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SMTC 9 600 001 注塑模具主要技术要求(20130830)

2023-09-21 来源:乌哈旅游

上海汽车集团股份有限公司技术中心企业标准 Enterprise Standard of SAIC MOTOR Technical Center


SMTC 9 600 001-2013(V1)

代替 SMTC 2 600 001-2012(V2)


Main technical specification of injection mold

2013-08-30发布/Issue 2013-08-31实施/Implementation

上汽集团技术中心技术标准化委员会 ©上汽集团版权所有 秘密文件 注意保密 Copyright SAIC MOTOR Confidential

发布 Issue

Technical Standardization Committee of SAIC MOTOR Technical Center SMTC 9 600 001—2013(V1)

目 次/Contents

前言Foreword ....................................................................................................................................... II 1 范围Scope......................................................................................................................................... 1 2术语和定义Terms and definitions ...................................................................................................... 1 3注塑模具技术要求主要内容 Main technical requirements for injection mold .................................... 2 3.1 对产品的技术要求Technical requirements for product .................................................................. 2 3.2对模具的技术要求Technical requirements for mold ....................................................................... 2 4模具评审 Mold review ........................................................................................................................ 8 5 模具工程更改Modification process of mold ...................................................................................... 9 6 模具报废Process of mold scrapping ................................................................................................. 9 7 存档文件 Documents ........................................................................................................................ 9 8 模具供应商评估 Mold suppliers evaluation ..................................................................................... 10 9 责任 Responsibility ......................................................................................................................... 10 10 分发 Distribution ............................................................................................................................ 10


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SMTC 9 600 001—2013(V1)

前 言

本标准是对SMTC 2 600 001-2012(V2)《注塑模具主要技术要求》的修订,自本标准实施之日起废除SMTC 2 600 001-2012(V2)。

本标准与SMTC 2 600 001-2012(V2) 相比主要变化如下:



当中英文产生疑义时,以中文为准。 本标准由外饰分标委提出。

本标准由 SMTC 技术标准化委员会批准。 本标准由标准化工作组归口管理。 本标准起草部门:内外饰部。 本标准起草人:张克龙。

本标准于2011年04月06日首次批准发布,2012年04月 07日实施。本次为第2次修订。

本版本所代替标准的历次版本发布情况为: ——SMTC 2 600 001(V1)、SMTC 2 600 001-2012(V2)。


This standard is a revision for SMTC 2 600

001-2012(V2). This standard will replace SMTC 2 600 001-2012(V2) from the implementation date of this.

The main changes between this standard and SMTC 2 600 001-2012(V2)are as follows::

——Standard number has been updated according to the new definition for design standards.

Please note that some contents in this standard may relate to patent rights, which SAIC Motor shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

In the event of a conflict between Chinese and English, Chinese shall take precedence.

This specification was proposed by exterior sub-committee.

This specification was approved by the SMTC Technical Standardization Committee.

The Standardization Work Team is responsible for the standardization approval and overall management of this standard.

The drafting department of this specification is : Exterior and Interior Department

The main drafter of this standard is: Zhang Kelong.

This specification is second published on Apr.6, 2012 and implemented on Apr.7, 2012. This standard is the 2nd revision.

The versions superseded by this standard: ——SMTC 2 600 001(V1), SMTC 2 600 001-2012(V2).


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SMTC 9 600 001—2013(V1)


1 范围



Main technical specification

of injection mold

1 Scope

This standard specifies the quantity production plastic mold (cycle life is not less than 300,000 shots) specification of SMTC Exterior and Interior department.

This standard applies to the quantity production plastic mold of SMTC Exterior and Interior department and can be used as a reference for other technical documents.

2 Terms and definitions

The following section and definition applied to this standard.

Injection mold——The equipment which can meet the SMTC's requirements and produce the proper plastic product.

Product supplier——The company which directly supplies the proper product for SAIC Motor.

Mold supplier——The company which can design and manufacture molds for SAIC Motor, SMTC needs to review the mold suppliers’ technique.

Checking fixture supplier——The company which can design and manufacture the checking fixtures for SAIC Motor, SMTC needs to review the checking fixture supplier technique.

