perfect competition:完全竞争 Representative carriers代表性的运初级产品:the primary commodities o a firm in another country. They choo比较利益论:the theory of comparatse licensing because they do not hav output per many-year of labor:人均载工具Destination port:目的港
e to make cash payments to stat busin年产量 Cost advantage:成本优势 Transportation and freight transporive advantage 股东:shareholder ess, and can simply receive income itation运输和货物运输: 互利贸易:the mutual beneficial traProduction capability:生产能力
n the form of royalty.Franchising特许Consumption preference:消费偏好 Consignee收货人Voidable无效的 de 付款方式:mode of payment 经营: a firm called the franchisee, is al资源储备:the reserves of natural re Large-scale production:大规模生产 Margin保证金Client客户,主顾
lowed to operate in the name of anot风险Literature文献,sources发盘:to make an offer Tariff barrier:关税壁垒 InternationaJeopardy危险,her, called the franchiser who provide说明书Underwriter保险公司 技术创新:technology innovation s the former with trademarks, brand nl chamber of commerce:国际商会
Incoterms:国际贸易术语解释通则 Values exposed to loss损失的价值 贸易方式:patterns of trade ames, logos, and operating technique 自动出口限制:voluntary export ress for royalty.Franchiser特许方: A firBinding obligation:有约束力的义务 Release of funds腾出资金
Terms of sale价格条件、买卖条款 traint 有效期:the validity period International trunk call:国际长途 m who provides the franchisee with tr名胜古迹:places of historical interademarks, brand names, logos and op Cross-border contract:进出口合同 All Risks全险、一切险、综合险
est修改信用证:amendment to the erating techniques for royalty. Clearing system:清算系统;清算制度 Forwarding charges转运费
Adversely affected受到负面影响 letter of credit 报价:quotation Leverage: 杠杆作用Auction拍卖 Franchisee被特许方: A firm is allowe集装箱运输:container transport Trade credit account: 贸易信贷往来Reserve currency储备货币 d to operate in the name of another. NT: National treatment国民待遇 账户 Hyperinflation极度通货膨胀 Clean float清洁浮动、自由浮动 Management contract管理合同: UnDirty float肮脏浮动、管理浮动 GATT关税与贸易总协定: General Ader a management contract, one comCentrally planned economy:中央计
pany offers managerial or other speciIdle funds游资、热钱、闲置资金 greement on Tariffs and Trade 划经济 Net positions实际寸头
alized services to another within a parUNCTAD联合国贸易与发展会议: UCounter trade对销贸易、反向贸易 Par value平价(货币的票面价格) Cross-border contract进出口合同 Foreign exchange control外汇管制 nited Nations Conference on Tradeticular period for a flat payment or a pFixed exchange rate / Flexible exc and Development EPU欧洲支ercentage of the relevant business volProtectionism贸易保护注意
付联盟: European Payment Union ume.Turnkey project“交钥匙”工Clearing system清算系统(制度) hange rate固定汇率/浮动汇率
Financial resources资金Private sectITO国际贸易组织: International Tra程: a firm signs a contract with a foreiCompensation trade补偿贸易
Trade credit accounts贸易信贷往or私营经济Equity investment股权de OrganizationUNGA联合国大会: gn purchaser and undertakes all the d投资Grace period优惠期、宽限期 United Nations general Assembly esigning , contracting and facility equi来账户Consignment寄售
Capital infrastructure基础建设资金 D/P付款交单: Documents against pping before handing it over to the latProcessing trade加工贸易
ter upon completion .International inCentrally planned economies中央Economic restructuring经济结构调paymentD/A承兑交单: Documents against acceptance D/P at sight vestment国际投资: Supplying capita整Investment returns投资收益 计划经济国家Trade fair:交易会
即期付款交单D/P after sight 远期l by residents of one country to anothcompetitive devaluation竞争性贬Voting power投票权Borrowing
er.International business国际商务: Tpower借款权Gold tranche黄金份付款交单MNE跨国企业: Multinatio值Leasing trade租赁贸易
nal enterprise JIT即时库存管理: Jusransaction between parties from diffe额Gold reserve黄金储备 Securities market有价证券市场 rent countries. Sometimes business acStandby arrangement备用(信贷)t In Time F. P.A.平安险: Free fromross the borders of different customStock Exchange证券交易所
Foreign exchange market外汇市场 安排Customer mobility客户流动 particular averageW.P.A. (Or W.A.) s areas of the same country is also regTrade credit accounts贸易信贷往Tax holiday免税期Joint venture合水渍险: With particular average arded as import and export. SDRs 特别提款权: Special drawing 资企业Jobber股票买卖经纪人 来账户Poliy objective政策目标 Income distribution收入分布: The prForeign exchange shortages外汇短The strategic alliance(合资企业)Right BOP国际收支: Balance of Paoportions of its rich, middle income aymentBOP deficit / favorable BOP 缺Financial standing财务状况= fin战略联合Discount rate贴现率 nd poor people.Free trade area自由 Securities有价证券Pro rata按比例 国际收支赤字/国际收支盈余(顺差)ancial status = financial strength 贸易区: The members remove barrierIBRD国际复兴开发银行: InternationStock exchange证券(股票)交易所 Credit worthiness资信可靠状况 s to trade among themselves while stilSecondary capital market二级资本al Bank for Reconstruction and Devl adopts each own external policy Periodic payments分阶段付款
