题 目 从合作原则视角看外贸信函的翻译 姓 名 谢小燕 学 号 20088094 系 部 外语系 专业年级 08级英语3班 指导教师 张娅
2011年 11 月 24 日
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毕 业 设 计(论 文)开 题 报 告
1.结合毕业设计(论文)课题情况,根据所查阅的文献资料,每人撰写 2000字左右的开题报告(包括研究进展,选题依据、目的、意义) 文 献 综 述 Literature Review 1.1 Status quo of the research: Foreign trade plays an important role in a country’s economic development. China, as a developing country, now pays much more attention to managing the foreign trade, with China entrying into the WTO and continuously implementing its opening-up policy. So the translation of foreign trade correspondence is playing a more and more important role in international trade activities. Nowadays more and more translators and scholars pay attention to the translation of foreign trade correspondence. Pragmatics is the study of the relationship between linguistic symbols and their users. It is a relatively new discipline that has developed rapidly in the last thirty years. Pragmatics takes human factors into its consideration and therefore provides a dynamic approach to the study of linguistic phenomena. The study of conversation, among the concerns of pragmatic study, is not only the most typical and representative one, but the hottest one as well, which draws more and more attention of linguists. People turn their attention to conversation because it is the basic behavior of human verbal communication, from which many pragmatic problems can be reflected. The study of conversation can be regarded as studying human communication in the real situation. Two important translation theories concerning the pragmatics are Grice’s Theory of Implicature, and Sperber and Wilson’s Relevance Theory. American philosopher Grice thinks that to achieve certain goal during all language communication activities, there is a matter of principle between speaker and hearer. That principle is called Cooperative Principle. It can be expressed specifically as follows: quantity maxim, quality maxim, relation maxim, and manner maxim. In short, these maxims specify what participants have to do in order to converse efficient, rational, cooperative way: they
should speak sincerely, relevantly and clearly, while providing sufficient information. To some degree, it’s applicable to the translation of foreign trade correspondence. Sperber and Wilson propose the Relevance Theory in Relevance: Communication and Cognition (2001) They voice their distinctive viewpoints of communication as ostensive-inferential communication. The theory maintains that communication is an ostensive and inferential process involving the speaker’s informative intention and communicative intention. In our country, since 1954, business correspondence has become a subject in some universities, although the teaching materials remain almost the same. Though the limitation exists, many scholars still have done some researches on the foreign trade correspondence. Wang Fanglu made the research about the features of the foreign trade correspondence and put it that Chinese style could play an important role in the translation of the foreign trade correspondence. Liao Ying, Xia Xiaoying gave their opinion about the translation of the foreign trade correspondence. One may get a better translation version if he translates the version from the perspective of Cooperative Principle.The translator shall make some adaption according to the requirement on the basis of the faithfulness. Liu Qin pointed out that one should follow the principle of faithfulness and adaptation in order to achieve a good translation of foreign trade correspondence. Conciseness and accurateness is an important feature of the foreign trade correspondence. Zhang Ning, Fu Huaqian pointed out that the translation of foreign trade should follow the principle of conciseness, accurateness and unification. The researches on the foreign trade correspondence by foreign scholars are various. Seglin, in the book the AMA Handbook of Business Letters (2002), gave various detailed information about the business letters from two main parts. In the first part, the main contents are the basic information about the letter, including “the planning, structure, components, and word processing of a letter.” In the second part, the main contents are about the various types of the business letters, including“marketing letters, customer service letters, credit and collection letters, confirmation letters etc.” A lot of research work has been done for the translation of foreign trade correspondence, but little has been done for the translation of foreign trade correspondence from the perspective of the Cooperation Principle.
