

2022-10-21 来源:乌哈旅游

【篇一:2013年关于13篇欢乐的国庆节 同题作文200





爸爸说国庆节最热闹的地方应该是北京天安门广场,等我到十岁的时候也带我去看看。我听了真高兴,真盼望这一天早点到来。 亲爱的祖国,生日快乐!!! 300字

今天是一年一度的国庆节,我和爸爸,妈妈兴致勃勃地上街游玩。 在去双湖公园的路上,我看见道路两旁彩旗招展,建筑物门口高高地挂着大红灯笼。马路上人流如织,车辆川流不息;整洁的马路旁,花团聚锦簇,姹紫嫣红,到处可见用鲜花搭建起的花坛景点,把公园装点得格外迷人。


国庆节真快乐呀!国庆节的双湖公园真美丽呀! 400字


吃过早饭,我和外公,外婆还有姐姐一起到街上去玩。我和姐姐一起手拉手过马路,真高兴啊!街上人来人往,车子川流不息,真是太热闹了。 公园里各种各样颜色的花摆放得整整齐齐,柳树上挂着长长的柳枝,看上去让人觉得神清气爽。

到了儿童公园,金灿灿的阳光照满了整个儿童公园。我和姐姐一起玩原木攀爬。我像一只小猴子一样窜来窜去,玩得满头大汗,有气无力。玩累了,我坐在草坪上休息了一下。绿绿的草地软绵绵的,草坪上还有几只鸽子走来走去,可爱极了。我走过去,它就挥起洁白的羽毛自由自在地飞起来了。我和姐姐玩得很开心。我看了下手表都快十一点了。我和姐姐就依依不舍地回家了。 500字



秋天是丰收的季节,也是忙碌的季节。爷爷、奶奶辛勤劳动,不是在家里忙着晒玉米,就是到田里摘棉花。那天我跟奶奶到棉地里,棉花棵有我这么高,棉花雪白雪白的,一瓣瓣棉花象橘子瓣的形状。我好奇地走进棉地间,一瓣一瓣把软软的棉花瓣摘到手里,棉花软软的,暖暖的,摘满一把就交给奶奶放到袋子里。奶奶直夸我能干! 这个国庆节过的又充实又有意义,真是一个快乐的国庆节! 600字

一听到国庆节要到来,我就非常的兴奋、高兴。因为国庆节 可以休息7天,整整7天哪!国庆节的前几天,大街上都披上了 美丽的披风。 晚上,我们一家三口先去大统华,那里人山人海。所有的车 子都在争吵,因为它们都想占有一席之地。走进大统华,里面的 人熙熙攘攘,被人挤的水泄不通。里面的商品琳琅满目,整个大 统华打扮得也比以前漂亮多了,我看得眼睛都要花了。看了这个 想买那个,看了那个想买这个。我们买完商品之后,艰难的从人 海中挤了出来。 一出大统华,我就看见许多穿着演出服的人,在那里舞龙、 舞狮。大街上的人有的一边吃着瓜子,一边看表演。有的大人不 辞辛苦把小孩扛在自己的肩上,这真是抱在怀里怕掉了,含在嘴 里怕化了。还有的小孩子在人群中跑来跑去,嬉戏打闹。我也真 想参与其中,和他们一起玩耍。往远处眺望,整个溧阳城都被红 灯笼给染红了。这一天,我过得特别快乐。

第二天清旱,我拉开窗户,深深地吸一口清新的空气,顷刻 间,我闻到了一股清香。我跑回房间,把懒虫妈妈拉到了阳 台,她闻了一下,一下子就提起了精神,她被花香吸引住了,她 边闻边说:这是桂花香,你看这可是国庆送给我们美好的礼 物。我闭上了眼睛,尽情地享受着那大自然给我们的礼物。桂 花香在不停地勾引着我,它仿佛在自豪地对我说:有什么 花香能比过我呢?

