog.
A. Their pare nts' hon eym oon.
B. A Ion g-a nticipated trip to Hawaii.
C. Their pare nts' wedd ing anni versary.
D. The family reunion.
厂 A. To make a special metal box.
. B. To put away a dollar each day.
广, C. To do their own repairs on the house.
C D. To have a big party to celebrate their wedd ing anni versary.
. A. Teachi ng.
B. Repairi ng.
C. Accou nting.
D. Raisi ng five childre n.
一 A. Hawaii.
- B. A sav ings accou nt.
厂 C. A metal box.
D. Their childre n's room.
■- A. Flights to Hawaii.
B. Ten day's hotel room.
厂 C. Ple nty of money to spe nd.
. D. A visit to Cancun.
Part 4 Vocabulary and Structure
(每小题:1分) Directions:
Choose the best answer from the four choices
A, B, C and D.
1. Shall we request the chairma n _________ our suggesti on aga in
. A. to con sider
■- B. con sideri ng
广’ C. con sider
广 D. con sidered
2. Some say yes and others say no; I don't know __________ to follow.
.一 A. whether
B. what
C. whom
D. how
3. ■-
An explosi on is a sudde n in crease in amou nt ________ A. rapid bur ning causes it
B. to be caused by rapid bur ning
C. caus ing its bur ning to be rapid
D. caused by rapid bur ning
4. We forgave her an ger because we knew that her father's ill ness had put her un der great _______ . A. shelter
「 B. crisis
C. stress
D. n ervous ness
5. He n ever _________ to read the n ews but tur ned at once to the crossword puzzle on the last page.
广, A. worried
B. no ticed
C. pained
D. bothered
6. Since we can't hear you at the back of the hall, you'll have to _________ your voice. A. improve
B. in crease C. raise
D. open
The price they offered for my old car was so low that I ________ it dow n.
B. tur ned
广1 C. called
8. The no ise of the traffic ________ Paul from his work.
一 A. preve nted
. B. distracted
C. an gered
广, D. upset
9. People appreciate ____________ with him because he has a good sense of humor.
A. work ing
B. to have worked
C. to work
D. hav ing worked
10. Inquiries _______________ the condition
of the patients be made pers on ally or by teleph one. •-
A. reveali ng
* B. con cer ning
■- C. affect ing
广,D. follow ing
11. Nobody knows how long and how seriously the shak in ess of
big bus in esses will ________ dow n the economy. 广,A. put
一 B. settle
• C. drag
■- D. knock
12. I tried very hard to persuade him to join our group but
I met with a flat ____________ .
厂 A. accept
B. agree -
C. refusal
厂 D. decli ne
13. She had clearly no _____________of doing any work,
although she was very well paid. A. ten de ncy
B. foun dati on
C. i nten tio n
D. bel onging
14. Many stude nts found the book ____________ ; it provided
them with a large amou nt of i nformatio n on the subject. .
A. i nformative
广1 B. confusing
广1 C. distract ing
一 D. amus ing
15. I just man aged to _____________a quick breath before I
was pulled un der the water by the pass ing boats. 厂 A. load
广,B. gain
* C. take
D. escape
16. The gover nmen t's stro ng acti on dem on strated its
____________ to end the rebelli on.
A. en ergy
B. resista nee
- C. courage
.D. determ in ati on
17. Mr. San ders has bee n asked to ___________ the n ext
meeti ng of the committee. A. man age
. B. chair
C. liste n D. thi nk
18. I could not persuade him to accept it, _________________
him see the importa nee of it. 广, A. if only I could not
B. or I could not
(-■ C. not more tha n I could
. D. nor could I
19. ________ for my ill ness I would have lent him a help ing han d.
A. Not being .一 B. Without being
. C. Had it not bee n
旷 D. Not hav ing bee n
20. Not that Joh n does n't want to help you, __________________ it's
bey ond his power.
