

2024-08-04 来源:乌哈旅游

一、 设计题目:

基于VHDL语言的电子秒表设计(可调时,有闹钟、定时功能) 二、 设计目的:


⑵学习用原理图+VHDL语言设计逻辑电路 ⑶学习数字电路模块层次设计

⑷掌握QuartusII软件及Modelsim软件的使用方法 三、 设计内容: (一)设计要求

1、 具有以二十四小时计时、显示、整点报时、时间设置和闹钟的功能。

2、 设计精度要求为1S。


1 . 系统输入:系统状态及校时、定时转换的控制信号为k、set、ds;






2. 计时:set=1,ds=1工作状态下,每日按24h计时制计时并显示,蜂鸣器无声,逢整点报时。

3. 校时:在set=0,ds=0状态下,按下“k键”,进入“小时”校准状态,之后按下“k键”则进入“分”校准状态,继续按下“k键”则进入“秒校准”状态,之后如此循环。




4. 整点报时:蜂鸣器在“59”分钟的第50—59,以1秒为间隔分别发出1000Hz,500Hz的声音。

5. 显示:采用扫描显示方式驱动8个LED数码管显示小时、分、秒。


6. 闹钟定时设置:在set=0,ds=1状态下,按下“k”,进入闹钟的“时”设置状态,之后按下“k键”进入闹钟的“分”设置状态,继续按下“k 键”则进入“秒”设置状态, 之后如此循环。

1) 闹钟“小时”设置状态:在闹钟“小时”设置状态下,显示“小时”的数码管以1Hz的频率递增计数。

2) 闹钟:“分”设置状态:在闹钟“分”设置状态下,显示“分”的数码管以1Hz的频率递增计数。


7. 定时器功能:在set=1,ds=0状态下,按下“k”,进入定时器的“时”设置状态,之后按下“k键”进入定时器的“分”设置状态,继续按下“k 键”则进入“秒”设置状态, 之后如此循环。在dsk=1时,定时器以1s为单位开始倒时,当dsk=0,停止倒时,在最后的十秒时间,蜂鸣器发出声音。



1.1000Hz分频模块 产生1000Hz频率 2.1Hz模块 产生1Hz频率


通过装换不同的状态,分别实现计时,定时,闹钟,校时功能;源程序如下 4.顶层显示模块


显示数码管,源代码如下: (四).Modelsim综合仿真图








library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; entity frediv_1000 is port (

clk : in std_logic; clkout : out std_logic );

end frediv_1000;

architecture rt3 of frediv_1000 is begin


variable count:integer range 0 to 50000; begin

if clk'event and clk = '1' then


if count = 49999 then count := 0; else

count := count + 1; if count <= 24999 then clkout <= '1'; else

clkout <= '0'; end if; end if; end if; end process; end rt3; 2. 1HZ模块 library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; entity frediv is port



clk : in std_logic; clkout : out std_logic );

end frediv;

architecture rt1 of frediv is begin


variable count:integer range 0 to 50000000; begin

if clk'event and clk = '1' then if count = 49999999 then count := 0; else

count := count + 1; if count <= 24999999 then clkout <= '1'; else

clkout <= '0'; end if;


end if; end if; end process; end rt1;

3.计时,定时,闹钟,校时模块 library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; entity adjust is port (

rst,clk,k,set,alarm,ds,dsk change_1,change_2 fmo

: in std_logic; : in std_logic; : out std_logic;

: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)

sec,min,hour );

end adjust;

architecture rt1 of adjust is

signal clk_1Hz,clk_1000Hz,clk_500Hz



signal sec_r,min_r,hour_r :std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); :std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); :std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); :std_logic;

signal sec_ra,min_ra,hour_ra signal sec_rd,min_rd,hour_rd signal fm_1

signal cht,cmt,cst,cha,cma,csa,chd,cmd,csd :std_logic; signal sel_show

:std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);

type state_type is(s0,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10,s11); signal state:state_type; component frediv port (

clk : in std_logic; clkout : out std_logic );

end component; component frediv_1000 port (

clk : in std_logic; clkout : out std_logic



end component; begin

U1:frediv port map(clk,clk_1Hz);

