专利名称:Dynamic representation of component
configuration method and system
发明人:Joseph Francis Mann,Steven Mark
Cisler,Robert F. Lloyd,Krista Mann,ClintonDuane Britt
摘要:A technique is provided for configuring an interface device. Individual device
elements are stored on the interface device and each element includes a functionalityand a visual representation. A general purpose engine resident on the interface deviceenumerates properties of the device elements in response to a query in a design-timeenvironment. Design-time environment may be served to a general purpose computerworking as a configuration station. The general purpose engine is independent of thedevice elements enumerated. A user viewable screen is then generated for viewing in thedesign-time environment, with the potential for altering properties of the enumerateddevice elements. The viewable screen and design-time environment may be displayed in ageneral purpose viewer or browser by collecting the visual representations associatedwith the device elements.
申请人:Joseph Francis Mann,Steven Mark Cisler,Robert F. Lloyd,Krista Mann,ClintonDuane Britt
地址:Waukesha WI US,Franklin WI US,Muskego WI US,Waukesha WI US,Milwaukee WIUS