它很轻量,只有三个⽂件(pugiconfig.hpp pugixml.cpp pugixml.hpp )⽀持Unicode⽀持XPATH解析
Xml库解析性能⽐较表 2016.12.22更新:
// Uncomment this to switch to header-only version #define PUGIXML_HEADER_ONLY #include \"pugixml.cpp\"
// Uncomment this to enable wchar_t mode #define PUGIXML_WCHAR_MODE
C++: void SaveToConfig( const wchar_t* xml_file, const wchar_t* ip ){ using namespace pugi; xml_document doc; xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file( xml_file ); if (result.status != status_ok) return; if (!doc.child( L\"root\" )) doc.append_child( L\"root\" ); xml_node node = doc.child( L\"root\" ).child( L\"ip\" ); if (!node) doc.child( L\"root\" ).append_child( L\"ip\" ) node.text().set( ip ); doc.save_file( xml_file ); } 这⾥需要注意的是,ip节点的内容是⼀个pcdata类型的节点,这个节点的内容才是ip字符串,所以这⾥⽤text()来读写IP节点内容。如果要⽤.value()⽅法得到ip字符串的话,需要这样⽤: wstring ip = node.first_child().value(); node.first_child().set_value(L\"\"); 另外,node.text().set()⽅法也不错,提供了常⽤的数据类型写⼊XML的重载⽅法: // Set text (returns false if object is empty or there is not enough memory) bool set(const char_t* rhs); // Set text with type conversion (numbers are converted to strings, boolean is converted to \"true\"/\"false\") bool set(int rhs); bool set(unsigned int rhs); bool set(double rhs); bool set(bool rhs); #ifdef PUGIXML_HAS_LONG_LONG bool set(long long rhs); bool set(unsigned long long rhs); #endif ⽽node.text().as_xxx()⽅法可以按需要直接从XML⽂件中读取出指定类型的数据: // Get text, or \"\" if object is empty const char_t* get() const; // Get text, or the default value if object is empty const char_t* as_string(const char_t* def = PUGIXML_TEXT(\"\")) const; // Get text as a number, or the default value if conversion did not succeed or object is empty int as_int(int def = 0) const; unsigned int as_uint(unsigned int def = 0) const; double as_double(double def = 0) const; float as_float(float def = 0) const; #ifdef PUGIXML_HAS_LONG_LONG long long as_llong(long long def = 0) const; unsigned long long as_ullong(unsigned long long def = 0) const; #endif 实际上node.text()返回的是xml_text对象实例,上⾯的set()和as_xxx()是由xml_text实现的。 如果IP节点有属性的话,可以遍历属性: for (pugi::xml_attribute attr = node.first_attribute(); attr; attr = attr.next_attribute()) { std::cout << \" \" << attr.name() << \"=\" << attr.value(); } C++11: for (pugi::xml_attribute attr : node.attributes()) { std::cout << \" \" << attr.name() << \"=\" << attr.value(); } 作为读取配置⽂件⽤,上⾯这些也差不多了,其它接⼝看看源码就能明⽩怎样⽤,pugixml提供了些⾼级⽤法,可以看他。 四、注意事项 除了上⾯提到的 std::locale::global(std::locale(\"chs\")); const std::wstring strFilePath = _T(“c:\\\\ xgconsole.xml”); std::wifstream stream(strFilePath.c_str()); pugi::xml_document doc; doc.load(stream); 这种load stream的⽅式读取,其实不必如此,只要保证⽂件保存时编码为GB2312并且XML⽂件头的声明encoding=\"gb2312“就可以了。 因篇幅问题不能全部显示,请点此查看更多更全内容