11-15 ACCDB 16-20 ACBBD 21-25 CCDBD 26-30 CABCB 31-35 CDDCA 36. lie
37. associated 38. assign 39. spent 40. difficulty 41. dislike 42. afford 43. infant
44. she isentitled to a place of her own where she can be by herself, and keepherpossessions
45. people willhave their private thoughts that might never be shared with anyone
46.Americans' houses, yards, and even their offices can seem open and inviting.Yet in theminds of Americans, there are boundaries that other people aresimply not supposed to cross
听力短对话 11.
M: What do you think of the government'snewtax cut proposal?
W:Though it may give some benefit tothepoor,tis key component is the elimination oftax on dividends.That means therich will get richer.
Q:What does the woman think about thegovernment'stax cut propsal? 12.
M:Jenny, remember this:a job worth doing atall is worth doing well. W:Oh,yes,I certainly won't forget it.Butdon't expect me to stick to the job just because tipays a few more bucks.A lifeof continuous exploration is a life worth living.
Q:What can be inferred about the woman fromthe conversation?
M: I found that one of my schoolmates usesdrugs.How can I help him,Mom?
W:Stay away from him, son.Never think thatyou can talk him out of the habit if he isaddicted.Bperhaps you can talk toyour teacher about the matter.
Q:What's the woman'sadvice to her son? 14.
W:I don't know how you can eat so much yetnever put on any weight,son.Your father's gotthesame luck.I can't take a bite withoutcalculating how many calories I am taking.
M:but remember Aunt louise, Mom?She ate alot and never gained a pound.
Q:Who is worried abort qaining weight? 15.
W:Did you turn off the lights and check thelocks on all the doors? M:Yes, I told the Johnsons that we'd begone for two weeks.They promise to keep an eyeon the house for us.
Q:What are the two speakers going to do? 16.
M:Hurry up,Linda!I hear that there are notmany tickets left for the football match.
W:I an ready now, let’s go.It is the earlybird that catches the worm. Q:Why did the man ask the woman to hurryup? 17.
W:Did you hear that the convenience storenext to the gas station was held up last night?
M:Yes, I heard it on the radio thismorning. Q:What happened to the convenience store? 18.
M:Congratulations!I just heard about youracceptance in the law school. Do you think youwould join your brother's firmafter graduation?
W:Not likely. He is a tax lawyer, and I amgoing to major in criminal law. Q:Whatdoes the woman mean? 听力长对话原文1
Conversation One W: Hi, Bill, how is it going?
M: Oh, hi, Jane. I’m OK. How about you?
W: You can probably tell just by looking atme.I’m really busy. Hey, what are you reading?
M: A pretty interesting article. My biologyprofessor assigned it, and I thought I just lookedit over. But I got reallyinvolved in it. It’s about endangered species.
W: That sounds pretty interesting. I’mgetting frustrated with the two research papers I’mstruggling with. And canyou believe they are both due on the same day?
M: That’s tough.
W: I’ll get through it. So what’s this youare reading?
M: Well, it’s basically about the choicesconservationists are faced with. You know, thesedays when funding is so hardto come by.
W: Wait a minute. Is the focus on biologyor economics?
M: Both. Conservationists don’t have enoughfunding to save every endangered species inthe world, so they have to decidebased on what would be lost if a species became extinct.
W: Can you give me an example of what youmean?
M: Take for instance, two animals, thespotted owl and the tailed toad. The article says thetoad is unique. It has norelatives. But there are a lot of varieties of owls.
W: So, if that toad became extinct, we’dlose an important link in the chain of evolution,right?
M: Exactly. But that isn’t so for the owl.So for conservationists, it might be a clear choice ofwhich animal to save.
W: I see. I am glad I don’t have to makethat kind of decision. Aren’t you?
Questions 19 to 21 are based on theconversation you have just heard.
19. What are the speakers mainlydiscussing? 20. What problems do conservationists have? 21. What can be inferred about the tailedtoad? 听力长对话原文2 Conversation Two
M: Good evening, dear audience. I’m glad tocontinue the topic about music. It is commonknowledge that music can have apowerful effect on our emotions. In fact, since 1930s, musictherapists haverelied on music to soothe patients and help control pain. Now psychologistsareconfirming that music can also help relieve depression and improveconcentration.
W: That’s nice. Do they have any concreteexamples? M: For instance, in a recent study,
15surgeons were given some highly stressed mathproblems to solve. They weredivided into three groups: one worked in silence; and in another,the surgeonslistened to music of their choice on headphones; the third listened to classicmusicchosen by the researchers.
W: What’re the results?
M: The results of the study may surpriseyou. The doctors who got to choose their musicexperienced less stress andscored better than the others.
W: That is surprising. How to explain this?
M: One possible explanation is thatlistening to music you like stimulates the Alfa-wave inthe brain, increasesthe heart rate and expands the breathing. That helps to reduce stressandsharpen concentration.
W: Is there any other research?
M: Yes. Other research suggests a secondrelation between the music and the brain: byexamining the students’ bloodafter listening to a variety of classical music collections, theresearchersfound that some students showed a large increase in a chemical substance,anatural pain reliever, in their blood, which can help soothe the patient.
W: Well, thank you so much for being withus today and having us know about anotherfunction of music.
Questions 22 to 25 are based on theconversation you have just heard.
22. What is the talk mainly about?
23. According to the speaker, how is themusic therapy currently used in medicine?
24. What did the study done with surgeonshow?
25.What effect did music have in the study of students exposed to classical music?
