

2024-08-07 来源:乌哈旅游


1成品平均肉厚为0.82左右. The average thickness is about 0.82mm.

2成品平均肉厚为0.6mm. The average thickness of part is 0.6mm.

3成品内厚均匀. The thickness of part is even.

4此处肉厚不均,成品易缩水.共六处.请修改. As the figure shows, the thickness is uneven, so it is easy to shrink. Please modify it, 6 areas in total.

5成品太薄,成型比较困难,请修改成品. The thickness of part is too thin, so it is difficult to be molded, please modify it.

6如图所示,塑件太薄请修改成品,厚度至少0.80mm As the figure shows, the thickness is too thin, please modify it to 0.8mm at least.

7如图所示,塑件太薄,不易充填,请将此处肉厚从0.40mm增加至0.50mm. As the figure shows, the thickness of part is too thin to fill enough, please adding material from 0.4mm to 0.5mm.

8如图所示肉厚过厚,容易导致成品缩水. As the figure shows, the thickness is too thick that cause shrinking easily.

9此处可能缩水,因此处肉厚较厚. There may be shrinkage, because the thickness is too thick.

10平均肉厚0.53mm,最薄处仅0.2mm,有可能滞流,不易成型. The average thickness is 0.53mm, but the thinnest area is only 0.2mm, where the hesitation would exist and the part can’t be molded easily.

11请将周围红色面向公模侧拔模2.0度. Please draft the red surface 2.0 degrees along the core.

12为防止成品粘母模,请将图示红色面向公模方向增加拔模到3度. As the figure shows, please draft the red surface 3-degree along the core side to prevent it (from) sticking to the cavity.

13以红色线为基准,黄色面向母模侧3度拔模,蓝色面向公模侧2度拔模. Keep the red line as datum, please draft the yellow surface 3-degree along the cavity, and the blue surface 2 degrees along the core.

14建议将红色面以蓝色线为基准做公模2度拔模. Keep the blue line as datum, suggest drafting the red surface 2 degrees along the core side.

15.请将绿色面向母模侧拔模3度 Please draft the green surface 3 degrees along the cavity side.

16请将红色面做公模侧拔模! Please draft the red face along the cavity side.


As the figure shows, please draft the red surface 3 degrees along the backward direction of the lifter (using the arrow as the direction of lifter)

18如图所示,请将红色面拔模在公模侧(全周),以防止粘母模. As the figure shows, please draft the red surface along the core side to prevent the product sticking to the cavity.

19请将图示绿色面沿滑块后退方向3度拔模,用红色箭头表示其后退方向. As the figure shows, please draft the green surface 3 degrees along the releasing direction of the slider. ( using the red arrow as the releasing direction of slider.)

20请将红色面向公模侧增加拔模,从0.5度加大到2.0度. Please increase the draft angle of the red surface from 0.5 to 2 degrees along the core

21如图所示:请将红色面沿滑块后退方向拔模3度! As the figure shows, please draft the red surface 3 degrees along the releasing direction of slider.

22为避免模仁尖角,请修改红色面拔模至公模侧. Please draft the red surface along the core side to avoid sharp corner.

23请将此处拔模3.0度,因角度太小会粘滑块. (左右共二处) Because the draft angle is too small, the part would stick to slider, so please draft this surface 3 degrees. (both sides).

24红色框内区域必须沿斜销方向拔模0.5~1.0度,以防铲胶. To prevent cutting plastic , the area as the red frame shown must be drafted 0.5~1.0 degree along the lifter’s direction. 25请将红色面拔模角度增加至4度以增加模仁插破角度! To increase the shut- off angle between cavity and core, please draft the red surface 4 degrees.

26将红色面向母模侧拔模3度(第二次指出) Draft the red surface 3-degree along the cavity side (point out again)

27绿色面未拔模,请确认是否以0度抛光,否则向母模侧增加拔模角5度. As the figure shows, please check whether the green surface must be on zero draft for good polishing , otherwise add 5 degrees on the cavity side.

28.绿色面在公模侧未拔模,建议将其做公模2度拔模. The green surface hasn’t been drafted along the core side. Suggest drafting it by 2-degree.

29.如图所示,红色面为母模侧. As the figure shows, the red surface is in cavity side.


As the figure shows, it is easy to occur flash, please add drafting angle to 5 degrees.

31.建议将红色面公模拔模8度,以便于斜销成型. Suggest drafting the red surface 8 degrees along the core side for being molded by the lifter easily.

32.请将图示绿色面沿斜销后退方向2度拔模,用红色箭头表示其后退方向. Please draft the green surface 2 degrees along the backward direction of lifter (using the red arrow as the direction of lifter)

33.请将桔色面作斜销后退方向拔模5度. Please draft the orange surface 5 degrees along the backward direction of lifter.

34.如图:现有成品外观面在红线处有分模线痕迹.建议将蓝色公模面向母模侧拔模3.0度,这样PL线下移到圆角处. As the figure shows, there will be visible mark on the appearance surfaces, suggest drafting blue surface 3.0 degrees along the cavity side (both sides) to change the PL to the place of radius.

35.产品一周红色面在母模侧未拔模,建议将其做母模3度拔模. The red surface around product hasn’t been drafted on the cavity side, suggest drafting it by three degrees.

36.红色面在公模侧未拔模,建议将其做公模3度拔模. The red surface hasn’t been drafted on the core side, suggest drafting it by 3- degree.

37.请取消断差! Please cancel this step.

38.请去掉此断差,避免模仁此处插破! Please delete the step to avoid the shut-off between the cavity and core.

39.请照右图取消C角 Please modify model according to the right figure.

40.方案1: 取消全周R角 Proposal 1:Cancel the R(all round)

41.方案2: 全周增加断差 Proposal 2:add the step(all around)

42.建议此边倒圆角 Suggestion: blend the edge

43.请将红色线倒圆角0.20mm! Please round 0.2mm at the red line.

44.如图所示: 请照右图修改! As the figure shows, please modify the model according to the right picture.

45.滑块后退方向 the releasing direction of slider

46.如图示,用红色箭头表示滑块后退方向 As the figure shows, use the red arrow as the releasing direction of slider.

47.滑块分模线如图所示,箭头所示方向为滑块后退方向 The parting line of slider

is as the figure shown, the red arrow shows the direction of the slider’s movement.

48.成品采用牛角进胶,胶口位置如图所示. Banana-gate is adopted as the figure shown.

49.成品采用边式浇口进胶,浇口位置如图所示. To adopt the side gate, and the gate location is as the figure shown

50.成品采用边浇口进胶, 浇口位置如图所示.请确认! Gate type is edge gate and the location is as the figure shown, please confirm it.

51.其效果见模流分析,建议采用阀胶口,省料头! Suggest adopting the valve gate to save the material, and refer to the mold flow analysis to see its effect.

52.成品采用潜进胶,胶口位置如图所示. Gating type is submarine gate, and the gate location is as the figure shown.

53.采用阀针浇口,位置如上图红色圈所示,该方案需修改成品. As the figure shows, to adopt valve gate, please confirm it.

54.建议在成品上做于此类似的肋利于进胶,且牛角胶口如图所示. For injecting fluently, suggest adding a rib like this, and using banana gate as shown.

55.浇口在成品厚度方向的中间不会影响成品外观. The gate is in the middle of the thickness, which will not affect the appearance of the product.

57.成品采用点进浇(进胶位置如图),建议取消胶口处肋,并在浇口处做一小凹坑. To adopt pin gate as the figure shows, suggest canceling the rib in the area of the gate and adding a concave.

58.如图示采用点进浇,请确认,如果采用此方案,请照图示修改成品 Adopt pin gate as the figure shows, please confirm it. If accept, please t modify the product as shown.

59.成品采用边进胶,建议在成品上做5.0~2.0凹槽. To adopt side gate, suggest adding a concave by 5.0mm~2.0mm.

60.7支套筒顶针,其余圆顶针和扁销 Seven sleeves as the highlighted yellow areas shows, others are ejector pins and flat pins.

61.为了保证成品的外观,PL线修改方案→取消一周的红色圆角 The first solution is to cancel the red round for getting a good appearance of the product.

62.为了保证成品的外观,PL线修改方案二是从最大轮廓减胶产生一个0.03mm的断差. The second solution is adding a step (0.03mm) along the circle of the red round for getting a good appearance of the product.

63.采用隧道滑块成型,滑块的分模线如图示. Adopt tunnel slider molding, and the slider’s parting line is as shown.

64.由于分模线都在一周的圆角上会影响成品外观,建议修改的二种方案详见P12和P13. The parting lines will affect appearance of the product, there are two methods in P12 and P13.

65.如图所示;此处为铁件与模仁插破封胶,易跑毛边,请个修改如右图所示. As the figure shows, it is easy to occur flash, please modify model.

66.如图所示;此处铁件与塑件两连接孔错位,请修改 As the figure shows, the holes on the steel don’t align with the holes on the plastic, please modify model.

67.如图所示;因铁片加铁,此处边接孔需移位(共两处),请修改. As the figure shows, move the holes (two places), please modify model.

68.成品此处间隙太小,建议将红色所示特征单边加大0.85mm,以便用斜销成型. The gap is too small, suggest enlarging the red feature by 0.85mm per side for molding by angular lifter. 69.成品此处分线不顺滑,建议修改. The parting line here is not smooth, suggest modifying it.