U3:frediv_1000 port map(clk,clk_1000Hz); -------500Hz

process(clk_1000Hz,rst) begin

if (rising_edge(clk_1000Hz)) then if(rst = '0') then clk_500Hz <='0'; else

clk_500Hz <=not clk_500Hz; end if; end if; end process; process(clk) begin

if sel_show(1 downto 0) = \"11\" then sec <= sec_r;



min <= min_r; hour <= hour_r;

else if sel_show(1 downto 0) = \"01\" then--naozhong sec <= sec_ra; min <= min_ra; hour <= hour_ra;

else if sel_show(1 downto 0) = \"10\" then--dingshi sec <= sec_rd; min <= min_rd; hour <= hour_rd;

else if sel_show(1 downto 0) = \"00\" then--shizhong sec <= sec_r; min <= min_r; hour <= hour_r; end if; end if; end if; end if; end process; process(clk_1Hz)



if(rising_edge(clk_1Hz))then if(rst='0')then state<=s0;

sel_show(1 downto 0)<=\"11\"; cht<='0';cmt<='0';cst<='0'; cha<='0';cma<='0';csa<='0'; chd<='0';cmd<='0';csd<='0'; else if (set = '1'and ds='1')then sel_show(1 downto 0)<=\"11\";

if(state=s4 or state=s5 or state=s6 or state=s7 or state=s8 or state=s9 or state=s10 or state=s11)then


else if( state=s0)then if(k='0')then state<=s1; else state<=s0; end if;

else if(state=s1)then cht<='1';cmt<='0';cst<='0'; cha<='0';cma<='0';csa<='0';


chd<='0';cmd<='0';csd<='0'; if(k='0')then state<=s2; else state<=s1; end if;

else if(state=s2)then cht<='0';cmt<='1';cst<='0'; cha<='0';cma<='0';csa<='0'; chd<='0';cmd<='0';csd<='0'; if(k='0')then state<=s3; else state<=s2; end if;

else if( state=s3 )then cht<='0';cmt<='0';cst<='1'; cha<='0';cma<='0';csa<='0'; chd<='0';cmd<='0';csd<='0'; if(k='0')then state<=s0; else state<=s3;


end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if;

else if(set='0'and ds='1')then sel_show(1 downto 0)<=\"01\"; cht<='0';cmt<='0';cst<='0'; cha<='0';cma<='0';csa<='0'; chd<='0';cmd<='0';csd<='0';

if(state=s0 or state=s1 or state=s2 or state=s3 or state=s8 or state=s9 or state=s10 or state=s11)then


else if( state=s4)then if(k='0')then state<=s5; else state<=s4; end if;

else if( state=s5)then


cht<='0';cmt<='0';cst<='0'; cha<='1';cma<='0';csa<='0'; chd<='0';cmd<='0';csd<='0'; if(k='0')then state<=s6; else state<=s5; end if;

else if(state=s6 )then cht<='0';cmt<='0';cst<='0'; cha<='0';cma<='1';csa<='0'; chd<='0';cmd<='0';csd<='0'; if(k='0')then state<=s7; else state<=s6; end if;

else if(state=s7)then cht<='0';cmt<='0';cst<='0'; cha<='0';cma<='0';csa<='1';


chd<='0';cmd<='0';csd<='0'; if(k='0')then state<=s4; else state<=s7; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if;

else if(set='1'and ds='0')then sel_show(1 downto 0)<=\"10\"; cht<='0';cmt<='0';cst<='0'; cha<='0';cma<='0';csa<='0'; chd<='0';cmd<='0';csd<='0';

if(state=s0 or state=s1 or state=s2 or state=s3 or state=s4 or state=s5 or state=s6 or state=s7)then


else if( state=s8)then if(k='0')then


state<=s9; else state<=s8; end if;

else if( state=s9)then cht<='0';cmt<='0';cst<='0'; cha<='0';cma<='0';csa<='0'; chd<='1';cmd<='0';csd<='0'; if(k='0')then state<=s10; else state<=s9; end if;

else if(state=s10 )then cht<='0';cmt<='0';cst<='0'; cha<='0';cma<='0';csa<='0'; chd<='0';cmd<='1';csd<='0'; if(k='0')then state<=s11; else


