

2021-06-29 来源:乌哈旅游




从语法关系看,词组中前后两个部分可以是主谓、动宾、偏正或者并列关系 从结构上看,四字格由自由词组和固定词组组成。自由词组是临时组成的,可以随意拆散,重新组合,例如:“品种齐全,做工精细”等;而固定词组是一个整体,四个语素不能拆开、随意更换。 四字格的汉英翻译方法

汉语中出现的四字格,很多只是为了读起来上口,对仗,并没有太深的寓意,在英语中我们并不一定能找到一个表达形式与之对应,我们只需准确理解其真正含义,然后进行翻译: 1、将四字格前后两个词语分开 2、判断这两个词语属于什么词类 3、分析前后两个词语间的逻辑关系 4、通过逻辑关系确定翻译方法


名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sites青山绿水 green hills and clear waters平等互利 equality and mutual benefit扬长避短 play up strengths and avoid weaknesses反腐倡廉 fight corruption and build a clean government集思广益 draw on collective wisom and absorb all useful ideas

famous独具匠心 original中流砥柱 mainstay, chief cornerstone鱼米之乡 a land of milk and honey世外桃源 a haven of peace 叠词的翻译

叠词是汉语的一种特殊词汇现象,使用非常普遍。汉语的名词、数词、量词、形容词、副词、动词以及象声词都有重叠变化,其主要形态格式有一下十类: 1.AA:天天、看看、洋洋、哄哄

2.AAB:毛毛雨、洗洗手、刷刷牙、写写字 3.ABB:眼巴巴、水汪汪、凉丝丝、亮堂堂

4.AABB:高高兴兴、认认真真、三三两两、滴滴答答 5.ABAB:一个一个、雪白雪白、飞快飞快、漆黑漆黑 6.A一A:看一看、试一试、热一热、猜一猜



9.A着A着:说着说着、数着数着、跳着跳着、骑着骑着 10.A里AB:糊里糊涂、傻里傻气、娇里娇气、罗里罗嗦

另外还有AABC式(楚楚动人)BCAA式(风雪茫茫)ABAC(一举一动)A都A不式(爬都不爬)这些格式使用率不高。汉语词汇重叠后,一般无词性变化。但是词义大都会发生变化。叠词词义变化可归纳为三种情况。 1.增义:增加语义

2.强义:加强语意 3.弱义:减缓语意 叠词的翻译


1.借助every、all、each等词语,以表达增义的语意,例如: 件件衣服都很漂亮

All of these suits of clothes are beatiful. 绿化祖国,人人有责

It’s everybody’s duty to make our motherland green.

2.用相同的词连续反复的方法翻译,汉英中,同一个词用介词(after, in, to, upon, with等)或and连续起来使用,用连字符 连接起来使用,或者用逗号隔开重叠使用。以此来“增义或强义” 一天一天、一年一年

Day after day and year after year 农民犁田只能一块一块地犁

Peasants can only plough the land plot by plot. 3.用复数形式翻译


The students their seats in the classroom by twos and threes. 一群一群的人蜂拥而进大厅

Crowds of people swarmed into the hall.

4. 用语义相符的英语表达方式或语法结构表达叠词的强义。 数着数着,两只兔子快到对岸了

As they counted the two found themselves quite near the other side of the river.


As they listened they burst into laughter. 他思绪滚滚,早已忘却约会一事

He had been so busy with her own emotion that he had forgotten about the appointment.

2017年12月考研的(18年9月入学, 暨18考研党)直播课请戳我报名

附:一些常用的四字格翻译,这里只给出四字格脱离语境的翻译,放在上下文中一定根据句子要求进行调整。 预防为主 prevention first

综合治理 comprehensive control/management

全面推进 entire/all-round push-on

重点突破 breakthrough at key points

亲仁善邻 cordiality, benevolence and good neighborliness 和睦相处 living in harmony with others

强不凌弱 The strong should not oppress the weak and the rich should not bully the poor.

协和万邦 All nations live side by side in perfect harmony. 海纳百川

有容乃大 One should be as inclusive as the ocean, which is vast because it admits hundreds of rivers.

兼收并蓄 embrace everything that is useful 光阴似箭 Time flies like an arrow. /How time files! 一诺千金

有诺必践 Commitment should always be kept. 一如既往 unswervingly

和衷共济 solidarity; fighting together with one accord 亡国灭种 extinction; being conquered and destroyed

万众一心 pull together; join hands; make joint efforts; be united as one

浩然气概 noble spirit

不屈节操 unyielding moral principle 赴汤蹈火 go through fire and water 殊死奋战 fight desperately; fight to death

可歌可泣 moved one to songs and tears

英勇卓绝 heroic and splendid 插科打诨 comic parts

精微深奥 profound and abstruse

博大精深 extensive and profound 源远流长 run a long history

天下为公 The world belongs to all the people. 天下兴亡

匹夫有责 Every man has a duty to his country. 吃苦耐劳 hard work and enduring hardship

勤俭持家 run the household industriously and frugally 尊师重教 respect teachers and attach importance to education

当务之急 urgent; imminent

不谋而合 coincide with

莘莘学子 students 青春洋溢 young

书香浓郁 academic/cultural atmosphere


充满活力 dynamic; vigorous 多姿多彩 colorful

日新月异 change with each passing day

光芒四射 shining; brilliant

安居乐业 live and work happily and peacefully 相知无远近

万里尚为邻 Distance can never separate real friends.

