

2021-10-28 来源:乌哈旅游



安:1、怎么、哪里;2、安置 谙:熟悉

案:1、古时指床、桌;2、追究;3、按照 昂:抬高


拔:1、攻取;2、超出;3、提拔 白:报告 拜:授官

北:打了败仗(的人) 暴:晒 本:推究

被:1、同“披”;2、覆盖;3、蒙受 本:1、根;2、探求


鄙:1、边远之地;2、轻视;3、谦知自己 辟:1、征召;2、开辟 秉:持 病:1、担心



裁:1、同“才”;2、删减 策:1、马鞭;2、鞭策;3、拄着 超:1、跳、跃;2、遥远 彻:通;透

陈:1、陈列;2、陈述;3、同“阵” 诚:确实

乘:1、升、登;2、趁着;3、一车四马 冲:虚、谦虚

酬:1、报答;2、偿还;3、实现 齿:并列

除:1、授职;2、台阶 畜:同“蓄”,蓄养 黜:废,贬退

垂:1、边,边疆;2、挂;3、流传;4、临近 辍:停止

次:1、临时驻扎;2、等候 刺:1、指责;2、刺探

从:1、(使„„)跟随;2、参与 促:1、靠近;2、催促;3、短促 萃:聚集 忖:思量

错:1、同“厝”,安放;2、交错;3、磨刀石——磨 曾:竟



怠:1、危险;2、几乎;3、副词,大概、恐怕 逮:及 殚:尽 惮:害怕 但:只,只不过 蹈:踏 得:能

敌:1、抵抗;2、相当、匹敌 第:1、住宅;2、等第;3、但、只 吊:慰问

独:1、只有;2、难道 笃:1、坚定;(病)重 杜:杜绝

短:1、浅陋;2、说别人坏话 遁:逃

顿:1、叩;2、困顿;3、立刻 夺:1、夺取;2、强行改变;3、丧失


遏:阻止 迩:近


伐:1、讨伐、攻打;2、功劳;3、夸耀 法:效法

非:1、责怪、认为„„不对;2、判断句标志 斐:有文采



夫:1、成年男子;2、这、那;3、句首,表将发议论;4、句末,表感叹 负:1、背;2、违背


盖:1、大概;2、原来是;3、超过 干:1、盾;2、求取;3、冲;4、水边 工:1、精巧;2、擅长

苟:1、如果;2、姑且 购:重金收买或悬赏捉拿 辜:罪过

顾:1、回头看;2、拜访;3、但,不过;4、反而 郭:外城 国:国都



害:嫉妒 恨:遗憾 怙:依仗 患:担忧 隳:毁坏

毁:说别人的坏话 讳:避忌

晦:1、阴历每月最后一天;2、昏暗 会:恰逢



期:满一(月或年) 赍:1、送;2、携带 稽:考证

羁:1、拘束,束缚;2、寄居在外 藉:1、垫;2、借


即:1、靠近;2、立即;3、就是(副词) 疾:1、厌恶;2、嫉妒;3、快

霁:1、雨雪停止;2、气色转和 冀:希望 洎:等到

济:1、渡河;2、帮助;3、成 嘉:美好的;2、赞美

贾:1、买(gu);2、商人;3、同“价” 甲:居第一位 缄:封,闭

间:1、空隙;2、间或;3、隔阂;4、离间;5、从小路秘密地 见:1、同“现”;2、被;3、我 将:1、扶、持;2、带领 讦:攻击或揭人短处 届:至、到达

矜:1、注重;2、夸耀;3、骄傲;4、同情 进:1、出来做官;2、推荐

景:1、日光;2、景色;3、大;4、同“影” 竟:终

就:1、靠近、接近;2、往,到„„去;3、成,成功 咎:1、罪过、过失;2、责怪(追究过失) 举:1、推荐;2、攻下;3、全 剧:严重 镌:刻

隽:言辞文章含蓄有内容 绝:1、断;2、绝妙;3、横渡 浚:疏通





课:1、教授;2、按规定的数额和时间征收赋税 款:1、恳切;2、款待;3、缓慢 馈:赠




累:1、积;2、屡次;3、牵连、连累 莅:临 历:经

临:1、到;2、面对;3、统治 陵:1、同“凌”,欺侮;2、登 凌:登;欺侮 零:落


漫:1、遍;2、全;3、无边无际;4、随便 懵:1、不明白;2、无知的样子 靡:1、倒下;2、没有;3、奢侈、华丽 弭:1、停止;

弥:1、满;2、更加;3、长久 邈:远


馁:饥饿 泥:拘泥




畔:同“叛” 迫:1、近;2、急


戚:1、悲伤;2、斧子 讫:完 迄:到 愆:过失

迁:1、贬官(左迁);2、升官(右迁) 罄:尽 穷:不得志


去:1、离开;2、距离;3、到„„去 趣:同“趋”,趋向;2、意向;3、同“促” 劝:勉励


如:1、像;2、到„„去 茹:吃



涉:1、趟水过河;2、经历;3、阅览 哂:讥笑

审:1、详细;2、仔细考察;3、清楚、明白 胜:1、能承受;2、尽;3、优美的(景色等)

师:1、学习;2、以„„为师 施:1、行;2、加;3、给予恩惠 识:1、记住;2、标记 市:买;做买卖 恃:依靠

是:1、正确;2、这 拭:擦 释:放

适:1、到„„去;2、女子出嫁;3、刚 纾:1、解除;2、延缓 孰:1、同“熟”;2、谁; 属:1、连接;2、同“嘱”;3、类 树:种植

率:1、沿着;2、带领;3、大致 爽:1、败坏;2、差错;3、违背 俟:等 嗣:继承 素:向来

夙:1、早;2、平时 虽:即使



汤:热水 特:只不过 涕:眼泪

恬:1、安静;2、满不在乎 恸:极度悲痛





亡:1、逃跑;2、同“无”;3、失 王:1、称王;