state<=s10; end if;

else if(state=s11)then cht<='0';cmt<='0';cst<='0'; cha<='0';cma<='0';csa<='0'; chd<='0';cmd<='0';csd<='1'; if(k='0')then state<=s8; else state<=s11; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; else

sel_show(1 downto 0) <= \"00\"; cht<='0';cmt<='0';cst<='0'; cha<='0';cma<='0';csa<='0';


chd<='0';cmd<='0';csd<='0'; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end process; process(clk_1Hz) begin

if clk_1Hz'event and clk_1Hz = '1' then if rst = '0' then sec_r <= \"00000000\"; min_r <= \"00000000\"; hour_r <= \"00000000\";

else if (change_1 = '0' and cmt = '1') then if min_r(3 downto 0) >= 9 then min_r(3 downto 0) <= \"0000\"; if min_r(7 downto 4) >= 5 then min_r(7 downto 4) <= \"0000\"; else


min_r(7 downto 4) <= min_r(7 downto 4) + \"1\"; end if; else

min_r(3 downto 0) <= min_r(3 downto 0) + \"1\"; end if;

else if (change_2 = '0' and cmt = '1') then if min_r(3 downto 0) <= 0 then min_r(3 downto 0) <= \"1001\"; if min_r(7 downto 4) <= 0 then min_r(7 downto 4) <= \"0101\"; else

min_r(7 downto 4) <= min_r(7 downto 4) - \"1\"; end if; else

min_r(3 downto 0) <= min_r(3 downto 0) - \"1\"; end if;

else if (change_1 = '0' and cht = '1') then

if (hour_r(7 downto 4) = 2 and hour_r(3 downto 0) = 3 hour_r <= \"00000000\"; else


) then

if(hour_r(3 downto 0) >= 9)then hour_r(3 downto 0) <= \"0000\";

hour_r(7 downto 4) <= hour_r(7 downto 4) + \"1\"; else

hour_r(3 downto 0) <= hour_r(3 downto 0) + \"1\"; end if; end if;

else if (change_2 = '0' and cht = '1') then

if (hour_r(7 downto 4) = 0 and hour_r(3 downto 0) = 0 ) then hour_r <= \"00100011\"; else

if(hour_r(3 downto 0) <= 0 and hour_r(7 downto 4) < 2)then hour_r(3 downto 0) <= \"1001\";

hour_r(7 downto 4) <= hour_r(7 downto 4) - \"1\"; else

hour_r(3 downto 0) <= hour_r(3 downto 0) - \"1\"; end if; end if;

else if (change_1 = '0' and cst = '1') then if sec_r(3 downto 0) >= 9 then


sec_r(3 downto 0) <= \"0000\"; if sec_r(7 downto 4) >= 5 then sec_r(7 downto 4) <= \"0000\"; else

sec_r(7 downto 4) <= sec_r(7 downto 4) + \"1\"; end if; else

sec_r(3 downto 0) <= sec_r(3 downto 0) + \"1\"; end if;

else if (change_2 = '0' and cst = '1') then if sec_r(3 downto 0) <= 0 then sec_r(3 downto 0) <= \"1001\"; if sec_r(7 downto 4) <= 0 then sec_r(7 downto 4) <= \"0101\"; else

sec_r(7 downto 4) <= sec_r(7 downto 4) - \"1\"; end if; else

sec_r(3 downto 0) <= sec_r(3 downto 0) - \"1\"; end if;



if sec_r(3 downto 0) >= 9 then sec_r(3 downto 0) <= \"0000\"; if sec_r(7 downto 4) >= 5 then sec_r(7 downto 4) <= \"0000\"; if min_r(3 downto 0) >= 9 then min_r(3 downto 0) <= \"0000\"; if min_r(7 downto 4) >= 5 then min_r(7 downto 4) <= \"0000\"; if hour_r(7 downto 4) = 2 then if hour_r(3 downto 0) = 3 then hour_r <= \"00000000\"; else

hour_r(3 downto 0) <= hour_r(3 downto 0) + \"1\"; end if; else

if(hour_r(3 downto 0) >= 9)then hour_r(3 downto 0) <= \"0000\";