* A. but that
■- B. for that
C. and that
D. in that
21. It is politely requested by the hotel management that
radios _____________ after 11 o'clock at ni ght. 厂 A. were not played
* B. not be played
一 C. not to play
一 D. did n't play
22. To be fran k, I'd rather you ____________ in the case.
A. will not be in volved
B. not to be in volved C. not in
volved D. were not in
volved 23. Careful surveys have in dicated that as many as fifty
perce nt of patie nts do not take drugs ___________ directed. A. like
- B. so
■- C. which
c D. as
24. It's reported that by the end of this month the output of
goods from the factory _______________ by about 10%. * A. will have rise n
B. will be risi ng
厂, C. has rise n
■- D. has bee n rising
25. I felt somewhat disappo in ted and was about to leave,
____________ someth ing occurred which attracted my atte nti on. 广, A. unl ess
B. un til
* C. whe n
D. while
26. The little man was _______________ one meter fifty in height.
A. almost more tha n
B. n early more tha n
C. hardly more tha n
D. as much as
27. ________ that my head had cleared, my bra in was also
beg inning to work much better. ■-
A. For
B. Si nee
C. Now
广,D. Despite
Part 5 Cloze (with Optio ns)
Directi ons: Read the follow ing passage carefully and choose the best an swer from the choices.
Questi ons 1 to 20 are based on the follow ing passage.
I never could really talk to my father. 1.
I always felt pretty
for that, but it was just so hard.
I 2.
moved away
from home to go to college whe n I
was 18. Whe n I retur ned home to visit, I found my mother
and father had just gotte n a 3.
so as not
I always
put in a visit to his place 4. to hurt my
dad's feeli ngs. But his place was dark and cold and
smelled of
cigarette smoke and beer; it was
gen erally 6.
When I was little, my father would take me fishing all the time. It seemed like I
grew up
on the shores
of small lakes. To me, at the age of eight, there was nothing wrong with being like my dad. I still
二 his love for being outdoors, free and
away from every one else. But as I moved into my tee ns, it became 9.
that my dad had a dri nking
problem. As our family's financial situation became worse,
so did his problem
Whe n I was very you ng, my dad was able to
— without alcohol. He could at least keep
a job. As I grew older, he became less fun cti onal and
with him became pain ful. Most of our 13.
talks turned into
and the n he
became very an gry. He was 14.
at not
on to a job. And we were
being able to 15. 16.
with him not being able to 17.
face up
—to the fact that he had a problem with
alcohol. Whe n he got home from whatever job he was in the
zl of los in g, it was not un com mon that if
he did n't get in a fight with my mom he would usually
fall asleep
in front of the TV before we had dinner.
If he made it to the dinner table to eat with us, I knew that before the meal was over, he would be very angry with
at least
20. or me.
one of us. It was usually my mom
Part 6 Skimmi ng and Scanning (Multiple Choice+Blank Filling)
Directi ons: Read the follow ing passage or passages and the n answer the questions. For the first 7 questions in each
passage, choose the best an swer from the four choices marked
A, B, C and D. For the remaining 3 questions in the same passage, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.
Questi ons 1 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog. Are You Readi ng as Many Books as You Would Like
Do you read as much as you'd like, or as many as you'd like of the books you're interested
in Are you aware that the time spent
on today's read ing preve nts you from readi ng someth ing else
Life is one of choicesmake sure your choices take you in the directi on you wish to go.
My biggest recomme ndati on (建议)to in crease your readi ng rate is to attend
a rapid reading course (sometimes called speed reading), most important practice.
but the single
element is the on-going
If you want to try a few techniques on your own, here are a few key pointers, but you really need to attend a course to be pushed to sig nifica ntly higher levels of compete ncy, because only an external person can push you past the comfort zone of your eyes,
your bra in, and your curre nt beliefs about your abilities.
Some Rapid-read ing Keys:
Read with purpose. Don't read thi ngs you won't remember, and don't waste time readi ng things that won't further you in any way. However, many people read min dlessly, just because it's there! You should start with the end in mind.
Have an expectati on of success. See yourself read ing at great speed. Fill your mind with a positive expectati on of great deeds. Feel and imagi ne the power of the rapid flow of in formati on into your mi nd. And hear the rapid flow of words just pour ing into your bra in.
Preview and review the book. You can do it by scanning contents and other in formati on at the front, as well as the back. Sit upright and hold the book at a comfortable
Have good
overhead light, fresh air, plenty of water, and a comfortable
Use a visual guide. You may usually use your fin ger, or
sometimes two fin gers, which depe nds on the size of the print. This is where the training by an instructor is really useful
(they won't let you get away with bad habits, and they push you bey ond your comfort level). One of the key eleme nts of rapid readi ng is to use our fin ger at a very fast rate, running it
down the page. We don't need to read every word in order to comprehend ( 理解)and keep the information. All we need is a large amou nt of text, and the sense is gathered at lighte ning speed.
