Operand Definitions
ZEMAX supports optimization operands which are used to define the merit function. Each operand may be assigned a weight which indicates the relative importance of that operand, as well as a target, which is the desired value for that operand. The operands are listed below.
ABSO: Absolute value 绝对值
ACOS: Arccosine
AMAG: Angular magnification 角放大率
ANAR: Angular aberration
ASIN: Arcsine
ASTI: Astigmatism 初级像散
ATAN: Arctangent
AXCL: Axial color
BLNK: Blank
BSER: Boresight Error
COGT: Conic greater than
COLT: Conic less than
COMA: Coma 初级彗差
Constant 常量
Conic value
Center thickness greater than 中心厚度(间隔)大于
Center thickness less than 中心厚度(间隔)小于
Center thickness value 中心厚度(间隔)等于
Curvature greater than 曲率大于
Curvature less than 曲率小于
Cylinder volume
CVVA: Curvature value 曲率等于
DENC: Diffraction encircled energy
DENF: Diffraction encircled energy fraction DIFF: Difference
DIMX: Distortion max 最大畸变
DISC: Distortion calibrated
DISG: Generalized distortion
DIST: Distortion 畸变
DIVI: Division
DLTN: Delta N
DMFS: Default merit function start 默认评价函数起始点
DMGT: Diameter greater than 直径大于
DMLT: Diameter less than 直径小于
DMVA: Diameter value 直径值
DXDX: Derivative Dx/Dx
DXDY: Derivative Dx/Dy
Derivative Dy/Dy
Effective focal length 有效焦距
Effective focal length x x方向焦距
Effective focal length y y方向焦距
End execution
Entrance pupil position 入瞳位置
Entrance pupil diameter 入瞳直径
Edge thickness greater than 边缘厚度大于
ETLT: Edge thickness less than 边缘厚度小于
ETVA: Edge thickness value 边缘厚度等于
EXPP: Exit pupil position 出瞳位置
FCGS: Field curvature, generalized, sagittal
FCGT: Field curvature, generalized, tangential
FCUR: Field curvature 场曲
FICL: Fiber coupling efficiency
FOUC: Foucault analysis
GBW0: Gaussian beam waist 0
GBWA: Gaussian beam size
GBWD: Gaussian beam divergence
GBWZ: Gaussian beam z position
GBWR: Gaussian beam phase radius
GCOS: Glass relative cost
GENC: Geometric encircled energy
GLCA: Global coordinate x normal
GLCB: Global coordinate y normal
GLCC: Global coordinate z normal
GLCX: Global coordinate x coordinate
GLCY: Global coordinate y coordinate
GLCZ: Global coordinate z coordinate
GMTA: Geometric MTF average 几何平均MTF
GMTS: Geometric MTF sagittal 几何弧矢MTF
GMTT: Geometric MTF tangential几何子午MTF
GPIM: Ghost Pupil Image
GRMN: Gradient minimum index
GRMX: Gradient maximum index
GTCE: Glass Thermal Coefficient of Expansion
HHCN: Tests for hyper-hemisphere conditions
IMAE: Image analysis efficiency
INDX: Index of refraction
InGT: Index greater than折射率大于
InLT: Index less than 折射率小于
InVA: Index value 折射率等于
ISFN: Image space F/# 像方F数
LACL: Lateral color
LINV: Lagrange invariant
LPTD: LightPath Delta
MAXX: Maximum
MCOG: Multi-configuration operand greater than MCOL: Multi-configuration operand less than
MCOV: Multi-configuration operand value
MINN: Minimum
MNAB: Minimum Abbe 最小阿贝数
MNCA: Minimum center thickness air最小中心间隔(空气)
MNCG: Minimum center thickness glass最小中心厚度(玻璃)
MNCT: Minimum center thickness 最小中心厚度(间隔)
MNCV: Minimum curvature 最小曲率半径
MNDT: Minimum diameter to thickness ratio最小通光直径与厚度之比
MNEA: Minimum edge thickness air最小边缘间隔(空气)
MNEG: Minimum edge thickness glass最小边缘厚度(玻璃
MNET: Minimum edge thickness最小边缘厚度(间隔)
MNIN: Minimum index最小折射率
MNPD: Minimum partial dispersion
MNSD: Minimum semi-diameter
MSWA: MTF square wave average MSWS: MTF square wave sagittal
MSWT MTF square wave tangential
MTFA: MTF average 平均MTF
MTFS: MTF sagittal 弧矢MTF
MTFT: MTF tangential 子午MTF
MXAB: Maximum Abbe 最大阿贝数
MXCA: Maximum center thickness air 最大中心间隔(空气)
MXCG: Maximum center thickness glass最大中心厚度(玻璃)
MXCT: Maximum center thickness 最大中心厚度(间隔)
MXCV: Maximum curvature 最大曲率半径
MXDT: Maximum diameter to thickness ratio最大通光直径与厚度之比
MXEA: Maximum edge thickness air 最大边缘间隔(空气)
MXEG: MXET: MXIN: MXPD: MXSD: NPXG: NPXL: NPXV: NPYG: NPYL: Maximum edge thickness glass 最大边缘厚度(玻璃)
Maximum edge thickness 最大边缘厚度(间隔)
Maximum index 最大折射率
Maximum partial dispersion
Maximum semi-diameter 最大半口径
Non-sequential object position x greater than
Non-sequential object position x less than
Non-sequential object position x value
Non-sequential object position y greater than
Non-sequential object position y less than
NPYV: Non-sequential object position y value
NPZG: Non-sequential object position z greater than
NPZL: Non-sequential object position z less than
NPZV: NSDD: NSTR: NTXG: NTXL: NTXV: NTYG: NTYL: NTYV: NTZG: Non-sequential object position z value
Non-sequential detector data
Non-sequential trace
Non-sequential object tilt about x greater than
Non-sequential object tilt about x less than
Non-sequential object tilt about x value
Non-sequential object tilt about y greater than
Non-sequential object tilt about y less than
Non-sequential object tilt about y value
Non-sequential object tilt about z greater than
NTZL: Non-sequential object tilt about z less than
NTZV: Non-sequential object tilt about z value
NPGT: Non-sequential object parameter greater than
NPLT: Non-sequential object parameter less than
NPVA: Non-sequential object parameter value
OBSN: Object space N.A. 物方空间N.A.
