专利名称:Improvements in diaper fastener tabs and
tape stock for diaper fastener tabs
发明人:Zervoudakis, John申请号:EP83630084.8申请日:19830518公开号:EP0099846A1公开日:19840201
摘要:A diaper tab and a diaper tab tape stock comprising a web construction madeup of flexible first and second substrates. Each substrate has a fastening means on a firstside. A release means is disposed on a second side of the second substrate. The firstsubstrate (14) is substantially twice the thickness of the second substrate (24). Thefastening means of the first substrate (14) is connected with the fastening means of thesecond substrate (24) along substantially a center line of the tape (10) to form a joiningregion. The second substrate (14) is folded back on itself over the joining region and overthe first substrate (14) so that the release coating of the second substrate (24) contactsthe fastening means of the first substrate (14). The edges of the first substrate (14) aresubstantially twice the thickness of the first substrate (14) so that the edges of the tape(10), which become the ends of the diaper tab, and the area in which the second substrate
(24) is folded back on itself are all of substantially the same thickness. When the tape(10) is wound in layers on a roll sideward creep is avoided, thereby increasing the
precision of placement of the diaper tap (10) on a diaper and greatly reducing the loss offinished diapers due to improper positioning of the tabs (10) on the diapers.
申请人:Zervoudakis, John
地址:4, Neophytou Vamva St. Athens GR
代理机构:Schmitz, Jean-Marie
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