70.如图所示,红线处孔用于定位,需精确加工.建议将铁件2的定位孔尺寸做得比铁件1的定位孔大(以免1和2焊接后有微动的错位导致铁位定位不准). The hole of the red zone

is precision-machined for locating, suggest enlarging orientation holes of the steel 2, and it is bigger than the steel 1 as shown.

71.为避免注射时铁件变形,建议修改成品,如图所示. Suggest modifying the model as shown to reduce warp during injecting process.

72.为避免注射时铁件变形,建议修改塑件( 前后加二对应的定位孔),如图所示. Suggest modifying the model as shown to reduce warp during injecting process.

73.铁件蓝色面太长侧壁无法定位,建议修改铁件使蓝色面不得超出铁件红色面的延伸面,如图所示. The blue surface is too long to locate, suggest modifying the blue surface of the steel not to overstep the extend surface of the red as shown.

74.成品如图所示部位空间太小,所拆滑块强度太弱,请加大到至少1.5mm以上并在上图中圆圈处倒R角. As the figure shows, the space is too small, so intension of the slider will be infirm, please add the dimension to 1.5mmt at least, and add the round in the circle marked.

75.请在图示位置加两肋使其强度增加,以免被滑块拉伤. As the figure shows, to avoid dragging the part, please add two ribs on the product to be stronger.

76.如图红色面,分模时在模仁上会有倒勾. As the figure shows, there will occur undercut in the red surface of the cavity.

77.成品修改尺寸参考 Reference of modification

78.沿开模方向的拔模分析. Drafting analysis of mold opening directing.

79.建议用成品上蓝色面取代红色面. Suggest replacing the red surface with the blue surface.

80.利于封胶. The convenience of sealing.

81.此处将采用母模入子. Cavity insert will be adopted here.

82.此处分模线为曲线,较复杂,请修改成直线. The parting line as shown is curved line, please change it to a straight line.

83.为避免模仁尖角,请参照右图修改成品分模线. To avoid the weak-steel, please modify the parting line according to the right figure.

84.为避免模仁尖角,请修改如右图所示. The area shown is weak steels in the core. Please modify the model.

85.成品此处太穿孔,有尖角,请修改,共2处. The product has the large bore and tine. Please check it, 2 areas in total.

86.如图所示,成品此处有尖角,请修改. As the figure shows, there is sharp corner

on the product, please modify it.

87.红色箭头为斜销运动方向. The red arrow shows the direction of the lifter.

88.顶针位置如图所示. The location of the ejectors is as shown.

89.产品顶出位置如上图所示。 Please confirm that whether the ejector marks is acceptable or not.

90.请确认顶针位置。 Check the position of the ejector pin.

91.分模线如图红色线所示。 The parting lines are as the red line shown.

92.红色线为产品分模线。 As the figure shows, the red line is the parting line.

93.请根据拔模分析及咬花规格表确定成品咬花规格. Confirm the texture specification according to the draft checks and texture specification table.

94.请根据拔模分析示意图及咬花规格表确认成品咬花规格及咬花区域。 Please confirm the texture specification and area according to the drafting analysis diagram and the table.

95.请确认表面处理,如需咬花﹐请根据拔模分析示意图及咬花规格表确认成品咬花格及咬花区域。 Please confirm the surface finish. If it needs texture, please confirm

product appearance texture specification and areas according to the data in the left table.

96.请将黄色面拔模角增加到3度以满足咬花要求。 Please add the draft to 3 degrees in the yellow surface to satisfy the texture.


Please confirm the request of manufacture according to the polish specification.

98.如红色面抛光规格为A-1,此处需用滑块或入子单独抛光处理。 The red face’s polish specification A-1,which is molded by slider or insert.

99.如红色面为其它(非A-1)抛光规格﹐此处只需在模仁上直接抛光处理即可。 The red face which is not the A-1 polish specification could be polished on cavity directly.



由于放电失误,因此我们须重做母模仁. Due to EDM mistake, we have to re-build cavity block.

由于此产品将使用新原料,因此我们在设计模具之前须先查到它的收缩率是多少. Due to the part will use a new material, we have to find its shrinkage rate before design the tool.

排气槽应尽可能宽一些,让空气容易排出. The venting slot should be as wide as possible for air easy vent out.

排气槽的最大深度不要超过0.01mm. The maximum depth of venting slot should not be over 0.01mm.

1. M客户确认了模具配置图. M customer confirmed the tooling layout.

嵌入螺丝,于箭头所示处 Insert screw at arrow area.

建议此两处螺柱向左移2-3mm,避免潜伏式浇口与Core Pin过近 Suggest moving these

2 bosses 2~3mm toward left to prevent too close between tunnel gate & core pins.

减少热融柱,建议取消此三处boss Suggest to delete these 3 bosses to reduce heat staking boss.

此面减肉后可加大靠破角度避免咬伤.(双侧) Shutoff angle will be increased by

reducing material of this surface to prevent galling. ( both sides)

Rib与lifter干涉,建议RIB取消 The rib interfere with lifter. Recommend canceling the rib.

滑块与顶针干涉 The sliders interfere with ejector pin.

为了让Lifter有足够空间作动, 建议卡勾宽度由4.0mm改到3.5mm We suggest to change the clip width from 4.0mm to 3.5mm in order to have enough distance for lifter movement.

前壳与后壳之间组装后有间隙。 There is a gap between front housing and rear housing after assembly.

箭头所示处,组装干涉 Assembly interference at arrow area. 箭头所示处,孔位偏位 The holes are not concentric at arrow area.

建议的顶针配置如图,以取得顶出平衡 Suggest the ejector pins layout as figure to get ejection balance.

此处建议使用顶出套筒 Suggest ejector sleeve at these areas.

此处空间太小,无法置放顶针.建议用扁梢 This area is too small to put ejector. Suggest ejector blade.

此处空间太小,无法置放顶针.建议加肉以放顶针 This area is too small to put ejector. Suggest increase material for ejector pin.

顶针直径很细(1.0mm),需用二段式顶针 The ejector pin diameter is very small ( 1.0mm only). Shoulder ejector pins are required.

使用一段顶出 Use single ejector system.

使用二段顶出 Use two stage ejector system.

使用脱料板顶出 Use stripper plate ejector system.

顶出的回退使用弹簧系统 The return of ejector plate assembly drives by spring.

使用强迫回退进行顶出回位 The ejector plate assembly drives back by forced puller.

须要配置早回系统 Early return system is required.

须要注道(竖胶道)抓梢 Spure puller pin is necessary.

成品料号须要放在凹槽中,字高不得超过0.15mm. The part number has to be put in a recess, and the height of letters should not be over 0.15mm.

刻字区会有一个凹槽,字会凸出成品面0.1mm. There will be a recess at engraving area. The letters will protrude 0.1 mm from the part surface.

所有刻字区域皆凸出成品0.1MM ,刻字高为1.5MM. ALL characters at stamp area should be raised in 0.1mm and height in 1.5mm. Cav No

建议在母模电铸片上制作 Suggest to make cavity no on cavity electric forming plate.

所有刻字不得高于成品表面 All engraving letters have to remain below part surface plane.

母模侧表面处理为MT11060, 建议最小脱模角为5度 The surface texture on the cavity side is MT11060. Recommend at least 5 degree draft angle.

母模侧表面处理建议为SPI-A3 Recommend SPI-A3 for the surface texture on cavity side.

公模侧平面表面处理建议Ra 2.2μm Recommend Ra 2.2μm for the texture of plane surface on core side.

侧璧表面处理建议为SPI-B2 Recommend SPI-B2 for surface texture of side wall.

外观表面处理为何?其影响脱模角之建议。 What is the requirement of surface finish? Offer draft angle suggestion per requirement.

公模按键孔单边加大0.05mm,避免毛边段差产生影响外观。 Recommend to enlarge the dimension of button holes at 0.05 mm on each side in order to prevent miss match.

表面粗糙度的要求依照 SPI 标准. The requirement of surface roughness has to follow SPI standards.

在公模使用 SPI-B2 的目的是避免成品黏母模. The purpose of applying SPI-B2 on core side is to prevent part sticking on cavity side.

表面处理参考 VDI-30 标准. The surface finish refer to VDI-30 standard.

若母模咬花为MT-11070,则箭头所示处之拔模角度不足.建议两方案 If cavity texture is MT-11070, then the draft angle at arrow area is not sufficient.

2 options: (1) 请增加至4.5度.(2)若无法变更成品设计.则须制作四面滑块) (1) Increase draft to 4.5 degree.

(2) 4 slides will be required if the part can't be changed.

本区域因为宽度(0.34mm)很小,因此很难咬花. 建议将此区域增加到 0.6mm 宽.

This are 成品外观是否需要二次加工,电镀? Does the part surface need secondary operation, or electric plating? 镜面放电 Mirror EDM 倒勾处理方式: 2 滑块 + 3 斜梢 Undercut solution: 2 slides + 3 lifters

建议:此处建议制作靠破孔以简化模具结构 Suggestion: Make a shut off hole to simplify the tool structure.

建议红色区域加肉,否则模具无法开模 Suggest adding material at red area, otherwise mold cannot open.

建议取消 R 角以利斜稍动作. Suggest removing radius for the action of lifter.

建议将平面做到至少 4 mm ,以利斜稍作动 Suggest making the width of the plane at lease 4mm for the action of lifter.

