

2021-10-20 来源:乌哈旅游


2015 yucatan trip report overview of yucatan trip

the state of yucatan is located in southeastern mexico, which is the major component of maya region. specially, it has its own government. we started our field trip from merida, and made a tour around archaeological sitesto uxmal, izamal and chichen itza, among which uxmal and chichen itza are the main ruling and ceremonial sites of maya region. after that, we went to cancun, a famous tourist city situated along the coast in southeastern mexico. city tour in merida

merida is the cultural, financial and political capital city as well as the largest city of

yucatan peninsula. it is famous for its rich mayan history and culture as well as some of other remarkable mexican

archaeological sites, which makes it one of the most important tourist cities in mexico. thought back to the history of merida, we know that it was once a colonial city, making it have a mixed culture of both local mayan custom as well as spanish one. as we walked around the street in merida, we can see a lot of catholic buildings, which are mostly influenced by

prehispanic style as well as some european style such as french. typically, they organized their traditional town in a spanish style. standing in the main street, there is the

governors? palace on one side, and some catholic church buildings on the opposite, which is

considered to be an organization form that can protect the city. the picture on the left is a famous structure in merida, the merida

cathedral. according to our teacher, the cathedral was built on the top of

one of the ruined mayan city. the spanish rushed in the mayan city and

forced maya as slaves to build a new religious center in the center of the

city for them, which makes the cathedral look exactly a spanish style. it is

a catholic church that built by mayas, which makes it still remain some typical characteristics of the local custom. for instance, it was highly decorated with beautiful lights all along its walls ad roofs. what is more, they added some traditional mayan carvings on the wall above the doorway as well as the windows. attractively, the windows were usually decorated with colorful drawings like some human figures or geometric patterns.

after that, we also looked around other building along the way. on some structures, we can see a mixed style of french and spanish. usually, there are some human figures like royal women and men, or heroic warriors carved on the wall. typically, we can see the figure of a warrior standing on the hanging head of another dead man, which may show the victory and power of the warrior.

besides, we walked around the local market. i felt like i have been back in china at the first sight, since i have never seen any

market that selling fresh meat in the us. in the us, people usually by

meats and vegetables in supermarkets, which are well packed and the

meats are usually stored in refrigerator separated by different parts of

the animals. it is really an interesting experience by comparing the market in merida and that in china, which

makes me think about the differences between developed and developing countries through a tiny scope. physical environment

merida is located in the northwest part of the state of yucatan, which is not along the coast. the state of yucatan is a flat area which is only a little above sea level. through the whole state, it mainly has three land types —volcano, tropical rainy forest and rocky mountain. the yucatan peninsula is an area with karst topography whose bedrock is mainly covered by

limestones. (that should be the reason that traditional mayan structures were mostly built with limestones.)as a result, there is very little surface water, not to mention drinking water.thus,

we could find a lot of caves and sinkholes called cenotes that can be used by the mayas to access the ground water.

as for the climate, yucatan features a hot and humid climate, and have an average annual high temperature of about 33

degree centigrade. thus, it is suitable for varies kinds of crops and fruits to grow in this area. besides, yucatan peninsula has only two typical seasons — tropical wet and dry climate, which means residents need to store water for dry season.merida?s rainy season mainly run from late may to october, during which residents would definitely do all they can to store the water for the rest of the year. as is mentioned in gallopin?s article, the maya region in mexico was separated into highland mexico and lowland maya, and “one condition separating these two settlement adaptation is the availability of water.” (gallopin, 1).from this reference, it is apparent that water is a main contributing factor for the development of an area, as we know that lowland maya was once a thriving region. it sounds quite reasonable that gallopin claims: “however, in those areas of the southern maya lowlands without such water sources and with an abundant though seasonal rainfall, reservoir

management may also have centralized population aggregates.” (gallopin, 3). wherever have abundant source of water, it can attract people to gather or set up a tribe, because only if with enough water can they fulfill their needs for daily lives as well as agricultural irrigation. agriculture

in many parts of maya region, they are short of water but have rich soil, clay and iron. as a result, traditional mayan economic system is largely based on agriculture. it has large area of farmland within the entire mexico, but their production efficiency is pretty low because their

agriculture is mostly based on labor force rather than high-tech equipment. however, it is also apparent that water is a dominant factor for agriculture.according to gallopin?s article, the maya lowland have an average four-month period of annual drought, which is definitely making it a challenge for farmers to provide enough water for their plants and crops.

consequently, building different kinds of reservoirs is their solution to cope with the problem of seasonal unavailability of water. depressingly, they do not have a high probability of

irrigation, which means it is difficult for them to grow any plants that need a large amount of water regularly. thus, they mainly grow plants such as corns, coffee beans as well as cotton.

