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Fractionation and purification of mixtures of arom

2024-09-07 来源:乌哈旅游

专利名称:Fractionation and purification of mixtures of

aromatic polyamines and their use




摘要:The fractionation and purification of aromatic polyamine mixts., esp. of thediphenylmethane series, comprises (a) dispersing the polyamine mixt. (A) by mixing with a2-phase system comprising (i) a hydrophobic solvent phase (B) mainly contg. a

hydrophobic solvent (hs), opt. an auxiliary aromatic amine (aa) which is insol. in water andhas a b.pt. (at atmos. pressure) at least 20 degrees C below that of the lowest boilingcomponent in mixt. (A) and at least 20 degrees C above that of solvent (hs), and opt.polyamines, and (ii) an aq. phase (C) contg. mainly water, strong acid, amine (aa) (at leastpartly as amine salt) and opt. polyamines (at least partly as salt), with the aid of acountercurrent extn. stage (7), in which mixt. (A) is pref. introduced above phase (C) andthe sum of the amine equivs. introduced in mass flows (A), (B) and (C) in the 2-phasesystem always exceeds the no. of acid equivs. introduced in mass flow (C); (b) opt. passingthe organic phase (D) from (a) through an intermediate extn. stage (6) and/or (c) opt.removing a part-stream before or after opt. stage (6) and returning it to extn. stage (7)and/or to stage (6) via an extra extn. stage (5); followed by (d) opt. multi-stage distn.(11.1; 11.2) to give a first fraction (E) for re-use in stage (7), contg. solvent (hs) and

possibly amine (aa), a fraction (F) contg. mainly amine (aa) and possibly solvent, and aresidue (G) (first polyamine fraction); (e) neutralising the acidic aq. phase (H) from extn. (7)in stage (8) with base, pref. aq. NaOH soln., followed by mechanical phase sepn. to give anaq. phase contg. neutral salts of the acid and an organic phase contg. polyamine andpossibly amine (aa) and solvent (hs); (f) working up the organic phase (J) from stage (8),opt. after a washing stage (9), in a distn. stage (12), to give a distillate (K) contg. solventand possibly amine in the same proportions as in (J), and a residue (L) (sec. polyaminefraction).


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