新视野三版读写B2U4Text AColl ege sweethearts
1 I smile at my two lovely daughters and they seem so much more mature than we, their parents, when we were collegesweethearts. Linda, who's 21, had a boyfriend in her freshman year she thought she would marry, but they're not togetheranymore. Melissa, who's 19, hasn't had a steady boyfriend yet. My daughters wonder when they will meet \"The One\great love. They think
their father and I had a classic fairy-tale romance heading for marriage from the outset. Perhaps, they're right but it didn'tseem so at the time. In a way, love just happens when you least expect it. Who would have thought that Butch and I wouldend up getting married to each other?
He became my boyfriend because of my shallow agenda: I wanted a cute boyfriend!
2 We met through my college roommate at the university cafeteria. That fateful night, I was merely curious, but for him I think itwas love at first sight. \"You have beautiful eyes\night long. I really wasn't that interested for two reasons. First, he looked like
he was a really wild boy, maybe even dangerous. Second, although he was very cute, he seemed a little weird.3 Riding on his bicycle, he'd ride past my dorm as if \"by accident\" and pretend
to be surprised to see me. I liked the attention but was cautious about his wild, dynamic personality. He had a charming waywith words which would charm any girl. Fear came over me when I started to fall in love. His exciting \"bad boy image\" wasjust too tempting to resist. What was it that attracted me? I always had an excellent reputation. My concentration was solelyon my studies to get superior grades. But for what? College is supposed
to be a time of great learning and also some fun. I had nearly achieved a great education, and graduation was just onesemester away. But I hadn't had any
fun; my life was stale with no component of fun! I needed a boyfriend.Not just
any boyfriend.He had to be cute. My goal that semester became: Be ambitious and grab the cutest boyfriend I can find.4 I worried what he'd think of me. True, we lived in a time when a dramatic shift
in sexual attitudes was taking place, but I was a traditional girl who wasn't ready for the new ways that seemed common oncampus. Butch looked superb! I was not immune to his personality, but I was scared. The night when he announced to theworld that I was his girlfriend, I went along
with him. And then I suddenly thought: \"Oh my gosh! Am I his girlfriend? How
did that happen?\" Then he whispered sweet words in my ear and said, \"I'm going to marry you one day and I will be a lawyer.You will see.\"
5 I was laughing inside and said to myself, \"I'd never marry this guy. He's a rebel without a good future. He's my boyfriendbecause I hate my boring student life. I just want to have fun.\"6 Sure enough, the following month, I found out he had failed all his
courses. Consequently, he was going to be expelled from the university. To my disgust, he seemed resigned to his fate. Iknew there was hope, so I led
him to the college secretary for reconsideration.
7 \"You are going to graduate with a BA in political science from UPenn and proceed to the College of Law,\" I told him,lodging an appeal
on his behalf, which was approved. Butch was granted reconsideration. And,
once we became steadies, he coordinated his studies and social life, passingall of his classes. He eventually studied law.
8 Despite Butch's somewhat wild character, at his core, he is always a perfect gentleman and deserves a lot of credit forthat.True, he'd sometimes take the liberty of displaying his love by planting a kiss on my lips
right in front of my astonished friends who watched and disapproved. But the truth is we had a pure and responsiblerelationship for seven full years. Sitting
by the palm trees, hand in hand, we would listen to romantic songs, watch the sunset, and weave dreams of being togetherwith children of our own, forever.
9 Two years passed in a blur. One day, Butch took me by surprise as
he knelt down and proposed marriage holding a dozen red roses! Filled with deep emotion, I confessed my love for him,\"How roooomaaaantic!!\" Then my
brain woke up from fantasy land. I cried out, \"Good heavens. No! We're too young to tie the knot. We haven't even graduatedfrom college yet!\" I really loved him but was pessimistic about our chances for success.10 We married five years later.
