20XX年考研英语真题和答案 Section I Use of English Directions: Red the following text. Choose the best word(s) for ech numbered blnk nd mrk , B, C or D on NSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Reserch on niml intelligence lwys mkes me wonder just how smrt humns re. 1 the fruit-fly experiments described in Crl Zimmer’s piece in the Science Times on Tuesdy. Fruit flies who were tught to be smrter thn the verge fruit fly 2 to live shorter lives. This suggests tht 3 bulbs burn longer, tht there is n 4 in not being too terrificlly bright. Intelligence, it 5 out, is high-priced option. It tkes more upkeep, burns more fuel nd is slow 6 the strting line becuse it depends on lerning — grdul 7 — insted of instinct. Plenty of other species re ble to lern, nd one of the things they’ve pprently lerned is when to 8 . Is there n dptive vlue to 9 intelligence? Tht’s the question behind this new reserch. I like it. Insted of csting wistful glnce 10 t ll the species we’
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ve left in the dust I.Q.-wise, it implicitly sks wht the rel 11 of our own intelligence might be. This is 12 the mind of every niml I’ve ever met. Reserch on niml intelligence lso mkes me wonder wht experiments nimls would 13 on humns if they hd the chnce. Every ct with n owner, 14 , is running smll-scle study in opernt conditioning. we believe tht 15 nimls rn the lbs, they would test us to 16 the limits of our ptience, our fithfulness, our memory for terrin. They would try to decide wht intelligence in humns is relly 17 , not merely how much of it there is. 18 , they would hope to study 19 question: re humns ctully wre of the world they live in? 20 the results re inconclusive. 1. [] Suppose [B] Consider [C] Observe [D] Imgine 2. [] tended [B] fered [C] hppened [D] thretened 3. [] thinner [B] stbler [C] lighter [D] dimmer 4. [] tendency [B] dvntge [C] inclintion [D] priority 5. [] insists on [B] sums up [C] turns out [D] puts forwrd 6. [] off [B] behind [C] over [D] long 7. [] incredible [B] spontneous [C]inevitble [D] grdul 8. []
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fight [B] doubt [C] stop [D] think 9. [] invisible [B] limited [C] indefinite [D] different 10. [] upwrd [B] forwrd [C] fterwrd [D] bckwrd 11. [] fetures [B] influences [C] results [D] costs 12. [] outside [B] on [C] by [D] cross 13. [] deliver [B] crry [C] perform [D] pply 14. [] by chnce [B] in contrst [C] s usul [D] for instnce 15. [] if [B] unless [C] s [D] lest 16. [] moderte [B] overcome [C] determine [D] rech 17. [] t [B] for [C] fter [D] with 18. [] bove ll [B] fter ll [C] However [D] Otherwise 19. [] fundmentl [B] comprehensive [C] equivlent [D] hostile 20. [] By ccident [B] In time [C] So fr [D] Better still Section II Reding Comprehension Prt Directions: Red the following four texts. nswer the questions below ech text by choosing , B, C or D. Mrk your nswers on NSWER SHEET 1. (40 points) Text1 Hbits re funny thing. We rech for them mindlessly, setting our brins on uto-pilot nd relxing into the unconscious comfort of fmilir routine. “Not choice, but hbit rules the unreflecting herd,〞 Willim Wordsworth
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sid in the 19th century. In the ever-chnging 21st century, even the word “hbit〞 crries negtive connottion. So it seems ntitheticl to tlk bout hbits in the sme context s cretivity nd innovtion. But brin reserchers hve discovered tht when we consciously develop new hbits, we crete prllel synptic pths, nd even entirely new brin cells, tht cn jump our trins of thought onto new, innovtive trcks. But don’t bother trying to kill off old hbits; once those ruts of procedure re worn into the hippocmpus, they’re there to sty. Insted, the new hbits we delibertely ingrin into ourselves crete prllel pthwys tht cn bypss those old rods. “The first thing needed for innovtion is fscintion with wonder,〞 sys Dwn Mrkov, uthor of “The Open Mind〞 nd n executive chnge consultnt for Professionl Thinking Prtners. “But we re tught insted to ‘decide,’ just s our president clls himself ‘the Decider.’ 〞 She dds, however, tht “to decide is to kill off ll possibilities but one. good innovtionl thinker is lwys exploring the mny other