改善前:靠破孔与肋靠破,易产生毛边,建议肋位移使靠破单纯.(双侧) Before : The hole shut off with rib, it is very easy to cause flash. Suggest moving the rib location to simplify the shutoff ( both side). 3个斜梢太脆弱,建议制作备品 These 3 lifters are too weak, we suggest to make spare parts.

为避免成品脱模离型,此处将做滑块避免成品脱模离型 We recommend using slide here in order to prevent part sticking.

建议移除间隙,将其填平(两边) Suggest to fill up the gap (both side)

因为滑块来回动作,此二处很容易产生毛边 Flash will occurred easily at this two position because slide moving back and forth.

箭头指示处有倒勾 请修正. Undercut at the indicated area. Please modify it.

倒勾区域(蓝色斜面)加肉方便简化PL靠破(双侧) Increase material at undercut area ( blue line) to simplify the PL shutoff. (both sides)

箭头所示之两boss孔底部倒勾.因会与顶针干涉.建议取消此一倒勾设计.并改采下列建议之设计形式.以改善干涉问题. There are undercuts at the bottom of boss, and interfere with ejector pin. Suggest to eliminate these undercuts and modify bosses design as figure below.

BOSS孔肉厚只有0.7mm,易造成套筒脆弱,建议需制作备品 The ejector sleeve will be very weak due to the boss thickness is only 0.7 mm. Suggested to prepare spare parts.

成品两侧尖锐,成型后仅能产生自然R,而非尖角. Despite sharp edges on both sides of the part, injection molding will only result in a \"nature radius\" edge instead of a sharp edge. 螺柱边缘有锐角,很脆弱,建议取消. There are sharp corners at the edge of boss. It is very weak. We propose to eliminate them.

这个入仔太薄,将很脆弱. The insert is too thin. It will be very weak.

模座强度不足,要再增加厚度. The mold base strength is not enough. We need to increase its thickness.

R角必须消除,避免斜梢脆弱. The radius has to be eliminated to avoid lifter weakness.

滑块靠破处为锐角. 建议增加肉厚使靠破面为平面 Slide shut off by sharp corner. Suggest to add material to flat the shut off surface.

此处间隙太小模具太薄相当脆弱,建议移动boss位置以增加模具强度。 The gap is too thin so the tool steel will be very weak. Suggest moving boss location to add tool thickness.

建议此处尺寸加大,以增强模具寿命 We suggest to enlarge dimension here for good tooling life.

建议红色处R角加大从R0.1加大到R0.5 We suggest to increase radius from 0.1mm to 0.5mm at red area.

建议成品减肉,避免锐角,以增加模具强度 Suggest reducing material to prevent the sharp angle in order to enhance tooling life.

成品内部多为锐角(红线),建议修改为R角,避免造成模具脆弱 --- (蓝):R0.3MM (绿):R0.15MM Sharp corners inside (show as red lines), suggest to change them

into radius to prevent tool weakness. (BLUE):R0.3MM (GREEN):R0.15MM

此处有一锐角0.08MM肉厚,建议修减肉厚,简化PL,以利模具制作 There is a sharp edge in 0.8 mm, suggest to modify the thickness in order to simplify the PL for tool construction.

侧壁靠破,将会产生脆弱 Weak insert due to side shutoff.

建议采用此种靠破方式 Suggest shutoff method.

内部尖角处减肉移平(如图),防止毛边产生 Cut the material as show below to make it flat in order to prevent the flash issue.

箭头指示处尖角,建议导圆角防止模具脆弱. Make radius feature at indicated edge to prevent the mold weakness.

建议卡勾根部加R角-R1,避免顶出变型.(双侧卡勾) Add radius R1 at the base of hook to prevent ejection deformation.(both sides)

此面减肉后可加大靠破角度避免咬伤.(双侧) Shutoff angle will be increased by reducing material of this surface to prevent galling. ( both sides)

标示分模线 (蓝线) Show the parting line (Blue Line) PL位于R角终止处 PL locate at end of radius.

建议修改PL,以利模具生产制作 Suggest to modify PL for easy tool construction.

建议此面成品加肉0.05㎜,以简化PL面 Suggest to increase 0.05mm part thickness to simplify the parting line.

建议增加靠破孔,以避免成品拉伤及简化结构。 Suggest to increase two shut off here to avoid scratch mark and simplify the structure.

此边缘为咬花边界,建议将PL往下移0.2MM。 There is an edge for texture finish. We suggest to move the PL down 0.2 mm.

建议:为避免成品脱模离型此处将做滑块避免成品脱模离型 Suggestion: We recommend to make slide here in order to prevent part sticking.

建议PL处有0.05mm段差(公模小) Suggest to make 0.05 mm stepper at PL(smaller on Core side)

建议修改PL线至最下方,以利薄膜可利用侧壁定位,需修改全周脱模角方向 Suggest moving down PL to bottom in order to fix film by side wall. The draft angle direction has to be changed all around.

此处(公模/母模)没有脱模角,建议加 1 度. There is no draft angle here ( on core side/ on cavity side). Suggest to add 1 degree.

此处脱模角不足,建议加到 3 度. The draft angle is not enough here. Suggest to increase it to 3 degree.

脱模倒钩. 建议修改此处侧脱模方向,以利模具制作 Undercut by draft angle. Recommend to change the draft angle direction for tool structure.

建议以成品减肉方式将脱模角加至5度, 以避免成品黏母模 Suggest increasing draft angle to 5 degrees by removing material to prevent part sticking on cavity side.

公母模相嵌合靠破, 脱模角需加大,避免模具脆弱 There is vertical shutoff when mold closed. We recommend to increase the shutoff angle in order to prevent core & cavity halves crashing into each other.

成品脱模角不足,建议修改成品,以利脱模 The part draft angle is not enough. We suggest to modify the part in order to release part.

你能把脱模角从 1度增加到2度吗? Can you increase the draft angle from 1 to 2 degree?

脱模角方向必须改变.请再修改data. The draft angle direction has to be changed. Please modify the data.

黄色区域没有脱模角,建议公模增加2度 There are no draft angle at yellow areas ,

Suggest to add 2 degree draft angle on the core side.

建议SLIDE作动斜线区域增加脱模角,以避免成品拉伤。 We suggest to add draft angle at least 3 angle at the hatch area on slider moving direction in order to avoid scratch mark.

建议改脱模方向并将拔模角设为3度 Suggest to modify the draft on the opposite side with 3°.

建议采偷肉方式将拔模角设为2度 Suggest 2° draft angle by reducing material.

母模侧璧未设拔模角处,建议增加2度拔模角. No draft on the cavity side wall. Suggest to add 2 degrees draft.

公模侧璧未设拔模角处,建议增加1度拔模角. No draft on the core side wall. Suggest to add 1 degrees draft.

公母模侧脱模角相反将有些微段差产生(共2处) There will be slight stepper ( 2 areas) due to the draft angle directions on core & cavity side are opposite.

此处为公母模靠破处,建议增加母模脱模角(3度),避免成品开模拉伤 Core & Cavity shut off here. Suggest to add 3 degree draft angle at cavity side to prevent dragging.

此处为SLIE作动位置,但成品无脱模角;,建议增加脱模角1度,以利成品脱模 Slider moves at this area but no draft angle on the part. Suggest to add 1 degree draft angle for part releasing.

脱模角 4°之平面为侧壁靠破处,需要较大脱模角 There are angle shutoff at indicated area. We need bigger draft angle (4 degree).

斜线区域没有脱模角,建议表面用 SPI-B1 避免拉伤 There is no draft angle at hatch area. We suggest SPI-B1 for the surface finish to avoid scratch mark.

此处成品肉厚太薄,恐不易成型,建议成品加肉 (There is) Injection difficulty due to part thickness too thin here. Suggest to increase part thickness.

此处肉厚过厚将会产生缩水痕;建议成品减肉 (There is) Sink mark risk due to part thickness too thick here. Suggest to reduce part thickness.

建议取消成品倒勾及圆角. We suggest eliminating the part undercut & radius.

建议修改成品,取消缝隙. We propose modifying the part : remove the gap.

公模上的盲孔处肉厚太薄,将很难充填. The thickness is too thin at blind hole area. It will be very difficult to fill.

成品这里的厚度太厚,很容易引起缩水. The part thickness here is too thick. It will

be very easy to cause sink mark.

我们建议减少此处肉厚以避免缩水痕. We propose to reduce the thickness here in order to avoid sink mark.

成品肉厚处(红色区域尺寸)建议逃肉,以避免产生sink mark. We propose to reduce the thickness (see red area description dimension) to avoid sink mark.

建议增加此处肉厚,以利充填。(现在仅 : 0.12MM) Suggest to increase thickness for better filling. (Current : only 0.12mm).

建议将倒角取消避免产生缩水 We propose to eliminate chamfer in order to avoid sink mark.

如图所示区域,将使模具产生锐角,建议取消此一肉厚. There will be sharp corner as figure on the tool. We suggest to remove it.

此处会产生滑块锐角,建议成品如红色区域所示填肉拉平 There will be sharp corner on slide. Suggest adding part material to smooth this area.

成品肉厚仅0.4mm,建议加肉至0.6mm以利充填。 Part thickness is only 0.4 mm. Suggest to increase it to 0.6mm.

移除肉厚 0.05 mm Remove material 0.05 mm

现况厚度 0.25mm填充困难,建议增肉至0.5mm. Current thickness is 0.25mm. It is very difficult to fill. Suggest to increase thickness to 0.5mm.