Material supplier——The company

which can supply SAIC Motor with the plastic material, SMTC can specify the material

2 术语和定义








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SMTC 9 600 001—2013(V1)


3 注塑模具技术要求主要内容

3 Main technical requirements for injection mold

3.1 对产品的技术要求

3.1.1 产品需要有详细的描述,包括材料(收缩率:产品供应商和材料供应商协商提供给模具供应商)、壁厚、圆角、表面要求和产品数量等。

3.1 Technical requirements for product

3.1.1 Detailed description of product:

Material (shrinkage should be determined by product supplier and material supplier.), thickness, surface requirement and the product quantity.

3.1.2 The product supplier should offer the parting lines and the gates position which must be confirmed by the SMTC product engineer.

3.13 The parting line must fit well and its flush should be controlled within 0.05 mm.

3.14 There cannot be any sink marks, flow marks, weld line, scratch marks, ejector marks, stress mark, flash, deformation, trapped air, short shot and other defects on the visible surface or edge.

3.15 Without SMTC written consent, the product supplier cannot modify any product.

3.1.6 Product supplier and tool supplier should communicate fully with product engineer to resolve most product issues and process issues during part design.

3.2 Technical requirements for mould 3.2.1 Mold steel The type of mold steel should meet the quality and life of the product which is designed by SMTC,also should be approved by mold engineer. Some mold steel brands are as follow: Buderus, Groditz, Lucchini, Assab, Daido, Finkl,Saarstahl, Uddeholm and

3.1.2 产品供应商需要反馈产品分型线和浇口位置给技术中心产品工程师,分型线和浇口位置需得到上汽集团产品工程师的认可。

3.1.3 产品上分型线必须配合良好,分型线断差应在0.05 mm以内。

3.1.4 外表面的可视区域不允许出现缩印、流痕、熔接痕、擦伤、顶块印、压力痕、飞边、变形、困气、短射和其它缺陷。

3.1.5 供应商在没有得到技术中心书面同意的前提下,不得修改产品。

3.1.6 产品供应商和模具供应商应该在产品设计前期和技术中心产品工程师充分沟通,以解决产品结构上和工艺上可能出现的问题。

3.2 对模具的技术要求 3.2.1 模具钢材 模具钢材必须满足产品的质量和使用寿命要求,必须经过技术中心模具工程师认可。模具钢材品牌:布德鲁斯、葛利兹、路奇霓、一胜百、大同、芬可乐、撒斯特、百禄和宝钢。


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SMTC 9 600 001—2013(V1) 内外饰外观注塑件的定模和抽芯采用进口2738或P20材料。 对于电镀件,定模材料要求是NAK80, 动模和动模抽芯可以用2738或国产P20。 对于透明件,动定模和抽芯材料要求是NAK80、S136、2343、2344和8407等。 如果产品的材料是酸性的,模具材料一定要有耐腐蚀要求。 3.2.2 模具易损件

模具供应商在移模前须提供详细的易损件备件清单。 3.2.3 模流分析


Baosteel. The cavity and slide steel of visual plastic part's should use imported 2738 or P20. For chromed parts, the cavity should use NAK80, the core and slide may use 2738 or P20. For transparent parts, the cavity and core should use NAK80 or S136 or 2343 or 2344 or 8407. For acidic material, the steel of cavity and core should be anticorrosion.

3.2.2 Damageable mold parts

The mold supplier should offer the spare parts sheet.

3.2.4 Moldflow report

For the big plastic parts and important parts, the Moldflow reports should be done when the mold starts to be designed, and the reports should be done according to the SMTC Moldflow format.

3.2.3 Hot runner system

The hot runner system of big plastic parts and important parts should be approved by mold engineer. For the visible part which is more than 400 mm long, the hot sequential valve gate runner is recommended according to the Moldflow report. Synventive is recommended.