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possibilities.〞 ll of us work through problems in wys of which we’re unwre, she sys. Reserchers in the lte 1960 covered tht humns re born with the cpcity to pproch chllenges in four primry wys: nlyticlly, procedurlly, reltionlly (or collbortively) nd innovtively. t puberty, however, the brin shuts down hlf of tht cpcity, preserving only those modes of thought tht hve seemed most vluble during the first decde or so of life. The current emphsis on stndrdized testing highlights nlysis nd procedure, mening tht few of us inherently use our innovtive nd collbortive modes of thought. “This breks the mjor rule in the mericn belief system — tht nyone cn do nything,〞 explins M. J. Ryn, uthor of the 20XX book “This Yer I Will...〞 nd Ms. Mrkov’s business prtner. “Tht’s lie tht we hve perpetuted, nd it fosters commonness. Knowing wht you’re good t nd doing even more of it cretes excellence.〞 This is where developing new hbits comes in. 21. The view of Wordsworth hbit is climed by being . csul
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B. fmilir C. mechnicl D. chngeble. 22. The reserchers hve discovered tht the formtion of hbit cn be . predicted B. regulted C. trced D. guided 23.〞 ruts〞(in line one, prgrph 3) hs closest mening to . trcks B. series C. chrcteristics D. connections 24. Ms. Mrkov’s comments suggest tht the prctice of stndrd testing ? , prevents new hbits form being formed B, no longer emphsizes commonness C, mintins the inherent mericn thinking model D, complies with the mericn belief system 25. Ryn most probbly gree tht . ides re born of relxing mind B. innovtiveness could be tught C. decisiveness derives from fntstic ides D. curiosity ctivtes cretive minds Text 2 It is wise fther tht knows his own child, but tody mn cn boost his pternl (ftherly) wisdom – or t lest confirm tht he’s the kid’s dd. ll he needs to do is shell our $30 for pternity testing kit (PTK) t his locl drugstore – nd nother $120 to get the results. More thn 60,000 people hve purchsed the PTKs since they first become vilble without prescriptions lst yers,
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ccording to Doug Fog, chief operting officer of Identigene, which mkes the over-the-counter kits. More thn two dozen compnies sell DN tests Directly to the public , rnging in price from few hundred dollrs to more thn $2500. mong the most populr : pternity nd kinship testing , which dopted children cn use to find their biologicl reltives nd ltest rge mny pssionte genelogists-nd supports businesses tht offer to serch for fmily’s geogrphic roots . Most tests require collecting cells by webbing sliv in the mouth nd sending it to the compny for testing. ll tests require potentil cndidte with whom to compre DN. But some observers re skepticl, “There is kind of flse precision being hwked by people climing they re doing ncestry testing,〞 sys Trey Duster, New York University sociologist. He notes tht ech individul hs mny ncestors-numbering in the hundreds just few centuries bck. Yet most ncestry testing only considers single linege, either the Y chromosome inherited through men in fther’
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s line or mitochondril DN, which pssed down only from mothers. This DN cn revel genetic informtion bout only one or two ncestors, even though, for exmple, just three genertions bck people lso hve six other gret-grndprents or, four genertions bck, 14 other gret-gret-grndprents. Critics lso rgue tht commercil genetic testing is only s good s the reference collections to which smple is compred. Dtbses used by some compnies don’t rely on dt collected systemticlly but rther lump together informtion from different reserch projects. This mens tht DN dtbse my differ depending on the compny tht processes the results. In ddition, the computer progrms compny uses to estimte reltionships my be ptented nd not subject to peer review or outside evlution. 26.In prgrphs 1 nd 2 , the text shows PTK’s ___________. []esy vilbility [B]flexibility in pricing [C] successful promotion [D] populrity with households 27. PTK is used to __________. []locte one’s birth plce [B]promote genetic reserch [C] identify
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prent-child kinship [D] choose children for doption 28. Skepticl observers believe tht ncestry testing fils to__________. []trce distnt ncestors [B] rebuild relible bloodlines [C] fully use genetic informtion [D] chieve the climed ccurcy 29. In the lst prgrph , problem commercil
[]disorgnized dt collection [B] overlpping dtbse building 30. n pproprite title for the text is most likely to be__________. []Fors nd ginsts of DN testing [B] DN testing nd It’s problems [C]DN testing outside the lb [D] lies behind DN testing Text 3 The reltionship between forml eduction nd economic growth in poor countries is widely misunderstood by economists nd politicins like progress in both re is undoubtedly necessry for the socil, politicl nd intellectul development of these nd ll other societies; however, the conventionl view tht eduction should be one of the very highest priorities for promoting rpid economic development in poor countries is wrong. We
