

2021-03-06 来源:乌哈旅游


1.Engineering graduates have to pass an examination,similar to the bar examinations for a lawyer.工程专业毕业生必须通过考试,就类似于律师要通过职业考试。

2.In the engineering curriculum,a current trend is to require students to take course in social sciences.


3.The relationship between engineering and society is getting closer.


4.The student who is preparing to become a civil engineer may deal with such subjects as geodetic surveying,etc.


5.Young engineers may chose to go into environmental or sanitary engineering.


6.On-the-job training can be acquired that will demonstrate his or her ability

to translate theory into practice to the supervisors.


7.The civil engineer may work in research、design、maintenance, even in sales or management.


8.Research is one of the most important aspects of scientific and engineering practice.


9.As we have seen, civil engineers work on many different kinds of structures.


10.Civil engineers were necessary in the design and construction of such structures as launching pads.设计和建设像发射台样的建筑需要土木工程师的参与。

11.Many civil engineers therefore specialize in the construction phase.许多土木工程师因此专攻施工方面工作。

12.Bridge、 tunnels、 and skyscrapers under construction can also be dangerous places to work.


13.These great buildings were not the product of knowledge of mathematics and physics.


14.Many of these great buildings built in earlier ages were poorly constructed and sometimes collapsed with considerable loss of lift.许多早期的建筑物水平不高,有时甚至会倒塌造成巨大的人员伤亡。

15.Since the structures designed by civil engineers are intended to be stationary or stable, these forces must be kept in balance.


16.If a beam supports a load above, the beam itself must have sufficient strength to counterbalance that weight.一旦梁上面有负载,那么这根梁必须有足够的强度来支撑这个负载。

17.Forces that might pull the structure around must be countered with forces that pull in the opposite direction.


18.The collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge was the result of not

considering the last of these factors. Tacoma Narrow


19.It is now common practice to test scale models of bridges in wind tunnels for aerodynamic resistance.现在的通常作法是按比例缩小的桥梁模型放在风洞里检测它们的空气动力抵抗力。

20.Steel and concrete complement each other in another way.钢筋和混凝土可以在另一方面互补。

21.Acid corrodes steel, whereas concrete has an alkaline chemical reaction, the opposite of acid.


22.Aluminum beams have already been used for bridge construction and for the framework of a few buildings.铝质梁已在桥梁建筑及一些建筑的框架中使用。

23.Attempts are also being made to produce concrete with more strength andurability,and with a lighter weight.现在,人们在尝试生产一些强度更高,使用寿命更长,重量更轻的混凝土。

24.Another advantage is that steel does not rust in concrete.另外一个优点,就是钢筋不会在混凝土中腐蚀。

25.The word contract is derived from the Latin contractum, meaning drawn together.


26.We all enter into contracts almost everyday for supply goods,

transportation and similar services.我们差不多每天都要处理合同,如供货]运输以及类似服务。

27.A contract has been defined as an agreement which creates and contemplate an obligation.订立合同就是达成有关责任和义务的协议。

28.In general, English law requires no special formalities in making contracts.


29.The contract terms are set out in writing in a document.


30.Thus by setting down the terms of a contract in writing one secures avoiding disputes.


31.No payment is due until the work is complete. 完工后付款。

32.The contractor is not entitled to receive payment in full until the work is satisfactorily completed.


33.The employer might be able to postpone indefinitely his liability to pay for the works.


34.The promoter of civil engineering works normally determines the conditions of contract.


35.The obligations that a contractor accepts when he submits a tender are determined by the form of the invitation to tender.承包人在提交标书时他所应负的责任是邀标书中规定的。

36.The employer is entitled to know the reasoning underlying the engineer’s choice of contract.


37.Construction plans and specifications stipulate many requirements that are to be met by materials or construction procedures. 施工图纸和规范规定了材料或施


38.There are two basically different control procedures for assuring a specified embankment density.


39.The accepted procedure is to remove practically all vegetable matter from the original ground and from fill material.


40.Today,engineers agree that proper embankment construction requires that the soil be spread in layers, moistured or dried to something near an optimum moisture content, and compacted.


41.The second procedure is to state t he manner and method for constructing the embankment.


42.Layered construction resulted in greater uniformity in the material itself and in its density and moisture content.


43.Unless there is a bridge,tunnel,or other special structure,this roadbed is constructed of in-situ soils or on earth embankments.


44.Building it is the first step in producing a finished facility.


45.Selective clearing in adjoining areas may at time be required.


46.Clearing site sometimes can involves removing trees and tree stumps and disposing of the debris.


47.Selection of equipment depends on the nature of the material,how far it is to be moved,and the method of disposal.


48.Loaders and shovels easily dig common excavation without blasting.装载机


49.Traffic accidents take a tremendous toll of human lives,personal property,and cause untold grief and misery.


50.The vehicles involved in all crashes,5%were reported defective and 8%were so reported in fatal accidents.据报告,在所有撞车事故中,5%的车辆存在缺陷,8%的涉及死亡事故的车辆也是有缺陷的。

51.Numerous publications have been prepared on the subject about road design and control for highway safety.有关道路设计及其安全控制问题,已出版了众多著作。

52.The advent of high speed divided roads has created an additional problem for the road surface in wet weather.分道行驶的高速公路的出现,对于雨天的道路表面带来了新问题。

53.Modern tires have been developed with tread patterns design for draining.


54.The importance of safety in all modes of transportation, especially highway safety is well recognized.