微:1、如果没有;2、不显露的;3、微妙、深奥;4、地位低下 诿:推脱 文:掩饰 忤:违反





息:1、繁殖;2、子女;3、停止;4、生长 翕:收缩 黠:狡猾;聪明 遐:远 鲜:少 咸:都

衔:1、含;2、接 乡:同“向”;先前,过去

相:1、动作的偏指一方;2、省视、察看;3、辅佐,辅助 向:1、先前;2、假使 效:1、效劳;2、模仿 谢:1、道歉;2、推辞 修:长 徐:慢慢地

许:1、答应;2、约数;2、处所 循:顺着 旬:十天



雅:1、正、正确;2、高尚;3、向来 焉:于此,于之(在这里,在那里) 延:1、邀请;2、扩展;3、迎接

晏:1、天晴无云;2、平静、安定;3、晚 厌:满足 阳:山南水北 要:同“邀” 杳:1、昏暗;2、远

野:1、郊外;2、朝廷之外,民间 谒:拜见

遗:1、赠送;2、遗留 贻:送

夷:1、平坦;2、铲平 易:1、轻视;2、换;3、改变 诣:到„„去


引:1、牵,拉,领;2、招致;3、荐举;4、避开,退;5、供出;6、拔出、拿 游:交往

尤:1、过错;2、指责、归罪;3、突出;4、特别 囿:局限 宥:宽恕 隅:角落 鬻:卖

遇:得到君王或上层人物的信任、赏识 狱:案件 原:追究根源

缘:1、沿着;2、凭借;3、介词,因为 阅:经历


蚤:同“蚤” 造:到„„去,拜访 贼:害 肇:开始


箴:1、规劝;2、文体,用于规戒 振:1、奋起;2、救济 赈:救济

之:1、到„„去;2、这;3、代词;4、助词 直:1、价值;2、仅;3、径直 志:1、记住;2、标记;3、作标记 致:1、达;2、招引;3、到

周:1、周密;2、环绕;3、遍及;4、救济 诸:1、之于;2、之乎;3、众,各 卓:1、高;2、远 斫:砍、削 濯:洗 擢:提拔

资:1、助;2、凭借 訾:说坏话 宗:尊崇、敬仰 走:跑


卒:1、终;2、同“猝”突然;3、死;4、步兵 左:1、不正;2、不合;3、左为较低的地位 坐:1、因犯„„罪;2、因为 作:1、起身;2、兴起;


As a guest, it is bad manners to leave without saying goodbye.


He was about to lose self-confidence when his colleagues lent him a helping hand. 3.他犹豫了好久才作出决定。(before)

He hesitated a long time before he made his decision. 4.在美国将孩子独自留在家中是违法的。(It )

It is against the law to leave a child alone at home in the USA. 5.通过阅读英语报纸杂志可以提高语言的摄入量。(by)

We can increase our language input by reading English newspapers and magazines. 6.在超市人们会情不自禁去买根本不需要的东西。(cannot)

At the supermarket, people cannot help but buy things that they don't really need. 7.只要坚持不懈,不半途而废,你一定能实现奇迹。(as long as)

As long as you persevere and do not give up halfway, you are sure to accomplish wonders. 8.无论我怎么努力,就是无法说服他们接受新方案。(no matter)

No matter how hard I' ve tried, I can't persuade them to accept the new project. 9.不管前方的路有多难走,你不能轻易放弃。(however) However difficult the road ahead is, you can't give up easily. 10.互联网使人与人之间的交流越来越容易了。(it)

The Internet makes it easier and easier for people to communicate between each other. 11.我真傻,以为大家都会赞同我的提议。(It)

It was foolish of me to think that everyone would approve of my proposal. 12.有时候让你疲惫的不是远方的大山,而是你鞋里的一粒砂子。(it is)

Sometimes it is not the distant mountain but a grain of sand in your shoe that tires you out. Sometimes it is a grain of sand in your shoe rather than the distant mountain that tires you out. 13.直到黄昏他才意识到自己陷入困境。(Not until...) Not until dusk did he realize that he had got into trouble.

14.玩电子游戏的时间越长,你的视力会越差。(the more...)

The more time you spend playing video games, the poorer / worse your eyesight will be. 15.使我们失望的是,那位作家没为我们签名,也没跟我们说话。(nor)

To our disappointment, that writer didn't sign his name for us, nor did he talk to us. 16.一有感冒症状,你得尽快去看医生。(once)

Once you show the symptoms of cold, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. 17.你只有加倍努力才能赶上你的同学。(only)

Only if you double your efforts can you catch up with your fellow students. 18. 太空旅游并没有人们想象得那么浪漫。(so...as) Space travel is not so romantic as people thought.


The first time she saw the sea, she was so excited that she couldn't fall asleep at night. 20. 教授的演讲很精彩,大礼堂座无虚席。(So…)

So wonderful was the professor' s lecture that there was not a single vacant seat in the hall. 21. 人类首次登月距今近四十年。(since)

It is nearly forty years since man first set foot on the moon. 22.没什么会难倒坚持不懈的人。(those) Nothing is impossible for those who persevere.

23. 他每次路过母校都不忘顺便探望他的老师。(every time)

Every time he passes by his Alma Mater he won't forget to drop in on his teachers. 24. 我第一次打高尔夫球时就爱上了这项运动。(the first time) The first time I played golf I fell in love with this sport. 25.你该好好反省一下自己的所作所为。(high time)

It is high time you reflected on what you have done. 26. 手术后她虚弱得很,不能照顾自己。 (too) She was too weak after the operation to look after herself. 27.如果你能帮我买两节电池我将感激不尽。(if)

I would appreciate it very much if you could buy two batteries for me. 28. 除非采取紧急措施,否则我们的计划将流产。(unless) Unless you take urgent measures, our plan will be spoiled。 29.她一直默默无闻,直到在演唱赛中夺得第一名。(until) She remained unknown until she came first in the singing contest. 30.真正重要的不是你的言辞而是你的行动。(What) What really matters is not what you say but what you do.

31.我们一定要全力以赴,力争在天黑前抵达目的地。(whatever) We must do whatever we can to try to reach our destination before dark. 32.那位明星无论走到哪儿,他的两位保镖都寸步不离。(wherever) Wherever that star goes, his two bodyguards follow him closely. 33.不管你有没有犯罪,在法庭上一定要尊重法官。(whether)

Whether you have committed a crime or not, you must respect the judges on the court. 34.借助特别仪器才能研究肉眼看不见的细菌。(with)

The germs invisible to naked eyes can only be studied with special instruments. 35. 没有成年人陪同儿童不可观看此片。(without) Kids can't watch the film without the company of adults. 36.董永和仙女的浪漫爱情故事百听不厌。(worth)

The romantic love story between Dong Yong and the fairy is worth listening to a hundred times. 37.他尽管双目失明,却没有放弃作家梦。(as)

Blind in both eyes as he was, he didn't give up his dream of being a writer. 38. 应该把火柴放在孩子拿不到的地方。(where) Matches should be kept where children can' t reach them. 39.那位总统辞职后很少在公众场合露面。(Seldom)

Seldom did the president show up in public after his retirement. 40.他突然意识到自己犯了一个多么愚蠢的错误。(how) He suddenly realized how silly a mistake he had made.

41. 既然我们现在无法达成一致,不妨让老师来作最终决定。(up to)

Now that we can't reach an agreement, we might as well leave the final decision up to our teacher. 42.租辆自行车,你就可以环游这座历史古城了。(and)

Rent a bicycle and you can make a tour of this historical ancient town. 43.这对夫妇决定,再穷也要设法供儿子上大学。(no matter)

The couple decided that no matter how poor they were, they would try to afford their son to go to college.


Having heard the teacher's speech, the students were no longer against wearing school uniforms. 45. 他一看到警车就意识到出事了。(the moment)

The moment he saw the police car, he realized that something had happened. 46.记者利用中场休息采访了教练和场上队长。(advantage)

The reporter interviewed the coach and the field captain by taking advantage of the interval. 47.他们俩都相信勤奋会带来成功。(belief)

Both of them have the belief that diligence brings about success. 48.请牢记:在任何时候都不能欺骗别人。(case)

Please keep in mind that in no case can you deceive others. 49.我们似乎别无选择,只能等天放晴。(choice)

we seem to have no choice but to wait for the weather to clear up.

