In this book, we offer advice that we hope will seem reasonable and worth serious consideration. But as any experienced writer knows, there are occasions when even the best advice may not apply. The demands of writing for different audiences, with different purposes, on different subjects, at different levels of formality are so varied that they can’t begin to be anticipated in a book like this, and we recognize that what is appropriate for one piece of writing may not be appropriate for another. In most cases, you will have to avoid ambiguity at all costs so as not to leave your words open to misinterpretation.
中国可持续性发展依赖的有限自然资源正在锐减。一方面是生产规模在不断扩大,消耗更多的能源; 另一方面是缺少能高效利用能源的生产设备。这迫使我们思考如何我后人留下足够的环境空间以使他们实现他们的愿望。
One of the unintended consequences of the flattening world is that it puts different societies and cultures in much greater direct contact with one another. It connects people to people much faster than people and cultures can often prepare themselves. Some cultures thrive on the sudden opportunities for collaboration that this global intimacy makes possible. Others are frustrated, and even humiliated by this close contact, which , among other things , makes it easy for people to see where they stand in the world in relation to everyone else. All of this helps to account for the emergence of one of the most devastating forces
today----- the suicide bombers and other terrorists organizations which have no regard for human lives and which it is in our best interests to wipe out.
该法案旨在对美国中小学进行教育改革, 并使所有儿童有机会得到高质量的教育. 最终目标是确保无一人落后. 由于此法案的实施, 学校有更多的灵活性把资源用于最急需的地方. 父母可更多地参与孩子的教育.
Social progress has done away with the need for backbreaking work and has provided time and leisure for personality development. With it, indeed because of it, today the middle-class family expects each of its members to develop his unique personality, and so does each individual, more or less, himself. This new obligation of the family to provide a setting for the development of a unique personality makes family consensus extremely difficult, if not impossible. Nothing is more problematic for a small group of quite different, unique individuals than to live in close quarters, in close harmony with each other. Besides, the necessity of cultivating teenagers’ moral character adds to the difficulty in parenting.
This book derives from decades of teaching in various schools across the country. It is based on the belief that philosophy is a genuinely exciting subject, accessible not only to specialists and a few gifted undergraduate majors but to everyone. Everyone is a philosopher, whether enrolled in a philosophical course or not. The difference is that someone who has studied philosophy systematically has the advantage of having encountered stronger and more varied arguments than might have been available otherwise . What is special about this book is that it offers introductory students the opportunity of having direct contact with substantial readings from significant books on philosophy, but without the unreasonable demand that they confront these books in full, which are often incomprehensible.
人人都有追求幸福的权利, 但对幸福的定义却因人而异.绝大多数人认为幸福来自于健康的身体、 愿望的实现和事业有成. 正如经常发生的那样, 许多人在遇到痛苦时才意识到幸福的真正含义.
Quitting smoking is more of a matter of willpower than of individual choice, for smoking is widely recognized as addictive. Although counseling and medication can increase the odds that a smoker quits permanently, the best way to avoid dilemmas is never to take up smoking to begin with.
The irreversible effects of cigarette smoking vary in intensity and are related both to the amount and duration of exposure and the age at which the person is
initially exposed. This report challenges the notion that a few years of exposure to smoking will have no lasting harmful consequences. We hope to discourage this prevalent but vital habit and suggest that tobacco-related health effects decline substantially as time away from smoking increases.
人们越来越意识到开发环保型产品的重要性. 为实现长期可持续发展, 发达国家应不惜代价减少温室气体的排放. 如果目前全球变暖的速度保持不变, 东京和伦敦等大城市从地球上消失的可能性将是20年前的10倍.
The wise man knows the place of these things in the scheme of life as a whole. He knows that money and possessions are means, not ends. He knows the difference between pleasures of the moment and enduring satisfactions, between being great and being famous, between reverence and superstition, between solidity and show in literature, art and life. He knows that in the human lot some evils are unavoidable, that loss and disease and old age are bound to come; and he has made his peace with their coming.
没有盼头的日子是苍白而且不可想象的 人得天天有点什么盼头,生活才不至于暗淡. 有了盼头, 会觉得太阳每天都是新的. 土地去掉水分, 就成了沙漠;人没了盼,还剩什么?小盼头支撑人的一天,大盼头支撑人的一生.
As a branch of cognitive science, linguistics has undergone systematic inquiry and elaboration in terms of language acquisition and classification.
