Lessor (hereinafter referred to as Party A):Bao Yun
Tenant (hereinafter referred to as Party B):CHEN,YING-CHANG
Intermediary (hereinafter referred to as Party C): Qingdao Urban Construction & Sinyi Real Estate Brokerage Co., Ltd
According to the contract law of the People's Republic of China and other related laws and regulations, Party A and Party B, having had friendly discussion and signed the agreement on the basis of fair, voluntary. Hereby agreed to enter into the following contract to be abided by both parties.
第一条 房屋的基本情况
3、甲、乙双方对该房屋现有装修及设施、设备有约定,详见附件一,且该附件作为甲方按照本合同约定交付乙方使用和乙方在本合同租赁期满交还该房屋时的验收依据。 The First Stipulation The basic condition of the house:
1、Party A shall lease the house of its own and its accessory facilities which is in good condition and located at Room 2502,Building no. 2, Yinchuan west road 7, Shinan District, Qingdao to Party B. 2、The construction floorage of the house to let is 93.95square meters.
3、Party A and Party B had an agreement about the current decorations and accessory facilities of this house, the details can be seen in the appendix. This attachment shall become the receipt when Party A delivers the house to Party B according to the contract as well as Party B returns the house after the lease term expires. 第二条 租赁期限、用途
3、乙方向甲方承诺,租赁该房屋仅作为居住使用。 The Second Stipulation Lease time, Lease use:
1、The lease term shall be fromMarth(mouth)1st(day)2012(year) toFeb.(month)28th(day)2013(year).And Party A should vacate the house and turn it over to Party B for use before Feb.(month)29th(day)2013(year)..
2、Party B shall make a written request to Party A in one month before the lease expires if he shall relet. The parties will sign a new lease contract when the request was accepted by Party B. 3、Party B promised, leasing the houses only as residential use. 第三条 租金及支付方式
3、如乙方逾期支付租金超过五日,则每逾期一日按应付租金的百分之一向甲方支付滞纳金。如乙方逾期超过十五日,则视为乙方退租,甲方有权收回房屋,并按合同第九条第三款追究乙方的违约责任。 The Third Stipulation The rental and payment:
1、Amount : The rental agreed upon by both parties shall be RMB4,000.00 per month, RMB48,000.00per year. Party A shall issue a receipt to Party B after receiving the rent.
2、Payment of rental: The payment of rental shall be made every three months. The first payment shall be made before March (month) 8th (day) 2012(year).Each successive payment shall be made before__________at every payment month. Party B shall pay the rental before it moves into the house. (If Party B pays the rental in the form of remittance, the date of remitting shall be day of rental payment. The remittance fee shall be borne by the remitter.) Party A should sign a written receipt after each payment of rental is received.
3、If Party B delays such rental payment more than five days, the interest would be imposed on overdue account at a daily rate of 1%of month rental. After formal informing by Party A, if Party B still delays in the excess of fifteen working days, it shall deemed as automatically quitting tenancy. Party A has the right to repossess the house and investigate the responsibility of Party B according to the third paragraph of article 9 of the contract. 第四条 定金
1、乙方应付的定金为RMB4000.00(人民币肆仟元整),乙方于签约当日(即2012年02月20日)支付给甲方。 2、在本合同签订之后至租期开始之前,如甲方违约,则上述定金由甲方双倍返还乙方,如乙方违约,则定金由甲方没收。
3、租期开始之后,上述定金自动转为押金。 The Forth Stipulation Earnest Money:
1、Party B will pay______________as an earnest money. The earnest money should be paid to Party A before_______ (month) ______ (day) ___________ (year).
2、After the contract is signed and before the lease term begins, in case Party A breaches the contract, it should pay double amount of the earnest money back to Party B .In case Party B breaches, Party A will confiscate the earnest money. The compensation of the earnest money will not affect claims against beach of the contract.
3、After the lease term begins, the above-mentioned earnest money will translate into the deposit of security automatically. 第五条 保证金
1、除本合同另有约定之外,租赁关系终止时,乙方将房屋及其附属设施向甲方交割完毕后,甲方收取的房屋租赁保证金除用以抵充合同约定由乙方承担的费用外,剩余部分于交割当日无息归还乙方。 2、未经甲方同意,乙方不得以保证金抵付租金等任何费用。 The Fifth Stipulation Deposit of Security:
1、Unless otherwise agreed upon, Party A should return to Party B the full amount of deposit of security interest free on the day lease is dissolved and Party B has vacated the house ,left everything in the house intact and paid up all expenses due. 2、Without the agreement of Party A, Party B should not use the deposit of security to deduct the rental and other fee. 第六条 其他税费
2、双方约定:申请租赁登记备案所产生的费用由乙方承担,租赁该房屋所产生的租赁税费由乙方承担。若乙方需要开具发票,由此产生的费用由乙方承担。 The Sixth Stipulation Other taxes:
1、Party B should bear the water, electricity, gas, communication, heating and property management fees and all other fees incurred by Party B in actual use and pay the bills on schedule during the term of lease. If Party B needs to invoice, Party B shall undertake the resulting costs.
2、Both parties agree: The costs of the lease registration should be borne by Party _____; the lease tax produced by the house lease should be borne by Party______. If Party B needs to invoice, Party B shall undertake the resulting costs. 第七条 甲方的义务 1、甲方须按时将房屋及附属设施交付乙方使用,并保证该房屋及其附属设施处于正常的可使用和安全的状态,确保水、电、煤等正常使用。
3、甲方应确保所出租的房屋享有出租的权利,如在租赁期内,该房屋发生所有权全部或部分的转移、设定他项物权或其他影响乙方权益的事情时,甲方应保证所有权人,他项权利人或其他影响乙方权益的第三者能继续遵守本合同所有条款,反之如乙方权益因此而遭受损害,甲方应负赔偿责任。 The Seventh Stipulation The obligations of Party A:
1、Party A shall turn over the house and accessory facilities (see the appendix for detail) on schedule which is in good condition to Party B for use. Party A should ensure that water, electricity, gas and so on can be used normally.