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re fortunte tht is it, becuse new eductionl systems there nd putting enough people through them to improve economic performnce would require two or three genertions. The findings of reserch institution hve consistently shown tht workers in ll countries cn be trined on the job to chieve rdicl higher productivity nd, s result, rdiclly higher stndrds of living. Ironiclly, the first evidence for this ide ppered in the United Sttes. Not long go, with the country entering recessing nd Jpn t its pre-bubble pek. The U.S. workforce ws derided s poorly educted nd one of primry cuse of the poor U.S. economic performnce. Jpn ws, nd remins, the globl leder in utomotive-ssembly productivity. Yet the reserch reveled tht the U.S. fctories of Hond Nissn, nd Toyot chieved bout 95 percent of the productivity of their Jpnese countere pnts result of the trining tht U.S. workers received on the job. More recently, while exming housing construction, the reserchers discovered tht illiterte, non-English- speking Mexicn
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workers in Houston, Texs, consistently met best-prctice lbor productivity stndrds despite the complexity of the building industry’s work. Wht is the rel reltionship between eduction nd economic development? We hve to suspect tht continuing economic growth promotes the development of eduction even when governments don’t force it. fter ll, tht’s how eduction got strted. When our ncestors were hunters nd gtherers 10,000 yers go, they didn’t hve time to wonder much bout nything besides finding food. Only when humnity begn to get its food in more productive wy ws there time for other things. s eduction improved, humnity’s productivity potentil, they could in turn fford more eduction. This incresingly high level of eduction is probbly necessry, but not sufficient, condition for the complex politicl systems required by dvnced economic performnce. Thus poor countries might not be ble to escpe their poverty trps without politicl chnges tht my be possible only with broder forml eduction. lck of forml
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eduction, however, doesn’t constrin the bility of the developing world’s workforce to substntilly improve productivity for the forested future. On the contrry, constrints on improving productivity explin why eduction isn’t developing more quickly there thn it is. 31. The uthor holds in prgrph 1 tht the importnt of eduction in poor countries ___________. [] is subject groundless doubts [B] hs fllen victim of bis [C] is conventionl downgrded [D] hs been overestimted 32. It is stted in prgrph 1 tht construction of new eduction system __________. []chllenges economists nd politicins [B]tkes efforts of genertions [C] demnds priority from the government [D] requires sufficient lbor force 33. mjor difference between the Jpnese nd U.S workforces is tht __________. [] the Jpnese workforce is better disciplined [B] the Jpnese workforce is more productive [C]the U.S workforce hs better eduction [D] ]the U.S workforce is more orgnize 34. The uthor quotes the exmple of our ncestors to show tht
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eduction emerged __________. [] when people hd enough time [B] prior to better wys of finding food [C] when people on longer went hung [D] s result of pressure on government 35. ccording to the lst prgrph , development of eduction __________. [] results directly from competitive environments [B] does not depend on economic performnce [C] follows improved productivity [D] cnnot fford politicl chnges Text 4 The most thoroughly studied in the history of the new world re the ministers nd politicl leders of seventeenth-century New Englnd. ccording to the stndrd history of mericn philosophy, nowhere else in colonil meric ws “So much importnt ttched to intellectul pursuits 〞 ccording to mny books nd rticles, New Englnd’s leders estblished the bsic themes nd preoccuptions of n unfolding, dominnt Puritn trdition in mericn intellectul life. To tke this pproch to the New Englnders normlly men to strt with the Puritns’ theologicl innovtions nd their distinctive ides bout the church-importnt subjects tht we