建议涂黑处成品减肉,避免产生 Insert 脆弱,详见下图(H01~H08 Model都有此问题) Suggest reducing material at hatch area to prevent insert weakness. Details as below. ( Same problems on H01~H08)

建议移除段差(红色区域) Suggest to remove the stepper (red area).

建议红色区域增加 R0.2mm. Suggest adding R0.2 mm at red corners.

建议消除红色区域的特征(两边) Suggest to eliminate the features on both sides (red areas)

建议此 3 个边缘增加 0.3R (容易加工) Suggest adding R0.3 at these 3 edges. (easy to manufacture)

建议将转角加到 R0.3 Suggest increasing corner radius to R0.3

建议加大肋厚到 0.6mm (旧尺寸为0.53mm),以简化加工流程 Suggest to increase the rib thickness from 0.53mm to 0.6mm to simply the processing.

由于肉厚不均,该特征之外观面易产生凹陷 Sink mark will be easily occurred on the cosmetic surface due to the uneven thickness.

每个 Rib 转角处建议倒 R0.3mm. Suggest to make 0.3mm radius at each corner of the rib.

方案 1: 建议红色角落增加倒角, 如同 A 一样 Option 1: Suggest to add chamfer at red corner as same as “A” surface.

方案 2: 建议取消 “A” 特征 Option 2: Suggest to eliminate the “A” feature. 将孔加长 Make the hole longer.

加肉填平避免干涉问题 Fill up material to prevent interference issue.

建议减少此处肉厚避免缩水(平均厚度 0.2mm) We propose to reduce the thickness here in order to avoid sink mark. ( average thickness 2.0mm)

建议涂红处增肉,以利充填(H04~H08皆有此问题) Suggest adding material at red area for better filling.( same issues in H04~H08) Model H5

此处肉厚太厚,造成缩水问题;建议逃孔同 H1型式,以减少互换模仁。 The thickness is too thick in Model H5 caused sink mark issue. Suggest eliminating material as H1 to reduce changeable inserts.

根据模流分析,这里是最佳进浇位置. This is the best gate location according to flow simulation.

我们建议使用潜伏胶口. We suggest submarine gate.

浇口型式: 一个侧胶口及一个扇型浇口 Gate type : One side gate and one fan gate

如果不接受潜入式胶口,建议改用侧胶口. If submarine gate is not accepted, we suggest side gate.

如果用冷流道设计时,竖浇道太长了,约有 200mm长. The sprue will be too long if we use cold runner design. Its length is around 200 millimeters.

冷流道系统流动不均, 推荐使用热胶道以使流动较佳 Flow imbalance by cold runner. We recommend a hot runner system for better flow.

如果浇口在这里,成品脆弱处会有会胶线.有必要更改进胶的位置. There will be welding line at part weakness area if the gate locate here. It is necessary to change the gate location. 会胶线将于此处,须制作排气入子或形梢以排气。 Welding line will be here. Suggest to make venting insert or core pin for venting.

在敞开处增加一个跨桥以增加流动 Add a cross bridge through open area to increase flow.

浇口太小了,无法完全充填. The gate is too small for complete filling.

成品有短射,我们应该要加大浇口尺寸.并增加排气槽. There is part short shot. We should enlarge the gate dimension and add venting slot.

小点进胶处需二次剪胶 Degating after molding is required due to pin gate design.

需二次剪胶加工 Secondary process for degating is required.

需二次剪胶加工,建议容许铣胶深度 0.1MM,避免影响组装 Secondary process for degating is required. Suggest to allow 0.1 mm depth for degating in order to avoid assembly interference. 进胶点逃 0.3mm的小凹避免残料凸出成品面. Make a dimple in 0.3 mm depth to prevent flash protrude over part surface plane.

进胶点增肉0.3mm方便塑胶流动. Make a dome in 0.3 mm height to increase flow ability.

须要二次后加工切除料头,我们会尽量切平整,但是可能还会有残料的风险. Degating after molding is required. We will try to cut it as flat as possible but still with the risk of remnant. 避免剪胶残料干涉组装.建议做凹槽. Suggest a recess to prevent assembly interference caused by degating remnant.

此处需二次剪胶,所以建议\"底座\"相对位置作圆孔,以避免干涉。 Secondary process for degating is required. Suggest a dimple at the related position on \"base\" to avoid assembly interference.

建议进胶点往上移,避免铁件拉伤 Suggest to move the gate location upper to avoid stamping part scratch.

建议成品进胶处做凹槽以利剪胶后残料不会溢出。 Suggest to make a recess at the gate location to prevent degating remnant exceed the plane.

我们将会用?压治具来进行剪胶. We will use press jig for degating.

我们将会用铣床来进行剪胶. We will use milling for degating. 我们将以人工剪除浇口. We will cut the gate manually.

剪胶后残料在 0.3 mm 以内 The remnant after degating is within 0.3 mm.

建议成品进胶处做凹槽以利剪胶后残料不会溢出。 Suggest to make a recess (8.0*0.5) at the gate location to prevent degating remnant exceed the plane.

在 clip 处改用侧胶口以取代潜入式胶口(靠近日期章处) Remove sub gate and replaced by side gate at clip (near the date code )

预留第二个 clip当作进浇处,一但发生缩水时便可使用 Reserve another clip once a shrinkage issue is occurred.

Gate处建议成品减肉0.3MM(如上图所示),避免残料凸出成品。 Suggest to reduce 0.3mm part thickness at gate area to avoid remnant protrusion.

如上所示﹕绿色件为旧成品﹐蓝色为新成品; 新成品变化较大﹐建议重制公模﹐入子﹐滑块﹐斜销﹐请确认并回复﹗ As shown , the green frame is old product, the blue is new; the product changed a lot, suggest remaking core ﹑insert ﹑slide and angle lifter, please confirm

红圈处模仁尖角,请确认。 The shape of cavity in the region marked red circle is sharp, please confirm!

如图所示,成品红圈处会产生模仁尖角﹐建议修改,请确认﹗ As shown (in figure), the shape of cavity in red circle is sharp, suggest to modify ,please confirm

如图所示﹐依成品拔模分析分模﹐红色圈标识处﹐模仁会有尖角产生﹐可否将其修顺﹐请确认。 As shown, by the draft analysis of product,the surface in red circle will be sharp on core, suggest to modify, please confirm !

成品一周8个肋因加工特性无法保证尖角,成型后会有0.05mm的R角,请确认。 The 8 ribs around the part can’t assure sharp, there will be R0.05mm, please confirm !

为避免表面成型应力痕,建议4个转角处增加圆角,请确认。 Concern of molding line on surface, advise adding rounds to four corners , please confirm !

为方便加工,公模依产品一周肋上小斜面拆入子,成型后产品全周会有入子痕迹线,请确认。 TO convenient for manufacture ,suggest the slope of ribs to be inserted,

so it will have insert lines mark on the product,please confirm !

如图所示,为了防止滑块上有尖角,影响模具寿命,建议取消0.06mm的断差,请确认。 As shown, suggest cancelling the 0.06mm gap for avoiding the sharp on slide and adding the tool life,please confirm !

如上图所示,红色面在滑块后退方向上未拔模,现建议以减小肉厚为原则,向滑块后退方向拔模2.00度。 As shown above, the red surfaces have no draft, suggest making 2 degree draft angle along the Moving direction of slider by reducing the thickness, please confirm !

如图所示﹐建议取消红色圆角 As shown, suggest cancel red surface round

如图所示﹐成品此处有倒勾﹐建议取消﹐请确认 As shown﹐there is undercut on the part ,suggest canceling, please confirm! ??

配A与B零件后,发现有二处干涉,如剖面A-A和B-B所示 After assembly the A and B, there are two interferences between them , the SEC A-A and B-B shown the details of the interferences.

模具成型缺陷(应力痕) molding defects (stress mark etc)

在新的修定版本中将有许多特征发生变化。 There are some features which will be changed in the new revision.

如图所示,孔位处尖角, 建议减胶, 做一段直面. As shown above,the hole has sharp edge, propose to reduce plastic to form a little flat surfac

为简化模具结构﹐建议依照如图所示修改产品(共两处) To simplify the structure of mold ﹐suggest modifying the part according to the figure as shown (two areas in total)

倒勾﹐难以开模﹐建议减胶﹐如图所示﹗ Undercut , hard to open . suggest decreasing plastic as figure show

为了简化PL线﹐建议用红色面取代蓝色面﹐并将R0.4mm圆角改到R0.3mm To simplify the PL , suggest replacing the red surface by the blue surface, and changing R0.4mm to R0.30mm

这个地方的台阶强度不好﹐建议修改 The weak-steel on this place , suggest modifying

红色面距离蓝色面台阶只有0.03mm﹐建议用红色面取代蓝色面﹐如图所示 There is 0.03mm step on the red surface and the blue surface, suggest replacing the red surface by the blue surface, as the figure shows.

建议取消此台阶。 Suggest canceling this step.

此处容易缩水﹐建议成品红色面减胶0.50MM. It is easy to shrink ,suggest red

surface decrease mass 0.50 on the part.

如图所示,成品红圈处肉厚太薄,成型困难,建议修改﹐请确认﹗ The thickness in red circle is too thin and difficult to fill, suggest modifying, please restore!