3.2.5 Parting surface To ensure the mold life, the parting surface should be wide enough and shut-off angle should be big enough, the minimum

3.2.4 热流道系统

内外饰主要的大注塑件和重要的零部件要采用技术中心认可的热流道;对于长度超过400 mm以上的外观件,模具热流道系统原则上须采用顺序阀结构,具体情况可根据模流分析确定。推荐使用圣万提品牌热流道。

3.2.5 具分型面 为了保证模具的使用寿命,模具分型面根据不同的情况,要有足够的宽度和对插角度,推荐分型面最小宽度为25 mm,最小插穿角


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SMTC 9 600 001—2013(V1)

度为7°。 模具分型面周围要有四个方向的导锁,导锁的角度是10°。模具的精定位的角度要小于碰穿角度1°到2°。模具上的耐磨板要嵌入式安装在模具上。模具外围平面上要安装压力平衡块。

width of parting surface is not less than 25

mm, the minimum of shut-off angle is 7 deg. All molds must have mold lock for four directions, mold lock’s angle shall be 10 deg. Inserted precision plates must be installed at 1 to 2 deg smaller than shut-off angle. Wear plates must be pocket into mold lock surfaces. Parallel plates must be installed on flat surface around parting surface.

3.2.6 Mold insert Insert must be designed in mold for any rib which is more than 10 mm high. Beryllium copper inserts must be designed for hot spot in mold. Inserts can be designed in mold if changing different inserts, the same mold can product different parts. Match inserts must be designed if parting lines are visible or very important on part. Inserts are recommended on mold for the key features. Inserts are recommended if it convenient for manufacture, maintenance or engineering change.

3.2.7 Cooling Water lines in cavity and core must be one cooling line diameter, water lines must follow the part contour as close as possible, the length of single water line should meet following requirements:

a) The difference between the in and out

water temperature should be less than 3 ℃;


3.2.6 模具镶块 产品的加强筋高度大于10 mm,在模具上要设计镶块。 在冷却不到的地方,可以设计材料为铍铜的镶块. 为了一副模具可以注塑多种产品,可以设计可更换镶块。 为了匹配很重要的分型线,模具上一定要设计匹配镶块。 产品上有关键尺寸和配合要求的特征,模具上推荐设计为镶块。 为了模具加工、维修和工程更改方便, 模具上可以设计镶块。

3.2.7 模具冷却系统 动定模的水路直径保持一致,水路必须沿着产品的外形设计,水路的长度应该满足下列条件:

a) 冷却水的进出口温度差要小于3 ℃; b) 冷却水管壁的温度和冷却水的温度差

要小于3 ℃;

c) 水路的总长一般不超过4,000 mm。

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SMTC 9 600 001—2013(V1) 水路的各种距离尺寸限制:

a) 水管壁距离产品面的距离一般要大于


b) 水管壁距离分型面的距离一般要大于

10 mm;

c) 水管壁到其他部件的距离一般要大于

5 mm;

d) 水路间的距离一般保持在 3 到 5 倍

的水管直径。 较大的滑块、镶块和顶块需要设计水路;热流道喷嘴周围要设计单独的冷却水路。

b) The difference between the circuit

surface temperature and the water temperature should be less than 3℃; c) The length of single circuit must not be

more than 4,000 mm. Cooling dimension:

a) The distance from water line to core or

cavity surface shall be more than double diameter of water line;

b) The distance from water line to parting

surfaces shall be more than 10 mm;

c) The distance from water line to other

components shall be more than 5 mm; d) The distance between water lines must

be 3 to 5 times diameter of water hole. Water lines must be designed for big slides, inserts and lifters. Separated water lines must be designed around each hot drop. The water system must be able to withstand a 10 bar pressure check.

3.2.8 Slider and lifer system The structure of slider system should be designed reasonable, and its strength should be enough. The angle pin of slider should have correct angle, There must be enough space for slider’s travel. a) Sliders must be nitrided;

b) The maximum angle for slide angle pin is


c) There must be 3°angle for foreside of


d) There must be an angle difference of 2°

minimum between angle pin and locking plates;

e) The travel of slides must be 3 mm to 5mm

longer than the undercut;

f) The ejector pins must be designed on

slides if the part maybe sticks to the slides.