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my not neglect. But in keeping with our exmintion of southern intellectul life, we my consider the originl Puritns s crriers of Europen culture djusting to New world circumstnces. The New Englnd colonies were the scenes of importnt episodes in the pursuit of widely understood idels of civility nd virtuosity. The erly settlers of Msschusetts By included men of impressive eduction nd influence in Englnd. `Besides the ninety or so lerned ministers who cme to Msschusetts church in the decde fter 1629,There were politicl leders like John Winthrop, n educted gentlemn, lwyer, nd officil of the Crown before he journeyed to Boston. There men wrote nd published extensively, reching both New World nd Old World udiences, nd giving New Englnd n tmosphere of intellectul ernestness. We should not forget , however, tht most New Englnders were less well educted. While few crfts men or frmers, let lone dependents nd servnts, left literry compositions to be nlyzed, The in thinking often hd trditionl superstitions qulity. tilor
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nmed John Dne, who emigrted in the lte 1630s, left n ccount of his resons for leving Englnd tht is filled with signs. sexul confusion, economic frustrtions , nd religious hope-ll nme together in decisive moment when he opened the Bible, told his fther the first line he sw would settle his fte, nd red the mgicl words: “come out from mong them, touch no unclen thing , nd I will be your God nd you shll be my people.〞 One wonders wht Dne thought of the creful sermons explining the Bible tht he herd in puritn churched. Men while , mny settles hd slighter religious commitments thn Dne’s, s one clergymn lerned in confronting folk long the cost who mocked tht they hd not come to the New world for religion . “Our min end ws to ctch fish. 〞 36. The uthor notes tht in the seventeenth-century New Englnd___________. [] Puritn trdition dominted politicl life. [B] intellectul interests were encourged. [C] Politics benefited much from intellectul endevors. [D] intellectul pursuits enjoyed liberl environment. 37. It is suggested in prgrph 2 tht New
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Englnders__________. [] experienced comprtively peceful erly history. [B] brought with them the culture of the Old World [C] pid little ttention to southern intellectul life [D] were obsessed with religious innovtions 38. The erly ministers nd politicl leders in Msschusetts By__________. [] were fmous in the New World for their writings [B] gined incresing importnce in religious ffirs [C] bndoned high positions before coming to the New World [D] creted new intellectul tmosphere in New Englnd 39. The story of John Dne shows tht less well-educted New Englnders were often __________. [] influenced by superstitions [B] troubled with religious beliefs [C] puzzled by church sermons [D] frustrted with fmily ernings 40. The text suggests tht erly settlers in New Englnd__________. [] were mostly engged in politicl ctivities [B] were motivted by n illusory prospect [C] cme from different bckgrounds. [D] left few forml records for lter reference Prt B Directions: Directions: In the following text, some sentences hve been removed. For
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Questions (41-45), choose the most suitble one from the list -G to fit into ech of the numbered blnk. There re two extr choices, which do not fit in ny of the gps.Mrk your nswers on NSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Coinciding with the groundbreking theory of biologicl evolution proposed by British nturlist Chrles Drwin in the 1860s, British socil philosopher Herbert Spencer put forwrd his own theory of biologicl nd culturl evolution. Spencer rgued tht ll worldly phenomen, including humn societies, chnged over time, dvncing towrd perfection. 41.____________. mericn socil scientist Lewis Henry Morgn introduced nother theory of culturl evolution in the lte 1800s. Morgn, long with Tylor, ws one of the founders of modern nthropology. In his work, he ttempted to show how ll spects of culture chnged together in the evolution of societies.42._____________. In the erly 1900s in North meric, Germn-born mericn nthropologist Frnz Bos developed new theory of culture known s historicl prticulrism. Historicl prticulrism,
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which emphsized the uniqueness of ll cultures, gve new direction to nthropology. 43._____________ . Bos felt tht the culture of ny society must be understood s the result of unique history nd not s one of mny cultures belonging to broder evolutionry stge or type of culture. 44._______________. Historicl prticulrism becme dominnt pproch to the study of culture in mericn nthropology, lrgely through the influence of mny students of Bos. But number of nthropologists in the erly 1900s lso rejected the prticulrist theory of culture in fvor of diffusionism. Some ttributed virtully every importnt culturl chievement to the inventions of few, especilly gifted peoples tht, ccording to diffusionists, then spred to other cultures. 45.________________. lso in the erly 1900s, French sociologist ?mile Durkheim developed theory of culture tht would gretly influence nthropology. Durkheim proposed tht religious beliefs functioned to reinforce socil solidrity. n interest in the reltionship between the
