Multi-Cache Profiling of Parallel Processing Programs Using Simics Nikrouz Faroughi Computer Science Department Sacramento State University Sacramento, CA 95819-6021 Abstract This paper presents a multi-cache profiler for shared memory multiprocessor systems. For each program’s static data structure, the profiler outputs the read- and write-miss frequencies that are due to cache line migrations. Those program’s static data structures, which their manipulations, result in excessive cache line migrations—potentially a source for excessive false-misses—are identified. The frequency of line migrations from cache to cache may inherently depend on the algorithm or may depend on the coding. The paper illustrates that our profiled data can be useful for analyzing algorithms and programs from cache performance points of views as well as for code optimizations to reduce cache line migrations. This profiler is created by extending Simics single-cache profiling capabilities. It combines the profiled data from the individual cache memories and the virtual memory addresses assigned to each of the static data structures of a parallel processing program. are replaced with read-for-ownerships, instead [11]. In these studies simulation tool Simics, which is a system-level instruction-set simulator and can simulate the execution of a real executable binary, were used [9]. In this paper, we describe a multi-cache profiler, based on Simics, that tracks static data structures of a parallel processing program. This coarse—data structure rather than block—level cache profiler collects cache line migration frequencies for each of the static program data structures. The non-migratory data structures are ignored. The multi-cache profiling of a Parallel Radix Sort program is used, as an example, to demonstrate the application of this profiler. Specifically, Section 2 presents a brief description of the simulation environment, multi-processor simulation configuration, program instrumentation, and cache memory profiling in Simics. Section 3 introduces our multi-cache profiler and discuses its generated outputs. Section 4 demonstrates its application to improve the Parallel Radix Sort algorithm implementation. Section 5 concludes the paper. Keywords: parallel processing, program instrumentation, multiprocessor simulation, and multi-cache memory profiling. 2. Simics Simulation Environment Simics is a full system simulator that runs on a variety of host machines and can simulate a user defined target machine with contemporary operating system such as RedHat Linux. The simulated target system operates like a real system except it runs slower; the simulation speed depends on the speed of the host machine. The target system has read-only access to all the files on the host system. One of the profiling techniques supported in Simics is the “magic” (no-op) instruction with the overhead of only few assembly instructions. When the magic instruction, instrumented in the target program, executes, Simics stops the simulation and various data on the state of the simulated system, including the cache memories, are collected and processed. In this paper we use the Simics Enterprise system configuration. The Enterprise configuration simulates x86-p4 (Pentium IV) processors running RedHat Linux 7.3. For simplicity and illustration purposes, our simulated multiprocessor system consists of two processors, each with single hyperthreading, and 256MB 1. Introduction Simulation tools have been used to study system behavior, performance analysis, and scalability. Numerous simulation environments and extensions, such as, MPI, Augmint, LIMES, Tango Lite, SimOS, MulSim, Simics, and others [1-8], have been developed for this purpose. Simulation has been used to evaluate cache memory access patterns in commercial workloads, such as those in data base applications. In such applications, for example, simulation was effective in showing the application’s performance problem areas. For example, it was shown that high data accesses that are generated by a sequential scan operation were cached only once, and changing such data accesses to un-cacheable improves performance [10]. Simulation also has been used to show cache accesses—triggered by load-store sequences or are for migratory cache lines—can be improved if read-shares shared memory. Each processor connects to the shared memory via a 16KB cache memory. The cache memories are configured as 4-way set associative with 32B line size and implement MESI cache coherency protocol with write-allocate and LRU line replacement policy. The single-cache memory profilers in Simics are also configured to operate on virtual addresses; this facilitates a simpler tracking of the cache read/write activities. 2.1 Simics Single-Cache Profiling Tool The basic source program instrumentation in Simics is called “magic” instruction and is defined as a macro, MAGIC(0) [7]. When the magic instruction executes, the simulation stops and a pre-assigned and user defined Python profiling management function is invoked. From within the profiling management function, additional Python functions are called to initialize, collect, and process the profiled data. The only acceptable value to pass to MAGIC(0), on the x86 platforms, is zero. However, another macro—for example, named MY_MAGIC(n) and calls MAGIC(0), can be included in the target program—that allows for other values of n to be stored in a register (e.g., “eax”) and accessed from within the Python management function [7]. In our study, MY_MAGIC(1) and MY_MAGIC(2) are called, respectively, before and after the desired sections in each of the parallel threads to initialize and collect and process the profiled data; this is a standard step using Simics tools. For a tutorial on multiprocessor simulation and cache profiling in Simics refer to [12]. 