elopment IDA国际发展协会: Inte市场Great Depression大萧条 Reimburse偿付Unit price单价 Customs union关税同盟: The membrnational Development Association Primary capital raising初级/原始资ers remove barriers to trade among thPartial shipment分批装运
IFC国际金融公司: International Finemselves and adopt the same externaThe uniform customs and practice本市场Long-term capital长期资本
ance Corporation MIGA多边投资l policy Common market共同市场: T of documentary credits跟单信用Market floor=trading floor交易大担保机构: Multilateral Investment he members remove barriers not onl证统一惯例Open account记账交易 厅Market maker进行不可撤消的购Guarantee Agency BIS国际清算y to trade but also to factors of producThe carrying vessel载货船只 买和销售的公司
银行: The Bank for International Stion and adopt the same external poliNon-trade settlement非贸易结算 Listed market挂牌证券交易市场
ettlement VER自动出口限制: Voluncy.Parent MNC headquarter跨国公Leading/Prime/First rate 主要银行 Gilt-edged stocks / securities金边tary Export Restriction GSP普惠制司母公司,总部is the original investiA particular transaction一笔特定的债券Cost-effective有成本效益的,Generalized System of Preferences: ng multinational corporation . It is als交易Capital turnover资金周转 划算的Public Sector Borrowing Re
VAT增值税: Value added tax Instio the international headquarters of thDocuments单据Consignee收货人 quirement公共部门借贷需求
tutional Investors金融机构投资者 e MNE .MNC跨国公司=TNC: MultinaDocumentation单据的制作或使用 Listed company / corporation上市ISE国际证券交易所: International Stional corporation, are made up of vasCommission佣金Consignor托运人 公司= the list company
tock Exchange SEAQ证券交易自t numbers of foreign subsidiaries, comBill of lading提(货)单 The gilt-edged market金边债券市动报价系统: Stock Exchange Autopanies in which over 50 percent is owNotify party到货通知人、被通知人 场The traded options market期权mated Quotations System RIE指定ned by the parent company.Home coAirway bill空运(提)单 交易市场Money market货币市场
投资交易所: Recognized Investmentunty母国: The country where the heaInsurance policy保险单(大保单) The foreign equities market外国股 Exchange OECD经济合作与发展dquarter of the investor is located. HoInsurance certificate保险单(小保单) 票市场Discount market贴现市场
组织:the Organization for Economist country东道国: The host country iCargo receipt铁路运单、货运收据 ecurities market证券市场
c Cooperation and Development Es a foreign country where the investoCommercial invoice商业发票: Foreign exchange market外汇市场
DI:电子数据交换Electronic Data Intr operates.Absolute advantage绝对Customs/Consular invoice海关/领Escape clauses免责条款、例外条款 erchange CIF 保险费货价:Cost Ins利益: It holds that a commodity will b事发票Railway bill收货单(铁路) Non-discrimination principle (princiurance and Freight UNGA: 联合国e produced in the country where it cople of non-discrimination treatmenShipping advice装船通知
大会United Nations General Assemsts least in terms of resources (capitat)无差别待遇New international ecCertificate of quality品质证书
bly CPT 运费付至:Carriage Paid to l, land and labor)Comparative advantonomic order国际经济新秩序 Certificate of weight重量证书
Visible trade有形贸易: The form of cage比较利益: Even if a country is lesDifferential treatment差别待遇 Certificate of quantity数量证书
ommodity trade, i.e. exporting and ims efficient than another in the productPreferential customs tariffs特惠税 Certificate of health健康证书 porting goods produced or manufactuion of both commodities, there is stilCertificate of disinfection消毒证书 Transfer of technology技术转让 red in one country for consumption ol a basis for mutually beneficial trade. Non-discriminate principle非歧视原Certificate of origin产地证书 r resale in another. )Invisible trade无International trade国际贸易: The ex则Tariff concession关税减让 Veterinary certificate兽医证书 形贸易: The form of transportation, cchange of goods and services producePort of shipment发货港、装运港、Contracting party缔约国、缔约方 ommunication, banking, insurance, cod in one country with those produceTariff quota关税限额制、关税配额 nsulting, information etc. is called invid in another sufficient.Primary comm起运港Packing list装箱单
odities:those commodities not procCounter-veiling measures反补贴措sible trade or service industries. Finished products制成品