Speed training. Go as fast as your hand can turn the pages, and don't worry that there seems to be practically no comprehension at this stage. The key is to extend the eye's capacity to absorb, and to stre ngthe n your min d's belief that it can be done. Two hands are n eeded. With one hand run a fin ger dow n the page as fast as you can. At first you'll no tice an occasi onal word or phrase will jump out at you, but not much else. That's fine — comprehe nsion is not the goal at this stage. With the other hand, turn the pages as fast as you can go.
Set a daily target for yourself ——it might be to race through
a thick book that you're in terested to read. It might be to practice for a specified amount of time.
Practice, practice, and practice. Magazines and newspapers are great to practice on. The columns (栏目)are thin, which helps you go eve n faster.
Comprehension. You may think you're not absorbing much, but try this test. Choose a book you want to read. Each time you pick it up to read in your old style, first do the rapid run described above. You'll notice when you come to
read in your slow way that
in fact you already know, and can remember hav ing see n, most of the key con cepts. We call this a con scious convin cer. Your subc on scious n eeds reassura nee ( 安心)that nothing is being lost, and that you have absorbed the in formati on you n eed.
Coupled with the rapid \"preview\highlighter in your hand. Your ability to keep the material will be greatly enhan ced, for you will have visited the information several times.
You may still wish to read at a slower speed for enjoyment, or because you n eed to really absorb every word of an author for study purposes, but if every day you practice this tech ni que, sudde nly you'll find you really are read ing and absorb ing at a much faster rate.
1. What can we know about life _______________
厂 A. Life is about read ing.
. B. Life is about choices.
C. Life is about wishes.
一 D. Life is about directi ons. 2.
What is the most importa nt eleme nt in speed read ing
A. Your comfort zone.
B. A level of compete ncy.
C. Practice that does n't stop.
D. On e's read ing rate.
3. From the fourth paragraph we know whe n we read,
A. we should start readi ng with a purpose in mind
B. we should take time read ing someth ing which you won't remember
C. we should read somethi ng n ear at hand because it is convenient
D. we should start at the end of the book to know the purpose
4. How can we preview and review the book ________________
一 A. Sit upright and hold the book at a comfortable position.
[0 B. Have good overhead light and fresh air.
广’ C. Have ple nty of water, and a comfortable temperature.
. D. Glance at contents and other information at the front
and the back.
5. When we use our fin ger as a visual guide in rapid readi ng, it's very crucial that ________________ .
A. we take our time and have a full comprehe nsion
B. we run our fin ger dow n the page very fast
C. we read every word on the page to keep the in formati on
D. we gather the sense of the passage light-heartedly
6. In speed readi ng, the fin ger of one hand runs dow n the page, and the other hand A. tur ns the pages quickly
B. guides the eyes to absorb
C. runs dow n the page too
D. marks the occasi onal word or phrase
We should
A. read n ewspapers and magaz ines every day
B. finish readi ng a thick book every day
C. pla n a daily objective of read ing for ourselves
D. read n ewspaper colu mns daily
8. Readi ng a book quickly and the n check ing your comprehe nsion by readi ng slowly is called
a consicous convincer
9. We will greatly stre ngthe n our ability to keep the
have visited the informati
in formati on, as we will
10. You might want to read slowly for study purposes or
|~for enjoyment
Part 7 Reading Comprehension (Multiple Choice)
Directi ons: Read the follow ing passages carefully and choose the best an swer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.
Questi ons 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog. Ours is a big world, and full of
many differe nt people. People
with many varying (不同的)points of view are often running up aga inst
others who have differe nt opinions. Those of us who smoke are just one group of many. Rece ntly, the activism (
取行动)of non-smokers has rem in ded us of the n eed to be con siderate (
体谅的)of others whe n we smoke in public.
But, please! Eno ugh is eno ugh! We should like to rem ind non-smokers that being polite is a two-way street. If you
politely request that some one not smoke you are more likely to receive an agreeable response than if you give an ugly look and say someth ing unkind. If you speak directly to some one, you are more likely to get what you want tha n if you compla in to the man ageme nt.