11 Our faithful journey of love and learning took us down rocky roads of hardship and on smooth easy-going highways. It is along, romantic, sometimes crazy, love story that sums up a 29-year long honeymoon together
as a couple who are still madly in love with each other. Our love commenced with a casual attraction but bloomed into amature love andrich life.
Langu ag e P oint s:
1 I s m il e a t m y t w o lovely d augh t ers and t hey s eem so m u ch m o re m atu re than w e,t heir par en t s, w hen w e w er e coll ege s w ee th ear ts. (Pa r a. 1)
Mea ni ng b eyond wo r ds:Married to her college sweetheart,the author now is happy with her family and two growndaughters.
Not e:College sweethearts refer to someone with whom one is in love and by whom oneis loved at college;sweetheart is equivalent to lover,darling,beloved,or dear.For example:Well done,sweetheart,we are all so proud of you.做得好,宝贝,我们以你为荣。My husband is the greatest guy in the world;he was my college sweetheart.我丈夫是世界上最棒的,⼤学时他就是我的恋⼈。
He tries to locate his former sweetheart Melina from whom he has heard nothing for a very long time.他在努⼒寻找他以前的恋⼈梅利娜,他已经很久没有她的消息了。
2 Li nd a, w ho’s21, had a bo yf riend in her fr es hm an yea r sh e t hough t sh ew ou ld m arr y, bu t t hey’re no t t og eth er an ym ore. Me li ss a, w ho’s 19, hasn’t
had a st ead y bo yf r iend yet. M y daugh t er s w ond er w h en th ey w ill m ee t“Th e One”, th eir gr eat lo ve.(Pa r a. 1)Mea ni ng b eyond w or ds:Her two daughters are at the age of just dating,but they seemto be very mature wondering when they will meet their true love.
3 T h ey t hi nk t heir father and I had a class ic fair y t ale rom an ce h ead ing fo r m arr iagef rom t he ou ts et. (Pa r a. 1)
Mea ni ng b eyond w or ds:Her daughters consider their parents’marriage a typical conventional romance because they thinkit aimed at marriage from the very beginning.Us ag e no t e:classic,classical
Death on the Nile is one of the classic works of Agatha Christie.《尼罗河上的惨案》是阿加莎·克⾥斯蒂的经典作品之⼀。⼝语中也会⽤到classic这个词。当你看到⼀场精彩的演出时,就可以说“Tha t’s classic!”来表达赞美。classic⽤作形容词也表⽰“典型的;标准的”。例如:
London is the classic example of the scattered city.伦敦是标准分散型的城市。
This statement was a classic illustration of British politeness.这项陈述是对英国礼貌的⼀个典型说明。classic也可⽤作名词,表⽰“⽂学名著;经典作品;杰作”。例如:
We have all the standard classics of Hayao Miyazaki at home.我们家有宫崎骏的所有的经典作品。
I spend a lot of time reading and listening to classical music.我花了很多时间阅读和聆听古典⾳乐。
Classical music is music written by composers such as Mozart and Beethoven.像莫扎特和贝多芬所创作的⾳乐称为古典⾳乐。
莫扎特和贝多芬所创作的⾳乐属于古典⾳乐(classical music),但这些古典⾳乐经久不衰,有永久的意义和价值,所以这些⾳乐也可称为经典的⾳乐(classic music)。反之,在前⾯有⼀例中说可⼝可乐瓶⼦的设计是精彩的,⼀流的,所以是经典(classic)之作,但很明显
可⼝可乐瓶⼦的设计不是古典的(classical)设计。所以,经典的(classic)作品不⼀定就是古典的(classical)作品。Not e:Classic fairy-tale romance is used to describe a romance blessed with unusual happiness.Colloquially,a fairy tale canalso refer to any story extremely unlikely to be true.
