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Fastener insertion apparatus

2021-01-08 来源:乌哈旅游

专利名称:Fastener insertion apparatus发明人:Shane Peter Matthews,Stuart

Blacket,Wojciech Gostylla




摘要:Fastener insertion apparatus comprises a nose having a fastener deliverypassage and side entry port. Fasteners such as rivets are supplied to the nose via afastener supply passage and a fastener feeder assembly. A punch reciprocally disposed

for movement in the delivery passage drives a fastener disposed in the delivery passageout of the passage and into a workpiece. The feeder assembly comprises a gate that ismovable between retracted and advanced positions. In the retracted position it is clear ofthe supply passage and the delivery passage so as to permit movement of a fastenerfrom the supply passage to the delivery passage. In the advanced position it at leastpartially closes the supply passage so as to prevent movement of a fastener and itprojects into the delivery passage through the entry port so as to retain a fastener, ifpresent, in the delivery passage. Sensors are provided to detect the position of the gate.The invention permits different size rivets to be supplied to the same tool and reducesthe rivet cycle time. The apparatus can also be used in a clinching operation with orwithout a fastener.

申请人:Shane Peter Matthews,Stuart Blacket,Wojciech Gostylla

地址:Chester GB,Queensland AU,Queensland AU