如图所示,成品肉厚突变很大﹐成型时易造成成品缺陷﹐请确认。 As shown ﹕the thickness is no average and changed very sharply, which is difficult to mold, need to be re-modified, Please confirm?

成品的平均肉厚为1.2mm,蓝圈示区域肉厚较厚﹐易造成缩水﹐请确认? The average thickness is 1.2mm .The blue circle shown is easy to shrinkage.

如图所示﹐成品最大肉厚4.53mm﹐最小肉厚0.81mm,请确认 As shown: the max thickness is 4.53mm, :the min thickness is 0.81mm.

如上图两红圈处所示,肉厚不均,容易缩水,请确认! The red marked region shows that the thickness is not average, may cause shrinkage .

为防止一级面出现成型痕迹, 建议成品增加如右图示倒角 Concern of molding mark on class 1 surface, advise to add chamfers similar to figure on the right

为防止缩水痕, 最好减少boss壁厚 Concern of sink mark, if possible, reduce the wall thickness of boss

指示肉厚为0.5MM,产品平均肉厚为1.00MM,建议增加此肉厚至1.00MM. The indicated thickness is 0.50MM and the average thickness of the part is 1.00MM. We suggest to increase this thickness up to 1.00MM.

肉厚太薄,无法成型,并且存在倒勾问题,建议更改成如图所示. The 0.55MM wall thickness is too thin for molding and there is also undercut problem. We suggest to modify the wall as shown.

颈部肉厚太小,导致塑胶材料不易流动,建议增加肉厚. The thickness of the neck area are too small , this may cause the material not able flow thru the neck area .we suggest increase the material thickness at neck areas.

此处肉厚太厚﹐容易缩痕﹐请确认﹗ The thickness is too thick , easier to sink marke on the surface, please confirm. The thickness is 0.28mm only, hard to be filled, suggest decreasing material. There is 0.038mm step on the red surface and the blue surface, suggest replacing the red surface by the blue surface, as the figure shows.

倒勾采用母模滑块成型 The undercut is molded with a cavity slide

如图所示,成品上红色圆圈处斜销后退空间不足,建议修改成品,请确认﹗ As shown﹐there is no enough space for angle lifter to move backward, suggest to modify, please confirm!

箭头指向后退方向 The arrow point to the backward direction!

斜销变更为双节斜销 Angle lifter change double angle lifter

顶出位置如图所示﹐请确认。 The red code is the ejector pin in the above diagram, please confirm?!

如图所示,为了防止顶针断裂,建议加大尺寸0.68到0.8mm以上. As shown, to avoid the ejector pin break, suggest increasing the 0.68mm to at least 0.8mm

定位不稳﹐易浮动 it can’t fix stability

这里为滑块运动方向倒勾﹐建议修改产品﹐请确认! There are undercut by the direction of slider moving, suggest to modify, please confirm!


斜销﹕Angle lifter

套筒﹕ Sleeve

顶针﹕ Ejector pin

顶出块﹕Ejector block

扁销﹕ Rectangle ejector pin

机构﹕Moving structure

预顶出位置指定﹕Ejector pin location)

如图所示﹐红色线为PL线﹐请确认____﹗ As shown, the red lines are PL lines, Please confirm !

因滑块拔模将有明显公模线﹐请确认____﹗ PL line will be clear for slide draft angle,please confirm!

如图所示,成品蓝色面为公模侧;紫红色面为母模侧﹔请确认。 The purple surface means cavity side,The blue surface means core side.please conform?!

红色线为滑块分模线,请回复! Slider’s pl marks are shown by red lines, please restore!

如上图所示, 黄色面均未拔模,现建议以减小肉厚为原则拔模1.00度,请确认! The yellow surface have no draft angle. suggest to make more than 1 degree draft angle by reducing the thickness.please confirm!

建议此处做5度的插破角 Suggest drafting the red surface to 5 degree by core side of shut off.

上图圈示处无拔模,建议蓝色面请参照其配合件A做1.00度拔模,红色面请参照其配合件B做2.00度拔模,请确认! The marked region shows that there is no draft angle. Please add 1 degree draft angle to the blue surface referencing A part, add 2 degree to the red surface referencing B part. please confirm!

如图所示﹐黄色面未拔模,现以红色分模线对黄色面拔模,以减胶为原则,公母模侧均做1.0度拔模 As shown, no draft on the yellow surface, please make draft to yellow surface along the red parting line on the principle of reducing material (draft angle is 1° to both cavity and core side)

红色面沿滑块后退方向增加拔模角 Please add draft angle to the red surface along the direction of the slide

为防止粘母模,母模拔模角加到2-3度 Concern of sticking to cavity side, suggesting all draft angle in cavity side increase to 2-3 degree

黄色面显示为无拔模角,请确认拔模建议. Yellow surfaces indicate no draft,Please confirm draft suggestions.

拔模角保持1.5。但反向,请确认. The draft angle remains in 1.50。,but have bean reversed in other direction, please confirm

分模线位于不同颜色的边界处,红色面在公模侧,绿色面在母模侧,黄色面由滑块成型,请确认. Parting lines exist on the borders of each color. Red surfaces are on

the core, yellow surfaces are on the slide. Please confirm if it is acceptable.

如图所示,采用两个点浇口进胶,请确认! As shown, use two Pin gates, please confirm!

成品采用过门浇口进胶﹐位置如图所示 Edge gate is adopted ,location is shown as above

图中红圈为浇口位置,请回复! The gate’s location is shown by red circle in figure, please restore!

这是熔接线分布状况﹐蓝色圈示处可能会影响成品外观。 The weld lines in blue circle will affect the part’s seeming.

胶口位置需在外周 Gate location preferred along the outside perimeter

胶口不能在内侧﹐以防止有痕迹 Gate can not be inside to avoid vestige

浇口将开在图示位置,请确定浇口形式和类型。 A pin gate will be used at the indicated location, please confirm gate location and type.

我们建议在内侧壁上开一个潜伏式浇口。 We suggest using one sub-gate on the inner side.


1.简化模具结构/PL Simplify the mold structure/PL

2.斜梢行程不够 The space for the lifter is not enough.

3.肋与斜梢干涉 The rib and the lifter are interfered.

4.斜梢互相干涉 The lifters interfered with each other.

5.斜梢行程太长 The stroke of the lifter is too long.

6.倒勾﹐无法出模 There is undercut and it can not be done on the mold.

7.减胶/加胶﹐避免倒勾 Decrease mass/Increase mass to avoid the undercut.

8.取消R角﹐避免倒勾 Cancel the radius to avoid the undercut.

9.修改R角﹐避免倒勾 Modify the radius to avoid the undercut.


1.避免粘母模/公模/滑块/斜梢 To avoid the part sticking on the cavity/core/slide/lifter.

2.顶针如图所示﹐请确认 The ejector pins are shown in the figure, please confirm.

3.此面为外观面﹐不可有顶针印 Noted surface to be free of ejector pin marks as it is the appearance.

4.减小C角﹐便于打套筒 Decrease chamfer for the layout of the ejector sleeve.

5.增加顶针 Add the ejector pins.

6.增加母模顶块 Add cavity ejector block.

7.成品没有拔模 The part has no draft.

8.顶针位置﹐成品局部加胶 Increase mass at the ejector pin location.

9.扁销位置﹐圆角取消 The radius will be cancelled at the location of the ejector blade.


1.减小肋厚﹐避免成品缩水 Decrease the thickness of the rib to avoid sink mark on the part.

2.减小侧壁肉厚﹐避免成品缩水 Decrease the thickness to avoid the sink mark on the part.

3.增加火山口﹐避免成品缩水 Add volcano to avoid sink mark on the part.

4.减胶﹐避免成品缩水 Decrease mass to avoid sink mark on the part.

5.增加R角﹐避免成品缩水 Add radius to avoid sink mark on the part.

6.增加C角过渡﹐避免成品阴影 Add chamfer for transition to avoid shadow on the part.

7.增加R角﹐避免成品阴影 Add radius to avoid shadow on the part.

8.平均肉厚﹐避免成品阴影 Average the thickness to avoid the shadow on the part.

9.避免尖角﹐易于充填 To avoid the sharp edge and for filling easier.

10.增加肉厚﹐易于充填 Increase the thickness for filling easier.

11.此面可能会缩水﹐请确认 There may be sink marks on the surface, please confirm.


1.模具加工困难(CNC) It is too difficult for tooling (CNC).

2.增加R角﹐易于加工(CNC) Add radius for tooling (CNC) easier.

3.更改PL﹐增加模具强度 Change the PL to strengthen the mold.

4.模仁入子/斜梢/滑块容易断裂 The insert/ lifter/ slide is easy to be cracked.

5.小面积插靠破容易产生毛边 It will flash in the small shut-off area.

6.便于合模 To make the mold spotting easy.

7.模具强度不足﹐成型时易变形 The strength of the mold is not enough and it will be distorted when molding.


1.此面要咬花﹐拔模角不够 The draft is not enough for texture on the surface.

2.增加咬花边界 Add the boundary of texture.

3.此肋要咬花﹐需要做入子﹐入子线如图所示 It is required to add an insert to

texture on the rib. And the insert line is shown in the figure.

4.此件为透明件需要做入子抛光,入子线如图所示 \"The transparent material is required to add an insert for polish. And the insert line is shown in the figure.\"

5.此处将有入子﹐入子线如图所示﹐请确认 There will be an insert here. And the insert line is shown in the figure, please confirm.