hour_r(7 downto 4) <= hour_r(7 downto 4) + \"1\"; else


hour_r(3 downto 0) <= hour_r(3 downto 0) + \"1\"; end if; end if; else

min_r(7 downto 4) <= min_r(7 downto 4) + \"1\"; end if; else

min_r(3 downto 0) <= min_r(3 downto 0) + \"1\"; end if; else

sec_r(7 downto 4) <= sec_r(7 downto 4) + \"1\"; end if; else

sec_r(3 downto 0) <= sec_r(3 downto 0) + '1'; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if;


end if; end if; end if; end process; process(clk_1Hz) begin

if clk_1Hz'event and clk_1Hz = '1' then if rst = '0' then sec_ra <= \"00000000\"; min_ra <= \"00000000\"; hour_ra<= \"00000000\";

else if (change_1 = '0' and cma = '1') then if min_ra(3 downto 0) >= 9 then min_ra(3 downto 0) <= \"0000\"; if min_ra(7 downto 4) >= 5 then min_ra(7 downto 4) <= \"0000\"; else

min_ra(7 downto 4) <= min_ra(7 downto 4) + \"1\"; end if; else


min_ra(3 downto 0) <= min_ra(3 downto 0) + \"1\"; end if;

else if (change_2 = '0' and cma = '1') then if min_ra(3 downto 0) <= 0 then min_ra(3 downto 0) <= \"1001\"; if min_ra(7 downto 4) <= 0 then min_ra(7 downto 4) <= \"0101\"; else

min_ra(7 downto 4) <= min_ra(7 downto 4) - \"1\"; end if; else

min_ra(3 downto 0) <= min_ra(3 downto 0) - \"1\"; end if;

else if (change_1 = '0' and cha = '1') then

if (hour_ra(7 downto 4) = 2 and hour_ra(3 downto 0) = 3 hour_ra <= \"00000000\"; else

if(hour_ra(3 downto 0) >= 9)then hour_ra(3 downto 0) <= \"0000\";

hour_ra(7 downto 4) <= hour_ra(7 downto 4) + \"1\";


) then


hour_ra(3 downto 0) <= hour_ra(3 downto 0) + \"1\"; end if; end if;

else if (change_2 = '0' and cha = '1') then

if (hour_ra(7 downto 4) = 0 and hour_ra(3 downto 0) = 0 ) then hour_ra <= \"00100011\"; else

if(hour_ra(3 downto 0) <= 0 and hour_ra(7 downto 4) < 2)then hour_ra(3 downto 0) <= \"1001\";

hour_ra(7 downto 4) <= hour_ra(7 downto 4) - \"1\"; else

hour_ra(3 downto 0) <= hour_ra(3 downto 0) - \"1\"; end if; end if;

else if (change_1 = '0' and csa = '1') then if sec_ra(3 downto 0) >= 9 then sec_ra(3 downto 0) <= \"0000\"; if sec_ra(7 downto 4) >= 5 then sec_ra(7 downto 4) <= \"0000\";



sec_ra(7 downto 4) <= sec_ra(7 downto 4) + \"1\"; end if; else

sec_ra(3 downto 0) <= sec_ra(3 downto 0) + \"1\"; end if;

else if (change_2 = '0' and csa = '1') then if sec_ra(3 downto 0) <= 0 then sec_ra(3 downto 0) <= \"1001\"; if sec_ra(7 downto 4) <= 0 then sec_ra(7 downto 4) <= \"0101\"; else

sec_ra(7 downto 4) <= sec_ra(7 downto 4) - \"1\"; end if; else

sec_ra(3 downto 0) <= sec_ra(3 downto 0) - \"1\"; end if; end if; end if; end if;


end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end process; process(clk_1Hz) begin

if clk_1Hz'event and clk_1Hz = '1' then if rst = '0' then sec_rd <= \"00000000\"; min_rd <= \"00000000\"; hour_rd <= \"00000000\";

else if (change_1 = '0' and cmd = '1') then if min_rd(3 downto 0) >= 9 then min_rd(3 downto 0) <= \"0000\"; if min_rd(7 downto 4) >= 5 then min_rd(7 downto 4) <= \"0000\"; else

min_rd(7 downto 4) <= min_rd(7 downto 4) + \"1\";