4 Pe rhap s, t hey’r e righ t bu t it di dn’t s eem so at t he t im e. (Pa ra. 1)
Mea ni ng:My daughters’perception may be right,yet our romance back then was actually not like what they have assumed.5 I n a way, lov e ju s t happ ens w hen you lea st exp ect it. W ho w ou ld h ave t hough tt hat B ut ch and I w ou ld end up g ett ing m arr ied to eac h o ther? He becam e m ybo yf r iend b ec aus e of m y shall ow ag end a: I w an ted a c ut e bo y fr iend! (Pa r a. 1)Mea ni ng:Love comes your way when you don’t really expect it.No one thought thatButch and I would finally get married.He became my boyfriend simply because I wouldlike to fulfill my shallow wish:to have an attractive boyfriend in college.
Mea ni ng b eyond w or ds:Here is the suspense of the story–the author gives a broadhint that she will tell us how she and her husband got married at last.
6 We m et through m y c oll eg e r oo mm ate a t th e un iv ers ity c afeter ia. T h at f at ef u lnigh t, I w as m er ely cur iou s, bu t fo r h im I t h in k it was lo ve a t fi rs t s igh t. (Pa r a. 2)
Mea ni ng:At the school dining hall that important night,we were introduced to each other through my roommate.I met Butchjust out of curiosity,but he seemed to fall in love with me as soon as he saw me.7 “You hav e bea ut ifu l ey es,”h e s aid as he g aze d at m y f ac e. (Pa ra. 2)
Mea ni ng b eyond w or ds:The author was obviously attractive to Butch since he tried to please her by praising her eyes.
8 He k ept st ar ing at m e a ll nigh t long. (Pa ra. 2)
Not e:Both gaze at and stare at mean“looking at something fixedly for a long time
because of being attracted,surprised,or thinking,etc.”.S tare at usually has the additional meaning of“with eyes widelyopen”.Also,it usually implies“with great attention”;g azeat usually implies“in a dreamy and unaware state of mind”.
9 I r ea ll y w asn’t t hat int er est ed f or t w o rea son s. F irs t, h e loo ked li k e he w as a r eall y w il d bo y, m ay be even dang er ou s. Se c ond, alt hough he w as very c u te, h e see m ed a li tt le w eir d. (Pa ra. 2)Mea ni ng b eyond w or ds:She wasn’t interested in him because she got the impression
that he was wild and strange,which illustrates that she didn’t know much about him at the beginning.Therefore,it’s not truethat their romance was heading for marriage from the start.
10 R id ing on h is b icyc l e, he’d rid e pas t m y do r m as if“by acc id ent”and pretend tobe s ur pr is ed t o s ee m e. I li ked th e a ttention bu t w as cau tiou s abou t his w il d,dy nam ic p erson ali t y. (Pa ra. 3)
Mea ni ng b eyond w or ds:She understood his little trick:trying to see her by
manufacturing excuses.Though she was happy to be the focus of his attention,she was also very alert to his wild anddynamic personality.
11 He had a c harm ing w ay w ith wo r ds w hic h w ou ld c h ar m any g ir l. (Pa ra. 3)
Mea ni ng:He knew how to please and attract girls because what he said was always pleasant to their ears.12 Fea r cam e o ver m e wh en I s tar ted t o fall in lov e. H is exc i ting“bad bo yim age”
w as just too t em p ti ng t o resi st. Wh at w as it th at att rac ted m e?(Pa r a. 3)
Mea ni ng:I was in an awkward position:I started to fall in love with him,but I was also afraid of that.His bad boy image wastoo attractive to resist,but at the same time it was somewhat fearful.So,what exactly was it in him that attracted me?Not e:Tempting is a present participle of the verb tempt,used as an adjective to describethe effect that something has on someone’s feelings.For example,if you find somethingtempting/charming/disgusting/frightening,it means it tempts/charms/disgusts/frightens
you.In English there are a group of words describing an effect that something has on your feelings and ideas.For example:a tempting jo
b offer⼀个诱⼈的⼯作机会
an alarming increase in racial hostility种族仇视的惊⼈增长a welcoming smile热情的微笑a surprising number of数量惊⼈的
13 I a lw ays had an exc ell en t repu t at ion. M y con cen tr at ion w as s o lely on m y s tud iest o get sup er io r gr ad es. B ut f or w hat? (Pa r a. 3)
Mea ni ng:I was an outstanding student who only concentrated on studies in order to get excellent grades.But so what?Shouldn’t a good student also have fun?