1.2 Basis of the research: In today’s highly developed and toughly competitive society, communication between individuals and groups is becoming increasingly frequent and important. It serves to pass on information, to express ideas or to exchange feelings. Generally speaking, the function of foreign trade correspondence is to get or to convey business information, to make or to accept an offer, to deal with various businesses. Being involved in the international commercial activities, many far-sighted scholars have made themselves immerse in the research of translation. Consequently, a large number of theories from home and abroad about this topic have sprung up. One of the most famous theories is Grice’s Cooperative Principle. Pragmatics and translation have the same research object, including language comprehension and language expression. Moreover, the theory conversational implicature in pragmatics can provide scientific analysis method of pragmatics for translation research. Cooperative Principle includes quantity maxim, quality maxim, relation maxim, and manner maxim. In short, these maxims specify what participants have to do in order to converse in an efficient, rational, cooperative way. They should speak sincerely, relevantly and clearly, while providing sufficient information. Thus, according to this principle, we can go deeper into how to translate the foreign trade correspondence well. 1.3. Objectives of the research: 1) To introduce foreign trade correspondence and its translation 2) To illustrate the definition and main contents of Cooperative Principle. 3) To generalize a series of pragmatic and practicable strategies for the translation of foreign trade correspondence. 4) To deepen the depth of my English knowledge and lead what I have learned to a systematic conclusion. 1.4 Significances of the research: With the development of economy and foreign trade, foreign trade correspondences become a more important means of passing on information. Meanwhile, English is widely used all over the world. Hence, the foreign trade correspondences undoubtedly prove to be a necessary communicative tool. Moreover, foreign trade correspondences have been put into
our teaching task in order to increase our foreign knowledge and improve our practical ability. Although many books regarding business correspondences have been published in recent years, they haven’t been investigated under some certain theory. Since there exist plenty of pragmatic theories, few people connect them with foreign trade correspondences’ translation. This paper is based on the Cooperative Principle. Obviously, it makes a study of translation in the view of a new angle, namely, it combines a particular principle with translation practice. This research attempts to not only make us reinforce the understanding of translation for pragmatic theories, but also provide us a comprehensive interpretation on the lexical features of foreign trade correspondences. What’s more, people will attach more importance to foreign trade correspondences and seek for more effective strategies to the translation of correspondences.
毕 业 设 计(论 文)开 题 报 告
Issues & Measures to be Taken 2.本课题要研究或解决的问题和拟采用的研究手段(途径): 2.1 Issues to be studies: In this paper, problems to be solved included: 1) Grasp what the foreign trade correspondence is and its features. 2) Comprehend the contents of the Cooperation Principle. 3) Search how the Cooperative Principle is applied to and guide the translation of the foreign trade correspondence. 2.2 Measures to be taken include: Step1: Being familiar with Cooperative Principle and the foreign trade correspondence. Step2: Searching materials and information for the topic Step3: Making an all-sided analysis of the materials in hand and finding the exact points for the thesis. Step4: Getting a clear idea of the paper and drawing an outline. Step5: Starting the thesis in details and handing in it after proofreading with the help of my supervisor. Having collected relevant materials in hand and mastered relatively solid foundation for the paper, I get an explicit idea about my topic and draw an outline for the thesis.
Contents Abstract Introduction 0.1 The Domestic Research on the Foreign Trade Correspondence 0.2 The Overseas Research on the Foreign Trade Correspondence 1. Statement of the Cooperative Principle 1.1 The Background of the Cooperative Principle 1.2 The Contents of the Cooperative Principle 1.3 Violation of the Maxims 1.4 The Significance of the Cooperative Principle 2. Overview of Foreign Trade Correspondence 2.1 Definition of the Foreign Trade Correspondence 2.2 Features of Foreign Trade Correspondence 2.2.1 Lexical Features 2.2.2 Syntactic Features 2.2.3 Discourse Features 2.3 Principles of the Foreign Trade Correspondence 3. Application of the Cooperative Principle to Foreign Trade Correspondence Translation. 3.1 The Definition of Translation 3.2 The Criteria of Translation 3.3 Applicability to the Translation
3.4The Application of the Maxims of the Cooperative Principle 3.4.1 Maxim of Quantity 3.4.2 Maxim of Quality. 3.4.3 Maxim of Relation 3.4.4 Maxim of Manner. Conclusion Bibliography Acknowledgements Bibliography [1] Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson. Relevance:Communication & Cognition(2nd Edition)[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2001:229. [2] Grice, H.P. Logic and Conversation[A].In Cole & Morgan (eds) Syntax and Semantics,Vol.3,Speech Acts[C].New York: Academic Press,1975. [3] Newmark, Peter. Approaches to Translation [M].Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1982/1988. [4] Nida & Taber, 1969.The Theory and Practice of Translation [M]. London: Brill. [5] Nida, 2001. Language, Culture and Translation [M].Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. [6] Seglin, Jeffery L with Coleman, Edward the AMA handbook of business letters-3rd ed. [M].LA Vergne, TN: Lightning Source Inc.,2002. [7] 胡壮麟.语言学教程[M]. 北京: 北京大学出版社,2010,190-194 [8] 姜望琪.语用学-理论及应用[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2000. [9] 刘波.对外贸易中商务英语信函翻译技巧[J]. 山东:山东纺织经济,2009,153(3):117-118 [10] 刘琴.外贸英语翻译的“忠实”与“变通”[J].安徽工业大学学报(社会科学版) 2006,(5):107-108
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毕 业 设 计(论 文)开 题 报 告
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