2.2 Multi-Cache Profiling For each individual cache memory in our virtual system, we add Simics data read- and write-miss virtual address profilers. These individual cache profilers keep track of all the cache lines and their frequencies that are associated with accessing data that result in either a read-miss or a write-miss. We achieved a multi-cache memory profiling through the following processes: 1. We use the Linux function “objdump” to generate the symbol table of a target program from its executable binary. From this table and for each static data structure in the target program, we extract the assigned virtual address and the corresponding data structure size. This information defines the data space address boundaries used in our multi-cache memory profiler. 2. We then collect the individual read-miss and write-miss profiled data for all the cache memories in the system during the execution of the parallel threads. 3. Using the information extracted in step 1, we organize the data from step 2 by the different program data structures and by each cache memory. 4. We then combine the data from step 3 to generate the multi-cache read- and write-miss data organized by each program data structure. The data from step 4 contains the frequencies of migratory cache lines for each of the program shared data structures. This frequency information is used to identify those data structures in the target program that produce high frequencies of migratory cache lines. The areas in the target program source-code that manipulate these data structures must be re-examined for potential optimizations. In the next section, we discuss the application of our multi-cache profiler to an implementation of Parallel Radix Sort algorithm. 3. Parallel Radix Sort We have selected a two-thread version of Parallel Radix Sort algorithm to illustrate the results obtained from our multi-cache profiler. Each thread will execute on a separate processor in our two-processor virtual system. Parallel Radix Sort algorithm used here is discussed in [14, 18]. Below is the set of shared data structures we have used in the implementation of the algorithm. The multi-cache profiled data are charted using these names: “buffer” – It consists of two buffers called input and output buffers each with rooms for n entries (keys). In this case, the input buffer is divided between two threads and holds the input keys for the current cycle. Both the threads concurrently read the keys from their respective sections of the input buffer and write them at different but unique locations in the output buffer. A thread can write to any location in the output buffer. The input and output buffers switch roles during each new cycle. “globalCnt” – In our implementation, keys are examined 8-bit slices at a time with one slice during each sorting cycle. During each sorting cycle and the specific 8-bit slice, each thread independently processes its keys and determines how many keys there are with the same 8-bit slice. These counts are combined into a global histogram. For 8-bit slices, globalCnt is a 256-entry histogram. “lower” – In each given thread id number k, this data structure holds the number of keys in “globalCnt” that will be processed by all the threads whose id number is less than k. For 8-bit slices, this data structure is also a 256-entry histogram. Note that, in the two-thread implementation, k has values 0 and 1. Thus, “lower” will be generated only for thread with id = 1. “table” – This is a global off-set table and is compiled from data in “globalCnt” historm. For each key in the current input buffer of each thread, “table” and “lower” identify a unique location in the output buffer where the key is stored. For 32-bit keys and 8-bit slices, Parallel Radix Sort takes four cycles to sort n keys. In this case, both the threads independently and concurrently write the keys in the output buffer; thus invalidating a common cache line in different cache memories. Additionally since each thread writes its keys in different but unique locations in the output buffer, the process will cause many false misses. During the last sorting cycle, the output buffer will contain the keys in the sorted order. We will illustrate the application of our multi-cache profiler by examining the multi-cache profiled data for the different versions of Parallel Radix Sort programs. Version I of the program (partially included here for convenience) contains no specific improvements. The barrier related functions used in the program are not shown. Other shared data structures used in the program are “bar”, “lock”, “final[0]”, and “flag[0]”. Both “flag” and “final” are defined large enough so that each would fall in a separate cache line. This is assuming that the line size (i.e., 32B) divides the size of “buffer”. This simplifies the discussions in this paper. The remaining data structures used by the program are local to each thread. These local data structures are shown as “other” in the charts and are included in case their access results in conflict-misses when the shared data spaces are accessed. For an example of how to use our multi-cache profiler to analyze the cache memory accesses for parallel processing programs, consider the profiled data presented in Figure 1. It shows the multi-cache data read-miss frequencies collected from our two-processor virtual system during the execution of Version I program with n=32 keys. The keys are 32-bit integers generated at random. Figure 1 shows only the number of read-misses that are caused by migratory cache lines. Those cache lines that cause read-misses in only one cache memory are not considered migratory and are not tracked by the multi-cache profiler. As shown in Figure 1, the access to both “lock” and “globalCnt” data