

2024-04-27 来源:乌哈旅游


1. Give a brief explanation for the following terms. (1)Consistency

An accounting principle that calls for the use of the same accounting method from year to year, with full disclosure of the effects of any change in method. Intend to make financial statements comparable. (2)Permanent(or real)account

The retained Earnings account and other balance sheet accounts are called permanent accounts, because their balances continued to exist beyond the current accounting period. (3)Monetary assets

Monetary assets describe those assets easily and directly convertible into known amounts of cash. These assets include cash, short-term investments, receivables, etc.

(4)Depletion of natural resources

Allocating the cost of natural resource to the units removed as the resource is mined, pumped, cut or otherwise consumed. (5)Extraordinary gain

Gains that are unusual in nature and occur infrequently. (6)Financing activities

Transactions such as borrowing, repaying borrowed amounts, raising equity capital, or making distributions to owners. The cash effects of these transactions are reported in the financing activities section of the statement of cash flows. Noncash aspects of these transactions are disclosed in a supplementary schedule.

2. Fill the blank with best term or terms.

(1) The items listed on the asset side are the (resources) of the entity as of the (day) of the balance sheet. Liabilities are the (claims) of outside parties. Owners’ equity shows the (interests) of the owners.

(2) An expenditure is a decrease in an asset or an increase (in a liability) associated with the incurrence of a cost. When expenditure is made, the

related cost is either an asset or expense. If the cost (benefits) future periods, it is an increase in an asset. If not, it is an expense – a reduction in current (period).

3. True or false (1) T (2) F (3) T (4) T

4. Multiple choice questions

B A A D D C B * C C B C B *表示第八题选择题,没答案。

5. Translate the following statements from Chinese into English (1) Intangible assets are defined as identifiable non-monetary assets that are used in operating activities and do not physically existed. There must be reasonable evidence showing the existence of future benefits for expenditures to be recognized as intangible assets. Actually, some expenditure is able to provide great benefits in the following periods, but most entities debit them as current expenses as the future benefits and the benefited periods are quite uncertain.

(2) Accrual basis is used in measuring accounting income with revenue realization and matching principles as its core. According to accrual basis accounting, income is the difference between revenues recognized and the matched expenses in one same period. Generally, the revenue is not equal to cash received from customers in the period and the same for the expense. Income is defined in economy as the difference between the ending value of an entity and the beginning, after proper adjustments to transactions between entity and its shareholders. Measuring economic income needs to estimate the changes in unrealized value, while accounting income focuses on transactions occurred.

6. Translate the following statements into Chinese.

(1) 永久性差异会降低应用在税前会计收益上的有效税率。对于一项不允许抵扣的支出,例如罚款,会计上报告的所得税费用会高于可以抵扣的情况。相较之下,暂时性差异也会增加所得税会计的复杂性,这是由匹配原则所致而非因为会对报表使用者产生误导。财务会计准则委员会认为,在每一个会计期间,公司的财务报表应该反映在报表上已经确认,并且同时导致当期所得税费用或应纳税暂时性差异产生的所有相关事项的税收影响。

(2) 企业管理层希望提供一份优良的企业业绩报告,换作别人,大多数也会这么做。但是,就像财务会计准则委员会所指出的,“构建在合理质疑基础之上的谨慎的会计报告(才能)增强可信度,稳健型原则也是产生于长久以来的谨慎报告的做法。”

7. Statement of cash flows

Indirect Method Net income„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ $8900000 Add: Depreciation expense„„„„„„„„„„„„ 270000 Amortization premium on bond payable„„„„ 90000 Loss on sales of equipment„„„„„„„„„ 170000 Decrease in prepaid expenses„„„„„„„„ 25000 Increase in accounts payable„„„„„„„„ 70000 Subtotal „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 9525000 Less: Increase in accounts receivable„„„„„„„ $95000 Increase in inventory„„„„„„„„„„„ 162000

Decrease in accrued expenses payable„„„„ 48000 305000 Net cash provided by operating activities„„„„„„ $9220000

8. Long-term liability (1) Current liability

Income taxes payable„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ $53000 Accrued expenses„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 39070 Mortgage note payable due in one year„„„„„„ 88950 Accrued interest on mortgage note payable„„„„ 2508 Trade accounts payable„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 146120

Unearned revenue„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 37410 Subtotal of current liability„„„„„„„„„„„„„ $367058 Long-term liability

Mortgage note payable„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 212630 Note payable to Industry Bank„„„„„„„„„„„ 250000 Subtotal of long-term liability„„„„„„„„„„„„ $462630 Total of liability„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ $829688

(2) Explain how each of the four numbered information affected the presentation of the company’s liabilities.

