Elaborately and luminously, (精巧清楚地)the bar chat above displays dramatic changes occurred on mobile phone subscriptions in developed and developing countries from 2000 to 2008.(总体上描述图画的趋势) 上表的柱状图精巧清楚地展示了从2000年到2008年在发达和发展中国家中关于手机的认购的令人瞩目的变化。According to the chart, mobile-phone subscription(认购,订阅) number in developing countries increased to 8 times from 2000 to2008, that is from around 0.5 billion to 4 billion, while (然而)the subscription number in developed countries only increased twice from around 0.5 billion to 1 billion.根据表格,可以看出,从2000年到2008年,发展中国家的手机认购量从大约5亿增长到了40亿左右,增幅达到了8倍左右,然而,在发达国家其认购量大约是从5亿增长到了10亿,增幅仅为2倍。(细化为数据,但仍是抽象的总结,注意其描述的结构) The fluctuating statistics(波动的统计数值) seem to exist inisolation (孤立的)but closely related to one another.(万能总结句)或者是The metaphorical(比喻性的) and impressive(给人印象深刻的) portrayal描绘 has subtly(巧妙地) revealed the duality(二元性) of the relationship between purchasing power and open-minded。
第二段:解释现象 (要有过度词汇,并且原因列举由主到次)
Some driving(推进) factors(因素) that contribute to the above-mentioned changes may be summarized as follows. 促成上文提到的变化的驱动因素或许可以
归纳如下。(万能开头)First and foremost,the sharply(急剧的) surging(冲击) of economy and increasingly powerful technological strength contributes a lot to one’s purchase power so that they have enough money to take these necessities in developing countries.第一也是首要的因素就是,急剧上升的经济和不断更新的科技极大地促进了个人的购买力,以至于在发展中国家人们也有足够的钱来购买这些必需品。 In addition, mobile-phone has its unique role in communicating with each other and search something useful occasionally on the internet so that the demand of it in developing countries is great.
Last but not least,its applicability , convenience and inexpensive make it popular for ordinary people compared with those lived in developed countries.最后但并不是最不重要的是,手机的适用性,便捷性以及实惠性使得其更受与那些生活在发达国家的人们相比来说的普通人的欢迎。
From what has been analyzed above, we may easily come to a conclusion that as the economy grows strongly in developing countries,other similar products will be also popular in these countries as the mobile-phone does.