携手前进 join hands 名列前茅 rank top

此起彼伏 rise one after another, keep cropping up 繁衍生息 live and multiply/reproduce

改朝换代 changes of dynasties

穷兵黩武 wantonly engage in military aggression; use all one’s armed might to indulge in wars of aggression

雅俗共赏 appeal to both refined and popular tastes

与日俱增 increase with each passing day, be steadily on the increase

极目远眺 look as far as the eye can see

按资排辈 to assign priority according to seniority

求同存异 seeking common ground while putting aside differences 流连忘返 linger on; be too delighted to leave 乐不思蜀 too delighted to be homesick

不宣而战 start an undeclared war 尽收眼底 hold a panoramic view

扬长避短 play up strengths and avoid weaknesses 反腐倡廉 fight corruption and build a clean government

集思广益 draw on collective wisdom and absorb all useful ideas 辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new 开拓进取 blaze new trails and forge ahead

求同存异 seek common ground while shelving differences

延年益寿 prolong one’s life

审时度势 size up the trend of events 招商引资 attract investment

急功近利 eager for instant success and quick profits

扫黑扫黄 crack down on gangland and pornography

减员增效 downsize(and cut payroll) to improve efficiency 退耕还林 return cultivated land to forest or pasture 互利互补 mutually complementary and beneficial

集资办学 raise money to set up new schools 寓教于乐 teach through lively activities

因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude 按劳分配 distribution according to performance

廉洁奉公 honestly perform one’s official duties 呕心沥血 spare no efforts

画龙点睛 bring out the crucial point 绿水青山 green hills and clear waters

墨客骚人 men of letters

奇花异草 exotic flowers and herbs

鱼米之乡 a land of milk and honey 奇峰异石 picturesque peaks and rocks 浓妆淡抹 heavy or light makeup

轩然大波 a great disturbance, a mighty uproar

凤毛麟角 rarity of rarities

层峦叠嶂 range upon range of mountains; the hills rise around… 崇山峻岭 steep mountains

雕梁画栋 carved beams and painted pillars 名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers 湖光山色 landscape of lakes and hills 青山绿水 green hills and clear waters

名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sites 平等互利 equality and mutual benefit

国计民生 national welfare and the people’s livelihood 灵丹妙药 panacea/miraculous cure

中流砥柱 mainstay, chief cornerstone

世外桃源 a haven of peace

长治久安 a long period of stability

按劳分配 distribution according to one’s performance a blaze of bright colours 姹紫嫣红 towering and steep mountains 崇山峻岭

Each turn of the boat affords a different scenery 船移景换 carved beams and painted rafters 雕梁画栋 scenery of exceptional charm 洞天福地

Waters rush down in whirlpools and rapids 飞流急湍 the paths running sinuously amidst the peaks 峰回路转 ancient architectural 古建筑群 of antique beauty 古色古香 national park 国家公园

towering and magnificent 宏伟挺拔

beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains 湖光山色 look as far as the eye can see 极目远眺

the south of the lower reaches of the Yangze River 江南水乡 resplendent and magnificent 金碧辉煌 command a panoramic view of 尽收眼底 be greatly surprised/astonished 惊奇不已

Raging/Tumultuous/Turbulent waves pound on the banks. 惊涛拍案 a superb collection of beautiful things 琳琅满目 placed closely side by side 鳞次栉比 beautifully wrought 玲珑剔透

linger on and forget to return 流连忘返

tourist attraction; scenic spot; places of interest 旅游景点 an endless stream 络绎不绝

too many beautiful things to be appreciated at once 美不胜收 famous scenic spots and places of historical interest 名胜古迹 known far and wide 闻名遐尔 famous men of letters 墨客骚人 picturesque peaks and rocks 奇峰异石 exotic flowers and herbs 奇花异草

be surrounded by mountains/hills 群山环抱 Mountains are high and torrents are swift 高山水急 range upon range of green hills 山峦迭翠 ascend step by step 拾级而上 举足轻重 decisive, vital, significant

光辉灿烂 glorious and magnificent

不可磨灭 indelible 无边无际 boundless 广袤富饶 vast and fertile

宏伟挺拔 towering magnificence 金壁辉煌 splendid and magnificent 玲珑剔透 exquisitely carved/made/wrought 蔚为壮观 splendid; spectacular

庄严肃穆 solemn

不屈不挠 unyielding, unrelenting, dauntless
