发明人:DRESS, Peter,DIETZE, Uwe,GRABITZ, Peter申请号:EP16762982.3申请日:20160824公开号:EP3341139B1公开日:20191218
摘要:An apparatus for applying a liquid medium irradiated with UV radiation onto asubstrate is disclosed, the apparatus comprising: a housing having an elongated chamber,at least one inlet opening, which opens into the chamber, and at least one slit shapedoutlet opening opposite the inlet opening, which extends over the length of the
chamber, a tube element, which extends in a longitudinal direction through the chamber,the tube element being at least partially transparent to UV radiation, wherein the tubeelement is arranged in the chamber such that a flow space is formed between the tubeelement and the wall of the chamber, the flow space being symmetric with respect to alongitudinal centre plane of the chamber, the longitudinal centre plane dissecting theoutlet opening in its middle, and such that the tube element extends into the slit shapedoutlet opening in the housing and thereby forms two longitudinally extending outlet slitsbetween the tube element and the housing, and at least one UV-radiation source in thetube dement, which is arranged to emit UV-radiation in the direction of the flow spaceand through the outlet opening out of the housing. The apparatus is distinguished bymeans for causing UV radiation to be emitted primarily in a first wavelength range
through a first section of the tube member into the flow space and for causing UVradiation to be emitted primarily in a second wavelength range through a second sectionof the tube member through the outlet opening of the housing and optionally into anend region of the flow space adjacent to the outlet slits. The first and second wavelengthranges differ, and wherein for at least one of the sections, a maximum of 20%, preferablya maximum of 5%, of the radiation power emitted through the respective section comesfrom the other wavelength range.
代理机构:Wimmer, Hubert