Love me love my dog
To know where to draw a line安分守己
To land on both feet安然无恙
To stick in the mud 安于现状
To sit an ones hand按兵不动
In apple pie order 按部就班
To steal a march on暗度陈仓
To hit below the belt暗箭伤人
Pale beside another黯然失色
Dance and sing all weather八面玲珑
To start at scratch白手起家
To make further effort百尺竿头,更进一步
To teacher ones grandmother how to suck eggs班门弄斧
Tweedledum and tweedledee(to be as broad as it is long) 半斤八两
Half in doubt 半信半疑
Back in business 重出江湖
There is many a good tune played on old fiddle宝刀未老
To hit the ceiling 暴跳如雷
To run counter to 背道而驰
To put the cart before the horse本末倒置
Here there and everywhere比比皆是
All his geese are swans敝帚自珍
To ride off side issues避重就轻
Beyond ones grasp鞭长莫及
To be beaten black and blue遍体鳞伤
The unexpected always happen变幻莫测
To stand on ceremony彬彬有礼
A home from (to feel at)home宾至如归
Ill habits gather by unseen degrees冰冻三尺,非一日所寒
Measure for measure兵来将挡,水来土掩
To keep abreast with(shoulder to shoulder)并驾齐驱
Beyond cure病入膏肓
To go black in the face勃然大怒
Small profit and quick returns 薄利多销
To make something of nothing捕风捉影
To be not above asking questions不耻下问
To make French leave不辞而别
To keep ones cool不动声色
To live up to everyones expectations不负众望
Trembling with fear 不寒而栗
To keep ones head 不慌不忙
To speak impromptu不假思索
Wisdom comes from experience不经一事,不长一智
Beyond remedy不可就药
Play hooky逃学
As proud as a peacolck不可一世
No pains no gains不劳无获
Neither fish nor fowl不伦不类
To see eye to eye不谋而合
To hold the scales even不偏不倚
To keep ones chin up不屈不挠
As quiet as a mouse不声不响
Give him enough rope and he will hang himself不识抬举
A gate crasher不速之客
To get an even break不相上下
To take the trouble不厌其烦
To leave no avenue unexplored不遗余力
Ill gotten money(hot money)不义之财
To vanish from sight不翼而飞
In spite of oneself不有自主
Do not know chalk from cheese不知好歹
To go beyond ones depth不自量力
Inch forward步步为营
To lose ones head仓皇失措
To drop in the ocean沧海一粟
To jump the gun操之过急
Kill like flies草菅人命
Milk of human kindness恻隐之心
Hackneyed phrases陈词滥调
To avail oneself of anothers dilemma(fish in troubledwater)趁火打劫
To strike while the iron is hot趁热打铁
To be dumb founded瞠目结舌
Flock together成群结队
Brave the winds and waves乘风破浪
no sweet without sweat
to turn ones nose at 嗤之以鼻
to have a bee in ones bonnet痴心妄想
stick to it 持之以恒
turn a deaf ear to充耳不闻
dig up a hatchet重振旗鼓
look blue愁眉不展
to be puffed with proud踌躇满志
go back on ones word出尔反尔
ones tongue is the pen of ready writer出口成章
to tower above the rest(in a class by itself)出类拔萃
to come to the fore出人头地
know nothing fear nothing初生牛犊不怕虎
take it coolly处之泰然
pick to pieces吹毛求疵
make ones mouth water垂涎三尺
beam with joy春风满面
exchange heated words唇枪舌战
forge ahead in doing what is right从善如流
simple fare粗茶淡饭
be taken by surprise措手不及
take up the cudgel for another打抱不平
weak a sleeping dog打草惊蛇
jump out of ones skin大吃一惊
go the hole hog大刀阔斧
cut a figure大放异彩
come off with honors大功告成
look for a needle in a haystack大海捞针
have ones heart in ones mouth大惊失测
a storm in a tea cup大惊小怪
eat ones fill大快朵颐
a great talent takes time to mature slowly大器晚成
have the world at ones feet大权在握
be much of a muchness大同小异
blow ones own trumpet大言不惭
still water runs deep大智如愚
live on simple fare淡泊名利
fish or cut bait当机立断
where god has his church,the devil will have his chaple道高一尺,魔高一丈
one looks as if butter would not melt in ones mouth道貌岸然
a travelers tale(hear something through the grapevine道听途说
the game is not worth the candle得不偿失
flowing with milk and honey得天独厚
as clay in the hands of the potter得心应手
leap out of ones skin得意忘形
at the top of the tree登峰造极
think nothing of it 等闲视之
swallow ones pride低声下气
constant dripping water wears away the stone滴水石穿
stand truth on his head颠倒是非
here today and there tomorrow颠沛流离
a golden touch点石成金
lure the enemy away from his base调虎离山
cat is out of the bag东窗事发
stage a comeback东山再起
blind imitation with ludicrous effects东施效颦
as fleet as a deer动如脱兔
solitude is better than ill company独善其身
sweep the board独占鳌头
a token of remembrance睹物思人
fight hilt to hilt(fight at close quarters)短兵相接
quote out of context断章取义
a ,man of many gifts多才多艺
in these eventfull days多事之秋
play the bully咄咄逼人
return evil for good恩将仇报
temper justice with mercy恩威并施
knock the sock of sb耳目一新
be influenced by what one constantly sees and hears耳濡目染
play each other false尔虞我诈
shake oneself together发愤图强
talk back 反唇相讥
an old man is twice a child返老还童
prevention is better than cure防范未然
have ones fling放荡不羁
rise in the world飞黄腾达
speak from the bottom of ones heart发自肺腑
go separate ways分道扬镳
every minute counts分秒必争
one cannot be in two places at once 分身乏术
Not worth a dump分文不值
