where we used again (17) to obtain the rightside of the second equation. Alsoin this case as it can be shown that the power seriesin of log coincides with that of log in the first terms.Notice that evaluated from (19) coincides with the first-order multi-plicative approximation in [10], there obtained with a different approach. Themethod in [10] is really a logarithmicperturbation (LP) method as the solutionis written asand are evaluated by analytically approximating the SSFMsolution. The calculation of becomes progressively more involved forincreasingvalues of but that method is useful because it can provide ananalytical expression for the SSFM errors due to a finite step size [10].We now follow anotherapproach. Lettingsuch thatfor every can be easily evaluated in the following manner. Thepower series expansion of in (22) iswhereEquating(10) to (23), and taking into account that we can recur-sively evaluate the as8E. Forestieri and M. SecondiniThus, from the order regular perturbationapproximation we can constructthe order logarithmicperturbation approximation. As an example we haveSo, once evaluated the from (12), we can evaluate the from (25)and then through (22), unless is zero (or very small), in whichcase we simply use (10) as in this case is also small and (10) is equallyaccurate.5.COMPUTATIONAL ISSUESThe computational complexity of (12), (13) and (19) is the same, and at firstglance it may seem that a order integral must be computed for theorder approximation. However, it is not so and the complexity only increaseslinearly withIndeed, the terms depending on can be taken out of the2integration and so all the integrals can be computed in parallel. However,only for these methods turn out to be faster than the SSFM becauseof the possibility to exploit efficient quadrature rules for the outer integral,whereas the inner ones are to be evaluated through the trapezoidal rule as, toevaluate them in parallel, we are forced to use the nodes imposed by the outerquadraturerule.Although(12), (13), (19), and (22) hold for a single fiber span, they canalso be used in the case of many spans with given dispersionmaps and per-span amplification. Indeed, one simply considers the output signal at the endof each span as the input signal to the next span [9, 10]. We would like to pointout that even if the propagation in the compensatingfiber is considered to belinear,(19) or (22) shouldstill be used for the total span length L, by simplyreplacing with the length of the transmissionfiber in the upper limit ofintegration and with L in all other places.This is apparent when performing the integrals in thefrequencydomain, but is also true in the time domainas when is the impulse response of a linear fiber of lengthsimply corresponds to a fiber of length and opposite sign of dispersion parameter).2Solving the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation96.SOME RESULTSTo illustrate the results obtainable by the RP and LP methods, we considereda link, composed of100 km spans of transmission fiber followedby a compensating fiber and per span amplification recovering all the span loss.The transmission fiber is a standard single-mode fiber withD = 17 ps/nm/km, whereas the compensating fiber hasD = –100 ps/nm/km, and a length suchthat the residual dispersion per span is zero.In Table 1 we report the minimum order of the RP and LP methods necessaryto have a normalized square deviation (NSD) less than The NSD isdefined aswhere is the solution obtained by the SSFM with a step size of100 m,is either the RP or LP approximation, and the integrals extendto the whole transmission period, which in our case is that corresponding to apseudorandom bit sequence of length 64 bits. The input signal format is NRZat 10 Gb/s, filtered by a Gaussian filter with bandwidth equal to 20 GHz.It can be seen that the LP method requires a lower order than the RP methodto achieve the same accuracy when the input peak power increases beyond6 dBm and the number of spans execeeds 4. As an example, Fig. 1 shows theoutput intensity for an isolated “1” in the pseudorandom sequence when theinput peak power is 12 dBm and the number of spans is 5, showing that, inthiscase, 3rd-order is required for the RP method, whereas only 2nd-order forthe LP method. As a matter of fact, until 12 dBm and 8 spans, the 2nd-orderLP method suffices for a However, for higher values of10E. Forestieri and M. SecondiniFigure 1. Output intensity for an isolated “1” with and 5 spans.and number of spans, i.e., when moving form left to right along a diagonal inTable 1, the two methods tend to become equivalent, in the sense that they tendto require the same order to achieve a given accuracy.This can be explained by making the analytical form(19) of the NLSE so-lution explicit. Indeed, doing so we can see that the nonlinear parameterappears at the exponent, and then at the exponent of the exponent, and then atthe exponent of the exponent of the exponent, and so on. So, the LP approxi-mation has an initial advantage over the RP one, but when orders higher than 3or 4 are needed, this initial advantage is lost and the two approximations tendto coincide.7.CONCLUSIONSWe presented two recurrence relationsthat asymptotically approach the so-lution of the NLSE. 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