听力短文原文 Passage One
JeanBrown has been married for 12 years. Shehas 3 children, and lives in thesuburb outsideColumbus, Ohio. When her youngest child reachedschool age, Jeandecided to go back to work. She feltthat she should contribute to thehousehold finances. Her salary can make a difference betweenthe financialstruggles and secure financial situation for her family. Jean also felt boredandfrustrated in her role as a homemaker and wanted to be more involved inlife outside her home.Jean was worried about her children’s adjustment to thisnew situation. But she arranged forthem to go stay with the woman nearby afterschool each afternoon. They seem to be happywith the arrangement. The problemseems to be between Jean and her husband, Bill. WhenJean was at home all day,she was able to clean the house, go grocery shopping, wash theclothes, takecare of the children and cook 2 or 3 meals each day. She was very busy ofcourse.But she succeeded in getting everything done. Now the same things needto be done, but Jeanhas only evenings and early mornings to do them. Both Jeanand Bill are tired when they arrivehome at 6 P.M. Bill is accustomed tositting down and reading the paper or watching TV untildinner is ready. Thisis exactly what Jean feels like doing. But someone has to fix the dinnerandBill expects it to be Jean. Jean has become very angry at Bill’s attitude. Shefeels that theyshould share the household jobs. But Bill feels that everythingshould be the same as it wasbefore Jean went back to work.
Questions 26 to 29 are based onthe passage you have just heard. 26. Why did Jean want to go back to work?
27. How did Jean spend her days before shewent back to work? 28. What problem arose when Jean went backto work? 29.What does the story try to tell us? Passage Two
Thedecade for natural disaster reduction is a program designed to reduce theimpact ofnatural disasters throughout the world. With support from the UnitedNations, countries will beencouraged to share information about disasterreduction. For instance, information about howto plan for and cope withhurricanes, earthquakes and other natural disasters. One of the mostimportantthings the program plans to do is to remind us of what we can do toprotectourselves. For example, we can pack a suitcase with flashlights, a radio, food,drinkingwater and some tools. This safety may help us survive a disaster untilhelp arrives. Besides,the program will encourage governments to establishbuilding standards, emergency responseplans, and training programs, Thesemeasures can help to limit the destruction by naturaldisasters. The comparatively
mild effects of the northern California earthquake in 1989 aregood evidencethat we do have the technology to prevent vast destruction. Therecentdisasters, on the other hand, prove that people will suffer if we don’t usethat technology.When a highway collapsed in northern California, people werekilled in their cars. The highwaywas not built according to today’s strictstandards to resist earthquakes. Individuals andgovernments have to befar-sighted. We should take extra time and spend extra money to builddisastersafety into our lives. Although such a program can’t hold back the winds orstopearthquakes, they can save people’s lives and homes.
Questions 30 to 32 are based onthe passage you have just heard. 30. What is the purpose of the programmentioned in this passage? 31. What can we learn from the northern California earthquake in1989? 32. Why did the highway in northern California collapse? Passage Three
Livingat the foot of one of the world’s most active volcanoes might not appeal to youat all.But believe it or not, the area surrounding Mount Etna in Italy ispacked with people. In fact, it isthe most densely populated region on thewhole island of Sicily. The reason is that richvolcanic soil makes the landfantastic for forming. By growing and selling a variety of crops,local people earna good living. For them, the economic benefit they reap surpasses the riskofdying or losing property in one of the volcano’s frequent eruptions. Peopleeverywheremake decisions about risky situations this way. That is, bycomparing the risks and the benefits.According to the experts, the side of therisk depends on both its probability andseriousness. Let’s take Mount Etna forexample. It does erupt frequently, but those eruptionsare usually minor. Sothe overall risk for people living nearby is relatively small. ButsupposeMount Etna erupted everyday, or imagine that each eruption there killsthousands ofpeople. If that were the case, the risk would be much larger.Indeed, the risk would be too largefor many people to live with. And they wouldhave to move away.
Questions 33 to 35 are based onthe passage you have just heard. 33. How do people make decisions aboutrisky situations? 34. What do we know about Mount Etna from the passage?
35. What will people living near Mount Etna do in the face of itseruptions?
Certain phrases one commonly hearsamongAmericans capture their devotion toindividualism.\" Do you ownthing?\" \"I did it my way.\"
\"You’ll have to decide that foryourself?\" \"You madeyour bed, now lie in it.\" \"If youdon't look out foryourself, no one else will.\" \"Look out fornumberone.\"
Closely associated with the value theyplace on individualism, is the importance American'sassign to privacy. Americansassume that people need some time to themselves or some timealone to thinkabout things or to recover their spent psychological energy. Americanshavegreat difficulty understanding foreigners who always want to be with anotherperson whodislike being alone.
If the parents can afford it, each childwill have his or her own bedroom. Having one's ownbedroom even as an infant,fixes in a person the notion that she is entitled to a place of herown whereshe can be by herself, and keep her possessions. She will have her clothes, hertoys,her books, and so on .These things will be hers, no one else's.
Americans assume that people will havetheir private thoughts that might never be sharedwith anyone. Doctors,lawyers, psychologists and others have rules governing confidentialitythat areintended to prevent information about their clients' personal situations frombeingknown to others .
American's attitudes about privacy can behard for foreigners to understand. American'shouses, yards and even theiroffices can seem open and inviting. Yet, in the minds ofAmericans, there areboundaries that other people are simply not supposed to cross. Whenthoseboundaries are crossed, an American's body will visibly stiffen and his mannerwill be cooland aloof.