When it comes to language learning, the spelling of Chinese characters is notoriously difficult to Westerners, who are often left puzzled about numerous strokes. In China, the myth remains that maximum efficiency can be achieved by exposing young children to native speakers as early as possible. However, a more profound insight into the process of language acquisition won’t be gained until studies of the brain have developed to the point where the function of each part of the brain is brought to light. The eagerness to make children proficient in English on the part of parents in China is open to question.
计算机被认为是有史以来对人类生活影响最大的发明。它的神奇之处在于其运算速度和准确性 优于人类。计算机能在几秒钟内完成几十年前可能需要数天才能完成的事。 这是人类第一次感到自己作为最高级物种的地位受到了挑战。
Although the Bush administration has pledged its commitment to have Iraqis run their government on their own, peace and order will be long in coming. On one hand, Saddam remains unaccounted for. On the other hand, surging violence, cases of bloodshed, suicide bombings and people taking to streets to protest have plunged the U.S. in an embarrassing situation. Recently, President Bush has made some remarks that appear intended to address criticism from the Democratic presidential candidates that top decision-makers failed to anticipate
the mounting difficulties lying ahead. It’s hoped that the UN can get actively involved in the reconstruction of this war-torn country and play a more positive role in finding a peaceful solution to problems confronting Iraqis.
What’s strange about man is that he has yet to learn to settle disputes by some means other than war. Not only does war take a heavy toll of lives, but leads to increased tension. The use of sophisticated weapons is apt to bring about disasters to human health, although the reluctance to eliminate weapons of mass destruction on the part of the big powers will not necessarily end up with conflicts. The chances are that man will have his own civilization destroyed if the notion of the survival of the fittest still applies to the international community. We can’t help wondering how many years it will take for the world to eliminate war once for all.
运用世界领先的技术将使中国有可能摆脱贫穷。来中国的国外游客吃惊地发现在以前又脏又穷的地方出现了高楼大厦。 他们的所见所闻使他们得出的结论是:中国不仅远非落后,而且正向小康社会迈进。
In the United States, the use of teleconferencing and videoconferencing rose by more than 50 percent last year, and more companies are thinking twice before sending large armies of employees on business excursion. Many medium-sized businesses expect their employees to travel in economy class, or stay over a Saturday night just to avoid getting stuck with too expensive full-price business fares. And more and more businesses are participating in “fractional jet ownership” schemes, in which companies buy shares in corporate jets, entitling their employees to a certain number of exclusive flying hours onboard.
联想(Legend) 集团的崛起真实地反映了中国自身的转变,就像中国正努力从一个发展中国家变成一支世界经济发展的生力军一样/,联想也在发展壮大,/ 它同样要面对成功带来的压力与机遇,/它也必须证明它有能力参与全球竞争。
The nations meeting here in Shanghai understand what is at stake. If we don’t stand against terrorism now, every civilized nation will at some point be its target. We will defeat the terrorists by destroying their network, wherever it is found. We will also defeat the terrorists by building an enduring prosperity that promises more opportunity and better lives for all the world’s people.
The countries of the Pacific Rim made the decision to open themselves up to the world, and the result is one of the great development success stories of our time. The peoples of this region are more prosperous, healthier, and better educated than they were only two decades ago. And this progress has proved
what openness can accomplish.
也许你觉得自己那些静卧于抽屉中的家书措辞不够优美, 气息也不够现代,其实这正是我们所需要的,/毕竟时代的烙印和真挚的情怀是挥之不去, 那亘古不变的魔力足以超出我们的想象。
Regrettably for many in Silicon Valley, the ability to make accurate forecasts can depend on how well-established a company’s products are. Young industries on steep growth curves are almost always surprised by how well their products do in the first few years, and then they’re at a loss when demand falls. Says a Stanford University business strategy professor, “In a highly dynamic and unpredictable market people are going to make mistakes. It’s inherent in the type of business.”
In many corners of Silicon Valley----and elsewhere ----unpredictability is inevitable. One solution: keep innovating but develop sound service businesses to sell with products. Building a “very strong service business”, a company president says, smoothes out the rough spots between innovations.
