专利名称:Apparatus and Method for Measuring
Waviness of Sheet Materials
发明人:Edgar Robert Campbell,Robert Shean
Cumbee,Jeffrey Thomas Moffat
摘要:A device and a method for measuring and quantifying waviness of sheet
materials such as paper. The device in accordance with one embodiment comprises a base
having a planar, smooth, and level upper surface for supporting a stack of sheetsthereon, a plate-shaped weight for placing atop the stack of sheets, and a measuringdevice for measuring a vertical distance between a datum surface defined by the weightand a datum surface defined by the base. The measured distance is an indication of theheight of the stack. In a preferred embodiment, the device also includes a programmedprocessor operable to calculate a “Wavy Ratio” based on the measured actual height Hof the stack and a calculated “ideal” height of the stack, as Wavy Ratio=H/(n·t), where nis the number of sheets and t is the average caliper of the sheets.
申请人:Edgar Robert Campbell,Robert Shean Cumbee,Jeffrey Thomas Moffat
地址:Hartsville SC US,Hartsville SC US,Hartsville SC US