OFF: Off
OPDC: Optical path difference
OPDM: Optical path difference mean reference
OPDX: Optical path difference centroid reference
OPGT: Operand greater than
OPLT: Operand less than
OPTH: Optical path
OSUM: Operand sum
PnGT: Parameter greater than. Obsolete operand. See PMGT.
PnLT: PnVA: PMGT: PMLT: PMVA: PANA: PANB: PANC: PARA: PARB: PARC: Parameter less than. Obsolete operand. See PMLT.
Parameter value. Obsolete operand. See PMVA.
Parameter greater than
Parameter less than
Parameter value
Paraxial x normal
Paraxial y normal
Paraxial z normal
Paraxial x cosine
Paraxial y cosine
Paraxial z cosine
PARR: Paraxial r coordinate
PARX: Paraxial x coordinate
PARY: Paraxial y coordinate
PARZ: Paraxial z coordinate
PATX: Paraxial x tangent
PATY: Paraxial y tangent
PETC: Petzval curvature
PETZ: Petzval radius
PIMH: Paraxial image height 近轴像高
PLEN: Path length
PMAG: Paraxial magnification 理想放大率
POWR: Power (surface) PRIM: Primary wavelength
PROD: Product
QSUM: Quadratic sum
RAGX: Real global x coordinate
RAGY: RAGZ: RAGA: RAGB: RAGC: RAED: RAEN: RAID: RAIN: RANG: Real global y coordinate
Real global z coordinate
Real global x direction cosine
Real global y direction cosine
Real global z direction cosine
Ray angle of exitance in degrees
Ray angle of exitance
Ray angle of incidence in degrees
Ray angle of incidence
Ray angle
REAA: Real ray x cosine
REAB: Real ray y cosine
REAC: Real ray z cosine
Real x coordinate
Real y coordinate
Real z coordinate
Real x normal
Real y normal
Real z normal
Real x tangent
Real x tangent
Reasonable glass
RSCE: RMS spot centroid
RSCH: RMS spot chief ray
RSRE: RMS spot centroid (with vignetting)
RSRH: RMS spot chief ray (with vignetting)
RWCE: RMS wave centroid RWCH: RMS wave chief
RWRE: RMS wave centroid (with vignetting)
RWRH: RMS wave chief ray (with vignetting)
SAGX: Sag x
SAGY: Sag y
SFNO: Sagittal working F/#
SINE: Sine
SKIN: Skip if not symmetric
SKIS: Skip is symmetric
SPHA: Spherical aberration
SQRT: Square root
SUMM: Summation
SVIG: Set Vignetting
TANG: Tangent
TFNO: Tangential working F/#
TMAS: Total mass
TOTR: Total track 总长度
TRAC: Transverse aberration referenced to centroid
TRAD: Transverse aberration x component
TRAE: Transverse aberration y component
TRAI: Transverse aberration radius at intermediate image
TRAR: Transverse aberration radius
TRAX: Transverse aberration x
TRAY: Transverse aberration y
TRCX: TRCY: TTGT: TTHI: TTLT: TTVA: UDOP: USYM: VOLU: WFNO: Transverse aberration x component referenced to centroid
Transverse aberration y component referenced to centroid
Total thickness greater than 总厚度大于
Total thickness 总厚度
Total thickness less than总厚度小于
Total thickness value 总厚度等于
User defined operand
Use axial symmetry
Working F/# 工作F数
XDGT: Extra data value greater than
XDLT: Extra data value less than
XDVA: Extra data value
XENC: XNEA: XNEG: XNET: XXEA: XXEG: XXET: YNIP: ZERN: ZPLM: Extended source encircled energy
X minimum edge thickness air
X minimum edge thickness glass
X minimum edge thickness
X maximum edge thickness air
X maximum edge thickness glass
X maximum edge thickness
YNI paraxial contribution
Zernike coefficients
ZPL Macro computations
ZTHI: Zoom thickness