50. 懂得法语会让你的巴黎之游更高效。(command)

A command of French will make your trip to Paris more efficient. 51.那架飞机起飞后不久就与机场失去了联系。(contact) The plane lost contact with the airport soon after it took off. 52.除了父母,没人能分得清这对双胞胎。(difference)

Nobody but their parents can tell the difference between the twins. 53.保护地球资源是人类的责任。(duty)

It is man's duty to protect the resources on the earth.

54. 十年来,老教授不遗余力地帮助那位素不相识的病人。(effort)

Over the decade, the old professor has spared no efforts to help the patient whom he didn't know. 55.尽管事实上三分之二的地表被水覆盖,但很多地方还是严重缺水。(fact)

Despite the fact that two-thirds of the earth's surface is covered by water , many places are seriously short of water.


Students should be encouraged to form the habit of thinking independently. 57.骆驼被视为沙漠里最重要的运输工具。(means)

Camels are considered the most important means of transportation in the desert. 58. 你认为去最近的银行怎么走?(way)

Which do you think is the way to the nearest bank?


Sometimes parents tend to take no notice of their children' s reasonable requests. 60.他凡事没有自己的主张,总是人云亦云。(opinion)

He doesn't have his own opinion on anything and always repeats what others say. 61.应教会孩子自力更生。(own)

Kids should be taught to make a living on their own.


The professor gave a report on how to maintain online moral at the students' invitation. 63.既然他们已经答应要弥补你的损失,你再向他们抱怨就没意义了。(point)

Now that they have agreed to make up for your loss, there is no point in complaining any more. 64.没有导游帮助,你一个人不可能独自穿越那片森林。 (possibility)

Without the help of a tour guide there is no possibility that you can travel through the forest alone. 65.那位科学家是为了荣誉才继续他的科学研究的。(sake)

It was for the sake of honor that the scientist went on with his scientific research. 66.尽管缺乏经验,她还是选择了当总经理秘书。(lack)

In spite of lack of experience, She chose to be a secretary to a general manager. 67.有迹象表明车价会越来越便宜。(sign)

There are signs that car prices will be lower and lower.

68. 碰到这种情况,你按下任何键都无济于事。(situation) In such a situation it is no use pressing any key.


There is a trend that more and more people will choose to shop online. 70.人们都知道哪里有水哪里就有生命这个道理。(truth) People all know the truth that where there is water there is life. 71. 我们应充分利用太阳能来节约有限的资源。(use)

We should make good use of solar energy to save our limited resources. 72.犯了这么严重的错误,你再怎么解释也无济于事。(no use)

Now that you have made such a serious mistake, it is no use finding excuses. 73.毫无疑问,家庭教育影响孩子的成长。(doubt)

There is no doubt that family education affects the growth of a child. 74. 既然你问心无愧,你就不必内疚。(no need)

Since you have a clear conscience, there is no need to feel guilty. 75.由于轻敌,他莫名其妙输给了对手。(reason)

Because he didn't take his opponent seriously/ looked down on his opponent, he lost to him for unknown reason.


He downloaded a great deal of data on the Internet before he formed a conclusion. 77.陪审团一致认为被告有罪。(agreement)

The jury reached an agreement that the defendant was guilty. 78.你听过王子对农家女一见钟情的故事吗?(sight)

Have you heard of the story that an prince fell in love with a farmer' s daughter at first sight? 79.至今尚无证据表明此疾病是由蚊子传播的。(evidence)

To this day there is no evidence that the disease is spread by mosquitoes. 80.轮到她作自我介绍时,她紧张得不知所措。(turn)

When it was her turn to introduce herself, she was so nervous that she was at a loss. 81. 由于走错了方向,他们离目的地越来越远。(direction)

As they were going in the wrong direction, they were farther and farther away from their destination. 82.他还不知道野餐因天气不好被取消了。(knowledge)

He hasn't the knowledge that the picnic has been canceled because of the weather. 83.国王许诺,将把自己一半的财富给能让他高兴的人。 (promise)

The king made a promise that he would give half of his wealth to whoever could make him happy. 84.私车普及涉及一个新的问题:道路条件必须改善。(problem)

The popularity of private cars concerns / involves a new problem that the road conditions need to be improved.


The students gave their own opinions at the class meeting and put forward many suggestions on saving resources.


After the team lost the match, the coach refused to comment on the players' performance on the field at the press conference.

87. 我买得起车,但养不起。(afford)

I can afford to buy a car but I can' t afford to maintain it. 88.这部国产喜剧老少咸宜。(appeal)

This home-made comedy appeals to people of all ages. 89.他不负重望,在演讲比赛中夺得第一名。(come).

He came first in the speech contest, which didn't let anyone down. 90.既然他不愿意和你们去远足,就不要强人所难了。(join)

Since he is unwilling to join you in the hiking, you might as well not force him to. 91.科学发现应应用于工业生产。(apply)

Discoveries in science should be applied to industrial production. 92.缺乏睡眠是造成交通事故的重要因素之一。(lead)

Lack of sleep is among the major factors that lead to traffic accidents. 93.教室外面太吵,学生们无法专心听课。(concentrate)

It was so noisy outside the classroom that the students couldn't concentrate on their lessons. 94.房产商许诺会安排车辆接我们去看房。(arrange)

The house agent promised to arrange for a vehicle to take us to look at the houses. 95. 他向我保证一定会克服困难,完成任务。(assure)

He assured me that he would overcome difficulties and complete the task. 96.中国是第三个成功将人类送往太空的国家。(succeed)

China is the third country to succeed in sending human into space. 97. 如果我们不善待大自然,大自然一定会报复我们的。(avenge)

If we fail to treat nature well, nature is sure to avenge us.


What the teacher said at the graduating ceremony has benefited the students a lot. 99.他讲了个笑话,周围人都爆发出笑声,这打破了僵局。(burst)

He told a joke and those around him all burst into laughter, which broke the ice. 100.他不停咳嗽,一定是淋着雨了。(catch)

He must have been caught in the rain, for he keeps coughing. 101.他抱怨快递公司投递包裹收费太高。(charge)

He complained that the express company charged too much for delivering parcels. 102.那位村民声称,在后院发现了一个地下泉水。(claim)

That villager claimed to have discovered an underground spring in his back yard. 103. 许多人把在国外生活当作一种挑战。(consider) Many people consider life abroad a challenge.


He managed to make contact with the owner of the missing guitar.