end if; else

min_rd(3 downto 0) <= min_rd(3 downto 0) + \"1\"; end if;

else if (change_2 = '0' and cmd = '1') then if min_rd(3 downto 0) <= 0 then min_rd(3 downto 0) <= \"1001\"; if min_rd(7 downto 4) <= 0 then min_rd(7 downto 4) <= \"0101\"; else

min_rd(7 downto 4) <= min_rd(7 downto 4) - \"1\"; end if; else

min_rd(3 downto 0) <= min_rd(3 downto 0) - \"1\"; end if;

else if (change_1 = '0' and chd = '1') then

if (hour_rd(7 downto 4) = 2 and hour_rd(3 downto 0) = 3 hour_rd <= \"00000000\"; else

if(hour_rd(3 downto 0) >= 9)then


) then

hour_rd(3 downto 0) <= \"0000\";

hour_rd(7 downto 4) <= hour_rd(7 downto 4) + \"1\"; else

hour_rd(3 downto 0) <= hour_rd(3 downto 0) + \"1\"; end if; end if;

else if (change_2 = '0' and chd = '1') then

if (hour_rd(7 downto 4) = 0 and hour_rd(3 downto 0) = 0 ) then hour_rd <= \"00100011\"; else

if(hour_rd(3 downto 0) <= 0 and hour_rd(7 downto 4) < 2)then hour_rd(3 downto 0) <= \"1001\";

hour_rd(7 downto 4) <= hour_rd(7 downto 4) - \"1\"; else

hour_rd(3 downto 0) <= hour_rd(3 downto 0) - \"1\"; end if; end if;

else if (change_1 = '0' and csd = '1') then if sec_rd(3 downto 0) >= 9 then sec_rd(3 downto 0) <= \"0000\";


if sec_rd(7 downto 4) >= 5 then sec_rd(7 downto 4) <= \"0000\"; else

sec_rd(7 downto 4) <= sec_rd(7 downto 4) + \"1\"; end if; else

sec_rd(3 downto 0) <= sec_rd(3 downto 0) + \"1\"; end if;

else if (change_2 = '0' and csd = '1') then if sec_rd(3 downto 0) <= 0 then sec_rd(3 downto 0) <= \"1001\"; if sec_rd(7 downto 4) <= 0 then sec_rd(7 downto 4) <= \"0101\"; else

sec_rd(7 downto 4) <= sec_rd(7 downto 4) - \"1\"; end if; else

sec_rd(3 downto 0) <= sec_rd(3 downto 0) - \"1\"; end if;

else if dsk='0' then


if sec_rd(3 downto 0) <= 0 then sec_rd(3 downto 0) <= \"1001\"; if sec_rd(7 downto 4) <= 0 then sec_rd(7 downto 4) <= \"0101\"; if min_rd(3 downto 0) <= 0 then min_rd(3 downto 0) <= \"1001\"; if min_rd(7 downto 4) <= 0 then min_rd(7 downto 4) <= \"0101\"; if hour_rd(7 downto 4) = 0 then if hour_rd(3 downto 0) = 0 then hour_rd <= \"00100011\"; else

hour_rd(3 downto 0) <= hour_rd(3 downto 0) - \"1\"; end if; else

if(hour_rd(3 downto 0) <= 0)then hour_rd(3 downto 0) <= \"1001\";

hour_rd(7 downto 4) <= hour_rd(7 downto 4) - \"1\"; else

hour_rd(3 downto 0) <= hour_rd(3 downto 0) - \"1\";


end if; end if; else

min_rd(7 downto 4) <= min_rd(7 downto 4) - \"1\"; end if; else

min_rd(3 downto 0) <= min_rd(3 downto 0) - \"1\"; end if; else

sec_rd(7 downto 4) <= sec_rd(7 downto 4) - \"1\"; end if; else

sec_rd(3 downto 0) <= sec_rd(3 downto 0) - \"1\"; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if;


end if; end if; end if; end process; fmo<=fm_1; process(clk) begin

if clk'event and clk = '1' then

if(min_r=min_ra and hour_r=hour_ra and sec_r(0)='0' and alarm='0')then fm_1<=clk_1000Hz;

