专利名称:Vehicle level control system
发明人:Meloche, Kenneth Robert,McLeish, James
Gerard,Libkie, Herbert Allan
摘要:A level control system for a wheeled motor vehicle with sprung and unsprungmasses, an accessory the activation of which indictes the probability of an associatedvehicle load change, fluid power apparatus activatable to level the sprung mass relativeto the unsprung mass and sensor apparatus effective to periodically indicate a trim orout-of-trim level condition according to predetermined criteria further comprisesapparatus defining a service mode with a time period shorter than a predeterminedactivation time of the fluid power apparatus which avoids overshoot in level adjustment, acruise mode with a time period longer than the out-of-trim duration of a predeterminedlong highway feature and a decision mode with a time period of duration intermediatethe service and cruise time period durations and longer than the period of sprung massoscillation during vehicle movement. It further comprises logic control apparatus
effective to select from the service, cruise and decision time modes for the determinationof trim level condition based on the previous mode, the trim level determination in theprevious period and detection of an actuation of the accessory, with the decision modebeing selected upon the initiation of system operation and as an intermediate stepbetween service and cruise modes.
地址:General Motors Building 3044 West Grand Boulevard Detroit Michigan 48202US
代理机构:Denton, Michael John