

2022-05-12 来源:乌哈旅游
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雅 思 听 力 词 汇


be far from ল੹ஹ׌࠶ᆜ be nearby ল੹ஹ׌࠶॰ go straight across/to /through ঈቓዟ߹/ဂ/߹ cross (over) ׏߹DŽஹ໫ॊلDž be next to २૆ turn left/right ዳኪ/ᅚኪ go up /down ဂණDŽҽDž/ဂ࿒DŽ௕Dž go back/back up ဂ࢐ዟ go east/west/south/north ဂڍ/௕/ྩ/ҽ go on/along… till you meet… ႤččქቓዟLjቓفčč be on sb's left/ right ᇀஹ൉وዳӫ/ᅚӫ be the first/second/third from the left/right ׹ዳ/ᅚืٞქ/۠/ൻޔ directly opposite ࠧčč࿰ڶ be located behind in front of ዸମᇀččو೐எ/ࡍஎ be on the corner of a street and b street ᇀaࠧbॊय࢛׌ be in corner of ᇀččوऻମ ground floor wing ై૯/जአྡوქԩܖ annex ై૯/ኙ૯وݛฮजአ basement ٜ࿒ฌ/ twin building ᅑ઩ޔ༾ഩ࿰ༀوԩܖ޵֑وजአ landmark Ӷበ၂وजአ block/complex ॊഘ stair ૯໓ step ພो wheel chair access ྐພोو/Ժࣈ൉ᅋ aisle ߹ل intersection/ crossroad ෨ዖଁਊ a fork on the road ܖ՗ଁਊ a T road ڃዓଁਊ clover-leaf ઎य೥ pavement/side walk/zebra crossing ൉ှل

ஐะ൉و༶ӹĂწዅ gender ၂Ӽ hair color ་ۢႡඇ bald ༎་ beard ମ൷ࡔ moustache/mustache ණףණوဏࡔዓ wearing glasses ؝Ⴇই compact lenses ᄨျႧই top ණწ pullover ໍ་୓წ be in red/green/dark ෉ዅࡆ/ଖ/࠴ඇწܾ suit DŽ௖DžྩܾǗDŽఒDžໍኰ


无忧雅思网 助我越重洋! http://www.51ielts.com wear/be in tie ؝૘؞ sweater ໍ་ගĂᆱڑග slim ஏ໫و stout ॕ෯وĂљ఺و blond ।ۢӘႧو

଍ᅖ־ှ travel agency ଍ှස flight number ࠗҎࠟ take off ಲ܉ land ऩମ check in Қ੻ًࢲฐၦ motel ಽս଍ස hostel ഀ௰଍ස book the ticket ڋ౳ passport ࡜ሙ visa ೉ቆ credit card ဳᅋ৘ driving license/licence ࣳሙ expire ࣳሙĂ࡜ሙٌ߹ಜ platform ሂພ museum ԓྡߙ souvenir ࣣ௴౹ art gallery ࡥ੖ hiking ༑ԧ଍ှĂమً hitch-hike ؔӯս଍ှ surfing ֭ਖ਼ skiing ࡤၵ bag-packer ࣽҿؙҪዔኜ଍ှو൉

ၳထූࢦቐၳ࿀౬ enrolment selective/elective/option ၭ၌৾ required course/compulsory course Ӥ၌৾ course arrangement ৾֔Ѡ఩ application ෆഋ application form ෆഋӹ letter of recommendation ༚ऌဳ programme/program ஹქከჟو৾֔ዜ֎ school ၳᆠ graduate school ႜ঑ූᆠ undergraduate ӊ৶ postgraduate ႜ঑ූ school of arts and sciences ྲྀ৶ၳᆠ score ֑ࢾ credit ၳܖ degrees ၳ཭


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assessment handout assignment presentation project

paper/thesis/dissertation essay journal participation lecture dean

counselor adviser mentor president chancellor faculty tertiary education coeducation

comprehensive school grammar school elementary school compulsory education discipline

physical punishment general knowledge category catalogue encyclopaedia seminar lecture forum

symposium treatise tutorial supervise revise devise

pronounce/pronunciation expertize/expertise summary synonym antonym scan

audio listening audio-visual electronic teammate rational choice

ڶၳූوၳ࿀ഉਦ६ှಂ޼ ණ৾੝෠ۢوᄩฺ౹ ዷჟ


ၖეၳූ६ှڢ઎ዪႜو৾༶৾໘ ଥྲྀ/๎෹ଥྲྀ/ԓ෹ଥྲྀ ڮଥྲྀ

ቾࣝ/୧ቾეዶوዷჟ ־೺

੝෠وद৾ ࿅ኙൌ ݆ـ੝෠ ـ෠ ـ෠ ထլ

ணᆆထլ ीቒᆗዜ֎ ؙၳीᆅ ༀထीᆅ ዛࠩीᆅ ྲྀۨၳထ ဏၳ

ᄏྣीᆅ ࣣଓ ໛ۣ

ؙቼቌ෰ ቸ੮ ௅ଆ


DŽؙၳDžႜ঑ҎLj ໌ଥ࢙ दዹ ଥຩ

ዹຮ࢙Ljከ໘໌ଥ࢙ DŽከ໘Džଥྲྀ ဏҎ৾ ࣶڟ ၌ݢ හࣜ ۢᄞ

ޖččዶऎڊLj / ከ୭ቌ෰ ዜॕ ༀᄏװ ۴ᄏװ ᝵੎ ໳઒ ญ໳ ٫ዓو ڵᆗ



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demonstrate plagiarism

intensive/extensive reading handwriting/calligraphy component

traditional patterns political situation

the outline of the course structure explanation

subject/curriculum ecology geology psychology mythology anthropology sociology zoology