5 试模前密封性测试,常温下用10 bar水压测。

3.2.8 模具抽芯系统 模具滑块结构要合理,强度要足够;滑块的斜导柱的角度要合理,抽芯应该有足够的退让空间。

a) 滑块和型芯、型腔之间要有硬度差,一


b) 滑块的斜导柱的最大角度不超过


c) 滑块的头部需要有3°斜度; d) 滑块后部的斜度要大于斜导柱2°; e) 滑块的行程要大于倒扣3 mm到5 mm; f) 如果产品有可能粘滑块,那么滑块上一


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SMTC 9 600 001—2013(V1) 模具斜顶结构要合理,强度要足够;斜顶杆角度要合理,抽芯应该有足够的退让空间。

a) 斜顶块和型芯、型腔之间要有硬度差,

一般斜顶块都要做氮化出来; b) 斜导柱的最大角度不大于15°,若斜


c) 斜顶的背面的斜度要大于斜顶杆斜度

2°,其他三面的斜度最小为5°; d) 斜顶座的向下或向上角度不大于


e) 斜顶的行程要大于倒扣3 mm到5 mm; f) 如果产品有可能粘斜顶,那么斜顶上一

定设计顶针帮助脱模。 The structure of angle lifter system

should be designed reasonable, and it's strength should be enough. The lifter rod should have correct angle, There must be enough space for angle lifter’s travel. a) Angle lifters must be nitride;

b) Lifter rod angle must not be more than

15° without guide rod, Guide rods must be used if the rod angle is more than 15°and less than 30°;

c) There must be a angle difference of

2°minimum between rods and lifters backside, other sides around lifter must have 5° minimum;

d) The upward or downward angle of lifters

must not be more than 15°, Guide rods must be used if the upward or downward angle of lifters is more than 15°;

e) The travel of lifters must be 3 mm to 5mm

longer than the undercut;

f) The ejector pins must be designed on

lifters if the part maybe sticks to the lifters.

3.2.9 Mold ejector system Mold ejector system should be smooth. All ejector bushes must be aluminum/bronze or graphite impregnated, The hydraulic cylinder ejector system must be adopted in big mold. All ejector pins under molding must have about 3D (Diameter of ejector pin) guide surface, all ejector pins under runners or sprues must have about 10D (Diameter of ejector pin) guide surface. Ejector pins on contoured surfaces must be keyed into ejector plate to prevent rotation. Springs must be installed under return pins to prevent ejector pins or lifters impact cavity if the ejector pins or lifters are on parting surfaces.

3.2.9 模具顶出系统 模具顶出要平稳顺畅,顶出系统的所有导套尽量用自润滑的导套;较大的模具要采用油缸顶出。 产品下的顶针与型芯的配合面长度大约3倍顶针直径。流道下的顶针与型芯的配合长度不小于 10 倍顶针直径。 如果顶针头部有形状,那么在顶针底部要设计止转。 顶针或顶块的头部有部分在分型面上,复位杆的底部要增减弹簧以避免顶针碰撞定模。


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SMTC 9 600 001—2013(V1) 顶板和底板之间要设计垃圾钉,每个复位杆下都要设计垃圾钉。如果不设计垃圾钉,模具必须防尘罩以防止垃圾进入。 模具尺寸长度超过 1,200 mm 时,模具要用 6 根复位杆。 模具上最大的顶针直径不超过16 mm, 对于外饰件,尤其是可见面,避免采用顶针顶出,尽量采用顶块顶出。 Stop buttons must be installed on

bottom clamp plate, there must be one stop button on each return pin. If without stop buttons, a cover must be designed for dustproof. Six return pins must be designed if the length of mold is more than 1,200 mm. The mould must be designed with ejectors diameter 16 mm maximum. For the visible exterior part, it is better to use straight lifter than eject pin in eject system.

3.2.10 Mold vent There must be designed vents around part and runners on mold, The depth of vent depend on the polymer material. Pin venting and insert venting must be designed for the places where the material fills last or it is easy to be trapped air.

3.2.11 Sliding surfaces

All bushes and wear plates which have relative motion must be aluminum/bronze or graphite impregnated, the grease groove must be designed on the wear plates which are on mold lock, and the grease groove must not be open, wear plates must be pocket into mold lock surfaces. There cannot be designed grease groove on pressure plates, and all molds also can have pressure plates formed as an integral part of core or cavity.

3.2.12 Bumper mold

Without special description, the bumper's parting lines on both sides should be invisible. If the product supplier has good equipment, the part in cavity of mold structure should be recommended in the bumper mold.