14 C oll ege is suppo s ed t o be a t im e of g r eat learn ing and also s om e f un. I hadnear ly ach iev ed a gr eat edu c at ion, and gr adu at ion w as jus t on e sem est er aw ay. B u t
I h adn’t had any f un;m y li f e w as s tale w it h no co m pon ent of f un! I n eed ed abo yf r iend. (Pa ra. 3)
Mea ni ng:College is definitely a nice place for education but should have some fun as well.Throughout my years at college,Ihad devoted all my time to study but hadn’t had
any fun yet.Now that I was graduating,I wanted to have a boyfriend to enrich my college life.15 N ot ju s t any bo yf r iend. He h ad t o b e cut e. M y go al t hat sem est er b ecam e:B eam b iti ou s and g r ab th e c ut es t bo yf r iend I c an f ind. (Pa ra. 3)
Mea ni ng:The one I wanted to date was not just an ordinary boy;he had to be handsome, pleasant and attractive.My ambitionfor that semester,therefore,was to find the cutest boyfriend at college.16 I wo rr ied w h at h e’d think of m e. (Pa r a. 4)
Mea ni ng b eyond wo r ds:Her concern about how Butch would look at her shows that she was becoming more interested inhim and cared about his real thinking.
17 T ru e, w e liv ed in a t im e w hen a dram at ic s hift in s exu al atti tud es w as t aking p lac e, bu t I w as a t rad iti on al g irl w ho w asn’t rea dy f or t he n ew w ays th at s eem edco mm on on c am pu s. (Pa r a. 4)
Mea ni ng:It is true that we lived in an era when sexual attitudes were changing dramatically,but since I was traditional,Iwasn’t ready for the new sexual practiceseemingly common on campus.
18 B ut ch loo k ed s up er b! I w as no t imm un e to his pers on alit y, bu t I w as sc ared.(Pa r a. 4)
Mea ni ng:Butch looked extremely wonderful.I was surely influenced by his personality,but I felt scared.
19 T he nigh t w hen he a nnoun c ed t o t he w orld t hat I w as h is g irl friend, I w ent alongw it h h im. (Pa r a. 4)
Mea ni ng:That night when my boyfriend announced publicly I was his girlfriend,I did not have any objection.Mea ni ng b eyond w or ds:She has apparently changed her perception of Butch,from
being merely curious about him at first to becoming cautious about his wild,dynamic personality later;from being fearful offailing to resist his“bad boy image”to approving of being his girlfriend.
20 A nd t hen I sudd en ly t hough t:“O h m y go sh!Am I his gir lfr iend? H ow di d th at happ en?”(Pa r a. 4)
Mea ni ng b eyond w or ds:All of a sudden,she realized that she had made a mistake because she was not really ready tohave a boyfriend yet.
Not e:“Gosh”,a s an interjection,is used to express surprise.For example:Gosh,I didn’t expect to see you here!天哪,我没想到在这⾥见到你!Gosh,it’s so cold.天哪,太冷了!
Gosh,there’s a lot of noise.天哪,这⼉真吵。
21 T hen he wh isp er ed s w ee t w ord s in m y ear and s aid, “I’m go ing to m arr y y ou on e day and I w ill b e a law yer. You w ill s ee.”(Pa ra. 4)
Mea ni ng:Then he quietly said sweet words in my ear and said that he would marry me and I could eventually see himbecome a lawyer.
