The graph shows the total number of visitors to the National Innuit Museum per month for 2003. Attendance was relatively low in the winter and high during the summer months of June, July, August.
Between January and February 2003, there was a slight decline in the number of visitors from 20 to 15, which was the lowest number of visitors to the museum for the entire year.
From February to March there was a sharp increase in the number of visitors. The number of visitors remained steady for the months of March and April, and from April to July there was a steady increase in the total number of visitors
reaching a peak of 80 visitors in July.
Form July to August, the number of visitors dropped slightly, and form August to September there was a sharp fall.
Attendance from September to December fluctuated, but generally still continued to fall.
低的:Low 高的:high
下降: decline,drop(轻微下降:a slight decline 快速下降:a sharp fall) 最低:lowest
上升:increase 顶峰:peak ( reaching a peak)
Between January and February 2003
From February to March
There was a slight decline / a sharp fall/ a steady increase
Between January and February 2003, there was a slight decline in the number of visitors from 20 to 15, which was the lowest number of visitors to the museum for the entire year.
1—总体介绍pie chart内容
The pie chart above shows Mary’s monthly expenses for 2004.
Mary’s biggest expense was accommodation which accounts for nearly half of her monthly income.
Her second major expense was books, on which she spends 24 percent of her monthly income.
Entertainment and food accounted for 22 percent of her monthly income.
Mary only spent 5 percent of her monthly income on travel.
Biggest-》second-》22 percent
accounts for
spends on
Nearly a third of。。
made up
The largest percentage of。。。,accounting for /which accounts 48 percent of the total.
Nearly a third of the books sold were school textbooks.
Academic books were the least popular type of book sold and only accounted for 4 percent of the total
This column graph shows the total amount of TV watching time by gender from 1999 to 2003.
In each of the years, men watched more TV than women with the greatest difference being in 2002. In 2002, men watched more TV a week while women watched only 4 hours of TV a week.
The graph also shows that, except for 2003, there has been a steady increase in amount of time men spent watching TV.
Women, on the other hand, show a slight decrease in the amount of time they spent watching TV. The decline in TV watching time for women began in 2000 and continued up through 2003.
column graph柱状图:注重对比和变化
while/on the orther hand转折
a steady increase
The table shows the number of students majoring in Mathematics, English, Education, and Computing at London College in 2005.
The table breaks down the students into males and females. Mathematics is the most popular course with 100 students, while computing is the least popular course with only 60 students. The table also shows that more males study mathematics and computers than females, and more females are majoring in English and Education.