according to dunning?s article about mayan culture and agriculture, “ancient maya

agriculture was highly varied in nature, adapting to a

changeable mosaic environments and responding to shifting cultural pressure.” (dunning, 1). the region of lowland maya have a large variation in rainfall, soil and biological process, which makes it impossible to use a single agricultural model through the whole region. so the ancient maya developed great diversity of adaptive patterns for their agricultural system as well as civilization.

however, after they enter the north america free trade area, the traditional agriculture systemsface a severe challenge. a considerable number of rural residents are rushing out from rural places to seek for better job opportunities in either large cities in mexico or illegally travel to america, leaving large areas of vacant farmland. hence, the output of agricultural products keeps falling down in recent years. this situation makes mexico?s food supply gradually transferred from self-sufficiency and exported-oriented to imported-oriented, which may also serves as an obstacle in the process of developing and industrializing within the mexico nation. economy: exported-oriented

besides agriculture, mayan economy also relies on craft production and trade. people earned money mostly by

exporting their products like textiles, agricultural and sideline products.in recent years, they also develop e-commerce as a new channel to stimulate their economy. regarding the fact that mexico shares boarder with united states, which is a well-developed country, it generates couples of manufacturing industries and automobile industries. generally speaking, the industrial system of yucatan area is an exported-oriented one and mainly based on light industry. it has vastarea for plants, which means it can provide those developed countries with all kinds of industrial raw materials such as cotton and rubber. according to the article by dr. south, those exported-oriented manufactures are called maquiladoras, which are “based on

labor-intensive assembly of imported components” (biles, 3). also, dr. south

mentions that there is a “changing exported-oriented industry in mexico and posits that the flying geese metaphor, a product cycle variation, provides a conceptual understanding of a transitioning industry.” (south, 4). not surprisingly, there is abundant cheap labor force in mexico, which means the

governments may try their best to create job opportunities for them. thus, a lot of developed countries may tend to choose mexico as a transition base for their industries.


在世界古代文明史上,玛雅文化似乎是从天而降,又戛然而止。在哥伦布发现美洲大陆之前,玛雅文明就早已集体失踪,异常璀璨的文化也突然中断,给人类世界留下了巨大的困惑。 自从1839年美国人斯蒂芬斯在洪都拉斯的热带丛林第一次发现玛雅古文明遗址以来,世界各国考古人员在中美的丛林的荒野上共发现了一百七十多处被弃的玛雅古代城市遗址。 随着对玛雅文明的进一步考察,人们又惊奇地发现,几千年前的玛雅人竟有着无与伦比的数学造诣,有着谜一样的文字。玛雅人那时就已经测算到地球年为365.2420天,他们测算的金星年为584天,与现代人的测算误差仅为7秒。这是多么令人难以置信的数字啊! 玛雅人创造了二十进位计数法,数字演算可沿用到四百万年以后。这样庞大的天文数字,只有在现代星际航行和测算星空距离时才用得上。他们的象形文字由八百个符号和图形组成,词汇量多达三万个。他们还有精美绝伦的雕刻、绘画

和青铜艺术。 玛雅文化之谜,也许有一天人们会解开。那一天远吗?


高三年级语文寒假作业 文科班

一.《2011语文高考全真模拟卷》 1.每两天完成一套

2.第四套、第七套的作文按题目要求完成,其余各套作文写一言旨,或写出个性化的构思方案。 二.名著阅读




1.2篇命题大作文(见第一条第二个要求)。 2.自由短章(100字左右)6篇。 四.自己爱读的文质兼美的书报。 在作业本上写出书目


另:建议利用假期进行针对性补差(比如文言文阅读) ... 2011年江苏省高考历史模拟试卷(1) 参考答案及评分标准

1. d【解析】对各个学派的观点的理解,主要看这个学派的基本特点和代表的阶层,对号入座后进行排列。2.d 3.b 4.a 【解析】根本目的从阶级本质去分析。 5.c 6.b 7.c 8.d9.a 10.b 11.c【解析】材料中的材料主要是企业的类型,其它的跟材料联系不大。 12.a 13.d14.b