essed,or only slightly processed,usually farm produce or raw materials. Specialization专业化: To restrict one’s economic activities to certain particular fields. Import duties进口关税: Tariffs levied on goods entering an area Export duties出口关税: Taxes levied on goods leaving an area Tariff关税: A tax levied on a commodity when it crosses the boundary of a custom area. Quota配额: A quota limits the imports or exports of a commodity during a given period of time. It is the most common form of non-tariff barriers. Drawback退税: Duties paid on imported goods that are refunded if the goods are reexported.Most-favored-nation (MFN) treatment最惠国待遇: A tariff treatment under which a country is required to extend to all signatories any tariff concessions granted to any participating countryIncoterms国际贸易术语解释通则: It is a set of international rules for the interpretation of the most commonly used trade terms in foreign trade. Trade terms贸易条件 are terms used in international trade to describe the general information about the trade, such as the unit price port of shipment, port of destination and the kind of currency.Protectionism贸易保护主义is a trade barrier to international trade for the purpose of protecting a nation’s own domestic market and industries. It includes tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers.Quotation报盘: Estimate of how much something will cost Counter offer还盘: New offer made by the original offeree to the original offerer A first enquiry首次询价: An enquiry sent to an exporter whom the importer has never dealt with A contract一个合同: An agreement which sets forth binding obligations of the relevant parties firm offer实盘: Statement that you are willing to pay a certain amount of money to by something. Hyperinflation极度通货膨胀is a kind of inflation in which the market prices are soaring quickly. The devaluation rate of the currency is astronomical. The normal economic activities are out of the order, and finally lead to the collapse of the whole monetary system inflation :Rise in prices brought about by the excess demand, expansion of money supply, credit etc Devaluation Counter purchase反向购买、互购贸易: The assumption by an exporter of a transferable obligation through separate but linked contract to accept as full or partial payment goods and services from the importer or importing country. Buyback回购贸易: An agreement by an exporter of plant and equipment to take back in the future part of the output produced by these goods as full or partial payment.Draft汇票: Bill of exchange. It is an unconditional order to a bank or a customer to pay a sum of money to someone on demand or at a fixed time in the future. Drawer出票人:The person who draws the draft (usually the exporter) Drawee受票人: The person to whom the draft is drawn. Payee收款人、领款人: The person receiving the payment. Sight draft即期汇票: The draft calls for immediate payment on presentation to the drawee. Usance draft远期汇票=Term draft 1
= Tenor draft: The draft is payableInsured被保险人,保户: The perso at a later date on presentation ton who transfer risk. Insurer承保人: the drawee. Clean draft光票: The person or a company who as The draft without documents sume risk (the insurance company,Documentary draft跟单汇票: The the underwriter).Cargo insurancedraft is accompanied by the releva货物保险: It is an activity aimed ant documents. Documentary collectt moving the burden of risk from ion跟单托收: It is means of ensurithe shoulders of the exports and ing that the goods are only handedmporters, and placing it upon the over to the buyer when the amoshoulders of specialist risk-bearing unt shown on a bill of exchange isunderwriters. Marine insurance paid or when the customer accep海上保险: The insurance of ships ats the bill as a contract to pay bynd their cargoes.Insurance保险: a specified date. Remittance 汇付:It is a social device in which a gro This method is always employed up of individuals transfer risk and by the parties who are familiar witprovides for payment of losses froh and trust each other Openingm funds contributed by all membe bank (Issuing bank, Establishing brs who transferred risk. ank)开证行: The bank that issues tIndemnity赔偿原则: It holds that he credit Beneficiary受益人:Thea contract of insurance is one, whiexporter in whose favor the creditch restores a person who suffered is opened Correspondent band a loss into the same position as 往来行、关系行:The bank in the ehe was before the loss occurred. xporter’s country, which the openinInsurable interest可保利益: It holdg bank sends the credit to it s that no one may insure anythingAdvising bank通知行: The bank in unless he has and interest in it. the exporter’s country,which advis(Which means that if the thing inses the exporter the L/C,is received. ured is preserved he will derive a Confirming bank保兑行: The bankbenefit form its preservation, but ifadds its confirmation to the credit. it is any way damaged or lost thThe letter of Credit (L/C、L/C)信用e assured will be adversely affect.) 