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function of society nd culture—known s functionlism—becme mjor theme in Europen, nd especilly British, nthropology. [] Other nthropologists believed tht culturl innovtions, such s inventions, hd single origin nd pssed from society to society. This theory ws known s diffusionism. [B] In order to study prticulr cultures s completely s possible, Bos becme skilled in linguistics, the study of lnguges, nd in physicl nthropology, the study of humn biology nd ntomy. [C] He rgued tht humn evolution ws chrcterized by struggle he clled the “survivl of the fittest,〞 in which weker rces nd societies must eventully be replced by stronger, more dvnced rces nd societies. [D] They lso focused on importnt rituls tht ppered to preserve people’s socil structure, such s initition ceremonies tht formlly signify children’s entrnce into dulthood. [E] Thus, in his view, diverse spects of culture, such s the structure of fmilies, forms of mrrige, ctegories of kinship, ownership of property, forms of government, technology, nd
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systems of food production, ll chnged s societies evolved. [F]Supporters of the theory viewed s collection of integrted prts tht work together to keep society functioning. [G] For exmple, British nthropologists Grfton Elliot Smith nd W. J. Perry incorrectly suggested, on the bsis of indequte informtion, tht frming, pottery mking, nd metllurgy ll originted in ncient Egypt nd diffused throughout the world. In fct, ll of these culturl developments occurred seprtely t different times in mny prts of the world. Prt C Directions: Red the following text crefully nd then trnslte the underlined segments into Chinese. Your trnsltion should be written crefully on NSWER SHEET 2. (10 points) There is mrked difference between the eduction which every one gets from living with others, nd the deliberte educting of the young. In the former cse the eduction is incidentl; it is nturl nd importnt, but it is not the express reson of the ssocition.46It my be sid tht the mesure of the worth of ny socil institution is its
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effect in enlrging nd improving experience; but this effect is not prt of its originl motive. Religious ssocitions begn, for exmple, in the desire to secure the fvor of overruling powers nd to wrd off evil influences; fmily life in the desire to grtify ppetites nd secure fmily perpetuity; systemtic lbor, for the most prt, becuse of enslvement to others, etc. 47Only grdully ws the by-product of the institution noted, nd only more grdully still ws this effect considered s directive fctor in the conduct of the institution. Even tody, in our industril life, prt from certin vlues of industriousness nd thrift, the intellectul nd emotionl rection of the forms of humn ssocition under which the world's work is crried on receives little ttention s compred with physicl output. But in deling with the young, the fct of ssocition itself s n immedite humn fct, gins in importnce.48 While it is esy to ignore in our contct with them the effect of our cts upon their disposition, it is not so esy s in deling with dults. The
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need of trining is too evident; the pressure to ccomplish chnge in their ttitude nd hbits is too urgent to leve these consequences wholly out of ccount. 49Since our chief business with them is to enble them to shre in common life we cnnot help considering whether or no we re forming the powers which will secure this bility.If humnity hs mde some hedwy in relizing tht the ultimte vlue of every institution is its distinctively humn effect we my well believe tht this lesson hs been lerned lrgely through delings with the young. 50 We re thus led to distinguish, within the brod eductionl process which we hve been so fr considering, more forml kind of eduction -- tht of direct tuition or schooling. In undeveloped socil groups, we find very little forml teching nd trining. These groups minly rely for instilling needed dispositions into the young upon the sme sort of ssocition which keeps the dults loyl to their group. Section Ⅲ Writing Prt 51. Directions: Restrictions on the use of plstic bgs hve not been so successful in some regions.