2、Party A shall be responsible for repairing any damage of the house due to poor quality, natural tear and wear or calamities and bear the expenses thereof. But Party B should inform Party A timely. Party B can also repair it; the expenses should be borne by party A. But caused by Party B or deliberately damage is an exception.
3、Party A should ensure that the house let out is entitled, to the lease. If all or part of the ownership of the house is transferred, other rights item are settled, or any other happening affects the rights and interests of Party B during the leasehold, Party A should guarantee that the owner, person to the rights item or any other third party that affects the rights and interest of Party B continue to abide by all the articles of the Contract. Otherwise, Party A shall be liable for compensating to loss to the rights and interests suffered by Party B therefore. 第八条 乙方的义务
The Eighth Stipulation The obligations of Party B:
1、Party B should pay the rental, deposit of security and other fees payable on schedule according to the provisions of the contract. 2、Party B may, upon approval by Party A , fit up the rented house and add equipment therein during the leasehold. Party B shall take good care of the house and reasonable use its facilities. If Party B does not use reasonably so that the house and its
facilities are worn out,Party B have the obligations to repair them and bear the compensation responsibility.If Party B refuse to repair, Party A can also repair it, but the expenses should be borne by party B.
3、Party B must not transfer the lease of the house it has rented or sublet it without the approval by Party A. Party B should take good care of the house rented. Party B shall be liable for compensating for any damage caused to the house and facilities due to Party B’s fault or misuse.
4、Party B should use the rented house lawfully according to the provisions of the Contract. It must to not change the nature of the use of the house without authorization. No hazardous materials and goods shall be allowed to be kept in the house. If any damage is attributable to such use, Party B shall fully liable. 第九条 合同终止及解除的规定:
(一)甲方未按时交付该房屋,逾期超过十五日仍未交付的; (二)甲方交付的房屋存在缺陷,危及乙方安全的;
(三)乙方未征得甲方书面同意改变房屋用途,致使房屋损坏的; (四)因乙方原因造成房屋主体结构损坏的;
The Ninth Stipulation Termination and Dissolution of the Contract:
1、If Party B intends to renew the leased hold upon its expiration, it should notify Party A of such intention two month in advance. Then, the two parties shall discuss matter over the renewal of leasehold.
2、Upon the expiration of the leasehold, Party B should turn the rented house back to Party A on the day. Any belongings left behind in the house shall, without obtaining previous understanding of Party A, be deemed as things given up by Party B and shall be disposed of by Party A at its discretion, to which Party B shall raise no objection.
3、This contract shall go into effect the moment it is signed by both parties. It must not be terminated at will without the approval of both parties. Anything not covered in the Contract shall be discussed separately by Party A and Party B.
4、If failure of either Party A or Party B to fulfill the articles of the Contract before its expiration, the Party at fault shall be deemed as violating the Contract without obtaining the understanding of the other Party. The two parties agree that the penalty for breach of contract shall beRMB4,000.00.In case such penalty is not sufficient to make up for the loss suffered by the faultless party. The party that has violated the Contract shall pay additional compensation. (1) Party A does not delivery this house on time, exceed the limit more than 15 days; (2)There are defects in the house, and endanger the safety of Party B; (3) Party B changes the lease use without a written agree;
(4)Because of the reasons of Party B, the main structure of the house is damaged; (5)Party B sublets the house without the approvement of Party A. 第十条 违约责任
2、租赁期间,非本合同约定的情况,甲方中途擅自解除本合同,提前收回该房屋的,甲方应向乙方支付违约金计 整。
3、 租赁期间,非本合同规定的情况,乙方中途退租的,甲方可没收乙方的保证金,保证金不足以弥补甲方损失的,乙方还应就不足部分支付赔偿金。
The Tenth Stipulation Liability for breach of contract:
1、Party A does not undertake the responsibilities of repairmen that cause the damagement of the house and the injury of Party B; 2、During the lease,except for the situations which are engaged in the contract,Party A can not terminate the contract midway; 3、During the lease,except for the situations which are engaged in the contract,Party B throwes the lease midway. On this occasion, Party A can confiscate the deposit of Party B; in case such penalty is not sufficient to make up for the loss suffered by the faultless party. The party that has violated the Contract shall pay additional compensation. 4、Party B changes the lease use and request to decorate the house or add affiliated facilities without a written agree,Party A can ask Party B to restore or compensate for the losses. 第十一条 其他
1、 本合同的附件是本合同的有效组成部分,具有同等法律效力。
3、本合同一式三份,甲、乙双方及见证人各执一份。 The Eleventh Stipulation Others:
1、Any appendix is the integral part of this Contract, which shall have equally legal bindings.
2、Any dispute arising from execution of the Contract or in connection with the Contract should be settled through friendly discussion between the two parties. If no settlement can be reached through discussion, both parties shall have the right to sue with the people’s court, which has jurisdiction over the matter.
3、This contract is made in three copies; Party A、B and Agent Company hold copies each. 第十二条 其他约定
甲方(Party A): 乙方(Party B): 丙方(Party C):
证件号码(ID No.): 证件号码(ID No.): 经纪人(Broker):
代理人(Agent): 代理人(Agent): 电话(Tel): 联系地址(Address): 联系地址(Address):
电话(Tel): 电话(Tel):
日期(Date): (Date):