6.增加肋﹐防止产品变形 Add rib to avoid warpage on the part.

7.产品会变形﹐模仁做预变形 Make warpage in advance on the mold to compensate the warpage on the part.

8.增加辅助流道﹐防止产品变形 Add assistant runner to avoid the warpage on the part.

9.断差 Mismatch

10.方便抛光 Convenient for polish.

11.避免咬花面拉伤 To avoid scratching the texture surface.


一﹑ECN内容 英文

1.成品加胶 Increase mass on the part

2.成品减胶 Decrease mass on the part

3.成品特征变更 Features have been changed on the part

4.成品特征移位 Features have been moved on the part

5.成品特征取消 Features have been cancelled on the part


1.公母模仁CNC CNC on the core and the cavity.

2.公母模仁放电 EDM on the core and the cavity.

3.公模仁补焊 Weld on the core.

4.公模入子重制 Remake the core insert.

5.增加一个公模入子 Add a core insert.

6.水路移位 Change the cooling channel.

7.增加滑块机构 Add a slide structure.

8.公/母模降面处理 Descend the PL on the core side /the cavity side.

4. 肉厚太薄,无法成型,并且存在倒勾问题,建议更改成如图所示. \"The 0.55MM wall thickness is too thin for molding and there is also undercut problem. We suggest to modify the wall as shown. \"

5. 颈部肉厚太小,导致塑胶材料不易流动,建议增加肉厚 \"The thickness of the neck area are too small , this may cause the material not able flow thru the neck area .we suggest increase the material thickness at neck areas. \"

6. 黄色面显示为无拔模角,请确认拔模建议. Yellow surfaces indicate no draft,Please confirm draft suggestions.

7. 拔模角保持1.5。但反向,请确认. \"The draft angle remains in 1.50。 ,but have bean reversed in other direction, please confirm this modification. \"

\"8. 分模线位于不同颜色的边界处,红色面在公模侧,绿色面在母模侧,黄色面由滑块成型,请确认. \" \"Parting lines exist on the borders of each color. Red surfaces are on the core, yellow surfaces are on the slide. Please confirm if it is acceptable. \"

9. 建议的模具结构与分模线浇口形式和类型. Suggested mold structure &parting line.

10. 点浇口将开在图示位置,请确定浇口形式和类型. A pin gate will be used at the indicated location, please confirm gate location and type.

11. 我们建议在内侧壁上开一个潜伏式浇口. We suggest using one sub-gate on the inner side.


1.斜销的空间不足 The space for the lifter is not enough

2.斜销相互干涉 The lifters interfered with each other

3.斜销上的肋太长 The stroke of the lifter is too long

4.这个倒勾在开模时不能成型 There is undercut and it can not be done on the mold

5.我们建议设计相似机构斜销和滑块相互干涉。 We suggest designing the similar structure as following to avoid slide & lifter interfering with each other.

6.避免成品粘母模 To avoid the part sticking on the cavity

7.减少肋的厚度避免成品缩水 Decrease the thickness of the rib to avoid sink mark on the part

8.增加火山口避免成品缩水 Add volcano to avoid sink mark on the par

9.增加R角 Add radius to avoid sink mark on the part

10.增加C角避免成品阴影 Add chamfer for transition to avoid shadow on the part

11.减胶避免成品阴影 Decrease mass to avoid the shadow on the part

12.减少尖角为了容易充填 To avoid sharp edge on the part and for filling easier

13.肉厚太薄不易充填 The thickness is too thin for filling

14.顶针位置,请确认 The ejector pins are shown in the figure, please confirm

15.注释面是外观面,是否允许有顶针痕迹。 Noted surface to be free of ejector pin marks as it is the appearance

16.注释面是外观面,是否允许有入子痕迹。 Noted surface to be free of the insert line marks as it is the appearance.

17.顶针如图所示 For the layout of the ejector sleeve

18.字的高度太深,宽度太窄,加工困难,最小宽度为0.3mm The text height is too deep and text width is too narrow. It is too difficult for tooling, minimum should be 0.3mm

19.为了加工方便增加R角 Add radius for tooling (CNC) easier

20.为了加工的充填方便增加R角. Add radius for filling and tooling (CNC) easier

21.此处强度不够,成型时容易变形 The strength of the mold is not enough and it will be distorted when molding.

22.取消R角避免倒勾 Cancel the radius to avoid the undercut

23.取消R角简化模具结构 Cancel the radius to simplify the mold PL

24.取消R角避免尖角 Cancel the radius to avoid the sharp on the part

25.增加咬花边界 Add the boundary of texture

26.此处肋有必要增加入子,入子线如图所示 It is required to add an insert to texture on the rib. And the insert line is shown in the figure

27.为了方便咬花,需要在成品上增加母模入子 For texturing easier on the part, It is required to add a cavity insert

28.入子线如图所示,请回复 The insert line is shown in the figure,please confirm

29.为了避免斜销刮伤咬花面,建议在斜销处取消咬花增加一0.1MM的凸台 To avoid scratching the texture surface(on the lifter),we suggest cancelling texture and increase mass 0.1mm(on the lifter)

30.此透明材料需要增加一抛光入子,入子痕迹线如图所示 The transparent material is required to add an insert for polish. And the insert line is shown in the figure

31.避免此成品的翘曲 To avoid the warpage on the part

32.避免此成品的翘曲,我们建议增加两流道控制成品尺寸。 To avoid the part warpage , we suggest adding two runners for controlling the size of the part

33.避免此成品的翘曲,会引起流道收缩。 To avoid the part warpage caused by shrinkage of the runner.

34.所有的拔模减胶,除了个别指出 Note: all drafts are decrease mass unless otherwise specified

35.在成品上避免缩水 To avoid sink mark on the part

36.此肋悬空,请确认 The rib hang in the air, please confirm

37.增加C角转换成品上的阴影 Add chamfer for transition to avoid shadow on the part

38.加胶减少倒勾 Increase mass to avoid the undercu

39.注释面是否允许打顶针,请确认 Noted surface to be free of ejector pin marks? Please confirm

40.成品上有多处缩水,请确认 There may be sink marks on the surface, please confirm

41.取消R角避免倒勾 Cancel the radius to avoid the undercut

42.避免成品粘滑块 To avoid the part sticking on the slide.

43.简化PL Simplify the PL

44.增加模具的强度 To strengthen the mold

45.滑块上的尖角 Sharp on slide


Only the red surfaces should be textured(MT11030)? Please confirm the texture area

Case1﹕for SPI A-2 on the appearance of the part. There will be shadow on the part owing to air trap in the boss area. So we suggest changing the boss to the cross rib when there is the function at the external diameter


for SPI A-2 on the appearance of the part. There will be shadow on the part owing to air trap in the boss area.

So we suggest changing the boss to the hook when there is the function at the internal diameter




Side Gate

侧浇口 Diaphragm

Gate 隔膜浇口

Direct Gate 直浇口

Ring Gate 环形浇口

Edge Gate 侧缘浇口

Submarine Gate 潜入式浇口

Tab Gate 搭接浇口

Tunnel Gate 隧道式浇口

Film Gate 薄膜浇口

Pin Gate 针点浇口

Flash Gate 闸门浇口

Valve Gate 阀门浇口

Slit Gate 缝隙浇口

Runner 横浇道

Fan Gate 扇形浇口

Dish Gate 圆盘形浇口


Hot Runner 热浇道

Slag Well 冷料井

Runner 横浇道


Band Heater 环带状的电热器

Air Vent 排气道

Injection Speed 注射速度

sliding rack滑料架

Spindle 阀针

hopper 料斗

Molding Cycle 成型周期

material change, stock change材料变更

Runner Plat 浇道模块 barrel

料管 Dry Resin Material Temperature

烘料温度 feature change 特性变更

Nozzle 射嘴

Waste 废料

Holding Pressure Time 保压时间

Runner System 浇道系统

To feed, Feeding 送料

Ejector Advance Pressure顶出压力

Long Nozzle 延长喷嘴方式

Runner Bush 注口衬套

Rotating Speed, Revolution转速

Sprue 灌嘴

Molding Cycle 成型周期

Screw 螺杆


Welding Line 熔合痕

Abnormal Handling 异常处理

Black streak 黑条

Speck 瑕疪

Orientation 定向

Bubbles&voids 气泡

lusterless 表面光泽不良

Orange peel 桔皮

Stress Crack 应力电裂

cracking 破裂

Pelling 表面剥离

ShrinkagSplay 银纹

Blushing 白化

warpage 翘曲变形

Flow Mark 流痕

undercut 倒勾

Air traps 气泡

Welding Mark 熔接痕

Strain 变形

witness line 结合线

Oil Stains 油污

flow mark(line) 流痕

Cosmetic Face 外观面

Recess 凹陷

Weld line 流痕

Flash Burr 毛边

Shot shoot 充填不足

jetting mark 喷流痕

Gap 间隙

Sink mark 收缩下陷

silver streak 银条

Offset 段差

back flow 回流

burn mark 烧焦

Nick 缺口

四﹑顶出及模板机构等部分 Eject pin 顶针 fitting &assembling 组立 reverse mold 倒装模 Simplify the mold structure. 简化模具结构 ejector pin location 顶针位置 insert 入子 three plate 三极式模具 eject block 顶块 Located Pin 定位销 character die 字模 proto tool 样品模具 guide bush 导套 Hydraulic 油压缸 two plate 两板模 eject rod (bar) 顶杆 double shot 双射成型 lifter 斜销 guide pin 导销 Slider 滑块 return pin R.P baffle 隔水板 stripper plate 脱料板 Bubble 喷泉 eject guide pin EGP Stroke 行程 Support pin S.P

stop pin STP 五.标题类

颜色类 外观要求类 1.组装干涉检查

Question regarding the assembly 红 red 咬花规格 2.问题概括 Question generalization 3.产品肉厚检查 Thickness analysis

