fat表肥的; 胖的; 厚的意思,fat的反义词有很多,你都知道哪些呢,接下来店铺为大家整理了fat的反义词及相关例句,欢迎大家阅读。 fat的反义词
poor lean thin slender fat的词组习语
the fat is in the fire 1. 惹上麻烦 kill the fatted calf
1. (尤指因浪子回头而)设盛宴庆祝 live off (或 on) the fat of the land 1. 过锦衣玉食的生活,养尊处优 a fat lot&I{【俚语】} 1. 很少,根本没有 对他一点好处也没有
a fat lot of good it will do him. fat chance&I{【俚语】} 1. 很少或没有机会 fat相关同义词辨析
fat, stout, plump
fat : 通俗用词,略含贬义。指因体内脂肪过多而显肥胖。 stout : 指膀粗腰圆,身体笨重,暗示肥壮。 plump : 指胖得匀称好看,有曲线感。 grease, fat, oil
grease : 通常指经加热变柔软的油脂。 fat : 多指动物性脂肪,常为固态。 oil : 泛指植物、动物和矿物性液体油。 fat的例句
1. Because you're not burning calories, everything you eat turns to fat.
2. We are constantly being reminded to cut down our fat intake.
3. Don'tspill too much fat on the barbecue as it could flare up.
4. A roll of fat jiggled on the underside of her arm. 她胳膊下侧有一层肥肉一颤一颤的。
5. Our bone marrow contains fat in the form of small globules.
6. Nutritionists say only 33% of our calorie intake should be from fat.
营养学家说我们所摄入的卡路里中只应有33%来自脂肪。 7. Liverpool grew fat on the basis of the slave trade. 利物浦是靠奴隶贸易肥起来的。
8. They are set to make a big fat profit. 他们下定决心要大赚一笔。
9. He was short and fat, with a large beer belly. 他又矮又胖,挺着个大啤酒肚。
10. The body is made up primarily of bone, muscle, and fat. 人体主要是由骨骼、肌肉和脂肪构成。
11. Sunflower margarine has the same fat content as butter.
12. Red meat, eaten to excess, is very high in fat and calories. 过量食用的红肉中脂肪和卡路里含量很高。
13. Most low-fat yogurts are about 40 calories per 100g. 大多数低脂酸奶每100克约含40卡热量。
14. He took out his fat wallet and peeled off some notes. 他掏出鼓鼓的钱包,抽出几张钞票。
15. She was rather fat, and her complexion was muddy and spotty.