Radiant, unprepared, discredited, unparalleled, carry forward the past and forge ahead, make a decision, save the danger, be handy, sweat like rain, endure humiliation, be weak, indissoluble, young, breathtaking, dream, pass the pass and kill the general, concentrate, wield freely, dazzled, quick and quick.
We sailed at the first light of day. I was more tired than ever before, but everything was so new and interesting I would not leave the deck.
But soon the sails began to fill with wind, and the land and other ships moved past on each side. The Hispaniola had begun her voyage to Treasure Island.
We had come so far to find this.Already it had cost the lives of seventeen men from the Hispaniola.And how many others?How many ships had gone to the bottom of the sea?How many brave men had been murdered for this?Perhaps no man alive could tell.
Captain Smollett no longer goes to sea.Gray saved his money and is now half-owner and captain of a fine ship.Ben Gunn got a thousand pounds which he spent or lost in three weeks,then he came begging and was given a job as a gatekeeper.
Of Silver we have heard no more.That frightening seaman with one leg has.gone out of my lift.I will never return to Treasure Island,but in my worst dreams I still hear the sharp,high scream of Captain Flint the parrot:'Pieces of eight!Pieces of eight!