Since its foundation , the association has contributed considerably to animal protection. 106.老先生虽然无依无靠,但仍助人为乐。(depend)

Although the old man has nobody to depend on, he still finds pleasure in helping others. 107.他把大部分业余时间用于陪伴住院孤老。(devote)

He devotes most of his spare time to accompanying lonely old people at the hospital. 108.由于身高不够,她当模特的梦想很难实现。(dream)

As she is not tall enough, her dream of being a model is difficult to realize. 109.诚实和勤奋使他荣升酒店经理。(enable)

Honesty and diligence enabled him to be promoted as manager of the restaurant. 110.令他难过的是: 他的家乡每年都发洪水。(occur)

What makes him sad is that floods occur in his home town every year. 111.确保人民生命财产安全是警察的职责。(ensure)

It’s a policeman's duty to ensure the safety of people and their properties. 112.鉴于他身体下好,老师准许他不参加运动会开幕式。(excuse)

Given his poor health condition, the teacher excused him from attending the opening ceremony of the sports meet.


He was misunderstood as he had failed to catch what the foreigner was saying. 114.报道的镜头对准了非法经营的煤矿。(focus) The report focused on coal mines that were run illegally. 115.大剧院禁止观众在演出时使用摄像机。(forbid).

The audience are forbidden to use video machines at the Grand Theatre while performance is going on.

116.不管多忙,他每周都要抽出半天时间打网球。(set aside)

However busy he is, he sets aside half a day to play tennis every week. 117.老师原谅了他的粗心,并答应再给他一次机会。(forgive)

The teacher forgave him for his carelessness, and promised him another chance. 118.在如何处理废旧电池问题上我们俩的观点不谋而合。(happen)

The two of us happen to hold the same opinion on how to deal with waste batteries. 119. 他不顾家人反对,坚持要和同学们一起去西部工作。(insist, join)

Regardless of his family's objection, he insisted on joining his classmates to work in the West. 120.经济危机不可避免会引起失业。(lead) Economic crisis inevitably leads to unemployment.

121.动身去东京前,你要设法确保一切都准备完毕。(make sure)

Before setting out for Tokyo, make sure you have got everything ready. 122.他主动为社区老人服务以弥补自己的过失。(offer)

He offers to serve the elderly in the community to make up for his fault. 123. 他们把球队输球的原因归咎于缺乏纪律。(owe) They owed their team's loss to a lack of discipline. 124.有人把交通拥堵归咎于自行车数量太多。(blame)

Some people blame the busy traffic on the great number of bicycles. 125.教师在课堂上要多参与学生的小组活动。(participate)

Teachers should participate in more of students' group work in class. 126.没有特殊理由你不许缺席明天的茶话会。(permit)

You are not permitted to be absent from tomorrow' s tea party without a particular excuse. 127.如果你一意孤行,后果将不堪设想。(persist) If you persist in doing this, the result can hardly be imagined. 128.尽管输给了对手,他却假装若无其事。(pretend)

Though having lost to his opponent, he pretended as if nothing had happened. 129.机场拒绝对空难作任何评论。(refuse)

The airport refused to make any remarks on air crash

130.消息传来: 被绑架的七名人质获释。人们如释重负。(relieve)

People were relieved to learn the news that the seven kidnapped hostages were set free. 13l. 谁将成为中国第一位进入太空的女性尚不得而知。(remain)

It remains unknown who will be the first Chinese woman to enter space. 132. 就应用的可能性而言,此医学发现还有待于改进。(remain)

In terms of the possibility of application, the medical discovery remains to be improved. 133.我们需要有人不断提醒我们的缺点。(remind) We need to be kept reminded of our shortcomings. 134.考生在开考前必须关闭手机。(require)

Candidates are required to power off their mobile phones before the examination begins. 135.第一位猜出谜语的人将获赠数码相机一台。(reward)

The first to solve the riddle will be rewarded with a digital camera.


If we can't find out the real cause of the failure, we will risk repeating the same mistake. 137.任何人都不能剥夺儿童受教育的权利。(rob)

No one can rob children of their rights to receive education. 138. 看你满脸倦意,好像昨晚一宿没睡。(stay)

Judging from your tired-look, it seems that you stayed awake the whole night last night. 139.他们俩性格迥异,却兴趣相投。(share)

Although they are totally different in character, they share the same interests. 140.我希望有人来领我参观你们的新校园。(show…around) I hope that we will be shown around your new school campus. 141.常言道:忠言逆耳,良药苦口。(sound)

As the old saying goes, good advice sounds unpleasant and good medicine tastes bitter. 142.与会者各持己见,没有达成最终协议。(stick)

Those present at the meeting stuck to their own opinions, and no final agreement was reached. 143.要采取紧急措施,尽快扑灭森林大火,阻止其蔓延。(stop)

Urgent measures should be taken to put out the forest fire as soon as possible and stop it from spreading.

144.对孩子来说,母爱是不可替代的。(substitute) Nothing can substitute for mother's love to a child.


I don't suppose we can go on with the experiment without a computer.

146.结果,报纸报道和事故真相大相径庭。(turn out)

It turned out that the newspaper report differs greatly from the truth of the accident. 147.董事会敦促我们尽快答复消费者的投诉。(urge)

The board urged us to reply to the customers' complaints as soon as possible. 148.他迫不及待要和家人分享成功的喜悦。(wait) He can't wait to share his joy of success with his family.

149.科学家警告我们,疾病可能会以新的形式爆发。(warn) Scientists warn us that the disease may break out in a new form. 150.两位宇航员在太空成功完成了多项科学试验。(succeed),

The two astronauts succeeded in carrying out a number of scientific experiments in space. 15l. 你一旦选择了当老师,就要准备奉献。(choose)

Once you choose to be a teacher, you should be prepared to be devoted. 152.幸亏邻居们慷慨解囊,他才得以读完大学。(manage)

Thanks to his neighbors' generous help, he managed to complete his university study. 153.我决不会与口是心非的人交朋友。(make)

I will never make friends with those who don't say what they think. 154. 广告内容与产品质量不符成为普遍现象。(agree)

It is a general phenomenon that what an advertisement says doesn’t agree with the product quality. 155. 在美国骑车必须佩戴头盔。(require)

In the USA cyclists are required to wear a helmet.


It is hard to imagine that miner surviving seven whole days underground without eating or drinking. 157.外科医生很容易在手术中染上疾病。(infect)

A surgeon is easily infected with diseases in the process of an operation. 158. 那位植物学家在热带雨林里的发现为他赢来国际声誉。(earn)

That botanist' s discovery in the tropical forests earned him international reputation. 159.谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后。(help)

Modesty helps a person to make progress, while pride makes him fall behind. 160.在你成功之时,不要忘记安慰被你击败的人。(forget),

On an occasion of success, don' t forget to comfort those you have defeated. 161.重要的不是你会否成功,而是你是否在努力。(matter)

What matters is not whether you can succeed but whether you are making efforts. 162. 他对学生要求很高,因为他相信“严师出高徒”。(excellent)

He is very strict with his students, for he believes that strict teachers make excellent pupils. 163.球场暴力违背了奥林匹克运动精神。(agree)

Violence on the sports field doesn't agree with the Olympic spirits. 164.自从控制饮食以来,他的体重已减轻五分之一。(reduce) Since he began to go on a diet, his weight has reduced by one-fifth. 165.科学家们正试图与外部世界交流。(attempt)

Scientists are attempting to make contact with the outer space.


In spite of the fact that he had just recovered from illness, he devoted himself to the construction of the tunnel.