structures cause the largest number of migratory read-misses. A closer examination of the program lines 26 through 31 leads to the source of this relatively large number of read-misses. In this case, both threads aggressively attempt to add their local-count histogram entries to “globalCnt” histogram. During these aggressive attempts, both of the cache memories access cache lines from “globalCnt” data structure. Each time when one of the cache memories writes to one of these cache lines it invalidates the copy of the cache line in the other cache memory. Thus, these cache lines keep migrating from one cache memory to the next and back. Depending on the type of operations performed on each of the program data structure, the migration of the cache lines could be due to true sharing and/or false sharing. In this study, our focus is to identify those program data structures that produce high migratory cache lines. Figure 2 shows which program data structures when accessed map to the same set in the cache memories. For n=32 keys, each set contains only cache lines from at most two or fewer of the specific data structures; and, as shown in Figure 3, at most two out of the four cache lines available in each set are utilized. This implies that, for n=32 keys the program data structures did not produce conflict-misses and all the data shown in Figure 1 are read-misses due to migratory cache lines. Note that, our Parallel Radix Sort algorithm is suitable for systems with small number of processors. For a system with a large number of processors, different techniques, such as the parallel prefix computation, are more efficient to generate “globalCnt” and “lower” histograms [15, 16]. 120010008006004002000f0f1f0f1f0f1f0f1f0f1f0f1f0f1f0f1f0f1ououououououououououououououououououppppppppppppppppppmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcu_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_SmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrbarbuffer_0buffer_1globalCntlocklower_0lower_1othertableFigure 1. Data structures and the number of read-misses (rm) due to migratory cache lines for executing the Version I Parallel Radix Sort program for n=32. Y-axis: Number of read-misses due to migration. 35302520151050)))))))))rt)kkkkkkkkkanknnnnnnnnnbaaaaaaaaaCnlalllllllllalbbbbbbbbb(((((((((bb(olgbuffer_0buffer_1finalflagglobalCntlocklower_0lower_1othertableFigure 2. Number of sets with cache lines from the specific data structures for n=32 keys. In this case, cache lines from at most two data structures map to the same set. Y-axis: Number of sets. 4. Radix Sort Read-Miss Improved The multi-cache performance of Parallel Radix Sort program Version I can be improved if the program lines 26 through 31 are replaced with the following lines: pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); //lock for (i=0; i<256; i++) globalCnt[i]=globalCnt[i]+counters[i]; pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); //unlock In the modified version of the program (named Version II and is not included), the fine-grained word level synchronization used in Version I is replaced with the data-structure level synchronization. In this case, each thread locks the entire “globalCnt” histogram and releases it only after the thread has added all its local-count histogram entries to “globalCnt”. Figure 4 displays the multi-cache read-miss profiled data for the improved Version II program. In Figure 4, the number of cache accesses made from “lock” and “globalCnt” data structures has reduced from the range of between 772 and 1015 read-misses in Figure 1 to the range of between 8 and 157 read-misses in Figure 4. These results are from a single simulation run. It is assumed that the simulation results from multiple simulation runs will be similar and are not subject to big variations that one would find in the commercial workloads [17]. 1201008060105402023012Figure 3. Number of cache lines utilized in each sets. At most two or fewer cache lines from the total four in each set are utilized for n=32 keys. Y-axis: Number of sets; X-axis: Number of cache lines utilized. Figure 5 shows the multi-cache write-miss profiled data for Version II program. The write-miss profiled data chart for the Version I program is similar to the one in Figure 5 and thus is not shown. Note the change in the scale in Figure 5. As the program line numbers 56 through 60 illustrate, the output buffer entries are filled in an irregular and scatter way based on the 8-bit slice used during each cycle (pass). This irregular and scatter writing pattern of the keys to the output buffer increases the chances for false-misses. In order to analyze the migratory cache lines of “buffer” data structure, “buffer” is divided into two halves labeled “buffer_0” and “buffer_1” in the charts. Both halves consist of input and output buffers. Each thread (e.g., thread 0) reads the keys from its halve of the input buffer (i.e., “Buffer_0” input) and scatters them to unique and distinct locations in one or both halves of the output buffers (“Buffer_0” and Buffer_1” outputs); thus, potentially resulting in migratory cache lines due to false-misses. The frequency of these migratory cache lines depends on the initial order of the keys; partially sorted keys will result in fewer write-miss migratory cache lines. Figure 5 shows the migratory cache lines for randomly selected keys. In this case, both halves of the output buffers are written by both of the threads (shown as wm_cpu0 and wm_cpu1) causing some write-miss migratory cache lines for “buffer” data structure. 