15.a 【解析】俾斯麦的历史作用主要是进行统一的王朝战争,故选择a。 16.c

【解析】可以通过时间的不同和概念的差异进行判断。 17.b18.a19.b

【解析】看经济危机的根本原因是资本主义社会的基本矛盾带来的。 20.c

21. (1)作用:有利于加强中央集权;构成了官僚集团的行为规范;使封建政府关注百姓的生计。(3分)(2)原因:以儒家思想的某些观点为武器来攻击封建君主专制;孔子注重用道德的说服力来影响别人;从中国古老文化中为法国启蒙精神汲取营养。(2分)(3)影响:儒学的集体意识和自强不息精神推动韩国的现代化建设,促进韩国经济的发展。(2分)(4)儒学是中华传统文化和民族精神的核心;是人类文明宝贵遗产的重要组成部分;对中国和世界文明的进步和发展作出了重大贡献。(3分)


22. (1)探索工农武装割据道路,形成了毛泽东思想;领导人民取得抗战胜利;领导人民取得新民主主义革命胜利,建立中华人民共和国。(2)阶段:革命立国时代。特征:政治——建立人民代表大会制度、多党合作的政治协商制度、民族区域自治制度,初步构建起社会主义民主政治。经济——恢复和发展国民经济,




23. (1)根本原因:资本主义经济的开放性和扩张性。(2)原因:自给自足的小农经济的封闭性。方式:发动鸦片战争,打开中国大门。(3)二战后国内陷入解放战争时期,继续争取民族独立;新中国成立后,西方资本主义国家对中国采取敌视封锁政策;中国共产党在领导中国的社会主义建设时期犯了左倾错误,强调阶级斗争。(4)原因:扩大国内市场,扩大内需,刺激生产和消费,扩大就业,缓和社会矛盾,缓解危机。理解:中国扩大内需的措施,会一定程度扩大世界贸易,稳定世界经济;中国国际地位、综合国力提高,稳定中国经济利于世界经济的健康发展;经济全球化,各国经济互相联系、相互依存,应加强合作。

【解析】试题考查的是分析能力和理解能力,要求结合材料回答问题。回答问题的关键是层次的变化,要有针对性,不能泛泛而谈。 24. (1)天赋人权;亚里士多德处于奴隶社会,当时奴隶没有人权可言。(2)内容:法律面前人人平等;自由、财产、安全和反抗压迫是不可剥夺的人权等。进步作用:宣言集中表达了18世纪启蒙思想家的政治主张,阐明了资产阶级自由平等和民主法制基本原则,否定了封建专制特权。(3)中国:辛亥革命、新文化运动、五四运动等。欧美:俄国废除农奴制、美国解放黑人奴隶等。(4)进步性:反映了世界人民反对战争、渴望和平的愿望。局限性:为某些大国干涉别国内政、发动战争提供借口。

【解析】从人权的肯定到美国推行所谓人权的两个标准,试题跟现实生活紧密相联。回答问题要透过现象看本质,根据要求分层次回答。 25.




【解析】日本明治维新和中国的戊戌变法在国情上是不一样的,试题就是从这个角度去分析的,找到不同的史实,归纳原因,是回答的关键。第三问比较难,考查归纳能力,回答时注意层次的变化。 b、【中外历史人物评说】


立法规范。这些措施有利于法国政治的稳定和资本主义的发展,进一步摧毁了法国的封建制度,巩固了资本主义社会的秩序。(2分)拿破仑又是一名军事家,他对外多次与反法同盟进行战争,通过对外战争,捍卫了法国大革命的成果,传播了法国革命的思想,在客观上冲击了欧洲各国的封建制度,有利于欧洲封建制度的瓦解和农民的解放,促进欧洲社会的进步。(2分)(2)华盛顿有着强烈的共和思想,华盛顿不贪恋权力(1分)华盛顿通过领导美国独立战争而赢得个人威望,大陆军中的一些军官要求华盛顿当国王。(2分)美国建立了共和政体,冲击了欧洲及至世界的君主制度。(2分) 【解析】拿破仑和华盛顿都是资产阶级革命时期的领袖人物,他们选择制度的不同,有个人的原因,也有周围环境的原因。回答问题时要抓住这两个关键,展开分析。 c、【探索历史的奥秘】





(3)玛雅文明已近尾声,外来侵略势力的强大;生存条件恶劣:全部属于热带,在中部和南部是茂密的热带雨林,北部尤卡坦半岛则十分干旱,灌木丛生,几乎没有地表水。(3分) d、【世界文化遗产荟萃】

(1)特点:布局严谨、气势恢弘、装饰豪华、壮丽辉煌。(2分) (2)文化内涵:物质:文物宝库。精神:建筑设计思想(封建传统礼制、阴阳五行学说、家、国统一、突显皇权至尊)。实质:表现封建帝国的大一统气度和帝王至高无上的权威。(4分)