else if(min_r=min_ra and hour_r=hour_ra and sec_r(0) ='1' and alarm='0' )then fm_1<=clk_500Hz;

else if ( min_r(7 downto 4 )= 5 and min_r(3 downto 0)= 9 and sec_r(7 downto 4) = 5 and sec_r(0)='1' ) then


else if ( min_r(7 downto 4 )= 5 and min_r(3 downto 0)= 9 and sec_r(7 downto 4) = 5 and sec_r(0) = '0') then


else if (dsk='0' and min_rd(7 downto 0)=\"00000000\" and hour_r(7 downto 0)=\"00000000\" and sec_rd(7 downto 4)=\"0\" and sec_rd( 0)='1') then



else if (dsk='0' and min_rd(7 downto 0)=\"00000000\" and hour_r(7 downto 0)=\"00000000\" and sec_rd(7 downto 4)=\"0\" and sec_rd(0)='0') then

fm_1<=clk_500Hz; else fm_1<='1'; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end process; end rt1; 4.顶层显示模块

显示数码管,源代码如下: library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; entity disp is


port ( rst,clk

: in std_logic;

k,set,alarm,ds,dsk : in std_logic;

change_1,change_2 : in std_logic; fm

: out std_logic;

dig,Y : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ); end disp;

architecture rt1 of disp is

signal min,hour,sec :std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal clkout,fmo :std_logic;

signal scan_cnt :std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); signal A :std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal dig_r,Y_r :std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); component adjust port (

rst,clk,k,set,alarm,ds,dsk : in std_logic;

change_1,change_2 : in std_logic;


fmo : out std_logic;

sec,min,hour : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) );

end component; begin

U2:adjust port map(rst,clk,k,set,alarm,ds,dsk,change_1,change_2,fmo,sec,min,hour); process(clk,rst)

variable cnt :integer range 0 to 50000000; begin

if clk'event and clk = '1' then if rst = '0' then cnt := 0; else

if cnt = 99999 then cnt := 0; else

cnt := cnt + 1; if cnt = 49999 then clkout <= '1'; else


clkout <= '0'; end if; end if; end if; end if; end process; process(clkout,rst) begin

if clkout'event and clkout = '1' then if rst = '0' then scan_cnt <= \"000\"; else

scan_cnt <= scan_cnt + '1'; end if; end if; end process; fm <= fmo; dig <= dig_r; Y <= Y_r;




case (scan_cnt) is

when \"000\" => dig_r <= \"11111110\"; A <= sec(3 downto 0); when \"001\" => dig_r <= \"11111101\"; A <= sec(7 downto 4); when \"010\" => dig_r <= \"11110111\"; A <= min(3 downto 0); when \"011\" => dig_r <= \"11101111\"; A <= min(7 downto 4); when \"100\" => dig_r <= \"10111111\"; A <= hour(3 downto 0); when \"101\" => dig_r <= \"01111111\"; A <= hour(7 downto 4); when \"110\" => dig_r <= \"11111011\"; A <= \"1010\"; when \"111\" => dig_r <= \"11011111\"; A <= \"1011\"; when others => dig_r <= \"11111111\"; A <= \"0000\"; end case; end process; process(A) begin case (A) is

when \"0000\" => Y_r <= \"11000000\";--0 when \"0001\" => Y_r <= \"11111001\";--1 when \"0010\" => Y_r <= \"10100100\";--2 when \"0011\" => Y_r <= \"10110000\";--3


when \"0100\" => Y_r <= \"10011001\";--4 when \"0101\" => Y_r <= \"10010010\";--5 when \"0110\" => Y_r <= \"10000010\";--6 when \"0111\" => Y_r <= \"11111000\";--7 when \"1000\" => Y_r <= \"10000000\";--8 when \"1001\" => Y_r <= \"10010000\";--9 when \"1010\" => Y_r <= \"10111111\";--- when \"1011\" => Y_r <= \"10111111\";--- when \"1100\" => Y_r <= \"10100110\";--c when \"1101\" => Y_r <= \"10100001\";--d when \"1110\" => Y_r <= \"10000110\";--e when \"1111\" => Y_r <= \"10001110\";--f end case; end process; end rt1;

