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Email Internet policy

Elcoteq Network Corporation Security



The scope and purpose

The scope of this policy is email and Internet access systems in Elcoteq Network Corporation that are licensed to Elcoteq’s use. By Employee we mean Elcoteq’s full-timer, part-timer or fixed term worker. The external workers that are using Elcoteq’s information systems have the same responsibilities and privileges as Elcoteq’s workers. Externals are identified by the EXT- prefix in the email address.

The purpose of this policy is to ensure the proper use of Elcoteq’s networks. All messages distributed via the company’s email system, even personal emails, are Elcoteq’s property. Your emails and Internet connections can be monitored without prior notification in criminal investigations if necessary. If there is evidence that you are not adhering to the guidelines set out in this policy, the company reserves the right to take disciplinary action, including termination and/or legal action.

It is strictly prohibited to:

• Send or forward emails containing libellous, defamatory, offensive, racist or obscene remarks. If you receive an email of this nature, you must promptly notify your supervisor.

• Send unsolicited email messages or chain mail.

• Forge or attempt to forge email messages, or disguise or attempt to disguise your identity when sending mail.

• Without permission to participate in public chat with Elcoteq’s email address or with other revealing information about Elcoteq

• To automatically forward messages to email box that is not in Elcoteq’s possession

Confidentiality of information

Email communications will take place mainly in clear text and in public networks. These networks can be easily eavesdropped and therefore sending SECRET emails without encryption is strictly prohibited. Everyone that needs to send secret information must install S/MIME email encryption program and use this program for all secret emails. PGP is recommended for email exchange between companies.

Note that the producer of information is responsible for the classification of all information he/she sends (public, internal, confidential, secret). In any questions related to the use of S/MIME or PGP don’t hesitate to contact IM Helpdesk.

Elcoteq Network Corporation Security



Because of the increasing virus threat Elcoteq filters some attachments that will cause these infections. The following attachments will not be filtered: .doc, .txt, .pdf, .hlp, .dbf, .mdb, .tif, .bmp, .zip, .ppt, .jpg and .xls. If you need to send other type of attachments because of business reasons you can do it by first compressing (zipping) the attachment with the password option on. “Zip” files will not be filtered. The size limit for the attachments is 10 MB. If needed, you may use e.g. FTP to send bigger files. In any questions contact IM helpdesk.

If you receive virus inform IM Helpdesk that will help you to remove it and will update company’s virus prevention programs (if needed).

Duty of care

Users must take the same care in drafting an email as they would for any other communication.

Personal email & Internet usage

Although the company’s email system and Internet connections are meant for company’s business use, Elcoteq allows personal usage if it is reasonable and does not interfere with work. Personal business use is not allowed. Downloading games, music and other files that are not directly related to work is not allowed. Going to the www sites that contain libellous, criminal and pornographic material is not allowed and will be technically prevented.

Storing of e-mails

Employee is responsible for deleting useless mails on a regular basis so that the maximum of 150 MB space allocated for e-mail account is not exceeded. If needed, desktop’s hard drive can be used for storing e-mails.


If you have any questions or comments about this Email and Interent Policy, please contact Elcoteq’s Information Security Management. If you do not have any questions Elcoteq presumes that you understand and are aware of the rules and guidelines in this policy and will adhere to them.


