5th Dec , 2010 Dear friends
It is natural that everyone wishes to own attractive appearance , especially a flowing hair. However, many cases fail their expectation. People’s hair grow dry and yellow . Even some people have a serious phenomenon of hair loss. The doctors diagnose these phenomena as lack of nutrition for the hair, or the hair damaged. Is there any miracle that will help solve the problem? This question is often brought up by the anxious people.
Ladies focus on the beaty of hair, and they often damage their hair
inadvertently by dyeing or perming. Chemists have spent time and efforts in research and experiment in order to find a solution to meet the requirement of hair care.After years of hard work , they have discovered that natural collagen and vitamin D are good for repairing the damaged hair and maintenancing of hair.
Now a new kind of nutritional brilliantine has been produced. A small blue capsule riched in vitamin D and natural collagen will attract your attention. Each capsule contains100mg of collagen,35 units of vitamin D and powdered polygonum,etc. It’s convenient to use : open one capsule
and push all to the soaked hair, and then try to apply evenly, finally rinse your hair clean.
The brilliantine with vitaminD and natural collagen sell fast on the market, and comments from users prove that they are really of great value.
A superstar told her fans that she regains confidence in her beautiful hair. If your partner also have the same problem, do make a point to buy one for her. Just a few minutes, the old made new ones issued. We will send you a free sample to use as a test. Please give me a call as soon as possible if you think any of our products can meet your needs. And if you feel as we do that this is a faif and advantageous proposition, please simply write down in a email and send it to our mailbox. We look forward to doing business with you. Sincerely …
08社保一班 张晓丹 学号 080150956
要想业务成功首先要有客户愿意听你的推销,客户不愿意见你,你连推销的机会都没有,即使你能力再强产品再好野无补于事。顺利地约见到客户那得需要怎样的表达才能打动客户呢?分享一些约见客户的电子邮件写作。 请求约见 Requesting an Appoinment
常见会(来自:WWw.cssyq.Com 书业网:给客户推销产品信函)用到的句式: I am planning a trip to New York next month.我计划下个月到纽约。
I will be in Beijing for business during the week of May 16th.我5月16号那周到北京出差。 If it is convenient, I would like to arrange a time to meet.方便的话,我想跟您约时间见个面。
I would like to meet to discuss our new product line.我想跟您当面讨论我们的 新产品。
If possible, I would like to visit you during my trip.有可能的话我想在旅行期 间拜访您。 Please let me know your schedule.请告诉我您的时间安排。 Could we schedule a time to meet soon?我们可不可以安排在最近见面? look forward to seeing you soon.我期待尽快见到你。
look forward to hearing from you soon.我期待着尽早收到你的消息。 信例1,
Dear Ms. Miller,
I am planning a trip to Chicago from July 17th to 28th. Would it be possible to arrange a meeting to visit your office during that time? I would like to meet to discuss our plans for merger. Please let me know your schedule. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
/retype/zoom/c08ad6cdf90f76c661371a98?pn=2&x=0&y=0&raww=478&rawh=23&o=jpg_6_0_______&type=pic&aimh=23&md5sum=7bceb97b11ce96372f1eec2bf546b54e&sign=8725c35328&zoom=&png=11422-&jpg=1198-\" target=\"_blank\">点此查看
Best regards, Martin Harris
很高兴听说您将在下月到访广州。我计划于3月6日至12日间出国,在此期间无法与您会面。如果可行,我们能否安排到3月14日见面,请告知我这个安排对您是否适用。 销售信笔记
一 。销售信的核心思想就是 :量身定制 1。让客户看信就像跟朋友聊天一样
3。写销售信可以从如下几点入手:从消费者入手(喜欢+讨厌)—》从产品入手(好处和利益要和需求结合起来)---》从竞争者入手---》从问题入手 二。文案写作六大定律 1。将顾客想要的结果写出来:
Eg: 亲爱的朋友你真的想赚钱吗?想变瘦吗? 结果要不加任何修饰的说出来 2。在句子后面加上问候: Eg: 写信最好以疑问开头。 畅销书多以问句为书名 问句可以吸引读者继续读下去
3。将文字组合起来,个别词语重复讲述,可以产生很强大的力量 Eg;如何利用互联网。。。。让你不花一分钱就能挣钱,快速的挣钱。 挣钱的组合,力量非常大 4。把话说的很肯定:肯定让人难以抗拒,在句子后面加上 Eg; 使用我们的产品,你可以一天瘦十斤,一定可以 5。仿佛自言自语:自言自语会显得更加亲切
Eg: 你在阅读这封信嘛?当你阅读上面的文字段落时你的思维是否想留,是否很快想把这封信看完,那么你走神了
三。如何写出让人没有办法抗拒的标题 1。标题写作三大定律:
一定要在标题中加入产品信息:比如做减肥就要加上 减肥字样 一个吸引人的标题必须承诺能给顾客带来的利益与好处 比如:三分钟给你做一个网站 顾客不是想买电脑,而是买电脑之后的方便,一定要好处和利益 在你的标题当中注入让你震撼的词汇 2。被证明非常有效的标题: 1。直接说出好处,不拐弯抹角 Eg;免费电子书,买一送一,最后5天 2。一个问句式的标题
Eg; 你真的向友好方老师帮你吗? 你真的想看完这封信吗? 3命令式的标题
Eg; 这是你最后的机会,请马上。。。立刻采取行动 4。以为什么为标题
Eg; 为什么你还在为别人打工,为什么他能年轻就退休 5。如何为标题
如何在21天打造互联网赚钱机器,如何增加更多收入 6。还想要为标题
还要谁想要变得越来越富裕,想得到方老师的帮助 7。以故事为标题
一个25岁就成为亿万富翁的财富故事 8。以数字讲故事为标题 这个事最好的标题:数字+故事
9。解密,发现,警告,揭秘。。。。。。不为人知的。。。秘密 标题 怎么样些好标题
按照 三大定律写标题 直接模仿写好的标题,写标题 经常研究好的标题和好的书名 四。没办法抗拒购买的四大步骤
1。吸引注意: 通过标题和第一段吸引客户 2。建立信赖感,这是最重要的,两个方法: 网站人性化,最好有自己的故事,放上自己的照片 送点小礼物,有价值的赠品 3。说服采取行动
记住 害怕痛苦比 得到快乐 更容易让人采取行动 隐含的说 不购买我们的产品,你就会死掉
做暗喻的最好方式就是讲故事,讲一个顾客如果不马上购买就可 能 。。。的故事,故事一定要震撼人心 4。降低风险,最好的方式就是:全额退款保障
五。写信之前自我七大问: 这点非常重要 这七大问要结合后面的 行动思维导图 1。我是谁?
写信之前,跟朋友介绍我是谁 介绍下我自己 比如在这个行业里的专家地位
2。我为什么要写这封信: 写这封信的目的是什么,告诉顾客你要带给他们的好处和利益,这样顾客才会向下看
3。你要向我介绍什么样的产品 贴别介绍 产品的 独特卖点
4。怎么证明你的产品可以真正帮助到我, 顾客见证,每一个顾客见证就是一个故事 5。我为什么必须现在马上采取行动
6。我可以通过什么方式购买到产品:邮寄 支付宝 。。。流程一定要简单