橙4.拔模角检查 Draft check 灰5.模具结构说明 Mold structure review 6.浇口形式和位置 Gate type and location

7.咬花位置 Texture location 靛8.模流分析结果

Mold flow simulation result 绿 green 9.模具爆炸图 Assembly of exploded 青 cyan 六.专业短语 Shut off 插破 Reinforcement Rib 加强筋 Tolerance 公差

Steel piece 铁件 Recess 隐窝 火山口 Rough 粗加工 Plastic piece 塑件 counter bore hole 沉头孔 Finish 精加工 The same character is so 相同处均如此 countersink hole 撒拉孔 Undercut area 倒勾区域 Sidewal 侧壁 Add 2.Draft. 增加2.拔模 sharp 尖片 rib 肋 audio hole 耳机孔 step 台阶 hook 卡钩

Boss 螺丝柱 Bump 凸包 Under cut 倒钩 Hole 孔 Guide Block引导块 Support Block模脚

Support Pin支撑柱 Top Plate上托板 Top Block上垫脚 Punch set上模座 Punch Pad上垫板 Punch Holder上夹板 Triper Pad上打背板 Up Striper上打板 Lower Plate下模板 Die Plate下垫板 Die set下模座 Bottom Block下垫脚

Bottom Plate下托板 Slider滑块 Lifter 斜销

Insert 入子 Hydraulic 油压缸 proto tool 样品模具 Die Structure DWG 模具结构图

SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作需求 261 to reverse material 翻料 8 RHA: Rear Housing Assy 后盖组装 taker 取料机 262 to revise, modify 修订 9 PA: PCB Assy PCBA组装 thickness gauge 厚薄规 263 to send delinery back to retrn of goods 退货 10 CS: Close & Screw 合盖打螺丝 thumb 大拇指 264 to stake, staking, reviting 铆合 11 FAT: Function Advance Test 手机预测试 thumb screw 大头螺丝 265 to stock, storage, in stock 库存 12 MT: Moblie Test 整机测试 Tiana 松香水 266 to storage 入库 13 FCT: Final Check Test 整机完成测试 to apply oil 擦油 267 to switch over to, switch---to throw--over switching over 切换 14 LA: LENS Assy 装配LEN to clean a table 擦桌子 268 to take apart a die(mould) 拆模 15 LP: LENS Press 合压LENS to clean the floor 扫地 269 to tight a bolt 拧紧螺栓 16 SFT: Surface & Function Test 外观检测 to collect, to gather 收集 270 to unload material 卸料 17 SFT: Surface & Function Test 功能检测 to compress, compressing 压缩 271 top stop 上死点 18 SFT: Surface & Function Test 外观复测 to connect material 接料 272 trailer=long vehicle 拖板车 19 Packing 包装 to continue, cont. 连动 273 transmission rack 输送架 20 FQA: FQA to control 管制 274 transportation 运输 21 AC Alloting Center to draw holes 抽孔 275 trolley 台车 to feed, feeding 送料 276 uncoiler and straightener 整平机 to file burr 锉毛刺 277 vaccum cleaner 吸尘器 to fill in 填写 278 vocabulary for stamping 冲压辞汇 to fix a die 装模 279 voltage switch of

SPS 电源电压接拉键 to grip(material) 吸料 280 waste 废料 2.?模-加工类 No. 2.?模-加工类 No. 2.?模-模板类 barreling 滚光加工 39 progressive blanking 连续下料加工 15 punch set 上模座 belling 压凸加工 40 progressive drawing 连续引伸加工 16 stripper pad 脱料背板

bending 弯曲加工 41 progressive forming 连续成形加工 17 stripping plate 内外打(脱料板) blanking 下料加工 42 reaming 铰孔加工 18 top block 上垫脚 bulging 撑压加工 43 restriking 二次精冲加工 19 top plate 上托板(顶板) burring 冲缘加工 44 riveting 铆接加工 20 up stripper 上脱料板 cam die bending 凸轮弯曲加工 45 roll bending 滚筒弯曲加工 21 upper plate 上模板 caulking 填合加工 46 roll finishing 滚压加工 No. 2.?压-零件类 coining 压印加工 47 rolling 压延加工 1 air cushion plate 气垫板 compressing 压缩加工 48 roughing 粗加工 2 bending block 折刀 compression bending 押弯曲加工 49 scrapless machining 无废料加工 3 deburring punch 压毛边冲子 crowning 凸面加工 50 seaming 折弯重迭加工 4 guide pad 导料块 curl bending 卷边弯曲加工 51 shaving 缺口修整加工 5 located block 定位块 curling 卷曲加工 52 shearing 切断加工 6 lower sliding plate 下滑块板 dinking 切断蕊骨 53 sizing 精压加工/矫正加工 7 reel-stretch punch 卷圆压平冲子 double shearing 迭板裁断 54 slitting 割缝加工 8 r drawing 引伸加工 55 spinning 卷边 9 roller 滚轴 drawing with ironing 抽引光滑加工 56 staking 系固 10 round punch 圆冲子 embossing 浮花压制加工 57 stamping 锻压加工 11 sliding dowel block 滑块固定块 extrusion 挤制加工 58 swaging 挤锻压加工 12 special shape punch 异形冲子 filing 锉削加工 59 trimming 整缘加工 13 spring box 弹簧箱 fine

blanking 精密下料加工 60 upsetting 锻粗加工 14 spring-box eject-rod 弹簧箱顶杆 finish blanking 光制下料加工 61 wiring 抽线加工 15 stamped punch 字模冲子 finishing 精整加工 No. 2.?模-模板类 16 stiffening rib punch = stinger 加强筋冲子

flanging 凸缘加工 1 bottom block 下垫脚 17 supporting block for location 定位支承块 folding 折边弯曲加工 2 bottom plate 下托板(底板) 18 trimming punch 边冲子 forming 成形加工 3 die holder 母模固定板 19 upper holder block 上压块 impact extrusion 冲击挤压加工 4 die pad 下垫板 20 upper mid plate 上中间板 indenting 压痕加工 5 die set 下模座 No. 2.?压-五金零件类 ironing 引缩加工 6 feature die 公母模 1 eq-height sleeves=spool 等高套筒 knurling 滚花 7 female die 母模(凹模) 2 inner guiding post 内导柱 lock seaming 固定接合 8 inner stripper 内脱料板 3 inner hexagon screw 内六角螺钉 louvering 百叶窗板加工 9 lower plate 下模板 4 lifter guide pin 浮升导料销 marking 刻印加工 10 lower stripper 下脱料板 5 outer bush 外导套 notching 冲口加工 11 male die 公模(凸模) 6 outer guiding post 外导柱 parting 分断加工 12 outer stripper 外脱料板 7 pin 销 piercing 冲孔加工 13 punch holder 上夹板 8 stop screw 止付螺丝 progressive bending 连续弯曲加工 14 punch pad 上垫板 9 wire spring 圆线弹簧 2.?压-模具工程类 No. 3.塑件&模具 No. 3.塑件&模具 blanking 下料 11 edge gate 侧缘浇口 43 spindle 阀针 deburr or coin 压毛边 12 eject pin 顶出针 44 sprue 浇口;溶渣 dome 凸圆 13 eject rod (bar) (成型机)顶出棒 45 sprue gate 射料浇口,直浇口 draw hole 抽孔 14 encapsulation molding 低压封装成型射出成型用模具 46 sprue less 无射料管方式

emboss 凸点 15 fan gate 扇形浇口 47 sprue lock pin 料头?销(拉料杆) forming die 成型模 16 film gate 薄膜浇口 48 stress crack 应力龟裂

decarburization 脱碳处理 69 metallizing 真空涂膜 102 s decarburizing 脱碳退火 70 nitriding 氮化处理 103 shot blast 喷丸处理 depth of hardening 硬化深层 71 nitrocarburizing 软氮化 104 shot peening 珠击法 diffusion 扩散 72 normalizing 正常化 105 single stage nitriding 等温渗氮 diffusion annealing 扩散退火 73 oil quenching 油淬化 106 sintering 烧结处理 electrolytic hardening 电解淬火 74 overageing 过老化 107 soaking 均热处理 etching 表面蚀刻 75 overheating 过热 108 softening 软化退火 first stage annealing 第一段退火 76 pearlite 针尖组织 109 solution treatment 固溶化热处理 flame hardening 火焰硬化 77 phosphating 磷酸盐皮膜处理 110 spheroidizing 球状化退火 flame treatment 火焰处理 78 physical vapor deposition 物理蒸镀 111 stabilizing treatment 安定化处理 full annealing 完全退火 79 plasma nitriding 离子氮化 112 s gaseous cyaniding 气体氧化法 80 pre-annealing 预备退火 113 strain ageing 应变老化 globular cementite 球状炭化铁 81 precipitation 析出 114 stress relieving annealing 应力消除退火 grain size 结晶粒度 82 precipitation hardening 析出硬化 115 subzero treatment 生冷处理 granolite treatment 磷酸溶液热处理 83 press quenching 加压硬化 116 supercooling 过冷 graphitizing 石墨退火 84 process annealing 制程退火 117 surface hardening 表面硬化处理 hardenability 硬化性 85 quench ageing 淬火老化 118 temper brittleness 回火脆性 hardenability curve 硬化性曲线 86 quench hardening 淬火 119 temper colour 回火?色 hardening 硬化 87 quenching

