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Method and system for generating images used in ex

2021-07-30 来源:乌哈旅游

专利名称:Method and system for generating images

used in extended range panoramacomposition

发明人:Shoupu Chen,Nathan D. Cahill,Joseph F.

Revelli,Lawrence A. Ray




摘要:In a method of obtaining an extended dynamic range panorama of a scene from

a plurality of limited dynamic range images captured by an image sensor in a digitalcamera, a plurality of digital images comprising image pixels of the scene are capturedfrom a plurality of positions by exposing the image sensor to light transmitted from thescene, wherein light transmittance upon the image sensor is adjustable. Each image isevaluated after it is captured for an illumination level exceeding the limited dynamicrange of the image for at least some of the image pixels. Based on the evaluation of eachimage exceeding the limited dynamic range, the light transmittance upon the imagesensor is adjusted in order to obtain a subsequent digital image having a different scenebrightness range. The plurality of digital images are stored, and subsequently the storeddigital images are processed to generate a plurality of composite images, each having anextended dynamic range greater than any of the digital images by themselves. Theplurality of composite images are used in producing an extended range panorama. Inaddition, light attenuation data may be stored with the images for subsequentreconstruction of higher bit-depth panorama than the original panorama.