22 I was laugh ing in s ide a nd said t o m ys elf, “I’d nev er m arr y this gu y. He’s a r eb el w ithou t a good fu tur e. He’s mybo yf riend b ec aus e I hat e m y bo ring s tud en tli fe. I
jus t w ant to h av e fun.”(Pa ra. 5)
Mea ni ng:Though I agreed to be his girlfriend,from my heart,he was just a rebellious boy without a bright future.Therefore,Iwas not very serious about our relationship.To me,the only purpose to date him was to get away from my boring student life.23 S ur e enough, t h e f o llo w ing m on t h, I f ound ou t he had fail ed all his cou rses. (Pa ra. 6)Mea ni ng:Just as I had expected,he didn’t pass any of his courses.
24 C on s equ en tly, h e w as go ing to b e e x pell ed from th e un iv ers ity. (Pa r a. 6) Mea ni ng: As a consequence,theuniversity was going to dismiss him from the school.
25 T o m y di sgu st, h e s eem ed r esi gn ed t o h is f at e. I k new t her e w as hop e, s o I ledhim to th e coll ege s ecr et ar y fo r r econ sider ati on. (Pa ra. 6)
Mea ni ng:What upset me was that he seemed to accept his fate.As I knew there was stilla hope,I took him to the college secretary to see whether the decision could be changed.26 “Y ou are go ing to gradu ate w i th a BA in po li t ical sc ien ce f rom UPe nn and
pro c eed to t h e Co ll eg e of L aw,”I told h im, lodg i ng an a pp eal on his behalf, w h ic h w as app r ov ed. (Pa r a. 7)Mea ni ng b eyond w or ds:What she did for her boyfriend indicated their relationship had come to a new stage.Besides
encouraging him to consult with the college secretary and submitting the appeal on his behalf,she also planned for his futurecareer.She told him
he had to continue his studies at law school.
Not e:Besides a noun,“proceed to”can also be followed by a verb phrase.For example: Having said how much she liked myidea,she then proceeded to make critical comments about it.说完她是多么喜欢我的点⼦,她接着就提出了批评性的意见。27 B ut ch w as g rant ed r ec on s iderat ion. And, on ce w e b ecam e st ea dies, hecoo r dinated h is s tud i es and soc ial li f e, pass ing all of his c lass es. He e v ent uall ystud ied law. (Pa ra. 7)
Mea ni ng b eyond w or ds:Here we see the turning point of the relationship between the two.Her suggestions did work wellwith Butch since he was granted reconsideration.As soon as they became steady lovers,Butch balanced his studies andsocial life and passed every course.Finally,he studied law as had been planned.
Not e:Steady can also be used as a noun,as is in the text.It’s an old-fashioned American way to describe a boyfriend orgirlfriend that someone has been having a romantic relationship with.
28 De s p ite B utc h’s s om ew hat w ild c har ac ter, at his co re, h e is alw ays a perf ec t gent lem an and deser ves a lo t ofcredit f o r t hat. (Pa ra. 8)
Mea ni ng:In spite of Butch’s a little wild character,he was always a perfect gentleman in essence,for which he should begiven recognition.
29 T ru e, h e’d so m etimes t ak e th e li berty o f disp laying his love b y plant ing a kiss on my li p s righ t in f r on t of my aston is hed f ri end s who w atc hed and disapp ro v ed. (Pa ra. 8)
Mea ni ng:Without my permission,sometimes he would press a kiss on my lips to showhis love in front of my friends,who were astonished and resented what he did.
Not e:“Plant a kiss”is a figurative use of the word plant,which means an intimate and publicly demonstrative kiss showing hislove to all who are watching.
30 B ut th e t ru th is w e h ad a pu re a nd r espon sible r elat ion s hip fo r s even f u ll year s. Sitt ing b y th e p al m tr ee s, h
and in hand, w e w ou ld li s ten t o r om ant ic s ong s, w atc h
t he s un s et, and w eav e dr eam s of being tog et her w ith ch il dren of ou r ow n, forever. (Pa r a. 8)
Mea ni ng b eyond w or ds:Butch showed much respect for her conservative perception of love.For seven years,they justenjoyed their romance in a traditional way.