120010008006004002000f0f1f0f1f0f1f0f1f0f1f0f1f0f1f0f1f0f1ououououououououououououououououououppppppppppppppppppmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcu_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_SmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrbarbuffer_0buffer_1globalCntlocklower_0lower_1othertableFigure 4. Data structures and the number of read-misses (rm) due to migratory cache lines for executing Version II program for Parallel Radix Sort for n=32 keys. Y-axis: Number of read-misses due to migration. 6005004003002001000010101010101010101fufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufuooooooooooooooooooppppppppppppppppppmcccccccc_m_m_m_mc_mccc_m_m_mc_mc_m_m_mc_mc_mc_m_m_mc_uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwbarbuffer_0buffer_1globalCntlocklower_0lower_1othertableFigure 5. Data structures and the number of write-misses (wm) due to migratory cache lines for executing Version II Parallel Radix Sort program for n=32 random keys. Y-axis: Number of write-misses due to migration. Figures 6 and 7 show the simulation run results for n=1024 randomly selected keys using the modified program (Version II). As expected and shown in Figure 6, the multi-cache read-miss frequencies increase for a larger size “buffer” as compared to the data in Figure 4. However, compared to the data in Figure 1, Version II program, results in far fewer read-misses for n=1024 keys than the read-misses resulted for n=32 in Version I. Such source code optimizations, without a data structure oriented multi-cache profiling, may not be obvious to the programmers at the time of coding. Additionally, as shown in Figure 7, Parallel Radix Sort algorithm produces a proportionally larger number of write-misses for “buffer” as compared to the number of read-misses in Figure 6. Depending on the type of cache coherency protocol used, this can further influence the performance. As n increases it is expected that the cache lines from various groups of program data structures would map to same set in the cache memories; thus potentially resulting in some conflict-misses. This is illustrated in Figure 8 where it shows the program data structures in groups; and when they are accessed by the cache memories, the corresponding cache lines are mapped to the same group of sets in each of the cache memories. Further extensions would be necessary for the profiler to collect and organize the multi-cache profiled data by the different cache-miss types, such as true-miss, false-miss, and conflict-miss, and by each data structure in the program. Additionally, our profiler presently tracks multi-cache memory activities of the static program data structures and not those that are dynamically allocated. Yet another valuable extension to the profiler would be to additionally organize the profiled data by the different sections in the program source code so that inefficient codes are automatically identified and possibly modified. 120010008006004002000f0f1f0f1f0f1f0f1f0f1f0f1f0f1f0f1f0f1ououououououououououououououououououmpppppppppppcmcmpcmcmcmcmpcmpcmcmcmcmpcmpcmcmcmcmppcmcu_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_u_SmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrbarbuffer_0buffer_1globalCntlocklower_0lower_1othertableFigure 6. Data Structures and the number of read-misses (rm) for executing two-thread Parallel Radix Sort program Version II with 1024 random keys. Excludes non-migratory cache lines and no-migratory data structures. Y-axis: Number of read-misses. 6005004003002001000010101010101010101ffffffoufufufououfoufufouufuffoufoufufupopopouppppooupppopopououppppopopmcccmcccmcccccu_m_mmcu_mu_m_mc_mc_m_mmcmc_m_mcmcSmuSmu_u_SmSmSmSmuSmuu_SmSmuSmuu_u_mSmu_SmSmSmuSmuu_Smu_SmSmwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwbarbuffer_0buffer_1globalCntlocklower_0lower_1othertableFigure 7. Data structures and the number of write-misses (wm) for executing the two-thread Parallel Radix Sort program Version II with 1024 keys. Excludes non-migratory cache lines and no-migratory data structures. Y-axis: Number of write-misses. 120100806040200(blank)(blank)(blank)(blank)(blank)(blank)(blank)barglobalCnt(blank)globalCntlower_0lower_1buffer_1buffer_1buffer_1buffer_1buffer_1buffer_1buffer_0buffer_0buffer_0buffer_0buffer_0buffer_0finalflaglockothertableFigure 8. Program data structures that map to the same sets in cache memories for n=1024. Y-axis: Number of sets. Y-axis: Number of sets. 5. Conclusion The paper presents a multi-cache profiling tool using Simics, a computer simulation tool. The single-cache profiling capabilities of Simics were extended to collect cache line migration frequencies and to organize them by the static data structures of the parallel processing program. The profiler identifies those data structures, which their manipulations, result in excessive cache line migrations, potentially a source for excessive false-misses. Our multi-cache profiler was used, as an example, on two different implementations of Parallel Radix Sort algorithm. The profiler shows that during the construction of the global histogram of the keys’ frequencies, word-level synchronization produces a lot more data migrations in the caches and that this might not be obvious to the programmers during coding. By changing the word-level synchronization to data-structure level synchronization, the frequencies of data migrations in the cache memories, as expected, reduce drastically. The profiler also shows those cache line migrations that are inherent in the implementation of the algorithm—for example, during each sorting cycle, when each thread in the Parallel Radix Sort program distributes its keys among several threads, it causes cache line migrations—and that these migrations do not depend on the decisions made by the programmers during coding. This kind of algorithm and program analysis is possible if the cache memory activities are monitored at the data structure level as it is done in our multi-cache profiler. 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