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2022-08-26 来源:乌哈旅游
Mac OS-X Installation Guide

You are may need to be downloaded (e.g. StuffIt Expander). Once expanded, run the installer by double clicking on the Mac OS X Driver.pkg.hqx icon.

Click Continue to proceed with the installation and follow the instructions on screen. When the installation is complete, reboot the computer.

When the computer has rebooted, plug in the device. If the device is installed properly, you will see entries in the /dev directory:

/dev/cu.usbserial-xxxxxxxx /dev/tty.usbserial-xxxxxxxx

where xxxxxxxx is either the device's serial number or, for unserialized devices, a location string that depends on which USB port your device is connected to.

If you run the application SystemPreferences and select Network, you should see the text \"New Port Detected\".

Click OK and select Network Port Configurations from the Show list. The new port can be enabled from this screen by checking the On box and clicking Apply Now.

The new port can then be selected from the Show list and you can setup the parameters for an Internet connection.

Uninstalling Devices

To remove the drivers from Mac OS-X, the user must be logged on as root. Root is a reserved username that has the privileges required to access all files.

Start a terminal session and enter the following commands at the command prompt:

cd /System/Library/Extensions rm -r FTDIUSBSerialDriver.kext cd /Library/StartupItems rm -r FTDIReEnumerate

The driver will then be removed from the system.

To remove the port from the system, run the application SystemPreferences and select Network. Selecting Network Port Configurations from the Show menu will display the port as greyed out. Select the uninstalled port and click Delete. Confirm the deletion to remove the port.