3.2.10 模具排气 分型面和流道周围要有排气槽,排气槽的深度根据产品的材料来定。 产品的最后填充的部位和容易困气的地方,需要设计顶针、镶块或透气钢来增加排 气。

3.2.11 模具滑动配合面


3.2.12 保险杠模具



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SMTC 9 600 001—2013(V1)

3.2.13 模具烧焊


a) 烧氩弧焊时尽可能取模具钢材供应商


b) 要蚀纹的零件尽量烧氩弧焊,不建议采

用烧激光焊,如果仅仅是一个一个的小砂孔,可以考虑选择激光焊; c) 烧氩弧焊时,需对模具零件作相应的处


d) 模具烧焊好,并且加工好以后,做皮纹


3.2.13 Welding

If a major machining error occurs during

construction, the product engineer and the mold engineer must be notified immediately, A weld procedure must be agreed upon by the mold engineer before work on the mold, and the mold supplier should be responsible for this. The requirements for welding:

a) If argon welding is permitted, it must be

done with an accepted welding rod and in accordance with steel manufacturer’s specification welding procedure for that particular type of steel, It is better to use the material from the mold as the welding rod;

b) Compared with laser welding, argon

welding is suggested for grained parts. Sometimes laser welding can be chosen for only a small sand hole in the core; c) The core should be heated up before

argon welding, and drawing temper will be followed, which can make the hardness uniform;

d) A “welding map” of the mold should be

submitted to the grain supplier by the mold build source.

4 Mold review

For the big size and important injection part, mold engineer will carry out the processes as below:

4.1 3D design review

For some important parts, the 3D tool structure should be almost completed, the mold supplier should provide the following information, mold engineer will work with product engineer and QA engineer to review mold: a) 3D data;

b) Moldflow report;

c) The tool steel quality certificate and


4 模具评审


4.1 三维技术评审


a) 三维数模; b) 模流分析;

c) 模具钢材质保书和硬度检测报告;

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SMTC 9 600 001—2013(V1)

d) 模具加工计划。

hardness checking report; d) Mold timing plan.

4.2 Mold data keeping in archives After mold design completed, mold supplier should provide the detailed 3D data and DFMEA to mold engineer.

4.3 Mold plaque

Mold should be attached the standard plaque of SAIC, after using, the mold should be kept in a safe place.

5 Modification Process of mold

Due to product modification by SMTC, the mold modification should be carried out, the requirement is as below.

5.1 The product supplier should submit product modification feasibility, optimized modification suggestion, quotation and modification time to product engineer.

5.2 The modification project should be reviewed and finalized by SMTC product engineer, tooling engineer, purchasing engineer and supplier.

6 Process of mold scrapping

Before mold scrapping, supplier, product engineer, purchaser and mold engineer need to fully communicate based on principle of minimum investment. It is required to have meeting minutes and SERVICE RECEIVING REPORT. Supplier, product engineer, purchaser and mold engineer need to sign off on the form.

7 Documents

4.2 模具数据归档


4.3 模具铭牌


5 模具工程更改


5.1 产品供应商应该及时向产品工程师反馈产品更改的可行性、最优化更改建议、更改报价和更改周期。

5.2 技术中心产品工程师、模具工程师、采购工程师和供应商一起评审决定更改方案和费用。

6 模具报废


7 存档文件


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SMTC 9 600 001—2013(V1)

上汽集团产品检具数据和模具数据的所有权为上汽集团所有,并按规定提交给技术中心保存,各种评审资料需要存档到此模具正式生产合格注塑件为止。 8 模具供应商评估


SAIC mold data and fixture data are preserved

by SAIC and submitted to SMTC for reservation. All kinds of audit documents need to be reserved until formal SOP.

8 Mold suppliers evaluation

Exterior and Interior mold engineer and other engineers should be responsible for evaluating each mold supplier and establish SAIC plastic mold suppliers list, The mold engineer and other engineers are responsible to evaluate mold suppliers and update SAIC plastic mold suppliers list every two years.

9 Responsibility

9.1 The mold engineer is responsible to modify and approve this specification every year.

9.2 Product supplier and mold supplier are responsible for mold.

10 Distribution

Exterior and interior department, Quality assurance department, Purchase department, Product suppliers and Mold suppliers.

9 责任

9.1 本标准由内外饰部模具工程师负责定期对其有效性、适宜性进行评审和修改。

9.2 产品供应商和模具供应商对模具负责。

10 分发



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