Take one life on ones life奋身不顾
Travel from place to place风尘仆仆
Love affairs风流韵事
Be afraid of ones own shadow草木皆兵
Swarm like bees蜂拥而至
A good jack makes a good jill夫唱妇随
Life is but a dream浮生如梦
To take away fuel, take away flame釜底抽薪
To commit the flames付之一炬
To kiss the rod负荆请罪
To be between fires腹背受敌
What is done cannot be undone覆水难收it is no use crying over spilt milk
A changed man改头换面
To mend ones way改邪归正
Call on man great before he is dead盖棺定论
To play second fiddle甘拜下风
To smack ones lip甘之若饴
Heart to heart talk(the mirror is an old friend)肝胆相照
To talk volubly高谈阔论
A good conscience is a soft pillow高枕无忧
To kiss ones ass(to chant the praises of)歌功颂德
A square pig in a round hole格格不入
Each has its own way各显神通
To be deep rooted根深蒂固
To take to heart耿耿于怀
A bad work man quarrels with his tools 工欲善其事必先利其器
A flash in the pan(a slip betwixt cup and the lip)功败垂成
The supply falls short of demand供不应求
Linger on with ones last breath of life苟延残喘
What can you expect from a pig but a grunt狗嘴里吐不出象牙
To court publicity沽名钓誉
Who doesnot mix with the crowd knows nothing孤陋寡闻
Spare the rod and spoil the children姑息养奸
Lose on the swings what one makes on the roundabouts顾此失彼
Keep ones guessing 故弄玄虚
As clear as crystal光明磊落
In broad daylight光天化日
How time flies光阴似箭
To know a lesson off pat滚瓜烂熟
To kick down the ladder过河拆桥
Everybody points an accusing finger at过街老鼠
Have a memory like an elephant过目不忘
A flash in the pan过眼云烟
A waste of effort海底捞针
A castle in the air海市蜃楼
A black sheep害群之马
Eat ones head off好吃懒做
Aim too high好高骛远
He who fights and runs away ,lives to fight another day好汉不吃眼前亏
Don’t mention it何足挂齿
Easy to get along with 和蔼可亲
Stand head and shoulders above others鹤立鸡群
Push people around横行霸道
Treat with partiality厚此薄彼
No end of trouble后患无穷
Too late to repent后悔莫及
Till we meet again后会有期
catch up from behind后来居上
to bone up囫囵吞枣
to talk nonsense胡说八道
hares may pull dead lions by the beard虎落平阳被犬欺
as watchful as a hawk虎视眈眈
fine start and poor finish虎头蛇尾
The fairest rose at last is withered花无百日红
As gaudy as a peacock花枝招展
Window dressing华而不实
Impress people by claptrap哗众取宠
Bury the hatchet化干戈为玉帛
To weather the storm化险为夷
To paint the lily画蛇添足
Have soul above buttons怀才不遇
One seems to tread on air欢天喜地
Play ducks and drakes with ones money挥金如土
Think better of it 回心转意
Kick onesellf悔不当初
Make one drowsy昏昏欲睡
To fish in trouble waters浑水摸鱼
Pour oil on the flame火上加油
Misfortunes seldom come single祸不单行
The tongue talks at the head s cost祸从口出
Fly into raptures欢欣鼓舞
Not to know where to stands患得患失
Look spick and span焕然一新
Be kept in suspense惶惶不可终日
Ti downed upon me恍然大悟
A hunger finds no fault with the cookery饥不择食
As hungry as a hunter饥肠辘辘
Penny and penny laid up will be many积少成多
Eager for instant success and quick profit急功近利
In a flash of inspiration急中生智
Strong wind tests the sturdiness of grass ,adversity tests the character of a man
Lay our heads together集思广益
Little by little the bird builds its nest集腋成裘
Take things as they come既来之则安之
Let bygones be bygones既往不咎
Eat out of ones hand寄人篱下
Have money to burn家财万贯
As poor as a church mouse家徒四壁
Be in everyone s mouth家喻户晓
To practice jobbery假公济私
An old hand at the game驾轻就熟
To do a good turn见义勇为
At daggers drawn剑拔弩张
Beat someone at his own game将计就计
Be nursed in cotton娇生惯养
Pride will have a fall骄兵必败
A foxy person has more than one hideout狡兔三窟
Rack ones brain绞尽脑汁
Come down to bedrock脚踏实地
Teaching others teaches oneself教学相长
One after another接二连三
On the heels of 接踵而至
Fly off at an agent节外生枝
Tighten ones belt节衣缩食
Steal the goose and give the giblets in alms 劫富济贫
First come first served捷足先登
For all ones worth竭尽所能
Strain at a gnat斤斤计较
A good advice is beyond price金玉良言
All that glitters is not gold金玉其外败絮其中
Everyone talks of what he loves津津乐道
To be worn out精疲力竭
As close as wax噤若寒蝉
A burned child dreads the fire(a badly frightened person)惊弓之鸟
To startle the world惊天动地
Hang together精诚团结
Spare well and spend well精打细算
As strong as a horse精力充沛
Keep ones pecker up精神抖擞
As fresh as a daisy精神焕发
Though good to be good ,yet better is better精益求精
As different as a chalk is from cheese迥然不同
A drop in the bucket九牛一毛
Have a close brush with a death九死一生
Out of sight out of mind久别情疏
Old friend and old wine are best酒逢知己千杯少
New wine in old bottle旧瓶新酒
Be prepared for danger in times of peace居安思危
Burn oneself out鞠躬尽瘁
On edge局促不安
Between hawk and buzzard举棋不定
Swim luxury锦衣玉食
Watch ones step谨言慎行
On the horns of a dilemma进退维谷
A person in favorable position gains special advantages近水楼台先得月
Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl近朱者赤近墨者黑