证:The credit is a letter issued by Principle of utmost good faith最a bank at the request of the impo大诚信原则:The people who decirter in which the bank promises tode what premium is fair for a part pay upon presentation of the releicular cover do so on the basis of vant documents.Paying bank付款行:written statements made in a prop The bank accepts or negotiates thosal form. Contribution分摊原则:e bill of exchange.Negotiating bank It holds that a person cannot be 议付行: The bank buys the exportallowed to insure twice for the saer’s draft submitted to it under a me risk, and claim compensation frcredit Clean credit光票信用证: Tom both insurers. If two policies dhe credits only require clean draft. o cover the same event, the insurRevocable credit可撤消信用证: Thance companies contribute pro ratae credits can be altered or even c to the loss, and the insured is onanceled without consulting with thly restored to the indemnity positie beneficiary. Irrevocable crediton.Proximate cause of the loss近不可撤消信用证: The credits can n因原则: It means that when an inot be amended or revoked withousurance policy is made out to covet the consent of all the parties cor a certain risk, a claim becomes pncerned. Confirmed credit保兑信ayable only if that risk occurred as用证: The credit is confirmed by a the proximate (closest) cause of t bank other than the issuing bank he loss suffered. Sight credit即期信用证: The creditForce majeure不可抗力: Social or by which payment can be made natural calamities that take place bupon presentation of the draft andeyond the control of a contraction impeccable documents by the ben party.Exchange rate汇率、兑换率: eficiary to the bank.Usance credit It refers to the price at which one(Term credit,远期信用证:The credit currency can be exchange for ano by which payment cannot be mather currency .Direct quote / qude until a specific date or a specifiotation(汇率)直接标价: A direct c time after the date of after rate is the price of a forTransferable credit可转让信用证: eign currency in terms of the homThe credit can be transferred by te currency. Indirect quote / quothe original beneficiary to one or ation(汇率)间接标价: An indirectmore parties. Non-draft credit无汇 exchange rate is the price of hom票信用证: The credit that paymente currency in terms of a foreign c of to be made by presentation ofurrency.Buying rate买入价: It refer the documents without the formas to the rate by which a commercility of drawing and presenting a dral bank buys a currency. aft.Revolving credit循环信用证: ThSelling rate卖出价: It is the rate be credit stipulated that its amounty which a bank sells a currency. can be renewed or reinstated witMedial rate中间价 It is the averaghout specific amendment to the cre of the buying rate and the sellinedit being made.The documentary g rate.Greenfield strategy绿地战略:credit跟单信用证: The credits that The firm builds new facilities on l require shipping documents to beand bought or leased in a foreign presented together with the draft. country before starting its new opeStraight bill of lading记名提单: It iration.Acquisition并购: Purchasing s made out so that only the nameexisting facilities.Most-favored natiod consignee is entitled to take delin treatment最惠国: A treatment uvery of the goods under the bill. nder which a country is required tCommon carrier公共承运人: It is o extend to all signatories any tarifprivately or publicly owned compaf concessions granted to any particnies committed to performing a mipating country.Shipping marks唛头:ovement service of the same qualiwhat is printed on the outer packing oty for all shippers on an equal basf goods as symbol for identification iis and without discrimination. n the course of transportation. 2