55.The actual degree of safety one experiences on a given highway is determined by decision made on many different levels.


56.Safe highways are expensive and it appears that the driving public does not want safe highways.安全的高速公路造价昂贵,而看起来驾驶人员也并不喜欢安全的高速公路。

57.Therefore,to prevent vehicle malfunction, mandatory motor vehicle inspection programs are being enforced.


58.Stop lights ,backup lights, and four-way emergency flashers also aid in vehicle safety.

停车灯、倒车灯和紧 急闪烁灯也是有助于车辆安全的。

59.The life span and response of brakes have been vastly improved


60.Therefore,highway improvement is also a key factor in preventing



61.工程是一种专业,也就是说工程师必须受过专业大学教育。Engineering is a profession, which means that an engineer must have a specialized university education.

62.统计学中的重要部分是概率论。An important aspect of statistical

mathematics is probability.

63.一位未来的土木工程师应当意识到将要对他(她)提出的体力要求。The prospective civil engineer should be aware of the physical physical demands that will be made on him or her.

64.由于施工会很危险,所以安全因素必须考虑在内。Safety factors must also be taken into account, since construction can be very dangerous.

65.当然,计算机能比人更快捷、精确地解决许多有关计算问题。Computers, of course, can solve many problems involving calculations with greater speed and accuracy than a human being can.

66.差不多在所有工程项目中,施工是一个复杂的过程。Construction is a complicated process on almost all engineering projects.

67.许多早期的伟大建筑物仍然存在或者在使用。Many great buidings built in earlier ages are still in existence and in use.

68.在设计结构时,现代工程师必须考虑到所有材料的总重量。When a modern engineer plans a structure,he takes into account the total weight of all its component materials.

69.在用锯毫不费力地锯开一块木头时,木头是受拉的。When a saw cuts easily through a piece of wood, the wood is in tension.


The horizontal forces must be equal to each other.

71.钢和混凝土有几乎相同的收缩率和膨胀率。Steel and concrete have almost the same rate of contraction and expansion.

72.铝比不锈钢轻得多,但又具有许多不锈钢的特性。Aluminum weighs much less than stainless steel but has many of the same properties.

73.我们不需要进行复杂冗长的谈判。We do not need to enter into lengthy or complicated negotiations.

74.合同各方同意做某些事,如果当事人一方未能履行协议中规定的义务,他应承担违约责任。Each party to the contract has agreed to do something,and is liable for breach of contract if he fails to perform his part of agreement.

75.这些合同中,值得注意的是土地转让合同。Notable among these contracts are contracts for the sale and disposal of land.

76.当某人在文件上签字以后,他就被认为已阅读并同意文件的内容。Once a person has signed a document he is assumed to have read and approved its contents.

77.承包商必须按照合同的条款履行自己的责任。The conditions of contract define the obligations and performances to which the contractor will be subject.

78.雇主一般不受报价最低的投标者或任何投标者约束。The employer does not usually bind himself to accept the lowest or indeed any tender.

79.土石方设备的选择主要决定于材料的性质和运距。The selection of earth working equipments is primarily depended upon the nature of the materials and the haul distances.

80.岩石必须首先凿眼、爆破,然后用装载机或挖土机装入货车或其他运输设备。Rock must be drilled and blasted, then loaded with loader or shovel into trucks other hauling waits.

81.推土机、铲运机和自卸汽车的经济运距各不相同。The economical haul distances of bulldozers, scrapers and dump trucks are different.

82.合理的路堤施工要求土壤分层摊铺,在接近最佳含水量时压实。The proper embankment

construction requires that the soil be spread in layers ,and compacted at a moisture content near optimum.

83.松动的岩石接着用拖式铲运设备来处理,就像处理“普通土”挖方一样。The loosened rock is

then handled by tractor-scraper units

as is done with“common” excavation.

84.材料通常分为“岩石”,“松石”或“普通土”,“普通土”表示另两类之外的所有材料。Materials are usually described as “rock”,“loose rock”, or “common”, with “common” signifying all material not otherwise classified.

85.交通事故是指由于车辆在交通中引起人员伤亡或物质损失。A traffic accident denotes the event in which personal injury or death or property damage is caused by vehicles in traffic.

86.交通事故按其严重程度一般可分为死亡、重伤、轻伤和物质损失。Traffic accidents can be grouped as death, serious and light injury, and property damage according to their severity.

87.交通事故的原因主要包括人、车辆、道路和环境因素。Causes of traffic accidents are principally related to person, the vehicle ,the road, and the environment.


很大努力。Automobile manufactures and researchers make great efforts to produce safer and less damaged vehicles in collision events.

89.平曲线半径、交叉口设计等都是影响交通安全的重要因素。Radii of horizontal, designs of intersections are important factors in traffic safety.

90.也许真正需要的是交通事故和交通安全之间的均衡。Perhaps what is really wanted is a balance between traffic accident,and safety.

91.业主有权了解工程师在选择合同时所根据的理由。The employer is entitled to know the reasoning underiying the engineer’s choice of contract.

92。遥感在工程设计阶段有特别重要的作用。Remote sensing has a particularly valuable role to play at the design stage of a project.

93。在施工期间,遥感的作用比规划和设计阶段前小得多。The role of remote sensing is much smaller during construction than at the preceding planning and design stages.


These twentieth-century developments have led to the extensive use of prestressing throughout the world, and in the United States in particular.
