Research Methods and Methodologies in Accounting and Management
The assessment for BE951 is by this coursework and one other piece of coursework. This piece of coursework is worth 80% of the overall assessment of BE951. The
requirements for coursework are as follows:
For the research question you have developed in coursework one, describe and justify the relevance of the philosophical approach and method you propose to adopt for answering your research question
[NB: In developing your answer you are required (i) to critically evaluate the three philosophical approaches discussed in the module in relation to your research question and explain which one fits best; (ii) to explain how your chosen approach will help you in answering your research question (e.g. in terms of choice of research methods, data interpretation); (iii) to explain and justify the choice of your research method. You must draw on relevant academic literature in building and supporting your arguments.]
• ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Essays should not exceed 4000 words in length and should be double spaced and word processed.
• ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Your essay should include a title page and a bibliography, which includes the full reference for all articles, books and other sources you have cited in the body of the text. The bibliography (and any footnotes) need not be included in the word count. YOU MUST READ THE INFORMATION WHICH FOLLOWS:
In submitting coursework online it must be assumed that you have read and understood the following guidelines about plagiarism. Furthermore in doing so you are agreeing to your work being monitored by the JISC Plagiarism Detection System if a tutor should deem it necessary to do so. University Regulation 6.12 & 6.13 states that;
6.12(a) It is an academic offence for a student to cheat in any examination, or in any other submitted part of his or her University work, whether or not such work is formally assessed. \"To cheat\" includes:
(i) to copy the work of another candidate or otherwise communicate with another
candidate in an examination;
(ii) to introduce any written, printed or electronically-stored information into an
examination, other than material expressly permitted in the instructions for that examination;
(iii) to use the work of others (whether in written, printed or some other form)
without acknowledgement, where a judgement is made that the work has been the result of serious negligence or of intention to deceive;
(iv) to repeat work previously submitted for a different assessed assignment without
full acknowledgement of the extent to which that previous work has been used.
(b) It is an academic offence for a student knowingly to assist another student to
cheat in any examination, or in any other piece of work, the mark for which will count either towards the student's result for the year, or towards his or her final degree classification.
(c) Allegations of academic offences involving cheating shall be dealt with in
accordance with the Progress Procedures as determined by the Senate. Previous offences shall be taken into account.
6.13 In submitting any piece of University work (eg dissertation, thesis, essay or report)
a student shall acknowledge any assistance received or any use of the work of others.