meteorology biology biography economics economy economic economical economist economize electronics statistics archeology architecture census truant

scholarship credit syllabus

pamphlet/brochure abstract concrete distract neglect affect choir au pair tuition

recommendation obligation probation qualification

෸۶ ፀ೴

ॽڣ/ۺڣ Ӗࢹ/รۨ ֑ܖ

ב༇ன෷ ቂተন฀ ؙ৾֔ݷ ॕ޵ ॖง ৶௅ ූຢၳ ٜቬၳ ဲ੻ၳ ෍ࡨ ൉੮ၳ ස࢙ၳ ڑྡၳ ಺ဃၳ ූྡၳ בࣝྲྀၳ ॿࣙၳ ॿࣙ

ॿࣙණو ॎउو ॿࣙၳࣨ ॎᆢ

٫ዓၳDŽةืDž ༇ࣜၳ ৬߁ၳ जአၳ ൉ਊٻՓ ້ၳ थၳ। ֑ࢾ ؙݷ

ֱဃو ঱໛و ܖൾ ࡐญ ᄸ࿼ ࠩղҎ ࣨྣఒޠ ၳܑ ༚ऌ

ᄏྣĂᇖൌ ฎᅋĂऑ࿀ ዊޏ


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specification ߢޏĂഅةĂํடร commentary ࣅኢĂಂଥ auditorium ູ࢙Ă੿ູ lounge ؙ໲ gymnasium ໛ᆅߙ glossary װ࢛ӹĂฯᅷ࢛Ӭ ၳထූࢦቐූࢦ౬ campus ထᆖ common room DŽᄪDž෠ූާᅋو။ྲฌ canteen Է໲ dining hall ෭ູ cafeteria ዔኜဏԷ໲ accommodation ኡ๶ dorm/dormitory ๶ල dormmate/roommate/flatmate/housemate ༀฌو൉ parking lot ໷սթ parking regulations ໷սߢڊ shopping mall ޶ྡቲဲ teaching building ीၳ૯/ीฌ૯ lecture theatre ؙीฌ/ो໓ीฌ administrating office/admin office ှቂҚާฌ laboratory /lab ෯Ⴕฌ student union ၳූ࢙ society ၳූස༙ club ၳූ঵੤ԩ student account ᄢှቲوၳූሎ࡟ current account ࿦।ሎ࡟ chequebook/checkbook ቉౳ӊ withdraw cash ട೎ deposit money in a bank ،೎ ၳထූࢦቐ৾໘ႜ঑౬ research ႜ঑ deadline ዮࡍಜ࿮ poll survey ٻՓ hypothesis ࣯හ statistics ༇ࣜ statistically valid ༇ࣜၳණᅘပو data/datum ืয investigation ٻՓ quantitative ืફو/ڊફو significant difference ࿤ኚو՘ᄖ interview ܃ຮ respondents/interviewee ࢐ؖٻՓོ໘و൉/Ӈ܃ຮو൉ questionnaire ٻՓོি multiple choice questions ၭᇗ໘ analyze/analyse data ܖྨืয


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results conclusion interpretation opinion

ॕ߷ ॕଥ

ॖง/եง ߗ٧



U.K. /the United Kingdom/Great Britain London ଡں England ᄪޏ੊ Liverpool ઒ྡಘ Manchester ୆ց๑໎ Sheffield ဩ܆۝ن Birmingham Ԙடࠌ Coventry ৬ྲྀן Leeds ઉወ Scotland ๭ޏ੊ Glasgow ޏ਻๑ޅ Edinburgh ќڃҰ Wales དྷ۝෹ Cardiff ࣩوܲ North Ireland ҽќ۝੊ Belfast Ӏ۝ۨ๑໎

Ireland Dublin ڞ҆ૂ

Australia Canberra ৠౄ਻ Queensland ਲ਼෹੊ቿ Brisbane Ԧ੽๑Ҏ New South Wales ူ௕དྷ۝෹ቿ Sydney ྴ௧ South Australia ௕Ѳؙઉ႓ Adelaide ѐنੁن Victoria ཞۂઉ႓ቿ Melbourne ற۝ӊ Western Australia ྩѲؙઉ႓ቿ Perth ᣊ๑ Canada Ottawa ឝມࡢ British Columbia ԥ઼٣ޅଡӔ႓ෛ




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Victoria ཞۂઉ႓ Vancouver ུޅࡢ Alberta њԘຖෛ Edmonton ёنୱڻ Ontario Ѡؙଞෛ Toronto ۂଡۂ Quebec ਭҽ৻ෛ Montreal ୱ໎ઉ۝

The United States of America Washington ࡢොڻ NewYork ఊᆢ Boston Ԓ෹ڻ Atlanta ႓໎੊ؙ Seattle ྩ႑༐ Los Angeles/L.A. ଯ඘᫊ Chicago ቇࣩޅ

New Zealand Wellington ࢕૕ڻ