桂花是国庆节到来的最好见证人。 800字

一年一度的国庆节到了,我们一家子决定去北京旅游,我得知这一消息时,高兴得一蹦三尽高,去北京可一直是我梦寐以求的事啊! 一大早,我们便赶到了天安门广场,广场上雾蒙蒙的,但已是人山人海,各种皮肤、各













山西省联盛中学九年级 康小草



1、my national day 我的国庆节

i was very happy on national day.on monday i ate good food in restaurant with my parents.on tuesday i sang and danced with my new friends.on wednesday i climbed mountains.i took pictures on thursday.on friday i saw elephants in the zoo.i enjoyed myself on national day. 2、my family?我的家 ?

there are five people in my family. there are my

grandpa ,grandma,father,mother and i. im 12 years old. i am

a sixth grade students. i like playing basketball. my father is a worker. he works in a factory. he likes playing football ,my mother is a teacher. she works very hard on weekday. she likes reading books and singing .

3.my last weekend?我的上一个周末??

i had a happy weekend. on saturday morning, i watched tv and helped my mother wash clothes. in the afternoon, i cleaned the room. on sunday, i played football with my

classmates. then i went to my grandpa’house. grandpa played chess with his friends.we were so happy!this was my last weekend .

4.my friend?我的朋友??

i have many friends. but i like wang ting best. she has a small nose and two big eyes, her hair is short and black.she is 12 years old she is tall and beautiful. she likes singing and dancing. i often play ping-pong with her. 5.my school 我的学校

my school is beautiful. we can study and play there. there is a big building in our school. there are many classrooms, two computer rooms and three music rooms. there is a library in our school,we can read book in it. there is a big playground next to the school building. we can play sports with our classmates. i love my school very much. 6.seasons 季节

there are four seasons in a year. they are spring、summer、autumn and winter. in spring , it is warm ,but it is often windy. i can fly kites .i can plant

trees and flowers in spring. the spring is green. summer is very hot. i can swim in the river with my friends. autumn is a good season.i like autumn best. i can eat many fruits too.

winter is cold. i can play snow and make a snow man . i love all the seasons, because they are nice. 7.my weekend 我的周末

the weekend is coming. i’m going to have a happy weekend. on saturday morning. i’m going to do my homework. and then, i’m going out to play. in the evening, i am going to have dinner with my parents .on sunday morning, i’m going to the library. and then, i’m going to listen to music. in the afternoon, i’m

going to go shopping with my mother. this is my happy and busy weekend. do you like this weekend. 8.my room 我的房子

i have my own room. it is big and nice. there is a bed, a desk and a shelf. the doll is on the bed. the lamp is on the desk. the books are on the shelf. the trash bin is behind the door. the clothes are in the closet. there is an air-conditioner over the closet. look! there are many pictures on the wall. i love my room very much.

9.my school day我在校的日子

this is my school day. i usually do morning exercises in the playground at 8:10.we have six classes every day. they are english, chinese , math ,music, art, p.e. and computer class. the first class begins at 8:35 am., math, my favorite class is english, after class, i often play games with my friends. im very happy in the school.

10.my teacher 我的老师

i have an english teacher. she is a young lady. she has long hair. she is short. she is very funny. sometimes she is very active. sometimes she is quiet. she likes reading and she often goes to the bookstore on the weekend. she goes to work on foot. she is a good teacher.

11. my father and mother我的爸爸和妈妈

i have a busy father and a kind mother.my father is a teacher. he is 42 years old. he is short. he likes reading newspapers . he watches tv in the evening. he goes to work by car. my

mother is a housewife.she is beautiful. she has long hair. she does housework in the morning. she is kind. she likes reading. i love my parents. and they love me too. 12.a happy day快乐的一天

i got up early this morning. i cleaned my room. i opened the window and swept the floor. then i made the bed.i had milk and bread for breakfast.i had an english lesson at 9:00.i had lunch at 12:00. after lunch i went to the library. in the evening i did my homework. then i watched tv. i was very happy today. 13.my pencil-box

i have a good friend. her name is pencil-box. she is a very beautiful girl. look! her coat is blue and yellow. there are some pencils, a pen, a ruler, and an eraser in it. everyday i go to

school with her. when i want to write, i open her mouth and take out the pencils. she helps me a lot. and i like her very much.
