

2021-01-01 来源:乌哈旅游
创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日


创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日

创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日

创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日

创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日

创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日

创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日

创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日

创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日

创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日

创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日

创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日

创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日

创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日

创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日

创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日

创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日

创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日

创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日

创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日

创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日

创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日

创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日

创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日

创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日

高三英语 〔2021、11〕


1-5 DCBCB 6-10 CBBAD 11-15 DABAA 完型填空:

16-20 CDBAC 21-25 DBACD 26-30 BCABD 31-35 ACBAD 阅读理解:

36-40 BCACD 41-45 BBCDA 46-50 DDACD 51-55 DDCAB 阅读表达:

56. Reading a book every two weeks. 57. Strange.

58. To serve as a discussion center for the reading group. 59. The changing nature of leadership today.

60. He is a determined and inspiring man because he always tries his best to realize his goal and inspires others to follow him. 书面表达: 61.

One possible version: Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m a student from our university. I’m glad to learn that you want a part-time English reporter. Now please allow me to share with you some information about myself as follows.

To begin with, I have a good command of English. Not only can I speak English fluently, but also I am good at written English. Furthermore, I once worked at the



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Student Union, where I acquired cooperation spirit.

To make our newspaper more attractive. I think it’s a good idea to interview headmaster, students and teachers who are respected by us students. And I will spare no effort to finish the mission assigned to me.

I would appreciate it if you could give me the opportunity to do the job. Looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely, Lijin 听力理解:

62-66 CBCAB 67-71 BCAAC 72-76 BCACB

听力录音稿: Text 1

W: Would Dr. Block be able to see me at 10:30 tomorrow morning? M: I’m sorry, but she won’t have any time until 11:30. W: Would 2 o’clock in the afternoon be convenient? M: Yes, she’s free then. Text 2

M: You know, my daughter was once a world champion. I’m proud of her. W: Yes, I heard about that.

M: She started swimming in 2021, and then she joined a swimming club in 2021. W: Yes I remember. She set a new world record in 2021.

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Text 3

W: What time does our flight to London leave?

M: At 2:30, so we have one and a half hours to get there.

W: Oh, we’d better hurry then. The traffic is terrible right now. Text 4

W: It has been a month since I was home. I’m getting a little homesick. M: I want to go home too, but it just doesn’t make any sense to go home this weekend. W: Yes, I know you’re right, especially since the mid-term exam is next Monday. M: Exactly. Text 5

W: Dear, I have no idea what I’m going to wear to the party. All of my clothes look so old.

M: Why don’t you wear your black silk dress? W: You mean the one I bought last month?

M: Yes. I think it would be perfect for the party. Text 6

M: Mary, I rather fancy going to the cinema tonight. Is there anything good on? W: Let me see. Yes, there’s a cowboy film at the Moon Cinema. Look at this beautiful ad for it!

M: Oh, I’m tired of cowboy films. What else is showing?

W: Hmm … there are a war film and a horror film at the Star Cinema, but I know you don’t usually like those films.



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M: You’re quite right. I like to see something that will cheer me up, not make me feel miserable.

W: Well then, the film for you is the comedy being shown at the King Cinema. M: Oh, I remember now I read about that in the newspaper. My favorite comedian is in it, so I should enjoy it very much.

W: I don’t care who the star of the show is, as long as it is good entertainment. M: You’re just like your mom. If I don’t like the leading actor and actress, I never like the film.

W: Then we should definitely go. I’ll phone now and get two seats. Text 7

W: Hello, Jinjiang Inn. May I help you?

M: Yes, I’d like to reserve a room for two on the 2nd of May. W: OK. Let me see here.

M: Are you all booked that night?

W: Well, we do have one suite available, with a sauna bath and a great view of the


M: How much is it?

W: It’s 400 yuan. That’s a 5% discount from our usual price.

M: Oh, that’s a little too expensive for me. Do you have a cheaper room available?

Either on the 1st of May or the 3rd of May?

W: OK, we do have a few rooms available on May 3, but we’re full on May 1. M: Well, how much is it on the 3rd?

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W: Only 230 yuan, but there’s no discount on that day.

M: That’ll be fine. Even without the discount, that price is much better. I’ll

take it.

W: All right. Could I have your name, please?

M: Yes. Johnny Blair, and Sun Yan is my Chinese name on my passport. W: What’s your telephone number?

t need the room, please remember to call us before 3 pm that day to cancel. M: OK. Bye. Text 8

It was after closing time at the museum. All the visitors had left, and John was walking round to see if everything was all right. Suddenly he saw a beautiful painting lying on the floor. John picked it up and gave it to the director of the museum.

The next morning, the director called several museums to check and see if it was a stolen painting, but no one claimed it. So the director decided to hang it in the museum. All the experts came to look at the painting. Each one said it was beautiful and had very deep meaning. The director was proud to have such a painting in his museum and congratulated John on his discovery.

Some weeks later a woman and her ten-year-old son came to visit the museum. While they were looking at the new painting, the boy began to cry. The director saw him crying, so he went over and asked him, “Why are you crying?〞



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The child pointed to the painting and said, “That’s my painting on the wall and I want it back.〞

His mother said, “You see, he drew that when we visited the museum a few weeks ago. I guess he left it behind. If you look carefully, you can see his name on the painting.〞

励志赠言经典语录精选句;挥动**,放飞梦想。 厚积薄发,一鸣惊人。

关于努力学习的语录。自古以来就有许多文人留下如头悬梁锥刺股的经典的,而近代又有哪些经典的高中励志赠言出现呢?小编筛选了高中励志赠言句经典语录,看看是否有些帮助吧。 好男儿踌躇满志,你将如愿;真巾帼灿烂扬眉,我要成功。 含泪播种的人一定能含笑收获。 贵在坚持、难在坚持、成在坚持。 功崇惟志,业广为勤。 耕耘今天,收获明天。

成功,要靠辛勤与汗水,也要靠技巧与方法。 常说口里顺,常做手不笨。

不要自卑,你不比别人笨。不要自满,别人不比你笨。 高三某班,青春无限,超越梦想,勇于争先。 敢闯敢拼,**协力,争创佳绩。

丰富学校体育内涵,共建时代校园文化。 奋勇冲击,永争第一。

奋斗冲刺,誓要蟾宫折桂;全心拼搏,定能金榜题名。 放心去飞,勇敢去追,追一切我们为完成的梦。 翻手为云,覆手为雨。 二人同心,其利断金。 短暂辛苦,终身幸福。 东隅已逝,桑榆非晚。

登高山,以知天之高;临深溪,以明地之厚。 大智若愚,大巧若拙。

聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。 把握机遇,心想事成。 奥运精神,永驻我心。


**燃烧希望,励志赢来成功。楚汉名城,喜迎城运盛会,三湘四水,欢聚体坛精英。 乘风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。 不学习,如何养活你的众多女人。 不为失败找理由,要为成功想办法。 不勤于始,将悔于终。

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创作;朱本晓 2022年元月元日


不经三思不求教不动笔墨不读书,人生难得几回搏,此时不搏,何时搏。 不敢高声语,恐惊读书人。

不耻下问,学以致用,锲而不舍,孜孜不倦。 博学强识,时不我待,黑发勤学,自首不悔。 播下希望,充满**,勇往直前,永不言败。 保定宗旨,砥砺德行,远见卓识,创造辉煌。


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