(3)因素:战争、城市化建设、旅游开发过度。(4分) 2011年江苏省高考历史模拟试卷(2) 参考答案及评分标准

1.a 【解析】西周社会推行分封制和宗法制,社会等级森严。 2.d 3.b 【解析】从材料中看到的服务行业的发展,根据这个观点进行判断。 4.d 5.c

6.c 【解析】“近代前期”说明不是d, “不令倭得”又说明跟日本有关。7.c

8.b 9.c 10.d 11.c 12.d13.a14.c15.b16.c 【解析】马克思主义是人类宝贵的财富,在社会发展的关键时刻,取得指导作用,受到人们的欢迎。 17.a18.a19.b 20.d【解析】《等待戈多》为经典的现代主义文艺作品,体现对现代社会的不满和批评。

21. (1)核心思想:主张加强君主专制。(1分)影响:符合人民要求和平稳定



22. (1)满清对汉人实行民族压迫。带有狭隘的民族主义、国家主义倾向。(2)进步之处:把反清与反对封建专制,建立资产阶级民主政治结合起来。社会条件:民族资本主义初步发展,民族资产阶级力量发展壮大;西方民主思想的传播。(3)材料一、二中的“中国”主要是指汉族政权,材料三中的“中国”指中华民族。摆脱了狭隘的民族主义倾向,把实现中华民族的独立解放作为奋斗目标。

【解析】概念的比较、分析是比较难的,学生在回答时要把握各个概念的真正含义,抓住重点,进行分析比较,不能想当然的回答。 23. (1)图二。(1分)理由:该图圣母的头顶上没有光环,人物形象温柔慈祥更接近人,体现了人文主义的精神。(1分)




24. (1)背景:1929年—1933年资本主义经济危机的发生,使得、大量工人失业,社会矛盾尖锐。影响:有利于缓和社会矛盾,促进美国经济复苏,巩固资本主义制度,并开创国家干预经济的新模式。(2)差异:前者来源于政府和企业;后者来源于政府、雇主和工人三者共同承担。前苏联实行的是高度集中的经济体制;美国是国家干预经济的体制。(3)背景:20世纪70年代资本主义经济危机的发生;美苏争霸中长期巨额军费开支;日本和欧洲的崛起,使美国的经济霸主地位衰落;美国经济处于“滞胀”状态。为减少财政负担;避免劳动者养成惰性,促进生产发展。认识:社会保障制度是有关民生的一项重要的社会制度;它的制订往往受当时社会条件以及经济管理模式的影响。

【解析】社会保障体系各个国家有各个国家的特点,在不同时期也会发生变化。回答问题时有跟当时的时代背景相联系,才能力求完整。 25.



七雄争霸激烈的形势下,这一措施不仅从根本上保障了封建地主土地所有制,发展了封建经济,而且在当时生产力水平较低的条件下,有效的解决了战争对物质的需求,从而为秦的统一中国奠定了基础。(3分)从长远角度来看,重农抑商政策阻碍了商品经济的发展,对农业和其他产业都会产生消极作用。(3分) b、【中外历史人物评说】

(1)学习勤奋刻苦;绅士风度;具有坚强的意志和忍耐力;为了国家的独立抛弃养尊处优的生活。(3分)(2)华盛顿的部下推举他为国王,建立君主制。确保共和制和加强中央集权。华盛顿主张建立共和政体,宣告美利坚合众国成立,主持制宪会议,通过了1787年宪法。(4分)(3)“分权与制衡”的原则,确立三权分立的民主共和政体,制定并颁布《中华民国临时约法》。(3分) c、【探索历史的奥秘】


(2) 二里头遗址属石器、陶作坊、村落、青铜和宫殿文化的合成,学术界对二里头遗址是时间有争论。不同看法说明:发现的实物还不全面;研究工作还需要不断展开;我国的学术风气是比较民主的。(4分)

(3) 精美的青铜工艺;可以考证当时年代;反映当时人们的生活情况。(3分)




(3) 停止在古镇保护范围内新建建筑物;开展重点修复;与上海博大公司联合保护性开发南浔古镇。(3分) 2011年江苏省高考历史模拟试卷(3) 参考答案及评分标准

1.c 【解析】试题考查的是秦朝普遍使用的文字。2.a 【解析】分析问题时要看本质属性,不能被表象迷惑。 3.c 4.d5.c 【解析】民主的局限性一般不注意,这里就是研究这个问题。 6.a 7.d 【解析】洋

务派是中学为体、西学为用,维新派主张政治改革。8.a 9.d 10.b 11.c 12.b

13.a 【解析】试题的难度在于从材料中分析,不能脱离材料。 14.c15.d

16.d 17.c 【解析】旧的世界经济体系主要是老牌帝国主义国家在维护。 18.a 19.b 20.d
