1. \"Once upon a time, there was a king who had three sons. The youngest was considered foolish and was often teased by his brothers.\"
2. \"As he continued on his journey, he met a little gray man who asked him why he looked so sad. The prince told him his story, and the little gray man offered to help.\"
3. \"The prince followed the stream, and it led him to a beautiful meadow surrounded by trees. In the middle of the meadow stood a magnificent castle with a golden roof and silver walls.\"
4. \"He saw the golden goose, and as soon as he tried to grab it, the goose let out a loud honk. Suddenly, he became stuck to the goose and was unable to let go.\"
5. \"The villagers were amazed to see the parade of people, animals, and objects all following the prince and the golden goose. And the prince, who had been considered foolish, was now hailed as a hero.\"
6. \"The king realized that his youngest son was not foolish but instead possessed a kind heart and a clever mind. From that day forward, the prince was treated with the respect and honor he deserved.\"
7. \"And so, the prince married the princess, and they lived happily ever after. And every year, on the anniversary of his great
adventure, the prince would celebrate by giving golden eggs to the poor and needy.\"