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“White pollution 〞is still going on. Write letter to the editor(s) of your locl newspper to 1) give your opinions briefly nd 2) mke two or three suggestions You should write bout 100 words. Do not sign your own nme t the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming“ insted. You do not need to write the ddress. Prt B 52. Directions: In your essy, you should 1) describe the drwing briefly, 2) explin its intended mening, nd then 3) give your comments. You should write netly on NSHWER SHEET 2. (20 points) 答案 Section I Use of English 1—5 BDBC 6—10 DCBD 11—15 DBCD 16—20 CBC Section II Reding Comprehension Prt 21—25 BC 26—30 CDB 31—35 DBBC 36—40 BBDC Prt B 41—45 CEBG Prt C 46. 可以说,任何社会制度的价值在于它对扩大和改良阅历方面的影响,但是这种影响并不是它原来的动机的一部分。
47. 一种制度的副产品,只是逐步被留意到的,而这种效果被视为实施这种制度的一个指导性因素更加缓慢得多。 48. 在和他们接触的时候,虽然简单忽视我们的行动对他们
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的倾向的影响,但是也不像与成年人打交道那么简洁。 49. 既然我们的主要任务在于使年轻人参加共同生活,我们禁不住考虑我们是否在形成获得这种能力的力量。
50. 因此,我们可以在上面所考虑的宽阔的教育过程之内区分出一种比较正规的教育,即直接的教育或学校教育。
Section Ⅲ Writing Prt 51. 应用文参考范文 Der editor, I m writing this letter to dvise you of the pressing sitution we re fcing now. s we know, being ccustomed to using plstic bg in our dily life, some of us still tke the “white pollution〞 for grnted. Plstic bg hs become the indispensible prt of our life, nd the “white pollution〞 now is ubiquitous phenomenon, which gretly worsens our environment. To sve the sitution from further ggrvting, I would like to suggest tht: firstly, our government should mke set of lws to punish the groups nd individuls who re still polluting the environment; secondly, new technologies should be used to produce degrdble nd renewble mterils; thirdly, the locl medi cn mke
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full use of its own influence to intensify the publicity in order to enhnce people’s wreness of environment. I hope tht my suggestions re helpful, thnk you for your ttention! Sincerely yours, Li Ming Prt B 52. 短文写作参考范文 In the drwing, wht first ppers in front of us is huge spider web, on which innumerble people re ttched, like the ctch of the owner of the web. Wht is more ironic is they re imprisoned in respective cbins, choosing contcting on line rther thn communicting fce to fce. There is no doubt tht the Internet provides us with considerble convenience. However, it drives too mny individuls to be ddicted to the fictionl experience, nd hence forget the trditionl nd most efficient communiction method. Indifference hs become not uncommon phenomenon in the modern world. The following resons my be contribute to the phenomenon. To begin with, people in mounting numbers, who re vividly clled netters, indulge in on-line ctivities, becuse science nd technology develops too fst for people
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to dpt to it. The Internet, in prticulr, moving forwrd with n unimginble speed, provides people with convenient tool of getting in touch with others, which lcks weighing its correctness. Moreover, the fierce competition lso plys role of forcing people to fer the sitution, which results in people’s hbit of wllowing in the unrel world. Hence, it is the high time tht we highlighted the impertive of fce-to-fce communiction between people. The joint efforts of the specilists, the netters nd the eductors re needed to cultivte the whole society with the essentility. Only in this wy cn we expect helthy development of the reltionship mong individuls.
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