167.他说话的方式让我忍俊不禁。(can’t help) I can't help laughing at the way he speaks.


I hope you can have the photos delivered to me as soon as possible. 169.随着圣诞节的临近,孩子们越来越兴奋。(draw)

As Christmas Day is drawing near, the kids are getting more and more excited. 170.母亲给女儿发来短信,祝贺她再次当选班长。(congratulate)

Mother sent Daughter a mobile phone message, congratulating her on being elected monitor again. 171.电影里感人的一摹深深印在我的脑海里。(impress)

The moving scene in the movie was deeply impressed on my mind.

172.他的当地朋友越来越多,也逐渐喜欢上了这座海边城市。(come to)

As he has made more and more friends with the local people, he has come to love the seaside city. 173.如果方便,请帮我从药店买些头痛药。(convenient)

If it is convenient to you, please get me some medicine for headache from the chemist' s. 174.孩子很自然会对新鲜事物感到好奇。(curious) It is natural for children to be curious about new things.

175.一位身穿牛仔的中年人引起了警方的注意。(dressed) A mid-aged man dressed in jeans caught the police' s attention. 176. 球员在场上要绝对服从裁判的判罚。(essential)

It is essential that players absolutely obey the referee' s judgment on the field. 177.我很感激舅舅教会我下棋。(grateful)

I am grateful to my uncle for teaching me to play chess.


Even though you marry a millionaire' s daughter, you are likely to achieve nothing. 179.洗衣房大大节省了学生的时间,深受他们的欢迎。(popular)

The laundry, which has greatly saved the students time, is very popular with the students. 180.在西方某些城市人们以着装奇异为荣。(proud)

In some Western cities people are proud of being dressed in strange clothing. 181.他的成功与天赋和毅力密不可分。(related)

His success is closely related to his talent and perseverance. 182.教师对学生越严格,学生可能越得盎。(strict)

The more strict a teacher is with his students, the more they will benefit from him. 183. 龟兔赛跑的故事说明“骄兵必败”。(sure)

The story of the race between the tortoise and hare suggests that it is sure that pride goes before a fall.


To satisfy the customers, they are willing to extend their business hours. 185. 你应该对此事负责,不能装聋作哑。(responsible)

You should be responsible for the incident rather than pretend to be deaf and numb. 186.你初来乍到,水土不服很正常。(accustomed)

Since you are a new comer, it is very natural not to be accustomed to the water and climate here. 187. 教师仅靠一支粉笔上课的日子一去不复返了。(Gone...)

Gone are the days when a teacher gave lessons with only a piece of chalk. 188.那个偏僻的山村至今尚未通车。(inaccessible)

To this day that remote mountain village is still inaccessible to vehicles. 189. 不是所有大学毕业生都能胜任秘书工作。(qualified) Not every college graduate is qualified as a secretary.


Even if you had three heads and six arms, it would be impossible for you to deal with so many things at the same time.


I have never seen anyone who is as keen as he is on collecting famous people' s signatures. 192.尽管缺乏经验, 他们依然提前半年出色完成任务。(short)

Though short of experience, they still completed the task excellently half a year in advance. 193.这两个短语形式相近;但意思却截然不同。(similar)

The two phrases are similar in form, but totally different in meaning.

194. 他给我们三个人都寄来卡片,但我们都没收到,真是怪事。(strange)

It is strange that three of us shouldn’t have received the cards he had sent us. 195. 接受于为期三天的培训后,学生都能独立进行课题研究。(capable)

Having received three days’ training, the students are all capable of conducting researches independently.

196.你的建议可行,值得我们考虑。(worthy) Your advice is feasible and is worthy of our consideration. 197.他讲话有很重的口音,不易听懂。(easy)

He speaks with a strong accent and it is not easy to follow him. 198. 她从十开始就意识到自己所肩负的责任。(aware)

At the very beginning she was aware of the responsibility she was to take on. 199. 他是由于怕输才不敢尝试的。(afraid)

It was because he was afraid to lose that he didn't dare to try. 200. 每次早晨醒来,妈妈都在忙着给我准备早饭。(busy) Every morning I get up, Mum is busy preparing my breakfast.


As a guest, it is bad manners to leave without saying goodbye.


He was about to lose self-confidence when his colleagues lent him a helping hand. 3.他犹豫了好久才作出决定。(before)

He hesitated a long time before he made his decision. 4.在美国将孩子独自留在家中是违法的。(It )

It is against the law to leave a child alone at home in the USA. 5.通过阅读英语报纸杂志可以提高语言的摄入量。(by)

We can increase our language input by reading English newspapers and magazines. 6.在超市人们会情不自禁去买根本不需要的东西。(cannot)

At the supermarket, people cannot help but buy things that they don't really need. 7.只要坚持不懈,不半途而废,你一定能实现奇迹。(as long as)

As long as you persevere and do not give up halfway, you are sure to accomplish wonders. 8.无论我怎么努力,就是无法说服他们接受新方案。(no matter)

No matter how hard I' ve tried, I can't persuade them to accept the new project. 9.不管前方的路有多难走,你不能轻易放弃。(however) However difficult the road ahead is, you can't give up easily. 10.互联网使人与人之间的交流越来越容易了。(it)

The Internet makes it easier and easier for people to communicate between each other. 11.我真傻,以为大家都会赞同我的提议。(It)

It was foolish of me to think that everyone would approve of my proposal. 12.有时候让你疲惫的不是远方的大山,而是你鞋里的一粒砂子。(it is)

Sometimes it is not the distant mountain but a grain of sand in your shoe that tires you out. Sometimes it is a grain of sand in your shoe rather than the distant mountain that tires you out. 13.直到黄昏他才意识到自己陷入困境。(Not until...) Not until dusk did he realize that he had got into trouble.

14.玩电子游戏的时间越长,你的视力会越差。(the more...)

The more time you spend playing video games, the poorer / worse your eyesight will be. 15.使我们失望的是,那位作家没为我们签名,也没跟我们说话。(nor)

To our disappointment, that writer didn't sign his name for us, nor did he talk to us. 16.一有感冒症状,你得尽快去看医生。(once)

Once you show the symptoms of cold, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. 17.你只有加倍努力才能赶上你的同学。(only)

Only if you double your efforts can you catch up with your fellow students. 18. 太空旅游并没有人们想象得那么浪漫。(so...as) Space travel is not so romantic as people thought.


The first time she saw the sea, she was so excited that she couldn't fall asleep at night. 20. 教授的演讲很精彩,大礼堂座无虚席。(So…)

So wonderful was the professor' s lecture that there was not a single vacant seat in the hall. 21. 人类首次登月距今近四十年。(since)

It is nearly forty years since man first set foot on the moon. 22.没什么会难倒坚持不懈的人。(those) Nothing is impossible for those who persevere.

