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Tilt sensor and monitoring system

2022-06-20 来源:乌哈旅游

专利名称:Tilt sensor and monitoring system发明人:Jeffrey C. Heidel,Thomas R.

Hoogervorst,Lynn R. Lane,Harold L. Swartz


摘要:An angular measuring system consisting of one or more sensors that transmitangular measurements to a central control unit where numerical readout of any selectedsensor is provided. A threshold can be preset at individual sensors or the control unit foran allowable angular deviation, beyond which a warning device is actuated. The circuitrypermits locating the sensors remotely from the console and provides precision andstability of operation. Low power consumption permits extended operating periods withinternal batteries. False alarms are minimized by incorporating a hysteresis loop in thethreshold detection circuitry.


代理人:Howard P. Terry,Arnold L. Albin