4年来,中国两次成功地克服了全球经济衰退的冲击, 实现了经济持续快速增长。目前, 中国面临的问题是如何将国内13亿人口变成真正意义上的消费者,从而开辟更广阔的国内市场。
There is a subtle distinction between being alone and being on one’s own. The former means being isolated and cut off from one’s fellowmen, while the latter is considered the ultimate expression of individualism. Being on one’s own suggests that one is a fully independent and functioning part of the whole, and you are capable of balancing your needs and desires with other people’s in some sort of proper intergrowth relationship. Being alone suggests that you have not established yourself enough to be a proper “other” to somebody else who is already independent on his own. The difference between being on one’s own and being alone is very fundamental mechanisms that shape our character and explain why we do things as we do.
Section B (20 minutes, 10 points )
我们现正在经历一个人类历史上独一无二,令人振奋的时刻。科学与技术的发展使我们第一次有能力打垮人类进步的两大敌人----战争与贫困,满足全球各个角落的人民的基本需求,并建立一个和平繁荣的新世界。 我们应当珍惜这一切。
Today’s sugar-coated television science shows would have totally turned me off when I was a child, and perhaps they turn children off today---- those who, like me, are tempted by mystery, those who prefer a black-and-white diagram to a full-color, shiny set of photographic images that brilliantly capture the surface
of some phenomenon but convey nothing of what is hidden behind the scenes.
Long before I could do even the simplest algebra (代数)as a child. I felt that it was somehow both magical and magnificent, that mathematical equations captured the nature of the most hidden corners of reality. It was, indeed, this sense of power and awe that led me to want to learn mathematics.
通过今年科学家获诺贝尔奖的情况可以看出,各个单科领域的研究都已进入了一个极为尖端的水平, 很难有重大突破,交叉学科反而有广阔的发展空间, 但这就需要各领域科学家共同合作才能完成。
The response of adults to the behavior of adolescents is often more strongly influenced by the adults’ own needs than by the way the adolescents are acting. The adult world clings stubbornly to social order, resistive to the young people whose questioning , risk-taking and spontaneity threaten existing arrangements. Adult fears that adolescents will escape their control, with the anxiety about unplanned change and disorderliness, lead to determined efforts to restrain young people through familial and societal regulation.
The youth who searches for and attains what his parents had yearned for and then denied themselves, attacks the most vulnerable facet of adult personality----the fragile self-esteem. It is no wonder, then, that rather than an attempt at loving understanding, the parent responds with bitterness and opposition.
人,人类,作为最高级动物,高级生灵,其区别于低级动物的最本质的特征是:会思维,会理性思维, 会通过语言表达思维,通过行为实践思维。而这种思维中, 又以创造性思维、突破性思维、发展性思维为人类最大优势所在。
The capture, manipulation, transmission, and consumption of information (in digital form) has become a critical function in our economy---- and soon, perhaps, in our civilization. For years, the striking increase of digital computing and networking has been rewriting the rules in business, and it will continue to do so. Now, as these technologies develop rapidly, the Information Revolution promises to touch--- and in some cases radically transform--- every aspect of life: our work and leisure, all manner of scientific techniques, and virtually every method for recording and transmitting knowledge, including books, newspapers, magazines, movies, television, phone calls, musical recordings, and architectural drawings.
Intimacy is key in a world of connection (where individuals negotiate complex networks of friendship , minimize differences, try to reach consensus, and avoid
the appearance of superiority, which would highlight differences. In a world of status, independence is key, because a primary means of establishing status is to tell others what to do, and taking orders is a marker of low status.Though all humans need both intimacy and independence, women tend to focus on the first and men on the second. It is as if their lifeblood ran in different directions.
没有人愿意看到东南亚金融危机在中国重演,因此,有效的预防和坚定的调整在今天日益开放的经济环境中尤显重要。我们欣喜地看到, 政府不仅早已意识到了金融危机的潜在危害,而且还及时果断地采取了一系列有力措施, 进行规范和引导。
In part, the sudden re-emergence of technological progress is the climax of years of research in different fields that are finally reaching critical mass. The Internet only became a commercial proposition in the mid-1990s. The first successful gene-splicing experiment was done in 1973, but biotechnology is only now set to explode. Moreover, different parts of the innovation wave are starting to feed and reinforce one another, as fast computers greatly accelerate the ability of scientists to understand and manipulate genes. On the contrary, biological techniques now seem the best foundations for developing tomorrow’s new generation computers.
Section B
从根本上来说, 知识经济的价值在于改变工业经济时代以来经济、社会、环境三者