23. 他每次路过母校都不忘顺便探望他的老师。(every time)

Every time he passes by his Alma Mater he won't forget to drop in on his teachers. 24. 我第一次打高尔夫球时就爱上了这项运动。(the first time) The first time I played golf I fell in love with this sport. 25.你该好好反省一下自己的所作所为。(high time)

It is high time you reflected on what you have done. 26. 手术后她虚弱得很,不能照顾自己。 (too) She was too weak after the operation to look after herself. 27.如果你能帮我买两节电池我将感激不尽。(if)

I would appreciate it very much if you could buy two batteries for me. 28. 除非采取紧急措施,否则我们的计划将流产。(unless) Unless you take urgent measures, our plan will be spoiled。 29.她一直默默无闻,直到在演唱赛中夺得第一名。(until) She remained unknown until she came first in the singing contest. 30.真正重要的不是你的言辞而是你的行动。(What) What really matters is not what you say but what you do.

31.我们一定要全力以赴,力争在天黑前抵达目的地。(whatever) We must do whatever we can to try to reach our destination before dark. 32.那位明星无论走到哪儿,他的两位保镖都寸步不离。(wherever) Wherever that star goes, his two bodyguards follow him closely. 33.不管你有没有犯罪,在法庭上一定要尊重法官。(whether)

Whether you have committed a crime or not, you must respect the judges on the court. 34.借助特别仪器才能研究肉眼看不见的细菌。(with)

The germs invisible to naked eyes can only be studied with special instruments. 35. 没有成年人陪同儿童不可观看此片。(without) Kids can't watch the film without the company of adults. 36.董永和仙女的浪漫爱情故事百听不厌。(worth)

The romantic love story between Dong Yong and the fairy is worth listening to a hundred times. 37.他尽管双目失明,却没有放弃作家梦。(as)

Blind in both eyes as he was, he didn't give up his dream of being a writer. 38. 应该把火柴放在孩子拿不到的地方。(where) Matches should be kept where children can' t reach them. 39.那位总统辞职后很少在公众场合露面。(Seldom)

Seldom did the president show up in public after his retirement. 40.他突然意识到自己犯了一个多么愚蠢的错误。(how) He suddenly realized how silly a mistake he had made.

41. 既然我们现在无法达成一致,不妨让老师来作最终决定。(up to)

Now that we can't reach an agreement, we might as well leave the final decision up to our teacher. 42.租辆自行车,你就可以环游这座历史古城了。(and)

Rent a bicycle and you can make a tour of this historical ancient town. 43.这对夫妇决定,再穷也要设法供儿子上大学。(no matter)

The couple decided that no matter how poor they were, they would try to afford their son to go to college.


Having heard the teacher's speech, the students were no longer against wearing school uniforms. 45. 他一看到警车就意识到出事了。(the moment)

The moment he saw the police car, he realized that something had happened. 46.记者利用中场休息采访了教练和场上队长。(advantage)

The reporter interviewed the coach and the field captain by taking advantage of the interval. 47.他们俩都相信勤奋会带来成功。(belief)

Both of them have the belief that diligence brings about success. 48.请牢记:在任何时候都不能欺骗别人。(case)

Please keep in mind that in no case can you deceive others. 49.我们似乎别无选择,只能等天放晴。(choice)

we seem to have no choice but to wait for the weather to clear up.

50. 懂得法语会让你的巴黎之游更高效。(command)

A command of French will make your trip to Paris more efficient. 51.那架飞机起飞后不久就与机场失去了联系。(contact) The plane lost contact with the airport soon after it took off. 52.除了父母,没人能分得清这对双胞胎。(difference)

Nobody but their parents can tell the difference between the twins. 53.保护地球资源是人类的责任。(duty)

It is man's duty to protect the resources on the earth.

54. 十年来,老教授不遗余力地帮助那位素不相识的病人。(effort)

Over the decade, the old professor has spared no efforts to help the patient whom he didn't know. 55.尽管事实上三分之二的地表被水覆盖,但很多地方还是严重缺水。(fact)

Despite the fact that two-thirds of the earth's surface is covered by water , many places are seriously short of water.


Students should be encouraged to form the habit of thinking independently. 57.骆驼被视为沙漠里最重要的运输工具。(means)

Camels are considered the most important means of transportation in the desert. 58. 你认为去最近的银行怎么走?(way)

Which do you think is the way to the nearest bank?


Sometimes parents tend to take no notice of their children' s reasonable requests. 60.他凡事没有自己的主张,总是人云亦云。(opinion)

He doesn't have his own opinion on anything and always repeats what others say. 61.应教会孩子自力更生。(own)

Kids should be taught to make a living on their own.


The professor gave a report on how to maintain online moral at the students' invitation. 63.既然他们已经答应要弥补你的损失,你再向他们抱怨就没意义了。(point)

Now that they have agreed to make up for your loss, there is no point in complaining any more. 64.没有导游帮助,你一个人不可能独自穿越那片森林。 (possibility)

Without the help of a tour guide there is no possibility that you can travel through the forest alone. 65.那位科学家是为了荣誉才继续他的科学研究的。(sake)

It was for the sake of honor that the scientist went on with his scientific research. 66.尽管缺乏经验,她还是选择了当总经理秘书。(lack)

In spite of lack of experience, She chose to be a secretary to a general manager. 67.有迹象表明车价会越来越便宜。(sign)

There are signs that car prices will be lower and lower.

68. 碰到这种情况,你按下任何键都无济于事。(situation) In such a situation it is no use pressing any key.


There is a trend that more and more people will choose to shop online. 70.人们都知道哪里有水哪里就有生命这个道理。(truth) People all know the truth that where there is water there is life. 71. 我们应充分利用太阳能来节约有限的资源。(use)

We should make good use of solar energy to save our limited resources. 72.犯了这么严重的错误,你再怎么解释也无济于事。(no use)

Now that you have made such a serious mistake, it is no use finding excuses. 73.毫无疑问,家庭教育影响孩子的成长。(doubt)

There is no doubt that family education affects the growth of a child. 74. 既然你问心无愧,你就不必内疚。(no need)

Since you have a clear conscience, there is no need to feel guilty. 75.由于轻敌,他莫名其妙输给了对手。(reason)

Because he didn't take his opponent seriously/ looked down on his opponent, he lost to him for unknown reason.


He downloaded a great deal of data on the Internet before he formed a conclusion. 77.陪审团一致认为被告有罪。(agreement)

The jury reached an agreement that the defendant was guilty. 78.你听过王子对农家女一见钟情的故事吗?(sight)

Have you heard of the story that an prince fell in love with a farmer' s daughter at first sight? 79.至今尚无证据表明此疾病是由蚊子传播的。(evidence)

To this day there is no evidence that the disease is spread by mosquitoes. 80.轮到她作自我介绍时,她紧张得不知所措。(turn)

When it was her turn to introduce herself, she was so nervous that she was at a loss. 81. 由于走错了方向,他们离目的地越来越远。(direction)

As they were going in the wrong direction, they were farther and farther away from their destination. 82.他还不知道野餐因天气不好被取消了。(knowledge)

He hasn't the knowledge that the picnic has been canceled because of the weather. 83.国王许诺,将把自己一半的财富给能让他高兴的人。 (promise)

The king made a promise that he would give half of his wealth to whoever could make him happy. 84.私车普及涉及一个新的问题:道路条件必须改善。(problem)

The popularity of private cars concerns / involves a new problem that the road conditions need to be improved.