crack 淬火裂痕 120 tempering 回火 heat treatment 热处理 88 quenching distortion 淬火变形 121 tempering crack 回火裂痕 hot bath quenching 热浴淬火 89 quenching stress 淬火应力 122 texture 咬花 hot dipping 热浸镀 90 reconditioning 再调质 123 thermal refining 调质处理

induction hardening 高周波硬化 91 recrystallization 再结晶 124 thermoechanical treatment 加工热处理 ion carbonitriding 离子渗碳氮化 92 red shortness 红热脆性 125 time quenching 时间淬火 ion carburizing 离子渗碳处理 93 residual stress 残留应力 126 transformation 变态 ion plating 离子电镀 94 retained austenite 残留奥 127 tufftride process 软氮化处理 isothermal annealing 等温退火 95 rust prevention 防蚀 128 under annealing 不完全退火 liquid honing 液体喷砂法 96 salt bath quenching 盐浴淬火 129 vacuum carbonitriding 真空渗碳氮化 low temperature annealing 低温退火 97 sand blast 喷砂处理 130 vacuum carburizing 真空渗碳处理 malleablizing 可锻化退火 98 seasoning 时效处理 131 vacuum hardening 真空淬火 martempering 麻回火处理 99 second stage annealing 第二段退火 132 vacuum heat treatment 真空热处理 8.模具表面处理关连用语 No. 10.模具钢材 No. 11.模具厂常用之标准零配件 vacuum nitriding 真空氮化 5 bonderized steel sheet 邦德防蚀 water quenching 水淬火 6 carbon tool steel 碳素工具钢 9 binder plate 压板 wetout 浸润处理 7 clad sheet 被覆板 10 blank holder 防皱压板 9.模具加工方法 8 clod work die steel 冷锻模用钢 11 blanking die 落料冲头 barrel 滚筒(加工) 9 emery 金钢砂 12 bolster 上下模板 broaching 拉刀切削 10 ferrostatic pressure 钢铁水静压力 13 bottom board 浇注底板 centering 定中

心 11 forging die steel 锻造模用钢 14 bracket 托架 cutting 切削 12 galvanized steel sheet 镀锌铁板 15 bumper block 缓冲块 cylindrical lathe cutting 外圆车削 13 hard alloy steel 超硬合金钢 16 buster 堵口 electric discharge machine 放电加工 14 high speed tool steel 高速度工具钢 17 casting ladle 浇注包 electrolytic grinding 电解研磨 15 hot work die steel 热锻模用钢 18 casting lug 铸耳 facing 面车削 16 low alloy tool steel 特殊工具钢 19 cavity retainer plate 模穴托板

hand finishing 手工修润 17 low manganese casting steel 低锰铸钢 20 center pin 中心梢 hemming 卷边加工 18 marging steel 马式体高强度热处理钢 21 clamping block 锁定块 hobbing 滚齿加工 19 martrix alloy 马特里斯合金 22 coil spring 螺旋弹簧 joggling 摇动加工 20 meehanite cast iron 米汉纳铸钢 23 cold punched nut 冷冲螺母 lapping ?光/研磨修润 21 meehanite metal 米汉纳铁 24 c laser beam machining 雷射加工 22 merchant iron 市售钢材 25 core pin 心型梢 lathe cutting 车床车削 23 molybdenum high speed steel 钼系高速钢 26 cotter 开口梢 planning 刨削加工 24 molybdenum steel 钼钢 27 cross 十字接头 polishing ?亮光 25 nickel chromium steel 镍铬钢 28 cushion pin 缓冲梢 rough machining 粗切削 26 prehardened steel 顶硬钢 29 die bed 型底 rounding 圆形加工 27 silicon steel sheet 硅钢板 30 die body 铸模座 sawing 锯削 28 stainless steel 不锈钢 31 die bush 合模衬套 scaling 清除钢碇缺陷 29 tin plated steel sheet 镀锡铁板 32 d shaping 成形加工 30 tough pitch copper 韧铜 33 die clamper 夹模器 skiving 表面研磨 31 troostite 吐粒散铁 34 die fastener 模具固定用零件 slotting 切缝切削 32 tungsten steel 钨钢 35 die lip

模唇 taper turning 锥度车削 33 vinyl tapped steel sheet 塑胶覆面钢板 36 direct gate 直接浇口 thread cutting 螺纹切削 No. 11.模具厂常用之标准零配件 37 d ultrasonic machining 超音波加工 1 air vent vale 通气阀 38 dowel 定位梢 up cut milling 逆铣加工 2 anchor pin 锚梢 39 dowel hole 导套孔 10.模具钢材 3 angular pin 角梢 / 倾斜梢 40 dowel pin 定位梢 alloy tool steel 合金工具钢 4 baffle 调节阻板 41 dozzle 辅助浇口 aluminium alloy 铝合金钢 5 baffle plate 折流档板 42 draft 拔模锥度

bearing alloy 轴承合金 6 ball button 球塞套 43 draw bead 张力调整杆

blister steel 浸碳钢 7 ball plunger 定位球塞 44 drive bearing 传动轴承 11.模具厂常用之标准零配件 No. 11.模具厂常用之标准零配件 No. 11.模具厂常用之标准零配件 ejection pad 顶出衬垫 82 king pin bush 主梢衬套 119 riding stripper 浮动脱模器 ejector 脱模器 83 knockout bar 脱模杵 120 ring gate 环型浇口 ejector guide pin 顶出导梢 84 land area 合模面 121 runner 流道 ejector leader busher 顶出导梢衬套 85 leader busher 导梢衬套 122 r ejector pad 顶出垫 86 lifting pin 起模顶梢 123 runner lock pin 流道拉梢 ejector pin 顶出梢 87 lining 内衬 124 screw plug 头塞 ejector plate 顶出板 88 locating center punch 定位中心冲头 125 set screw 固定螺丝 ejector rod 顶出杆 89 locating pilot pin 定位导梢 126 shedder 脱模装置 ejector sleeve 顶出衬套 90 locating ring 定位环 127 shim 分隔片 ejector valve 顶出阀 91 lock block 压块 128 shoe 模座之上下模板 eye bolt 环首螺栓 92 locking block 定位块 129 shoot 流道 finger pin 指形梢 93 locking plate 定位板 130 shoulder bolt 肩部螺丝 finish machined plate 角形模板 94 loose bush 活动衬套 131 skeleton

骨架 finish machined round plate 圆形模板 95 making die 列印冲子 132 slag riser 冒渣口 fixed bolster plate 固定侧模板 96 manifold block 歧管档块 133 slide(slide core) 滑块 flanged pin 带凸缘pin 97 master plate 靠模样板 134 slip joint 滑配接头 flask 上箱 98 match plate 分型板 135 spacer block 间隔块 floating punch 浮动冲头 99 mold base 塑胶模座 136 spacer ring 间隔环 gate 浇口 100 mold clamp 铸模紧固夹 137 spider 模蕊支架

gate land 浇口面 101 mold platen 模用板 138 sprue bushing 注道衬套 goose neck 鹅颈管 102 moving bolster 换模保持装置 139 sprue bushing guide 注道导套 guide bushing 引导衬套 103 moving bolster plate 可动侧模板 140 sprue lock bushing 注道定位衬套 guide pin 导梢 104 one piece casting 整体铸件 141 sprue puller 注道拉料梢 guide plate 导板 105 parallel block 平行垫块 142 spue line 合模线 guide post 引导柱 106 paring line 分模线 143 square key 方键 guide rail 导轨 107 parting lock set 合模定位器 144 square nut 方螺帽 head punch 顶冲头 108 pass guide 穴型导板 145 square thread 方螺纹 headless punch 直柄冲头 109 peened head punch 镶入式冲头 146 stop collar 限位套 heavily tapered solid 整体模蕊盒 110 pilot pin 导销 147 stop pin 止动梢 hose nippler 管接头 111 plate 衬板 148 stop ring 止动环 impact damper 缓冲器 112 pre extrusion punch 顶挤冲头 149 stopper 定位停止梢 inlay busher 嵌入衬套 113 punch 冲头 150 straight pin 圆柱梢 inner plunger 内柱塞 114 puncher 推杆 151 stripper bolt 脱料螺栓 inner punch 内冲头 115 pusher pin 衬套梢 152 stripper bushing 脱模衬套 insert 嵌件 116 rapping rod 起模杆 153 stroke end block 行程止梢 insert pin 嵌件梢 117 retainer pin

嵌件梢 154 support pillar 支撑支柱/顶出支柱 king pin 转向梢 118 retainer plate 托料板 153 stroke end block 行程止梢 11.模具厂常用之标准零配件 No. 12.刀具与工作法用语 No. 1 support pillar 支撑支柱/顶出支柱 26 index head 分度头 7 butt welding 对接焊接 support pin 支撑梢 27 jack 千斤顶 8 cascade 阶迭熔接法 supporting plate 托板 28 jig 治具 9 clad weld 被覆熔接