The first information tells the difference between 301580 and 212630 is due in one year, or by the end of 2009. Therefore, we ought to classify this difference into current liability rather as part of long-term liability.

The second information tells us the note payable due within one year will be renewed for additional 12 months. As this is probably happen and therefore we can expect that the note payable is in essence due in more than one year. So we classify it into long-term liability.

According to the third information, accrued interest on mortgage note payable is paid monthly; this is definitely a current liability.

According to the forth information, it is not possible to make a reasonable estimate of the possible loss, so it should be disclosed in the note rather than being classified as a liability.

第二部分:中文试题 一、解释下列名词或术语 1、盈亏平衡点

企业达到盈亏平衡状态的业务量,即在该业务水平上,企业的销售收入等于总成本。又称保本点。 2、回收期



又称吸收成本法,是将生产过程中的全部成本作为产品成本和存货成本处理的成本方法,包括直接材料、直接人工和全部制造费用(变动制造费用和固定制造费用)。 4、毛利率

毛利占销售净额的百分比,毛利等于销售净额减去销售成本。 5、非流动资产









1、说明两种企业预算编制的主要方法及其特点。 答:固定预算:

按某一确定的业务量水平为基础编制的预算,尽管预算实际执行结果业务量与原预算的业务量不同,通常并不随业务量的变动而调整。 特点:




按预算期内某一相关范围内可预见的多种业务量水平确定不同的预算额的预算,反应不同业务量水平下的预算收支,适用面广、机动性强,具有弹性。 特点:





考察企业的资本结构质量,应当关注一下几个方面: (1)企业 资本成本的高低 与 企业资产报酬率 的对比关系






(4)企业所有者权益内部的股东持股构成状况与企业未来发展的适应性。 重点关注决定企业未来发展方向的控制性股东和有重大影响的股东的背景状况。





4、说明企业利润质量恶化的主要表现。 答:(1)企业扩张过快



(4)应收账款规模的不正常增加、应收账款平均收账期的不正常变长。 (5)企业存货周转过于缓慢。

(6)应付账款规模的不正常增加、应付账款平均付账期的不正常延长。 (7)企业无形资产或者开发支出规模的不正常增加。 (8)企业的业绩过度依赖非营业项目。 (9)企业计提的各种准备过低。

(10)企业利润表中的销售费用、管理费用等项目出现不正常的降低。 (11)企业举债过度

(12)注册会计师(会计师事务所)变更、审计报告出现异常。 (13)企业有足够的可供分配的利润,但不进行现金股利分配。




2、资产负债表的结构与利润表的利润结构应该是有所对应的,比如投资资产多,盈利性强,那么对应于利润表的投资收益就会相应高;经营资产对应于营业收入也是同样道理。 过去年份的利润表可以揭示过去资产结构的特点以及效益,在利用资产负债表预测未来的时候起到很大作用。

3、现金流量表揭示企业经营活动、投资活动以及筹资活动创造现金的能力。经营活动的创现能力是最为重要的,如果发现其对总体现金流量的贡献不如投资活动和筹资活动,那么企业过去的资产负债结构也是存在一定问题的。因此现金流量表对于利用资产负债表预测未来也是起到一定作用。 4、



(2)关注资产总规模中揭示的盈利模式信息,以预测未来盈利能力。 要关注企业资产结构是否导致了预期的利润结构,如果利润结构与资产结构出现不一致(资产结构属于经营主导型的企业其利润结构中投资收益占主导的情况或资产结构属于投资主导型的企业,又有可能出现其利润结构中不包括投资收益的营业利润占主导的情况),这可能说明:

*企业盈利能力显著偏低的资产,存在着大量的不良资产占用; *盈利能力奇高的资产区域,可能存在着利润操纵行为。 (3)关注主要不良资产区域