The students gave their own opinions at the class meeting and put forward many suggestions on saving resources.


After the team lost the match, the coach refused to comment on the players' performance on the field at the press conference.

87. 我买得起车,但养不起。(afford)

I can afford to buy a car but I can' t afford to maintain it. 88.这部国产喜剧老少咸宜。(appeal)

This home-made comedy appeals to people of all ages. 89.他不负重望,在演讲比赛中夺得第一名。(come).

He came first in the speech contest, which didn't let anyone down. 90.既然他不愿意和你们去远足,就不要强人所难了。(join)

Since he is unwilling to join you in the hiking, you might as well not force him to. 91.科学发现应应用于工业生产。(apply)

Discoveries in science should be applied to industrial production. 92.缺乏睡眠是造成交通事故的重要因素之一。(lead)

Lack of sleep is among the major factors that lead to traffic accidents. 93.教室外面太吵,学生们无法专心听课。(concentrate)

It was so noisy outside the classroom that the students couldn't concentrate on their lessons. 94.房产商许诺会安排车辆接我们去看房。(arrange)

The house agent promised to arrange for a vehicle to take us to look at the houses. 95. 他向我保证一定会克服困难,完成任务。(assure)

He assured me that he would overcome difficulties and complete the task. 96.中国是第三个成功将人类送往太空的国家。(succeed)

China is the third country to succeed in sending human into space. 97. 如果我们不善待大自然,大自然一定会报复我们的。(avenge)

If we fail to treat nature well, nature is sure to avenge us.


What the teacher said at the graduating ceremony has benefited the students a lot. 99.他讲了个笑话,周围人都爆发出笑声,这打破了僵局。(burst)

He told a joke and those around him all burst into laughter, which broke the ice. 100.他不停咳嗽,一定是淋着雨了。(catch)

He must have been caught in the rain, for he keeps coughing. 101.他抱怨快递公司投递包裹收费太高。(charge)

He complained that the express company charged too much for delivering parcels. 102.那位村民声称,在后院发现了一个地下泉水。(claim)

That villager claimed to have discovered an underground spring in his back yard. 103. 许多人把在国外生活当作一种挑战。(consider) Many people consider life abroad a challenge.


He managed to make contact with the owner of the missing guitar.


Since its foundation , the association has contributed considerably to animal protection. 106.老先生虽然无依无靠,但仍助人为乐。(depend)

Although the old man has nobody to depend on, he still finds pleasure in helping others. 107.他把大部分业余时间用于陪伴住院孤老。(devote)

He devotes most of his spare time to accompanying lonely old people at the hospital. 108.由于身高不够,她当模特的梦想很难实现。(dream)

As she is not tall enough, her dream of being a model is difficult to realize. 109.诚实和勤奋使他荣升酒店经理。(enable)

Honesty and diligence enabled him to be promoted as manager of the restaurant. 110.令他难过的是: 他的家乡每年都发洪水。(occur)

What makes him sad is that floods occur in his home town every year. 111.确保人民生命财产安全是警察的职责。(ensure)

It’s a policeman's duty to ensure the safety of people and their properties. 112.鉴于他身体下好,老师准许他不参加运动会开幕式。(excuse)

Given his poor health condition, the teacher excused him from attending the opening ceremony of the sports meet.


He was misunderstood as he had failed to catch what the foreigner was saying. 114.报道的镜头对准了非法经营的煤矿。(focus) The report focused on coal mines that were run illegally. 115.大剧院禁止观众在演出时使用摄像机。(forbid).

The audience are forbidden to use video machines at the Grand Theatre while performance is going on.

116.不管多忙,他每周都要抽出半天时间打网球。(set aside)

However busy he is, he sets aside half a day to play tennis every week. 117.老师原谅了他的粗心,并答应再给他一次机会。(forgive)

The teacher forgave him for his carelessness, and promised him another chance. 118.在如何处理废旧电池问题上我们俩的观点不谋而合。(happen)

The two of us happen to hold the same opinion on how to deal with waste batteries. 119. 他不顾家人反对,坚持要和同学们一起去西部工作。(insist, join)

Regardless of his family's objection, he insisted on joining his classmates to work in the West. 120.经济危机不可避免会引起失业。(lead) Economic crisis inevitably leads to unemployment.

121.动身去东京前,你要设法确保一切都准备完毕。(make sure)

Before setting out for Tokyo, make sure you have got everything ready. 122.他主动为社区老人服务以弥补自己的过失。(offer)

He offers to serve the elderly in the community to make up for his fault. 123. 他们把球队输球的原因归咎于缺乏纪律。(owe) They owed their team's loss to a lack of discipline. 124.有人把交通拥堵归咎于自行车数量太多。(blame)

Some people blame the busy traffic on the great number of bicycles. 125.教师在课堂上要多参与学生的小组活动。(participate)

Teachers should participate in more of students' group work in class. 126.没有特殊理由你不许缺席明天的茶话会。(permit)

You are not permitted to be absent from tomorrow' s tea party without a particular excuse. 127.如果你一意孤行,后果将不堪设想。(persist) If you persist in doing this, the result can hardly be imagined. 128.尽管输给了对手,他却假装若无其事。(pretend)

Though having lost to his opponent, he pretended as if nothing had happened. 129.机场拒绝对空难作任何评论。(refuse)

The airport refused to make any remarks on air crash

130.消息传来: 被绑架的七名人质获释。人们如释重负。(relieve)

People were relieved to learn the news that the seven kidnapped hostages were set free. 13l. 谁将成为中国第一位进入太空的女性尚不得而知。(remain)

It remains unknown who will be the first Chinese woman to enter space. 132. 就应用的可能性而言,此医学发现还有待于改进。(remain)

In terms of the possibility of application, the medical discovery remains to be improved. 133.我们需要有人不断提醒我们的缺点。(remind) We need to be kept reminded of our shortcomings. 134.考生在开考前必须关闭手机。(require)

Candidates are required to power off their mobile phones before the examination begins. 135.第一位猜出谜语的人将获赠数码相机一台。(reward)

The first to solve the riddle will be rewarded with a digital camera.


If we can't find out the real cause of the failure, we will risk repeating the same mistake. 137.任何人都不能剥夺儿童受教育的权利。(rob)

No one can rob children of their rights to receive education. 138. 看你满脸倦意,好像昨晚一宿没睡。(stay)

Judging from your tired-look, it seems that you stayed awake the whole night last night. 139.他们俩性格迥异,却兴趣相投。(share)

Although they are totally different in character, they share the same interests. 140.我希望有人来领我参观你们的新校园。(show…around) I hope that we will be shown around your new school campus. 141.常言道:忠言逆耳,良药苦口。(sound)

As the old saying goes, good advice sounds unpleasant and good medicine tastes bitter. 142.与会者各持己见,没有达成最终协议。(stick)

Those present at the meeting stuck to their own opinions, and no final agreement was reached. 143.要采取紧急措施,尽快扑灭森林大火,阻止其蔓延。(stop)

Urgent measures should be taken to put out the forest fire as soon as possible and stop it from spreading.