Many of us have been smoking for so long that we sometimes forget that others are not used to the smell of bur ning tobacco. We' re huma n, and like every one else, we occasi on ally offend unknowingly. But most of us are open to friendly suggestions and comme nts, and quite willi ng to cha nge our behavior to accommodate others.
Smokers are people, too. We laugh and cry. We have hopes, dreams, and
aspirati ons. We have childre n, mothers, and pets.
Weeat our hamburgers (汉堡包) with everything on them and give respect to the flag at Fourth of July pic ni cs. We hope you'll remember that the n ext time a smoker light up in public.
1. The purpose of the first paragraph is _____ .
「 A. to in form the reader of the big ness of the world
厂 B. to declare that the author bel ongs to the group of
■- C. to tell non-smokers that smokers will be con siderate
D. to reveal the author's reason for writing this essay
2. What does the second sentence in the second paragraph imply A. We should go on two differe nt roads.
B. We have differe nt ways of doing things.
C. Being polite to each other is a mutual thing.
D. We can smoke and sometimes we will not smoke.
3. Accord ing to the author, how can you get an agreeable
resp onse from smokers if you don't feel like some one smok ing beside you
A. Compla in to his boss.
B. Tell him directly that you hate smokers.
C. Keep from complaining but do something to suggest your feeli ngs.
D. Tell him politely that you are not used to smoke.
4. •-
Accord ing to the author, why do some smokers smoke in public A. Because they cannot stop from smok ing.
. B. Because they forget that others do not like the smell
■- C. Because they are humans and they cannot avoid offending people.
广, D. Because there is no law aga inst it.
5. How does the author try to persuade the reader A. He uses reas ons.
B. He appeals to people's feeli ngs.
C. He gives examples in his argume nt.
广' D. He simply states his op inion.
Questi ons 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog. In the Un ited States, it is not no rmal to teleph one some one very early in the morni ng. If you teleph one him early in the day, while he is shav ing or hav ing breakfast, the time of the call shows that the matter is very important and requires
attention. The same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 11:00 p. m. If some one receives a call duri ng sleep ing hours, he assumes it's a matter of life and death. The time chose n for the call commu ni cates its importa nee.
In social life, time plays a very important role. In the US guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the invitation ( 邀请)to a dinner party is extended only three or
four days before the party date. But this is not true in all countries. In other areas of the world it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advanee because plans which are made for a date more tha n a week
away tend to be forgotte n.
The meaning of time is different in different parts of the world. Thus, misu ndersta ndings arise betwee n people from cultures that treat time differently. To be on time is valued highly in American life, for example. If people are not on time, they may be regarded as not polite or not fully resp on sible. In the US no one would think of keep ing a bus in ess associate
waiting for an hour; it would be bad-mannered. A person who is five minutes late
is expected to apologize. If he is less than
five minutes late, he will say a few words of explanation, though perhaps he will not complete the senten ce.
6. If you teleph one some one early in the day, it means
A. you are expected to expla in why
B. you are not kind eno ugh
C. you want to show your concern for him
D. you have a very importa nt matter to discuss
7. The expressi on \"a matter of life and death\" means
A. an issue of the greatest importa nee and emerge ncy
B. a very importa nt appo in tme nt
C. a matter of whether some one should live or die
8. In the US guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded
D. a stro ng desire to commu ni cate
. A. if the invitation to a dinner party is not extended early
B. if the invitation in adva nee
广, C. if the in vitati on to a dinner party is not exte nded
[0 D. if the invitation to a dinner party is extended to too
many people
to a dinner party is extended too far
9. The word \"misu ndersta nding\" can be expla ined as
A. faili ng to atte nd a party
B. faili ng to un dersta nd correctly
C. sta nding in on e's way
D. sta nding on on e's own feet
10. Which of the followi ng stateme nts is NOT true accord ing
to the passage
. A. In the US it's n ormal to keep some one wait ing for some
厂' B. I n the US it's not polite to keep some one wait ing for
an hour. ■-
C. In the US one is always expected to be on time.
■- D. In the US one is expected to apologize if he is five min utes late