31 T wo y ear s pass ed in a b lu r. O ne day, B u tc h too k m e b y s ur p ris e a s he kn eltdo w n and propo s ed m arr iag e ho lding a do ze n red ro ses! (Pa r a. 9)
Mea ni ng:Two years passed so quickly that I didn’t really remember everything clearly. One day,I was startled whenButch,holding a dozen red roses,knelt down to propose marriage.Not e:propose to sb.=propose marriage to sb.
32 F ill ed w it h dee p em ot ion, I con fess ed m y l ov e fo r him, “H owr oooo m aaaa n tic!!”(Pa r a. 9)
Mea ni ng:I admitted my love for him with deep affection.It was super romantic!
Mea ni ng b eyond w or ds:She was so happy and thrilled to accept Butch’s marriage proposal that she said the wordromantic in a slow and exaggerated way.
Not e:In informal writing,people would emphasize something in a similar way.For example:Thank you soooooo much!真是太太太感谢您了!
33 T hen m y br ain w oke up f r om f ant asy land. I cr ied ou t, “Good h eav en s. N o! We’r et oo y oung t o tie the knot. We h aven’t ev en gr adu at ed f rom c o ll eg e yet!”Ir eall y loved h im bu t w as p ess im is t ic abou t ou r chances fo r succ ess.(Pa r a. 9)
Mea ni ng b eyond w or ds:All of a sudden,she woke up from the romantic scene.Though she already accepted love fromButch and confessed her love for him,she was not sure whether they would get married and have a happy ending as theywere still college students. Not e:It isn’t clear whether this expression tie the knot derives from an actual knot used inmarriage ceremonies or whether the knot is merely symbolic of a lasting unity.Knots havea place in many cultures and usually symbolize unbreakable pledges.Actual knots have
certainly been used in marriage ceremonies for some time.The word knot,although not in the phrase tie the knot,has beenassociated with marriage since at least the13th century.34 We m arr ied f iv e yea r s later. (Pa ra 10)
Mea ni ng b eyond w or ds:Though she was pessimistic about their chance for success of love,she accepted Butch’sproposal.They got married five years later,which illustrates their deep and true love for each other.
35 O ur f ai th ful jou r ney of l ov e a nd lea rn ing too k us do w n ro cky ro ads o f har ds h ip and on s m oo t h ea sy-go ing high ways. (Pa ra. 11)
Mea ni ng:Our devoted and faithful love guided us both in times of happiness and also in times of hardship.
Not e:The word rocky comes from the noun rock combining with-y.A rocky road refers to a road full of rocks,uneven or notflat.Words of this group
36 I t is a long, r om an tic, so m et im es cr azy, love s to ry t hat su ms up a 29-y ear long hon ey moon t og ether as a c ouple w ho are s till m adly in lov e w it h ea ch o t her. (Pa ra.11)
Mea ni ng b eyond w or ds:She felt very proud of her long-lasting romantic,sometimes even crazy love,which was just like
a29-year long honeymoon for her and her husband.
37 O ur lov e co mm en ced w ith a c asu al att ract ion bu t b loo m ed in to a m atu re love and ric h li fe. (Pa r a. 11)Mea ni ng b eyond w or ds:Completely beyond her expectation,love came to her as she started with a casual date but endedup growing into a mature love and rich life.
Not e:We usually use commence doing sth.or commence with sth.Also,in the US,the official college/university graduationceremony is called“commencement”.T he word refers to the completion of one’s education and the beginning of one’s newadult life.
Not e:The phrase“bloomed into a mature love and rich life”in the text is used figuratively, meaning their love was just likeblossoms on a tree.