144.对孩子来说,母爱是不可替代的。(substitute) Nothing can substitute for mother's love to a child.


I don't suppose we can go on with the experiment without a computer.

146.结果,报纸报道和事故真相大相径庭。(turn out)

It turned out that the newspaper report differs greatly from the truth of the accident. 147.董事会敦促我们尽快答复消费者的投诉。(urge)

The board urged us to reply to the customers' complaints as soon as possible. 148.他迫不及待要和家人分享成功的喜悦。(wait) He can't wait to share his joy of success with his family.

149.科学家警告我们,疾病可能会以新的形式爆发。(warn) Scientists warn us that the disease may break out in a new form. 150.两位宇航员在太空成功完成了多项科学试验。(succeed),

The two astronauts succeeded in carrying out a number of scientific experiments in space. 15l. 你一旦选择了当老师,就要准备奉献。(choose)

Once you choose to be a teacher, you should be prepared to be devoted. 152.幸亏邻居们慷慨解囊,他才得以读完大学。(manage)

Thanks to his neighbors' generous help, he managed to complete his university study. 153.我决不会与口是心非的人交朋友。(make)

I will never make friends with those who don't say what they think. 154. 广告内容与产品质量不符成为普遍现象。(agree)

It is a general phenomenon that what an advertisement says doesn’t agree with the product quality. 155. 在美国骑车必须佩戴头盔。(require)

In the USA cyclists are required to wear a helmet.


It is hard to imagine that miner surviving seven whole days underground without eating or drinking. 157.外科医生很容易在手术中染上疾病。(infect)

A surgeon is easily infected with diseases in the process of an operation. 158. 那位植物学家在热带雨林里的发现为他赢来国际声誉。(earn)

That botanist' s discovery in the tropical forests earned him international reputation. 159.谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后。(help)

Modesty helps a person to make progress, while pride makes him fall behind. 160.在你成功之时,不要忘记安慰被你击败的人。(forget),

On an occasion of success, don' t forget to comfort those you have defeated. 161.重要的不是你会否成功,而是你是否在努力。(matter)

What matters is not whether you can succeed but whether you are making efforts. 162. 他对学生要求很高,因为他相信“严师出高徒”。(excellent)

He is very strict with his students, for he believes that strict teachers make excellent pupils. 163.球场暴力违背了奥林匹克运动精神。(agree)

Violence on the sports field doesn't agree with the Olympic spirits. 164.自从控制饮食以来,他的体重已减轻五分之一。(reduce) Since he began to go on a diet, his weight has reduced by one-fifth. 165.科学家们正试图与外部世界交流。(attempt)

Scientists are attempting to make contact with the outer space.


In spite of the fact that he had just recovered from illness, he devoted himself to the construction of the tunnel.

167.他说话的方式让我忍俊不禁。(can’t help) I can't help laughing at the way he speaks.


I hope you can have the photos delivered to me as soon as possible. 169.随着圣诞节的临近,孩子们越来越兴奋。(draw)

As Christmas Day is drawing near, the kids are getting more and more excited. 170.母亲给女儿发来短信,祝贺她再次当选班长。(congratulate)

Mother sent Daughter a mobile phone message, congratulating her on being elected monitor again. 171.电影里感人的一摹深深印在我的脑海里。(impress)

The moving scene in the movie was deeply impressed on my mind.

172.他的当地朋友越来越多,也逐渐喜欢上了这座海边城市。(come to)

As he has made more and more friends with the local people, he has come to love the seaside city. 173.如果方便,请帮我从药店买些头痛药。(convenient)

If it is convenient to you, please get me some medicine for headache from the chemist' s. 174.孩子很自然会对新鲜事物感到好奇。(curious) It is natural for children to be curious about new things.

175.一位身穿牛仔的中年人引起了警方的注意。(dressed) A mid-aged man dressed in jeans caught the police' s attention. 176. 球员在场上要绝对服从裁判的判罚。(essential)

It is essential that players absolutely obey the referee' s judgment on the field. 177.我很感激舅舅教会我下棋。(grateful)

I am grateful to my uncle for teaching me to play chess.


Even though you marry a millionaire' s daughter, you are likely to achieve nothing. 179.洗衣房大大节省了学生的时间,深受他们的欢迎。(popular)

The laundry, which has greatly saved the students time, is very popular with the students. 180.在西方某些城市人们以着装奇异为荣。(proud)

In some Western cities people are proud of being dressed in strange clothing. 181.他的成功与天赋和毅力密不可分。(related)

His success is closely related to his talent and perseverance. 182.教师对学生越严格,学生可能越得盎。(strict)

The more strict a teacher is with his students, the more they will benefit from him. 183. 龟兔赛跑的故事说明“骄兵必败”。(sure)

The story of the race between the tortoise and hare suggests that it is sure that pride goes before a fall.


To satisfy the customers, they are willing to extend their business hours. 185. 你应该对此事负责,不能装聋作哑。(responsible)

You should be responsible for the incident rather than pretend to be deaf and numb. 186.你初来乍到,水土不服很正常。(accustomed)

Since you are a new comer, it is very natural not to be accustomed to the water and climate here. 187. 教师仅靠一支粉笔上课的日子一去不复返了。(Gone...)

Gone are the days when a teacher gave lessons with only a piece of chalk. 188.那个偏僻的山村至今尚未通车。(inaccessible)

To this day that remote mountain village is still inaccessible to vehicles. 189. 不是所有大学毕业生都能胜任秘书工作。(qualified) Not every college graduate is qualified as a secretary.


Even if you had three heads and six arms, it would be impossible for you to deal with so many things at the same time.


I have never seen anyone who is as keen as he is on collecting famous people' s signatures. 192.尽管缺乏经验, 他们依然提前半年出色完成任务。(short)

Though short of experience, they still completed the task excellently half a year in advance. 193.这两个短语形式相近;但意思却截然不同。(similar)

The two phrases are similar in form, but totally different in meaning.

194. 他给我们三个人都寄来卡片,但我们都没收到,真是怪事。(strange)

It is strange that three of us shouldn’t have received the cards he had sent us. 195. 接受于为期三天的培训后,学生都能独立进行课题研究。(capable)

Having received three days’ training, the students are all capable of conducting researches independently.

196.你的建议可行,值得我们考虑。(worthy) Your advice is feasible and is worthy of our consideration. 197.他讲话有很重的口音,不易听懂。(easy)

He speaks with a strong accent and it is not easy to follow him. 198. 她从十开始就意识到自己所肩负的责任。(aware)

At the very beginning she was aware of the responsibility she was to take on. 199. 他是由于怕输才不敢尝试的。(afraid)

It was because he was afraid to lose that he didn't dare to try. 200. 每次早晨醒来,妈妈都在忙着给我准备早饭。(busy) Every morning I get up, Mum is busy preparing my breakfast.
