7C原则 ——102131班-8组
1、Courtesy Politeness principle is a key principle of daily language use which with universal and guidance .And it is an important yardstick of measuring social activity. A successful foreign trade correspondence writing In addition to have a solid English basic skill, how to properly use the politeness principle also appears especially important. 1) Not mere politeness like using some phrases of “please” or “thank you”. 2) Keep a sincere You-attitude.
3) Use tactful way to blame your readers, and try to avoid irritating, offensive, or belittling statement.
4) Answer letters promptly. 2.Consideration 1) Emphasizing You-attitude rather than we-attitude Put yourself in the readers‟ position Place the reader in the center of things Use „You-attitude‟ NOT „We-attitude‟
2) Focusing on the positive approach, declining or complaining in tactful way:
E.g. NO SMOKING, THANK YOUFOR NOT SMOKING. Two examples express the meaning is the same, but the reader for their degree of recognition is clearly different. Therefore, business letters, we want to try to create a positive, positive atmosphere, news express words certainly do not deny the significance of the word is more Words certainly also help establish a good relationship with the recipient. 3、Completeness A letter is complete, with five \"W\" to test, that: \"Who, What, Where, When and Why (How)\"
Request the letters of \"completeness\
1) A complete letters have more possibility to bring the desired effect; 2)It helps to establish a friendly relationship;
3)It can avoid missing important material information, and lead to lawsuit;
4) Some inconspicuous letters or documents, because of the conditions provided by complete and effective, and become extremely important documents 4、Concreteness What the most important is that content should be specific and exploit. Especially in correspondence where demands party to reply .
Targets in the correspondence embody and make clear. Any blur language and means of express easy to undermistake should be avoided. Formal business letters must have accurate expression word. When you confirm a letter ,you need to put forward the date、item and reference ,so on.. The key issue in the negotiations on the
absolute can't be careless .
Coming to concrete objection isn‟t difficult .just need to keep clear. prevent
the abstract, general, vague statement, with examples permit.
words in
the abstract
concept concrete
5、Conception : Words and punctuation is not wrong in the sentence .Refer not only to correct usage of grammar, punctuation and spelling, but also to standard language and proper statement.
1) Select correct words or phrases: Anyone can learn to type.
Any one of us can learn to type. 2) Insert appropriate punctuation 3) The formality of language 4) Right approaches 6、Conciseness Using concise sentences and fewest words to explain the meaning of a letter clearly, without losing completeness and courtesy. The contents of the paper are too much,which made us lose focus .
1) Avoid using wordy expression 2) Avoid unnecessary repetition
3) Use short sentences, simple words and clear explanation 7、Clarity 1)The writer must try to express his meaning clearly to make the reader understand it well.
How to make the letter clarity:
Avoid using the different understanding or unclear meaning words. Pay attention to the position of the modifiers. Pay attention to the sentences structure. Paragraph carefully and properly.
2)Avoid using may have different understanding or ambiguous words
Note the modified word position, sometimes modified word position is different can lead to different implications.
Note the pronoun, the relationship between pronoun and its antecedent in the English habits, in the sentence generation nouns and pronouns generally refers to the nearest noun, so we should pay special attention to, in order to avoid misunderstanding or unclear.
3) Put together words with close relation:
The L/C must reach us not later than 8 October for arranging shipment. The L/C must reach us for arranging shipment not later than 8 October. 4)Use active voice: We sent you a telex yesterday. 5)Use of facts, examples, and visual aids.